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Neolithic Period

No one knows when beverage alcohol was first made.

However, it was presumably the result of a fortuitous
accident that occurred at least tens of thousands of
16th Century years ago.
As the end of the middle ages approached, the Late Stone Age beer jugs prove that beer was made at
popularity of beer spread to England, France and least as early as the Neolithic period.
Scotland and Anthropologists have suggested that beer may have
beer brewers were recognized officially as a guild in preceded bread as a staple.

In the sixteenth century, alcohol beverage

consumption reached 100 liters per person per year in 17th and 18th Century The Virginia colonists
Spain. Polish peasants consumed up to three liters of continued their traditional beliefs about alcoholic
beer per day. beverages. They

considered their natural foods and good when used in

moderation. In fact, beer arrived with the first
who considered it essential to their well-being.

Middle ages pubs: History of Bar

Built under a castle and Beverage

19th Century Throughout Europe during the

Industrial Revolution, beer, wine, and
The Brazen Head in Dublin, Ireland distilled liquor became
since important products. Businesses and
industries sold their products to countries
1198 and the oldest pub in the USA, around the world. As a new
The White Horse Tavern in Newport, middle class emerged with more time and
money to spend, drinking became a valued
RI which has been serving patrons
leisure activity.
since 1673. 20th Century The twentieth century brought many

significant changes to daily life. Some of these
such as pasteurization, mass production,
commercial canning and bottling, and rapid
transport, improved the
conditions for producing and selling alcohol.

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