Quiz Contract 2

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Question What can an obligor do in the following case? Duyen ordered a fridge from
Nguyen Kim. She requested them to deliver the fridge between 5 and 6
pm on Monday 14th August 2017. At 6 pm on Monday 14th August
2017, Nguyen Kim s staff tried to contact her to receive the delivery.
However, her phone was out of service.
Answer a. Nguyen Kim’s staff must arrange another delivery without asking for
b. Nguyen Kim’s staff can store the fridge at a safe place and ask for
storage fees (if applicable)
c. Nguyen Kim’s staff can sell the fridge and return the money to Duyen
after deducting reasonable fees
d. All of above

Question Contractors who violate their contracts due to____________ will not bear
liabilities for their breach of contract.
Answer a. Fire
b. Financial Difficulties
c. Fluctuations
d. All of above

Question Which measure do contractors use to secure contractual performance in
the following case? Toan ordered a printer from Phong Vu enterprise.
As agreed by both parties, Phong Vu enterprise would deliver the
printer by 10 am Saturday 12th August 2017 and Toan would pay by
bank transfer by Friday 11th August 2017. By 10 am Saturday 12th
August 2017, Phong Vu enterprise still had not delivered the printer as
committed as they hadn’t received the payment from Toan.
Answer a. Pledge of trust
b. Title retention
c. Lien on property
d. None of above
Question Which of the following measures can be used to secure entry into
Answer a. Pledge of property
b. Guaranty
c. Deposit
d. All of above
Question Which of the following are not remedies for breach of contract?
Answer a. Compensation
b. Fines
c. Unilateral termination of contract
d. None of above

Question Which of the following remedies can be applied only if a breach of contract
causes damages?
Answer a. Specific performance
b. Compensation
c. Fines
d. All of above

Question What kind of security measures for the contract performance is applied in
the following case? In order to make sure Thuong returns the leased
property, Dung requested Thuong to give her 2 million dongs which will
be returned back to Thuong when she returns the leased property.
Answer a. Deposit
b. Security collateral
c. Escrow account
d. Mortgage of the property

Question Which of the following is NOT a remedy for breaches of contracts?
Answer a. Fines
b. Cancellation of contracts
c. Rescinding contracts
d. Both b and c

Question In which of the following cases will a contract with a bona third party be
Answer a. Thien, 25 years old, sold Phuong his motorbike straight away after he
bought it from an 18-year-old boy without approval from the boy’s
b. A 13-year-old boy stole a Gucci bag and sold it to a shop, then, Trinh
bought the bag from the shop.
c. An, 17 years old, sold her friend a watch which she was given by her
aunty who has down syndrome
d. All of above
Question Which statement is CORRECT in the following case? Tuan, 13 years old,
stole an iPhone 6s and then sold it to Khanh, 30 years old. After a few
months of using the phone, Khanh decided to sell it to Binh, 19 years
Answer a. The contract between Khanh and Binh is valid because Binh paid to get
the phone, but the owner can directly request Binh to return the phone
to them.
b. The contract between Khanh and Binh is valid because Binh paid to get
the phone, and the owner cannot directly request Binh to return the
phone to them.
c. The contract between Khanh and Binh is invalid because the phone is a
stolen movable property that is not subject to the ownership registration
even though Binh paid to get the phone in good faith, and the owner
can directly request Binh to return the bike to them.
d. The contract between Khanh and Binh is invalid because the phone is a
stolen movable property that is not subject to the ownership registration
even though Binh paid to get the phone in good faith, but the owner
cannot directly request Binh to return the bike to them.
Question Which of the following is an offer?
Answer a. Do you want to use my phone to send a message to your boyfriend?
b. I can lend you 300 million dongs for 3 months.
c. I will drive you out for a date at 8 pm.
d.All of above

Question According to the civil code 2015, which statement is incorrect in the
following case? Thuong bought an apartment owned equally by Tuan,
Tu, and Xuyen for 2,5 billion dongs.
Answer a. Tuan, Tu or Xuyen can demand Thuong to pay 2,5 billion dong.
b. Thuong can pay 2,5 billion dong to Tuan, Tu or Xuyen.
c. If Xuyen exempts Phuong from her payment obligation, Phuong doesn’t
have to pay 2,5 billion dongs.
d. All of above

Question When will an offer terminate?
Answer a.The offeree still keeps silent after the time for reply has expired and there
is an agreement on silence means acceptance
b.The offeror sent a notice on revocation of the offer and this notice arrives
before the offeree replies
c.The offeror dies after the offeree replied to accept the offer
d.All of above

Butler Machine Tool Limited Liability Company (hereafter Butler) makes
and sells machine tools. They sent a letter to Ex-Cell-O Joint Stock
Company (hereafter Ex-Cell-O) on May 23, 2017, offering Ex-Cell-O
some new machinery for £75,535. With it were Butler's standard
contract terms. These included a price variation clause so that if their
manufacturing costs went up, the price rise would be passed on to Ex-
Cell-O. Ex-Cell-O replied on May 27 and said they would order the
machinery but on Ex-Cell-O's own standard terms. Ex-Cell-O's standard
terms did not have a price variation clause. Butler replied on June 5. It
replied on the tear-off slip from Ex-Cell-O's terms. At the bottom of this
slip, it read, "We accept your order on the terms and conditions stated
therein." But later on, Butler added a letter reasserting that the deal
was being made under Butler's own terms, from the May 23 letter. A
while later, nothing further had been said, and Butler delivered the
machinery. They asked for £75,535, plus £2,892 according to their price
variation clause. Ex-Cell-O refused to pay the extra. Butler sued Ex-
Cell-O. Is Ex-Cell-O s reply on 27th May 2017 an acceptance? Explain.
May 23: offer (Butler is offeror)
May 27: May 23 offer terminated, new offer (Ex-Cell-O is offeror)
June 5: May 27 offer terminated, acceptance (accept the whole content)
(Butler if offeree)
After June 5:

Question Butler Machine Tool Limited Liability Company (hereafter Butler) makes
and sells machine tools. They sent a letter to Ex-Cell-O Joint Stock
Company (hereafter Ex-Cell-O) on May 23, 2017, offering Ex-Cell-O
some new machinery for £75,535. With it were Butler's standard
contract terms. These included a price variation clause so that if their
manufacturing costs went up, the price rise would be passed on to Ex-
Cell-O. Ex-Cell-O replied on May 27 and said they would order the
machinery but on Ex-Cell-O's own standard terms. Ex-Cell-O's standard
terms did not have a price variation clause. Butler replied on June 5. It
replied on the tear-off slip from Ex-Cell-O's terms. At the bottom of this
slip, it read, "We accept your order on the terms and conditions stated
therein." But later on, Butler added a letter reasserting that the deal was
being made under Butler's own terms, from the May 23 letter. A while
later, nothing further had been said, and Butler delivered the machinery.
They asked for £75,535, plus £2,892 according to their price variation
clause. Ex-Cell-O refused to pay the extra. Butler sued Ex-Cell-O. What
is Butler s reply made on 5th June 2017? Explain.

Question Butler Machine Tool Limited Liability Company (hereafter Butler) makes
and sells machine tools. They sent a letter to Ex-Cell-O Joint Stock
Company (hereafter Ex-Cell-O) on May 23, 2017, offering Ex-Cell-O
some new machinery for £75,535. With it were Butler's standard
contract terms. These included a price variation clause so that if their
manufacturing costs went up, the price rise would be passed on to Ex-
Cell-O. Ex-Cell-O replied on May 27 and said they would order the
machinery but on Ex-Cell-O's own standard terms. Ex-Cell-O's standard
terms did not have a price variation clause. Butler replied on June 5. It
replied on the tear-off slip from Ex-Cell-O's terms. At the bottom of this
slip, it read, "We accept your order on the terms and conditions stated
therein." But later on, Butler added a letter reasserting that the deal was
being made under Butler's own terms, from the May 23 letter. A while
later, nothing further had been said, and Butler delivered the machinery.
They asked for £75,535, plus £2,892 according to their price variation
clause. Ex-Cell-O refused to pay the extra. Butler sued Ex-Cell-O. Is
Butler’s letter made after the reply on 5th June 2017 valid? Explain.

Question Butler Machine Tool Limited Liability Company (hereafter Butler) makes
and sells machine tools. They sent a letter to Ex-Cell-O Joint Stock
Company (hereafter Ex-Cell-O) on May 23, 2017, offering Ex-Cell-O
some new machinery for £75,535. With it were Butler's standard
contract terms. These included a price variation clause so that if their
manufacturing costs went up, the price rise would be passed on to Ex-
Cell-O. Ex-Cell-O replied on May 27 and said they would order the
machinery but on Ex-Cell-O's own standard terms. Ex-Cell-O's standard
terms did not have a price variation clause. Butler replied on June 5. It
replied on the tear-off slip from Ex-Cell-O's terms. At the bottom of this
slip, it read, "We accept your order on the terms and conditions stated
therein." But later on, Butler added a letter reasserting that the deal was
being made under Butler's own terms, from the May 23 letter. A while
later, nothing further had been said, and Butler delivered the machinery.
They asked for £75,535, plus £2,892 according to their price variation
clause. Ex-Cell-O refused to pay the extra. Butler sued Ex-Cell-O. Does
Ex-Cell-O have to pay the extra? Explain.

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