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L1 Control of Positive Semi-Markov Jump

Systems With State Delay
Guangdeng Zong , Senior Member, IEEE, Wenhai Qi , Member, IEEE,
and Hamid Reza Karimi , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this article, the issue of L 1 control design is and input signals. Since their signal trajectories are confined
addressed for a class of delayed stochastic jump systems subject to one non-negative region in multidimensional space, analysis
to semi-Markov jump parameters. The stochastic jump systems and synthesis of positive systems become more challeng-
in the presence of positivity constraints are described by positive
semi-Markov jump systems (S-MJSs). By constructing new linear ing. The positivity requirement means that many previous
Lyapunov functional dependent double integral, some sojourn- approaches for general systems are no longer applied. Up
time-dependent sufficient conditions are established to realize to now, many remarkable results have been obtained for the
the corresponding stochastic stability with a prescribed L 1 -gain dynamical analysis of positive systems (see [3]–[10]).
performance index. Then, a switching controller via gain matrix At the same time, it is well known that time delay is a com-
decomposition is designed to achieve positivity and stochastic sta-
bilization with a prescribed L 1 -gain performance, which can be mon practical problem in the objective world and engineering
solved with the help of linear programming approach. Finally, technology. Performance analysis and design of time-delay
the virus mutation treatment model verifies the effectiveness of systems have been applied in many fields, such as ocean
the theoretical results. information detection, transportation, electric power, environ-
Index Terms—Linear programming, Lyapunov functional, mental protection, chemical process, ecological balance, and
stochastic stabilization, switching controller design. computer image processing. It is reported that time delay has
a great influence on dynamical performances and may cause
instability, oscillations, and other poor performance [11]–[19].
Thereupon, it is of great theoretical and practical significance
to consider time-delay factors when dealing with practical
N MANY social and engineering applications, there always
I exist a special kind of physical variables, such as the num-
ber of biological populations, the material concentration in
systems [20]–[22].
On the other hand, a great number of dynamic systems in
practical engineering and economic fields, especially mete-
chemical reactions, the biopolymer concentration in gene reg- orological forecast systems, network control systems, power
ulation, the quantity of packets in network transmission, the systems, chemical systems, and economic systems, always
cell number, the dosage of medicament, and the PM2.5 con- suffer from sudden changes in the external environment,
centration in the atmosphere. These signal trajectories are stochastic changes in the mode of interconnection between
constrained to be non-negative for any positive initial condi- subsystems, random changes in the range of nonlinear objects,
tions, which can be characterized as positive systems [1], [2]. damage of system components, and human intervention dur-
Compared with general systems and positive systems are char- ing their operation. This kind of system drives the evolution
acterized by the positivity of their state signals, output signals, of system state through two dynamic mechanisms: 1) time and
Manuscript received August 17, 2019; revised December 16, 2019; accepted 2) event, in which the state space is composed of Euclidean
March 7, 2020. This work was supported in part by the National Natural vector space and finite set of discrete events [23]–[30]. In
Science Foundation of China under Grant 61703231, Grant 61773235, Grant the field of control theory, stochastic process is often used
61773236, and Grant 61873331, in part by the Natural Science Foundation
of Shandong under Grant ZR2017QF001, Grant ZR2019YQ29, and Grant to describe the systems subject to structural or parametrical
ZR2017MF063, in part by the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China variations [31], [32], which depends on the time between
under Grant 2018T110670, in part by the Taishan Scholar Project of Shandong two consecutive transitions/jumps of the system, i.e., the
Province under Grant TSQN20161033, in part by the 111 Project under Grant
B17017, in part by the Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Projects of Qufu sojourn time (ST). ST is a random variable and obeys a
Normal University under Grant xkjjc201905, and also in part by the Excellent certain probability distribution. For Markov jump systems
Experiment Project of Qufu Normal University under Grant jp201728. This (MJSs) [33]–[40], ST is subject to the exponential distribu-
article was recommended by Associate Editor H.-X. Li. (Corresponding
author: Wenhai Qi.) tion and results in constant transition rate (TR). However,
Guangdeng Zong and Wenhai Qi are with the School of Engineering, Qufu since the ST in semi-MJSs (S-MJSs) obeys nonmemoryless
Normal University, Rizhao 276826, China (e-mail:; probability distribution, the TR becomes time-varying. As a
Hamid Reza Karimi is with the Department of Mechanical mathematical model to describe practical problems, S-MJSs
Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 20133 Milan, Italy (e-mail: have a wide physical background and high practical applica- tion value. These research results are closely related to the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at practical problems in control engineering and have attracted
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMC.2020.2980034 people’s wide attention. Some of the research results have
c 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


been successfully applied to modern communication technol- Q2: Compared with some existing control design meth-
ogy, network control systems, fault-tolerant control, and other ods [5], [34], [37]–[40], [51], how to design a new controller
fields (see [41]–[51]). to realize the stochastic stabilization performance?
It is noted that some existing research results for pos- Q3: Positive S-MJSs find wide applications, in which one
itive systems are presented in linear matrix inequality typical application example is the virus mutation treatment
form by constructing quadratic Lyapunov function [3], [4]. model (VNTM). How to model the VNTM and illustrate the
Recently, a new linear Lyapunov function approach has effectiveness of the obtained results?
been proposed [5], [7]–[10]. Compared with the quadratic In this article, we will address the problem of L 1 con-
Lyapunov function method, the linear Lyapunov function trol design for a class of positive delayed S-MJSs. The main
method takes full use of the non-negative characteristics of contributions can be summarized as follows.
positive systems and brings some new insights into the sta- 1) By applying the linear Lyapunov functional, ST-
bility analysis and control synthesis. The proposed criterion dependent sufficient conditions are given to attain
is convenient to be derived in terms of linear programming. stochastic stability for positive delayed S-MJSs.
In addition, H ∞ performance [3] is proposed for positive 2) ST-dependent sufficient conditions for stochastic stabil-
systems under quadratic Lyapunov function framework. Under ity criteria with a prescribed L 1 performance index
the linear Lyapunov function framework, the L 1 performance are presented. Considering the time-varying character-
is introduced for positive systems [5], [10], [28], [29], [35], istics of TR matrix, ST-dependent sufficient conditions
[36], [39]. It is well known that H ∞ performance induced by are transformed to feasible conditions by the upper and
L 2 signals are not the right choices to characterize the fea- lower bounds of TR.
tures of positive systems. Note that 1-norm is an appropriate 3) Furthermore, a new L 1 control law via gain matrix
choice to provide more helpful descriptions in studying pos- decomposition methodology is constructed to achieve
itive systems since it stands for the sum of the values of the positivity and stochastic stabilization with a prescribed
components. L 1 performance index.
Although some excellent results for positive stochastic 4) Due to sudden changes of the working environment in
jump systems have been reported, there still exists further the VMTM, representing the VMTM as positive S-MJSs
room compared to the existing results. One common con- verifies the validity of the L 1 control algorithm.
straint condition in [33]–[40] comes from the requirement Notations:
that the ST follows an exponential distribution, whereas 1) A ≥≥ (>> 0): All entries of matrix A are non-negative
many practical models do not satisfy this rigorous assump- (positive).

tion. Specifically, the positive condition was not considered 2) x1 = nk=1 |xk |: 1-norm of vector x.
in [31], [32], [41]–[47], [49], and [50] while it really exists 3) 1n : All-ones vector in R n .
in many practical systems. In addition, the existing con- 4) 1rn : rth element of the vector 1n is one, namely, 1rn =
troller design methods for positive systems, such as iterative 01 02 · · · 1r · · · 0n .
optimization method, parameter selection method, and dual 5) E {·}: Mathematical expectation.
system design method, have shown some limitations. The 6) V α (d): Cumulative distribution function of ST d in α.
iterative optimization method increases the computational 7) qαβ : Probability intensity from α to β.
amount of controller gain solution [5]. For the parame- 8) ℘: Weak infinitesimal operator.
ter selection method [34], [39], [40], there is one restric- 9) iff: If and only if.
tion on the matrix rank R {K } = 1. In the dual system
design method [37], [38], [51], only nominal systems are II. P RELIMINARIES
studied. Moreover, the input matrices are assumed to be
Consider the following positive delayed S-MJSs:
positive [4], [5], [34], [39], [40], while they may have nega-
tive elements in practical positive systems. In fact, the L 1 ż(t) = A (δt )z(t) + A d (δt )z(t − τ (t)) + B (δt )u(t)
control problem for positive S-MJSs is a challenge topic, + G (δt )w(t)
since many complicated factors, such as semi-Markov pro-
y(t) = C (δt )z(t) + D (δt )w(t)
cess (SMP), external disturbance, and time delay, need to
be considered in the design of L 1 controller. Therefore, z(t0 + θ ) = φ(θ ) ∀θ ∈ [−τ, 0] (1)
a critical problem for L 1 control design for positive S- where z(t) ∈ R n , w(t) ∈ R l , u(t) ∈ R m , and y(t) ∈ R s
MJSs is yet to be solved, that is, whether there exists a are, respectively, the state, noise, input, and output; φ(θ ) is
new L 1 control law to dispel the external disturbances a vector-valued initial continuous function defined on interval
and time delay simultaneously? Unfortunately, there are no [ − τ, 0]. τ (t) is given as 0 < τ (t) ≤ τ and τ̇ (t) ≤ h1 < 1.
relevant theoretical results available for reference, which {δt , t ≥ 0} stands for the SMP in S = {1, 2, . . . , N } with
motivates our present study. Especially, the following three probability transitions [42] as
key questions should be addressed during the L 1 control 
μαβ (d)d + o(d), α = β
design. Pr{δt+d = β|δt = α} = (2)
Q1: Different from general S-MJSs [31], [32], [41]–[47], 1 + μαα (d)d + o(d), α = β
[49], [50], how to derive the weak infinitesimal operator for where d ≥ 0 is the time elapsed when the system stays at mode
S-MJSs with positive constraints? i from the last jump, i.e., the ST, μαβ (d) ≥ 0 means the TR

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


from α to β for α = β, and N β=1,β =α μαβ (d) = −μαα (d). such that
o(d) is the little-o notation defined by limd→0 (o(d)/d) = 0.
When β = α, we suppose the TR μαβ (d) is satisfied with (A α + B α K α )T χα + ρ1α + ρ2α + τρ1 + τρ2
μαβ ≤ μαβ (d) ≤ μ̄αβ with positive real constants μαβ and
μ̄αβ . When β = α, it is assumed that μαα (d) as −μαα ≤ + μαβ (d)χβ << 0 (4)
−μαα (d) ≤ −μ̄αα with negative real constants μαα and μ̄αα .
Remark 1: For MJSs with a stochastic Markov process, A Tdα χα − (1 − h1 )ρ1α << 0 (5)
the ST between two consecutive transitions/jumps is a ran- N

dom variable and obeys exponential distribution, which means μαβ (d)ρ1β ≤≤ ρ1 , μαβ (d)ρ2β ≤≤ ρ2 (6)
that the TR is constant. However, for S-MJSs with stochastic β=1 β=1
SMP, the ST subject to nonmemoryless probability distribution
then system (3) with zero disturbance input w(t) achieves
results in the time-variant TR matrix and expands the practical
stochastic stability.
application scope. Therefore, S-MJSs cover MJSs as a special
Proof: Consider Lyapunov functional
For δt = α ∈ S , A (δt ), A d (δt ), B (δt ), G (δt ), C (δt ), and W (z(t), t, δt ) = W 1 (z(t), t, δt ) + W 2 (z(t), t, δt )
D (δt ) are denoted by A α , A dα , B α , G α , C α , and D α . + W 3 (z(t), t, δt ) + W 4 (z(t), t) (7)
Definition 1 [36]: System (1) is said to be positive if for
given non-negative initial condition and disturbance input, then where
z(t) ≥≥ 0 and y(t) ≥≥ 0 hold, for t ≥ t0 .
Remark 2: Definition 1 for stochastic stability is usual. Due W 1 (z(t), t, δt ) = zT (t)χ (δt )
to the characteristics of positive systems, 1-norm is introduced W 2 (z(t), t, δt ) = zT (s)ρ1 (δt )ds
to describe stochastic stability since it stands for the sum of t−τ (t)
the values of the components. However, for general systems
without positivity constraints, the Euclidean norm (quadratic W 3 (z(t), t, δt ) = zT (s)ρ2 (δt )ds
norm) is usually adopted to describe stochastic stability [26].  0 t
Definition 2 [33]: System (1) with zero disturbance W 4 (z(t), t) = zT (s)(ρ1 + ρ2 )dsdθ (8)
input w(t) is said to be stochastically stable if for −τ t+θ

 ∞non-negative initial condition φ(θ ) and δ0 ∈ S ,

given where χα , ρ1α , ρ2α , ρ1 , ρ2 ∈ R n+ .
E { 0 z(t)1 dt|(φ(θ ), δ0 )} < ∞ holds. Along with system (3) under zero disturbance input w(t)
Definition 3 [35]: For γ > 0, system (1) is said to be and δt = α, one has
stochastically stable with L 1 performance index, if system (1)
with zero disturbance input w(t) is said to be stochastically ℘ W 1 (z(t), t, δt )
∞ ∞
stable, and E { 0 y(t)1 dt} ≤ γ E { 0 w(t)1 dt} holds, for 1
= lim E {W 1 (z(t + ), t + , δt+ )|δt = α}
φ(θ ) = 0 and w(t) = 0. →0

For u(t) = K α z(t) ∀α ∈ S , one has the following closed- − W 1 (z(t), t, δt )

loop system (CLS): N
ż(t) = (A α + B α K α )z(t) + A dα z(t − τ (t)) + G α w(t) = lim ⎣ Pr{δt+ = β|δt = α}zT (t + )χβ
β=1,β =α
y(t) = C α z(t) + D α w(t)
+ Pr{δt+ = α|δt = α}zT (t + )χα
z(t0 + θ ) = φ(θ ) ∀θ ∈ [−τ, 0]. (3) ⎤
Remark 3: Our objective is to design an improved L 1 − zT (t)χα ⎦
control law in standard linear programming such that system
(3) could realize positivity and stochastic stabilization with ⎡
L 1 performance index. Here, we only consider positivity 1⎣  Pr{δt+ = β, δt = α} T
= lim z (t + )χβ
of the CLS, namely, A α + B α K α are Metzler matri- →0 Pr{δt = α}
β=1,β =α
ces, A dα ≥≥ 0, G α ≥≥ 0, C α ≥≥ 0, D α ≥≥ 0,
Pr{δt+ = α, δt = α} T
which means that the input matrices B α can have negative + z (t + )χα
Pr{δt = α}
elements. ⎤


By applying the linear stochastic semi-Markov Lyapunov ⎡
functional and the expansion of Taylor formula, sufficient 1⎣  qαβ (V α (d + ) − V α (d)) T
conditions dependent on the ST for stochastic stability of = lim z (t + )χβ
→0 1 − V α (d)
β=1,β =α
the resulting CLS (3) will be provided in the following
theorem. 1 − V α (d + ) T
+ z (t + )χα − zT (t)χα .
Theorem 1: Assume that (3) with zero disturbance input w(t) 1 − V α (d)
is positive. If there exist χα , ρ1α , ρ2α , ρ1 , ρ2 ∈ R n+ ∀α ∈ S , (9)

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It follows from the expansion of Taylor formula that:
= Pr{δt+ = β|δt = α}
z(t + ) = z(t) + ż(t) + o( ) β=1,β =α

= z(t) + (A α + B α K α )z(t) t+ t
 × zT (s)ρ1β ds + zT (s)ρ1β ds
+ A dα z(t − τ (t)) + o( ) (10) t t−τ (t)
t−τ (t)
when → 0. + zT (s)ρ1β ds
Then, we have t+ −(τ (t)+τ̇ (t) +o( ))
+ Pr{δt+ = α|δt = α}
℘ W 1 (z(t), t, δt )  
⎡ t+ t
 × z (s)ρ1α ds +
zT (s)ρ1α ds
1 qαβ (V α (d + ) − V α (d))
= lim ⎣ t t−τ (t)
→0 1 − V α (d)  
β=1,β =α t−τ (t)
× (z(t)+((A α +B α K α )z(t)+A dα z(t−τ (t))) + T
z (s)ρ1α ds
t+ −(τ (t)+τ̇ (t) +o( ))
1 − V α (d + )
+ o( ))T χβ + N

1 − V α (d) qαβ (V α (d + ) − V α (d))
× (z(t) + ((A α + B α K α )z(t) 1 − V α (d)
β=1,β =α
+ A dα z(t − τ (t))) + o( ))T χα   t

× zT (t)ρ1β + zT (s)ρ1β ds
− zT (t)χα ⎦ t−τ (t)

⎡ − (1 − τ̇ (t))z (t − τ (t))ρ1β + o( )
1⎣  qαβ (V α (d + ) − V α (d))
= lim 1 − V α (d + )
→0 1 − V α (d) +
β=1,β =α
1 − V α (d)
× (z(t)+((A α +B α K α )z(t)+A dα z(t−τ (t)))   t
1 − V α (d + ) × zT (t)ρ1α + zT (s)ρ1α ds
+ o( ))T χβ + t−τ (t)
1 − V α (d) 
× ((A α + B α K α )z(t) + A dα z(t − τ (t))) − (1 − τ̇ (t))z (t − τ (t))ρ1α
+ o( )

V α (d + ) − V α (d)
+ o( )T χα − zT (t)χα ⎦.
1 − V α (d)
which means

According to lim →0 [(V α (d + ) − V α (d))/(1 − V α (d))] = ℘ W 2 (z(t), t, δt )

0, lim →0 [(1 − V α (d + ))/(1 − V α (d))] = 1,
lim →0 [(V α (d + ) − V α (d))/( (1 − V α (d)))] = μα (d), = lim E {W 2 (z(t + ), t + , δt+ )|δt = α}
and μαβ (d) = qαβ μα (d), α = β, where μα (d) is the TR of 
system jumping from α, we have − W 2 (z(t), t, δt )
⎡ ⎡
1 ⎣  qαβ (V α (d + ) − V α (d))
℘ W 1 (z(t), t, δt ) = ⎣z (t)(A α + B α K α ) χα + z (t − τ (t))
T T T = lim
→0 1 − V α (d)
β=1,β =α
⎤   t
 × z T
(t)ρ + zT (s)ρ1β ds

× A Tdα χα + zT (t) μαβ (d)χβ ⎦. t−τ (t)

(12) − (1 − τ̇ (t))zT (t − τ (t))ρ1β + o( )

On the other hand 1 − V α (d + )

1 − V α (d)
E {W 2 (z(t + ), t + , δt+ )}   t
× z (t)ρ1α +
zT (s)ρ1α ds
=E zT (s)ρ1 (δt+ )ds t−τ (t)
t+ −τ (t+ ) 
 t+  t
− (1 − τ̇ (t))zT (t − τ (t))ρ1α + o( )
=E zT (s)ρ1 (δt+ )ds + zT (s)ρ1 (δt+ )ds
t t−τ (t) ⎤
t−τ (t)
+ zT (s)ρ1 (δt+ )ds|δt = α − zT (s)ρ1α ds⎦
t+ −τ (t+ ) t−τ (t)

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1 ⎣  qαβ (V α (d + ) − V α (d)) Applying (4)–(6) yields
= lim ⎛
→0 1 − V α (d)
β=1,β =α
  t ℘ W (z(t), t, δt ) ≤ zT (t)⎝(A α + B α K α )T χα + ρ1α + ρ2α
× zT (t)ρ1β + zT (s)ρ1β ds
t−τ (t)

− (1 − τ̇ (t))zT (t − τ (t))ρ1β + o( ) + τρ1 + τρ2 + μαβ (d)χβ ⎠
1 − V α (d + )
+ = zT (t)ωα ≤ −ω0 z(t)1 < 0 (17)
 1 − V α (d)
× zT (t)ρ1α − (1 − τ̇ (t))zT (t − τ (t))ρ1α
+ o( )  

 t ω0 = min min {−[ωα ]s }
V α (d + ) − V α (d) α=1,2,...,N s=1,2,...,n
− zT (s)ρ1α ds⎦.
1 − V α (d) t−τ (t) ωα = ( A α + B α K α )T χα + ρ1α + ρ2α + τρ1 + τρ2
(13) N

+ μαβ (d)χβ .
Similar to the proof of (12), one has β=1
℘ W 2 (z(t), t, δt ) = zT (t)ρ1α − (1 − τ̇ (t))zT (t − τ (t))ρ1α Considering Dynkin’s formula gives rise to
 t N
+ zT (s) μαβ (d)ρ1β ds. E W (z(t), t, δt ) − E W φ(θ ), t0 , δt0
t−τ (t) β=1  t
Moreover, we have =E ℘ W (z(s), s, δs )ds
℘ W 3 (z(t), t, δt ) = zT (t)ρ2α − zT (t − τ )ρ2α  
≤ −ω0 E z(s)1 ds| φ(θ ), δt0
 t N
+ zT (s) μαβ (d)ρ2β ds
t−τ which means
  t  t
℘ W 4 (z(t), t) = zT (t)(τρ1 + τρ2 ) − zT (s)(ρ1 + ρ2 )ds ω0 E z(s)1 ds|(φ(θ ), δt0 ) ≤ W φ(θ ), t0 , δt0
− E W (z(t), t, δt )
≤ zT (t)(τρ1 + τρ2 ) − zT (s)ρ1 ds  
 t t−τ (t)
≤ W φ(θ ), t0 , δt0 .
− zT (s)ρ2 ds . (14) Furthermore
t−τ (t)
Noting τ̇ (t) ≤ h1 < 1, we obtain   E W φ(θ ), t0 , δt0
E x(t)1 dt| φ(θ ), δt0 ≤ < ∞.
− (1 − τ̇ (t))zT (t − τ (t))ρ1α ≤ −(1 − h1 )zT (t − τ (t))ρ1α . 0 ω0
(15) Therefore, by Definition 1, system (3) with zero disturbance
input w(t) achieves stochastic stability.
Then, combining (13)–(15) gives
⎡ ⎛ Remark 4: Here, we shall answer question Q1. Compared
with general positive MJSs [33]–[40] whose ST is expo-
℘ W (z(t), t, δt ) ≤ ⎣zT (t)⎝(A α + B α K α )T χα + ρ1α + ρ2α nentially distributed, we need to reconstruct the weak
infinitesimal operator under SMP constraint [see formulas

 (10)–(17)]. Then, with the help of Taylor formula expansion
+ τρ1 + τρ2 + μαβ (d)χβ ⎠ (11) and lim [(V α (d + ) − V α (d))/(1 − V α (d))] = 0,
 lim →0 [(1 − V α (d + ))/(1 − V α (d))] = 1,
+ zT (t − τ (t)) A dα χα − (1 − h1 )ρ1α lim →0 [(V α (d + ) − V α (d))/( (1 − V α (d)))] = μα (d),

μαβ (d) = qαβ μα (d), α = β, we finally obtain the weak
− zT (t − τ )ρ2α ⎦ infinitesimal operator. These are the key difficulties in
addressing stochastic stability for S-MJSs.
⎛ ⎞ Remark 5: The constant integral elements for
 t N

+ zT (s)⎝ μαβ (d)ρ1β − ρ1 ⎠ds  0  t T functional are given as W 4 (z(t), t)
Lyapunov =
t−τ (t) β=1 −τ t+θ z (s)(ρ1 + ρ2 )dsdθ . After computing the weak
⎛ ⎞
 t N

infinitesimal  t operator of W 4 (z(t),t),
there exist two integral
elements t−τ (t) zT (s)ρ1 ds and t−τ zT (s)ρ2 ds, which can
+ zT (s)⎝ μαβ (d)ρ2β − ρ2 ⎠ds. t 
t−τ β=1
effectively eliminate t−τ (t) zT (s) N β=1 μαβ (d)ρ1β ds and
t N
t−τ (t) z (s) β=1 μαβ (d)ρ2β ds under the condition (6).

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In this section, some sufficient conditions will be provided In this section, based on L 1 -gain analysis of Theorem 2, an
to achieve stochastic stability with L 1 performance. L 1 control law with the help of gain matrix decomposition
Theorem 2: Assume that system (3) is positive. If there will be proposed to attain positivity and stochastic stability
exists χα , ρ1α , ρ2α , ρ1 , ρ2 ∈ R n+ ∀α ∈ S , such that (5) and with L 1 performance. The control input matrices can be given
(6) and under three different cases as follows.
Theorem 3: Assume that B α ≥≥ 0. If there exist χα , ρ1α ,
(A α + B α K α )T χα + ρ1α + ρ2α + τρ1 + τρ2 ρ2α , ρ1 , ρ2 ∈ R n+ , ιpα , ια ∈ R n ∀α ∈ S , such that (5), (19),
N and
+ μαβ (d)χβ + C Tα 1s << 0 (18) N

β=1 A Tα χα + ια + ρ1α + ρ2α + τρ1 + τρ2 + μαβ χβ
G Tα χα + D Tα 1s − γ 1l << 0 (19) β=1
+ C Tα 1s << 0 (22)
then system (3) achieves stochastic stability with L 1 N

performance. A Tα χα + ια + ρ1α + ρ2α + τρ1 + τρ2 + μ̄αβ χβ
Proof: From (18), one can get the inequality condition (4). β=1
Then, by Theorem 1, it follows from (4)–(6) that system (3)
with zero disturbance input w(t) achieves stochastic stability. + C Tα 1s << 0 (23)

Next, we will consider L 1 performance for system (3). For
Lyapunov functional (7), we have μαβ ρ1β ≤≤ ρ1 , μ̄αβ ρ1β ≤≤ ρ1
β=1 β=1
℘ W (z(t), t, δt ) + y(t)1 − γ w(t)1 N

⎡ ⎛
μαβ ρ2β ≤≤ ρ2 , μ̄αβ ρ2β ≤≤ ρ2 (24)
≤ ⎣zT (t)⎝(A α + B α K α )T χα + ρ1α + ρ2α + τρ1 + τρ2 β=1 β=1

⎞ Aα 1Tm B Tα χα + B α 1pm ιTpα + εα I ≥≥ 0 (25)

μαβ (d)χβ ⎠
ιpα ≤≤ ια (26)
  then system (3) achieves positivity and stochastic stability with
+ zT (t − τ (t)) A Tτ α χα − (1 − h1 )ρ1α
L 1 performance through the following controller:
− z (t − τ )ρ2α + w
(t)G Tα χα + 1Ts C α z(t) + 1Ts D α w(t)
⎤ p=1
m 1 ιT p
m pα
u(t) = K α z(t) = z(t). (27)
− γ 1Tl w(t)⎦ 1Tm B Tα χα
⎛ Proof: Since 1Tm >> 0, B α ≥≥ 0, and χα >> 0, we
have 1Tm B Tα χα > 0. This together with (25) gives that A α +
= zT (t)⎝(A α + B α K α )T χ + ρ1α + ρ2α + τρ1 + τρ2 m 1p ιT )/(1T B T χ )] + [(ε )/(1T B T χ )]I
B α [(p=1 ≥≥
m pα m α α α m α α
⎞ 0. According to (27), we can get A α + B α K α +
 [(εα )/(1Tm B Tα χα )]I ≥≥ 0. Therefore, system (3) is positive.
+ μαβ (d)χβ + C Tα 1s ⎠ + zT (t − τ (t)) p p m 1p ιT ≤≤
From (26), we can get 1m ιTpα ≤≤ 1m ιTα and p=1 m pα
β=1 p=1
m 1 ιT = 1 ιT .
m α m α
× A Tdα χα − (1 − h1 )ρ1α − zT (t − τ )ρ2α Then, one has
+ wT (t) G Tα χα + D Tα 1s − γ 1l . (20) K Tα B Tα χα ≤≤ ια . (28)

Under zero-initial condition, (5), (6), (18), and (19) imply For a specific d, one has μαβ (d) = θ1α μαβ +θ2α μ̄αβ , where
θ1α + θ2α = 1 and θ1α > 0, θ2α > 0. Multiplying (22) by θ1α
℘ W (z(t), t, δt ) + y(t)1 − γ w(t)1 < 0. (21) and (23) by θ2α as well as (24) and (25) leads to
A Tα χα + ια + ρ1α + ρ2α + τρ1 + τρ2

 ∞  t
+ (θ1α μαβ + θ2α μ̄αβ )χβ + C Tα 1s << 0
E y(t)1 dt = lim E y(t)1 dt|(φ(θ ), t0 )
t→∞ β=1
 ∞ 0 N 
≤ γE w(t)1 dt θ1α μαβ + θ2α μ̄αβ ρ1β ≤≤ ρ1
which means that L 1 performance is achieved. N 
Therefore, system (3) has stochastic stability with L 1 θ1α μαβ + θ2α μ̄αβ ρ2β ≤≤ ρ2 . (29)
performance. β=1

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By tuning θ1α and θ2α , all μαβ (d) ∈ [μαβ , μ̄αβ ] can be 1Tm B Tα χα > 0 (33)
obtained. Therefore, (6) and (18) hold. 1mpα T
B Tα χα < 0, pα = 1, 2, . . . , p1α < m (34)
Remark 6: In Theorem 3, the gain matrix decomposition
1mpα T
B Tα χα > 0, pα = p1α + 1, p1α + 2, . . . , m (35)
method is used as follows:
⎡ ⎤ ια ≤≤ ιpα ≤≤ ῑα (36)
K 11α K 12α · · · K 1nα
⎢ K 21α K 22α · · · K 2nα ⎥
⎢ ⎥ then system (3) under controller (27) achieves positivity and
Kα = ⎢ . .. .. .. ⎥ stochastic stability with L 1 performance.
⎣ .. . . . ⎦
Proof: From (31)–(36), we get
K m1α K m2α · · · K mnα
⎡ ⎤ p T
K 11α K 12α · · · K 1nα pmα =1 ιpα 1mα B Tα χα
⎢ 0 0 ··· 0 ⎥ K Tα B Tα χα =
⎢ ⎥ 1Tm B Tα χα
=⎢ . .. .. .. ⎥
⎣ .. . . . ⎦ p1α p T
pα =1 ιpα 1mα B Tα χα
0 0 ··· 0 =
⎡ ⎤ 1Tm B Tα χα
0 0 ··· 0 p T
⎢K 21α K 22α · · · K 2nα ⎥ pmα =p1α +1 ιpα 1mα B Tα χα
⎢ ⎥ +
+⎢ . .. .. .. ⎥ 1Tm B Tα χα
⎣ .. . . . ⎦ p p T
0 0 ··· 0 ια pα1α=1 1mα B Tα χα
⎡ ⎤ <<
0 0 ··· 0 1Tm B Tα χα
⎢ 0 0 ··· 0 ⎥ p T
⎢ ⎥ ῑα pmα =p1α +1 1mα B Tα χα
+ ··· + ⎢ .. .. .. .. ⎥ +
⎣ . . . . ⎦ 1Tm B Tα χα
K m1α K m2α · · · K mnα  p T 
  pmα =p1α +1 1mα B Tα χα
= 1m × K 11α K 12α · · · K 1nα
1 = ια 1 −
  1Tm B Tα χα
+ 12m × K 21α K 22α · · · K 2nα
  p T
pmα =p1α +1 1mα B Tα χα
m × K m1α
+ · · · + 1m K m2α · · · K mnα + ῑα
= p=1
1pm K Tpα 1Tm B Tα χα
  = ια + ῑα − ια
where K pα = K p1α K p2α · · · K pnα , p = 1, 2, . . . , m. p T
Then, we can see that a matrix of m × n dimension can pmα =p1α +1 1mα B Tα χα  
<< ια + ῑα − ια = ῑα . (37)
be represented by the form of (30). The controller gains 1Tm B Tα χα
are represented by K α = [(p=1 m 1p ιT )/(1T B T χ )], in
m pα m α α The rest is similar to Theorem 3 and is omitted here.
p T
which the numerator part p=1 1m ιpα is an m × n dimen-
Remark 8: For the input matrix B α , there may exist
sional matrix and the denominator part 1Tm B Tα χα is con- {B α }mn ≥≥ 0 and {B α }mn ≤≤ 0 simultaneously. In the
stant. Considering control gains (27), (A α + B α K α )T χα proof of Corollary 1, (34) and (35) play a major role. Let
is rewritten as A Tα χα + ([p=1m 1p ιT ]/[1T B T χ ])T B T χ ,
m pα m α α α α B α (; n) denote the nth column of B α . If B α (; n) ≤≤ 0, we
which means that (25) can be ensured. Next, from (26), we can will choose (34). Otherwise, we will choose (35). Furthermore,
m 1p ιT ]/[1T B T χ ])T B T χ ≤ A T χ + ι ,
get A Tα χα + ([p=1 m pα m α α α α α α α when B α ≤≤ 0, we can get Corollary 2.
which means that (22) and (23) can be obtained. Corollary 2: Assume that B α ≤≤ 0. If there hold χα ,
Remark 7: In the above theorem, it is assumed that B α ≥≥ ρ1α , ρ2α , ρ1 , ρ2 ∈ R n+ , ιpα , ια ∈ R n ∀α ∈ S , such
0, i.e., {B α }mn ≥≥ 0, where {B α }mn is the nth row and mth that (5), (19), (22)–(24), (26), and
column of matrix B α . However, B α may appear {B α }mn ≥≥

0 and {B α }mn ≤≤ 0 simultaneously. In addition, B α may Aα 1Tm B Tα χα + B α 1pm ιTpα + εα I ≤≤ 0 (38)
appear {B α }mn ≤≤ 0. Under the cases {B α }mn ≥≥ 0 and p=1
{B α }mn ≤≤ 0, we can get Corollary 1.
Corollary 1: Assume that {B α }mn ≥≥ 0 and {B α }mn ≤≤ 0 then system (3) under controller (27) achieves positivity and
simultaneously. If there exist χα , ρ1α , ρ2α , ρ1 , ρ2 ∈ R n+ , ιpα , stochastic stability with L 1 performance.
ῑα , ια ∈ R n ∀α ∈ S , such that (5), (19), (24), (25), and Proof: Since 1Tm >> 0, B α ≤≤ 0, and χα >> 0,
we have 1Tm B Tα χα < 0. This together with (38)
 m 1p ιT )/(1T B T χ )] +
gives that A α + B α [(p=1 m pα m α α
A Tα χα + ῑα + ρ1α + ρ2α + τρ1 + τρ2 + μαβ χβ
[(εα )/(1Tm B Tα χα )]I ≥≥ 0. According to (27), we get
A α + B α K α + [(εα )/(1Tm B Tα χα )]I ≥≥ 0. Thus, system (3)
+ C Tα 1s << 0 (31) achieves positivity.
 The rest is similar to Theorem 3 and is omitted here.
A Tα χα + ῑα + ρ1α + ρ2α + τρ1 + τρ2 + μ̄αβ χβ Remark 9: In this article, the gain matrix decomposition is
β=1 adopted which has three advantages. First, it can effectively
+ C Tα 1s << 0 (32) remove some limitations brought by iterative optimization

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method, parameter selection method, and dual system design

method. Second, with the help of gain matrix decomposition,
positivity of the input matrices B α is relaxed, namely, the
input matrices B α can have negative elements, while it is
required in many existing literatures [4], [5], [34], [39], [40].
Third, it can be easily extended to positive systems with
uncertainty and nonlinear disturbance.
Remark 10: For the input matrices, it is discussed under
three different cases: 1) B α ≥≥ 0; 2) {B α }mn ≥≥ 0 Fig. 1. System mode.
and {B α }mn ≤≤ 0 simultaneously; and 3) B α ≤≤ 0.
Sufficient conditions for three cases have been proposed in
Theorem 3, Corollary 1, and Corollary 2 with the help of
linear programming. This answers the second question (Q2).


In this section, a practical application to virus mutation
treatment in HIV [9] will be given to answer the third ques-
tion (Q3). Since 1990, there are several mathematical models
to characterize HIV dynamics [52], [53], in which different
Fig. 2. State trajectory in open-loop case.
mechanisms are proposed to study HIV infection dynamics.
Here, we only pay attention to the virus mutation treatment
problem that has become the key factor for patients health.
Thus, how to minimize the adverse effects of virus mutation
is an interesting topic for study.
On the other hand, sudden changes in the external environ-
ment and stochastic changes in the mode of interconnection
between subsystems always exist in many physical systems.
S-MJSs have been regarded as an effective mathematical tool
to describe these phenomena. Due to the non-negative prop-
erty and abrupt change of living environment, VMTM can be Fig. 3. State trajectory in closed-loop case.
represented by positive S-MJSs.
Consider n different viral genotypes with viral populations   
−0.05 0.2 0.2 0.1
zi : i = 1, . . . , n and N different possible drug therapies rep- B2 = , G1 = , G2 =
−0.01 −0.1 0.1 0.2
resented by the SMP δt with δt ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N }. We represent    
the behavior by an ordinary differential equation C1 = 1 1 , C2 = 1 1
 D 1 = D 2 = 0 ,  = 0.15, ε = 0.001.
żi (t) = ρi,δt zi (t) − zi (t) + ε mij zj (t) (39)
j =i Let τ (t) = 0.2(1 − sin(0.5t)), then τ = 0.4, h1 = 0.1. The
TR matrices are supposed as
where ε, , and mij ∈ {0, 1} are mutation rate, death or  
decay rate, and genetic connections between genotypes, that −0.5 0.5 −1.2 1.2
μ= , μ̄ = .
is, mij = 1 iff it is possible for genotype j to mutate into geno- 0.8 −0.8 1.6 −1.6
type i. Considering delay and external disturbance, (39) can  T
For given z(0) = 0.3 0.2 , δ0 = 2, and w(t) = e−t sin(t),
be rewritten as
system mode δt is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 plots the unstable
ż(t) = (R (δt ) − I + εM )z(t) + A d (δt )z(t − τ (t)) state trajectory in open-loop case. This means that the quantity
+ B (δt )u(t) + G (δt )w(t) of virus mutation genotypes is increasing without treatment
control, which will seriously affecting patients’ health. For
y(t) = C (δt )z(t) + D (δt )w(t) (40) given γ = 0.8, solving Corollary 1 results in

where u(t), w(t), and y(t) are input, noise, and output; −10.9468 −33.6867
M :=[mij ]. Consider two viral populations with the parameters K1 =
−7.1654 −9.1413
as follows: 
  −7.8390 −30.0018
K2 = .
R1 =
0.05 0.8
, R2 =
0.06 0.9 −5.6315 −11.2323
0.7 0.25 0.6 0.26 
  −0.8873 0.1872
0 1 0.1 0 Then, we get A 1 + B 1 K 1 = and
M =
1 0
, A d1 =
0 0.1  0.1034 − 0.5314
−0.02 0.15 A 2 + B 2K 2 = . Then, the resulting CLS
A d2 =
0.1 0
, B1 = 0.1344 − 0.7863
0 0.1 −0.01 −0.1 achieves positivity.

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Automation, and Systems, and Journal of Machines.
[37] J. Lian, J. Liu, and Y. Zhuang, “Mean stability of positive Markov jump
linear systems with homogeneous and switching transition probabilities,” Wenhai Qi (Member, IEEE) was born in Taian,
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 801–805, China, in 1986. He received the B.S. degree in
Aug. 2015. automation and the M.S. degree in control the-
[38] Y. F. Guo, “Stabilization of positive Markov jump systems,” J. Franklin ory and control engineering from Qufu Normal
Inst., vol. 353, no. 14, pp. 3428–3440, 2016. University, Jining, China, in 2008 and 2013, respec-
[39] J. F. Zhang, X. D. Zhao, F. B. Zhu, and Z. Z. Han, “L 1 /1 -gain analysis tively, and the Ph.D. degree in control theory and
and synthesis of Markovian jump positive systems with time delay,” ISA control engineering from Northeastern University,
Trans., vol. 63, pp. 93–102, Apr. 2016. Shenyang, China, in 2016.
[40] S. Li and Z. R. Xiang, “Stochastic stability analysis and L ∞ -gain He is currently working with the School of
controller design for positive Markov jump systems with time-varying Engineering, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao,
delays,” Nonlinear Anal. Hybrid Syst., vol. 22, pp. 31–42, Nov. 2016. China. From July 2018 to August 2018, he visited
[41] Z. T. Hou, J. W. Luo, P. Shi, and S. K. Nguang, “Stochastic stability of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan,
Itô differential equations with semi-Markovian jump parameters,” IEEE South Korea. From December 2019 to January 2020, he visited the Department
Trans. Autom. Control, vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 1383–1387, Aug. 2006. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. His
[42] J. Huang and Y. Shi, “Stochastic stability and robust stabilization of research interests include Markov jump systems, switched systems, positive
semi-Markov jump linear systems,” Int. J. Robust Nonlinear, vol. 23, systems, and networked control systems.
no. 18, pp. 2028–2043, 2013. Dr. Qi is currently an Editorial Board Member for some international jour-
[43] S. H. Kim, “Stochastic stability and stabilization conditions of semi- nals, such as the International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
Markovian jump systems with mode transition-dependent sojourn-time and Journal of Information Processing Systems.
distributions,” Inf. Sci., vols. 385–386, pp. 314–324, Apr. 2017.
[44] F. B. Li, L. G. Wu, P. Shi, and C. C. Lim, “State estimation and slid- Hamid Reza Karimi (Senior Member, IEEE) was
ing mode control for semi-Markovian jump systems with mismatched born in 1976. He received the B.Sc. degree (First
uncertainties,” Automatica, vol. 51, pp. 385–393, Jan. 2015. Hons.) in power systems from the Sharif University
[45] L. X. Zhang, T. Yang, M. Liu, and P. Shi, “Stability and stabilization of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1998, and the M.Sc.
of a class of discrete-time fuzzy systems with semi-Markov stochastic and Ph.D. degrees (First Hons.) in control systems
uncertainties,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., Syst., vol. 46, no. 12, engineering from the University of Tehran, Tehran,
pp. 1642–1653, Dec. 2016. in 2001 and 2005, respectively.
From 2009 to 2016, he was a Professor
[46] B. P. Jiang, Y. G. Kao, C. C. Gao, and X. M. Yao, “Passification of
of Mechatronics and Control Systems with the
uncertain singular semi-Markovian jump systems with actuator failures
University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway. Since
via sliding mode approach,” IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, vol. 62, no. 8,
2016, he has been a Professor of Applied Mechanics
pp. 4138–4143, Aug. 2017.
with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan,
[47] Y. L. Wei, J. H. Park, J. B. Qiu, L. G. Wu, and H. Y. Jung, “Sliding
Italy. His current research interests include control systems and mechatronics.
mode control for semi-Markovian jump systems via output feedback,”
Prof. Karimi was awarded as the Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher
Automatica, vol. 81, pp. 133–141, Jul. 2017.
in Engineering from 2016 to 2019. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of
[48] M. Ogura and C. F. Martin, “Stability analysis of positive semi- the Journal of Cyber-Physical Systems, Journal of Machines, International
Markovian jump linear systems with state resets,” SIAM J. Control Journal of Aerospace System Science and Engineering, and Journal of
Optim., vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 1809–1831, 2014. Designs, the Section Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Electronics and Journal
[49] W. H. Qi, G. D. Zong, and H. R. Karimi, “Observer-based adaptive of Science Progress, the Subject Editor of the Journal of The Franklin Institute,
SMC for nonlinear uncertain singular semi-Markov jump systems with and a Technical Editor, Moderator for IEEE TechRxiv or an Associate Editor
applications to DC motor,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, for some international journals, such as the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON F UZZY
vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 2951–2960, Sep. 2018. S YSTEMS, IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON N EURAL N ETWORKS AND L EARNING
[50] B. Wang and Q. X. Zhu, “Stability analysis of semi-Markov switched S YSTEMS, IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS —PART I:
stochastic systems,” Automatica, vol. 94, pp. 72–80, Aug. 2018. R EGULAR PAPERS, IEEE/ASME T RANSACTIONS ON M ECHATRONICS, and
[51] W. H. Qi, G. D. Zong, and H. R. Karimi, “L ∞ control for positive IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON S YSTEMS , M AN AND C YBERNETICS : S YSTEMS.
delay systems with semi-Markov process and application to a commu- He is a member of the Agder Academy of Science and Letters, the
nication network model,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 66, no. 3, IEEE Technical Committee on Systems with Uncertainty, the Committee
pp. 2081–2091, Mar. 2019. on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, the IFAC Technical Committee on
[52] A. Perelson and P. Nelson, “Mathematical analysis of HIV-1 dynamics Mechatronic Systems, the Committee on Robust Control, and the Committee
in vivo,” SIAM Rev., vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 3–44, 1999. on Automotive Control.

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