MS 6322-Individual Assignment

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MS 6322: Boolean algebra, Statistics and Probability


 This is individual assignment which will be submitted not later than 23/12/2022.
 Respond to ALL questions.
 Submit your work in hand written paper.


1. With examples, explain the meaning of the following phrases as used in

Boolean functions.
a. Boolean statement
b. Boolean expression
c. Boolean function
d. Boolean operators
e. Boolean sum and
f. Boolean product
2. With examples, provide the meaning of the following words as used in
conditional statement;
a. Converse
b. Inverse
c. Contrapositive
d. The inverse of converse
e. The converse of contrapositive
3. Use at least five (5) logic connectives to construct truth tables with three

4. Work on the following;

a. Present at least ten Boolean identities
b. Prove distributive laws
c. Prove the Absorption law.

d. Prove DeMorgans’ laws
5. Discuss the application of Boolean algebra in electrical switches.
6. Design a Boolean logic circuit to determine the best time to plant a garden
with considerations of the following three factors; time (day or evening),
moon phase(full or half) and temperature (¿ 45 ℉ ∨¿ 45 ℉ ¿ .
7. Represent the following Boolean functions in K-maps;
a. F ( x , y ) =xy
b. F ( x , y ) =x+ y
c. F ( x , y , z )=x y z + x yz + x y z + xyz
d. In (c) above show how the Boolean function can be minimized.
8. Distinguish statistic from parameter as used in statistics.
9. Use examples to show the representation of data in bar graph.
10.Use examples to show the representation of data in histogram graph.
11.Use examples to show the representation of data in bar graph.
12.Use examples to show the representation of data in line graph.
13.Use examples to show the representation of data in pie graph.
14.With examples, discuss the measures of central tendency for ungrouped
15.With examples, discuss the measures of central tendency for grouped data.
16.With examples, discuss the measures of dispersion.
17.With examples, discuss the measures of position as used in statistics.
18.Discuss the difference between correlation and regression as used in
19.With examples, explain the meaning of the following terms an used in
a. Mutual exclusive event
b. Independent event
c. Conditional event
d. Random variable
e. Probability Mass function
20.Derive the formula for mathematical expectation and standard deviation for
Binomial distribution.
21.Derive the formula for mathematical expectation and standard deviation for
Poison distribution.

22.The following table gives the probability distribution of a random variable x;

x 1 2 3 4
P(x) 0.25 c 0.5 0.125

a. Find the value of c.

b. Represent the distribution in;
i. A probability graph
ii. A probability histogram.
c. Find
i. p( x >1)

ii. p(0< x<2)

iii. p( x ≥2)

23.A random variable X has the P.D.F. given by

,∧0< x <10
f ( x )= 10
0 ,∧elsewhere

i. P ( X >8| X >5 )

ii. P ( X >7| X >9 )

24.The pressure (measured in kg/cm2) at a certain valve is a random variable x

whose P.D.F is;

(3 x−x exp .2),∧0< x <3
f ( x )= 27
0 ,∧elsewhere

Find the probability that the pressure at this valve is;

a. Less than 2 kg/cm2,

b. Greater than 2 kg/cm2, and

c. Between 1.5 and 2.5 kg/cm2 .

25. Describe the parameters for Normal distribution. With examples, explain its
uses in real life.

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