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-Natural history of man Herpesvirus (Family

-Madness in dogs - Herpes in greek means “to creep”
Virus - Ex. Herpes Simplex virus 1&2, Varicella Zoster,
Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalovirus, Human herpes
- submicroscopic
- Intracellular
- HSV1 - infects oropharyngeal
- Incapable of replicating w/o host cells
- HSV2 - infects genital
Viral tropism - specific number of virus to infect the
- EBV - “Kissing disease”- common Young
Adults; lymphadenopathy (swelling of lymph
Influenza Virus nodes); Paul-Bunnell Antibodies (to detect EBV)
Eg - Influenza A, SARS, H1N1 - CMV - most common Congenital Virus
Characteristic of virus Screening test for Infants (TORCH):
- has genome DNA or RNA - TOxoplasma
- Has capsid - protects the genome - Rubella
- Lipid containing envelope (for Big Virus only) - Cytomegalovirus
Envelope (type) Virus - HSV-1
- Susceptible to drying out Hepadnavirus (Family of Hepadnaviridae)
- Transmit disease thru sex, parenteral, and - Transmitted thru blood exposure
even respiratory infection
- Only human is the source of infection
NonEnvelope (Naked) Virus
- Heat stable, drying blood (even when dried
- can be acquired thru fecal-oral transmission can still cause infection)
20-300nm - virus that can affect humans - Ex. Hep B virus (liver damage, liver cirrhosis,
Replication of Virus (APU Mo Va si R): hepatocellular carcinoma)

- Attachment Ident. HBV:

- Penetration - HBsAg - acute or chronic still present in

- Uncoating
- HBcAg - detects the early precursor of
- Macromolecular synthesis
acute hepatitis
- Viral assembly
- Anti-HBsAg - immunity;
- Release
- HBeAg -chronic carrier state
Rapid Diagnosis in Virus:

- Flourescence microscopy or Enzyme

Adenovirus (Family of Adenoviridae)
- widely distributed
- Cell culture
- 52 serotypes
- RT-PCR (Real time polymerase chain reaction)
- 40-41 - cause gastroenteritis in infants

- Conjuctivitis & Keratitis

DNA VIRUS - 7 families
- Respiratory and Gastrointestinal clinical
RNA VIRUS - 14 families

- Grape-like clusters, 2-5days

Papilloma Virus (Family of Papillomaviridae) RNA VIRUS
- ex. human papillomavirus (human warts,
Cervical Cancer
Arenavirus (family of Arenaviridae)
- HPV-1 - Plantar Warts
- Readily infect a variety of mammalian species
- HPV 2&4 - warts on hands
- Exclement (waste from RAT, feces, urine,
- HPV 6&11 - genital warts
direct contact with rodents)
- Sexually transmitted
- Lymphocytic choriomeningitis - cause aseptic
Parvovirus (Family of Parvoviridae) - Lassa-fever virus - cause hemorrhagic fever
- Cause infection in warm-blooded animals

- Parvovirus B-19 - only human pathogen

Bunyavirus (family of Bunyaviridae)

Polyomavirus (Family of polyomaviridae)
- from mosquitoes (Arbovirus)
- ex. JC&BK virus first human polio virus
- Mild, self-limiting
- Salk polio vaccine
- Ex.:

- Hanta virus - rodent-borne transmitted

Pox virus disease
- most largest and complex virus - Muerto Canyon virus - changed into
- Can only be seen with the use of Electron Sin Nombre (No Name Virus)
microscope - Bayou Virus - from rice rat, cotton rat,
- Ex. Smallpox (known to infect humans), white-footed mouse (New york-1 virus)
Monkey pox (from rodent spp), Orf (sheep to

Calcivirus (from family of Calciviridae)

-cause gastronenteritis in humans and
respiratory disease in cats

- Ex:

- Norwalk virus

- Hepatitis E virus

Coronavirus (family of Coronaviridae)

- once considered as HARMLESS VIRUS that
cause human “cold”

- Crown like surface projections

Filovirus (family of Filoviridae) Paramyxovirus

- Filo means “Thread” - Parainfluenza - children/infants

- Can cause hemorrhagic fever - Para1 - to cause croup

- Ex: - Para2 - serologic studies

- Marburg hemorrhagic fever - - Para3- severe disease

shepherds hook morphology - Para4- not known influenza
- Ebola virus -RSV (Resp Synctial Virus)
Types of Ebola Virus: - broncholitis in children
* Zaire Ebolavirus Koplik spots - hallmark of rash and measles infection
* Sudan Ebolavirus Rubella (German measles)
* Cote d’lviore Ebolavirus (Ebola MMR vaccine - Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine
Ivory Coast)
* Bundibugyp
- newly discovered virus
* Reston ebolavirus - only cause
disease in humans - Cause bronchiolitis and pneumonia in
pediatric patients

Flavivirus (Flaviviridae)
- piccolo means “small”
- mosquitoe-borne disease
- Ex.:
- Ex: -enterovirus - cause paralytic
•Dengue poliomyelitis

•Yellow fever - causative agent: Aedes - polioenterovirus - involves paralysis w

Aegypti fever; it affects the ability to breath
“Iron Lung”
•West Nile Viral encephalitis
•Japanese & St Louis Encephalitis
- referred as respiratory enteric orphan virus.
•Hep C virus
- cause gastroentiritis, most common in infants.

HepeVirus (family of Calciviridae) - Unique, RNA it allows to be replicated into
- Ex.: Avian Hep E virus - cause disease in DNA and then RNA
chickens (liver and spleen enlargement); - Ex. HIV, HIV1, HIV2, AIDS
discovered in Asia by Russian Virologist RHABDOVIRUS
- Rusian virologist voluntered to drink the - Infects plants, arthropods, fish,mammals
filtered stool specimen from unidentified - Ex. Rabies virus
hepatitis of patient. o Neutrotopic virus
o Neurological impairment in human
o The Milwaukee Protocol – for rabies
Orthomyxovirus treatment
- influenza virus TOGAVIRUS
- Influenza A- naturally infecte birds - Includes Rubella and Alphavirus
- Influenza B & C - cause human infection o Rubella – german measles
 Fever rash
- Birdflu - avien influenza
ARBOVIRUS Infection Miscellaneous Viruses
- Mosquitoes Astrovirus
- Infects birds and rodents
- Found in gastrointestinal tract
- Human-dead-end host
- Causes minority of childhood diarrhea

TTV (transfusion-transmitted virus) & HGV

(Hepatitis G Virus)
- HGV is similar to HCV

- TTV - Resembles a new group of animal virus

called CircoVirus

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