Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Mod 1

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The nature, goals, and perspectives of anthropology, sociology and political


Name: Grade & Section:_________________

1. The Philippines are inhabited by several ethnic groups in which majority of the
population is composed of ethno- linguistic groups whose languages are
Austronesian, also known as Malayo-Polynesian, in origin. The people share a
common culture and occupied a certain territory. What term is being referred to this
A. Society B. Culture C. Community D. Politics
2. Mursi woman in Africa redefine beauty in their culture having a lip plate. They
exhibit a distinctive characteristic as a tribal group in the society. This distinctive
characteristic of the group is called.
A. Authority C. Identity
B. Sanctions D. Power
3. Dr. Yenxi is anthropologists in America, she usually studies about humans and its languages
use, tradition, biological and material remains, which are the elements of __________. A.
Society C. Community
B. Culture D. Politics
4. It is the study about the similarities and differences of various cultures, examines
and provides explanations for the existence of different cultural patterns, this refers
to ____________.
A. Anthropology C. Archaeology
B. Political Science D. Sociology
5. The major elements of ________ includes common language, geographical area, large
membership, and shared identity and culture.
A. Society C. Community
B. Culture D. Politics
6. The disciplines of social sciences enable us to understand the various aspects of man in
relation to society and culture. What discipline of social science that studies about the
emergence of human in the different societies?
A. Anthropology C. Archaeology
B. Political Science D. Sociology
7. Maria is a social worker, she enrolled herself in a subject that studies about human social
life, social institutions, culture, and groups of people. What disciplines of Social Science
does the statement refers to?
B. Anthropology C. Archaeology
B. Political Science D. Sociology
8. A complex whole that encompasses the beliefs, practices, norms, and attitudes of an
individual or group of people.
A. Society C. Community
B. Culture D. Politics
9. It is the study of the state and politics which deals with the nature, principles and
mechanics of rule, authority, power, and influence.
A. Anthropology C. Archaeology
B. Political Science D. Sociology
10. Mario came from a rich family in Cababaan City and graduated Suma
Cum Laude. Being a member of the LGBTQ, despite his status in the
society, he was bullied and experienced a lot of physical, psychological
and emotional abuse from the people around him. This phenomenon refers
to ________.

A. Economic problem B. Emotional issues C. Health related issues D. Social problem

1. What did you feel upon reading the content of this bubble mind map? Did you
observe these issues in your community?
= Upon reading the content of the bubble mind app, I instantly recognized the words
written there. And it saddens me because those words are the common issues we are facing and
dealing nowadays in our society.
2. What comes into your mind, when you hear these issues?
= Economic issues, Discrimination, and Common Problems the world is facing
3. What do we usually call on these issues? Explain your answer.

= We usually call these issues “Social Issues” for these are issues or problems that affect
many people within a society. A group of common problems in the society and ones that we,
people strive to solve.
4. As a student, how can you deal with these issues? Expound your answers briefly.
= As a student, academics, games, friends, and having a good time aren’t the only things
that matter in a school environment. The learning to communicate with other people, being aware
of social issues/inequities and learning to correct our society’s flaws are all part of it. And we
deal these issues by being conscious and aware of these issues visible in our society nowadays
for we are never too young or immature to start making a difference in the community and
translating these issues.
5. In your own idea, do you agree that these issues can be solved? How?
= As much as I want to agree that these issues can be solved right away by a certain
solution, I just can’t because I feel like it is too dreamy to believe like this is as easy as it is, but it
takes time for it to be solved. Because even the richest country and most disciplined one also
deals with at least one out of the many issues mentioned above. If there is one thing that we
should do to at least lessen these issues is to be united despite our differences, to be one and be
united on choosing a leader who can lead us to a promising future and have the courage to be
with us fighting and solving these issues.
1. Culture 6. Artifacts 11. Government
2. Behavior 7. Power 12. Leaders
3. Humanity 8. Interaction 13. Past
4. Authority 9. Social Groups 14. Present
5. Problems 10. Institutions 15. Laws



Disciplines of Social Science Nature / Description

(As indicated in column A) (Based from the situations above in column B)

POLITICAL SCIENCE 1. It is a field of social science that

investigates the state and its
governance, as well as human behavior,
social interactions, and institutions.
ANTHROPOLOGY 2. Is a body of knowledge concerned with the
study of people, human behavior, and
human societies around the world.
SOCIOLOGY 3. Human behavior, social interactions, and
institutions are all studied in this discipline.


1. Culture 1. Behavior 1. Leaders

2. Artifacts 2. Social Groups 2. Power

3. Humanity 3. Interaction 3. Authority

4. Past 4. Institutions 4. Government

5. Present 5. Problems 5. Laws

ANTHROPOLOGY ▪ Anthropology is the study of humanity

and culture. They analyze human
remains and artifacts. And consider the
past, to see how human groups lived
hundreds or thousands of years ago
and what was important to them, and
so the present is.
SOCIOLOGY ▪ Sociology is the study of social
problems of human behavior. They
investigate the structure of social
groups, institutions, and the people’s
interaction within these contexts.

POLITICAL SCIENCE ▪ Political Science is the study of

politics, power, laws, and
government’s problems. It is based on
the leader’s authority and influence to
achieve social order in the society.

Situation Discipline in Social Problem Solutions

A. Shamanism was a ANTHROPOLOGY Some -People should understand that
primitive form of people judge there are different religions but
religion in some of how ancient despite the differences people
the countries in the people tend should learn to respect it. The
world. Ancient to ask help Government should ignite the
people tend to ask from the campaign of acknowledging
helped from the shaman or and respecting all religions and
shaman or babaylan babaylan to beliefs we have.
to turn away bad turn away
spirits and to bad spirits -Schools should have a proper
communicate the of their dead lesson about the different
sprits of their dead family religions and beliefs that we
family members. members, as have to teach and let the
Some people judge it violates younger generations
this kind of act as it the rule of acknowledge and respect all
violates the rule of God. religions and beliefs we have to
avoid discrimination.
B. Mario came from a SOCIOLOGY Despite -Keep and strengthen more the
rich family in Mario’s campaign against bullying and
Cababaan City and status in the discrimination.
graduated Suma society, he
Cumlaude. Despite was still -Educate the younger
his status in the bullied and generation about bullying and
society, he was experienced teach them to speak for their
bullied and a lot of selves and use their voice to
experienced a lot of physical, help and fight against bullying
physical, psychologic and discrimination. Utilize all
psychological, and al, and social media platforms to
emotional abuse emotional educate everyone.
from the people abuse from
around him. the people
around him.
C. In the island of POLITICAL Mayor Roel -The list of records for the
Mariwasa, Mayor SCIENCE Baliguat’s public funds should be checked
Roel Baliguat is malicious and publicized on where the
famous because he use of public money will fall on to. It can be
came from the funds done legally with all the people
who are concerned regarding
most powerful
the issue to prove the innocence
family in the place,
of Mayor Roel.
and He is known in
promoting tourism -If Mayor Roel will be found
in their area. But guilty of his malicious use of
the residents are public funds then he should be
mad at him because put into jail to pay his
of his malicious consequence of doing such
use of public funds. crime. And the people should
vote for an honest mayor on the
next election.
Scenario 1: The first thing I will do is to conquer my fear and approach the youth
carefully and communicate using the English language, ask him/her if he/she doesn’t like the
food/menu and try my best to also do hand gesture while talking, for him/her to understand even
a little just for us to communicate and understand each other.
Scenario 2: Before anything else, I will instantly bring my cousin to a doctor for a
checkup on what happened on her stomach before I blame someone. I still believed on medical
more than those black magic. And I believe that the said witch will not do something to you if
you don’t care about them, unless you do something to them that made them do something to you
also. So, I’ll ask my cousin what the reason was, why is she blaming the witch before I can
conclude or blame the witch.
Scenario 3: First, I will approach my father carefully and respectfully about that and try
to tell him that it isn’t good, and it will never be the solution for him to win. Instead, he can do
campaign more to convince more people to vote for him and do good activities like helping and
giving foods for those people who needed food than buying votes to win. I’ll try to convince my
father that if he’d do buy votes, yes, he may win but karma will eventually come, and it can bring
him down. If he’d still do it, well it is his own choice, but I will let him know that I will not do it
and I will not support him to win.

Statements Reflection

❖ In order to appreciate the essential ➢ The term “holistic development” refers

components of holistic development of to the development of one’s
an individual, one must learn to intellectual, mental, physical,
internalize the importance of culture emotional, and social skills in order to
society & politics. face the demands and obstacles of
everyday life. Once an individual
learns to internalize, accept,
understand, and love his/her culture,
society, and politics and even the
importance of it, he/she can appreciate
his/her development. Every individual
has different personality traits,
interests, preferences, values, attitude,
strengths, and weaknesses. I also
believe that learning to understand our
culture, society and politics is a step
for us to know and understand

❖ Understanding the human action and ➢ When it comes to social phenomena,

the emergence of social phenomena, everything that is impacted or
means understanding the opinions and influenced by creatures that are alive
beliefs that guide individual in making enough to communicate with one
a sound decision. another is termed a social
phenomenon. We have different
beliefs and opinion, and it reflects on
our actions and our decision making.
Understanding one’s action really
means also understanding the opinions
and beliefs that influence them on
making such decision. Because our
beliefs and opinions is the force that
drives us to do things.

1. Dr. Yenxi is anthropologists in America, she usually studies about humans and its languages
use, culture, biological and material remains. As an anthropologist, these are the most
common questions he usually asked, EXCEPT.
A. How do people adapt to different environments?
B. How did humans evolve?
C. What kind of diversity is found in humans?
D. What government actions tend to increase or reduce unemployment?
2. Nelson is a young traveler from Taiwan. He loves to visit the different places in like
Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand. He was amazed with the wonders of nature, tasted a lot of
food, appreciates their dress, and witnessed the different festivals in the different countries.
What realization do you think he can gain from this situation?
A. He will learn the similarities and differences of various cultures and provides
explanation for the existence of different cultural pattern.
B. He can examine which culture is better than the other.
C. He can recommend to his friends which country has a good government system
through their culture.
D. He can examine his role in the society and contribute something to attain social
3. Nadia is a college student of Mariwasa University and she undergone research study about the
life of the Moro people in the Philippines, which of the following are the major elements of a
society in which she must take into consideration?
A. language, location, population & shared culture
B. language, common vision, population & shared culture
C. language, location, population & common vision
D. Language, location, population & physical characteristics
4. The Philippines is inhabited by several ethnic groups in which majority of the population is
composed of ethno- linguistic groups whose languages are Austronesian, also known as
MalayoPolynesian, in origin. Which of the following best describes about their society?
A. The ethnic groups shared a common culture and occupied a certain territory.
B. The ethnic groups manifest similarity in their culture but uses different language.
C. The ethnic groups shared a certain territory but came from different races.
D. The ethnic group comprises of different races and occupies a certain territory.
5. Mursi woman in Africa redefine beauty in their culture having a lip plate. They exhibit a
distinctive characteristic as a tribal group in the society. What is the implication of this
A. Wearing a lip plate in Mursi tribe manifest a physical abuse among women in
B. The culture of wearing lip plate in Mursi tribe is a sign of mortality.
C. Mursi woman exhibits a unique identity of their own.
D. Mursi woman wear a lip plate because it is a sign of power in their society.
6. Mario came from a rich family in Cababaan City and graduated Suma Cumlaude. Being a
member of the LGBTQ, despite his status in the society, he was bullied and experienced a lot of
physical, psychological, and emotional abuse from the people around him. This phenomenon
refers to_______________.
A. Economic problem C. Health related issues
B. Emotional issues D. Social problem
7. The disciplines of social sciences enable us to understand the various aspects of man in
relation to society and culture. Is this true?

A. Yes, it’s true since the disciplines of social science studies about human
interaction and cultural variation.

B. Yes, it’s true since it studies how effective human being lived in the society
because of its culture.
C. No. because Social Science as nothing to do with culture and society.
D. No, because its only concern is the study of inanimate natural objects.
8. Sociology refers to the study of the behavior of every individual and a group in the society.
Which of the following situations does the latter statement refers to?
A. Marissa attended a mass in honor of St. Gabriel in their barangay and joined
others in the celebration through cultural dances and theatre.
B. Mayor Mandy Nga implemented a 10:00 in the evening curfew in order to attain
a peaceful and orderly barangay and to lessen the crimes.
C. Political Science
D. Nena was married for 5 years already but still lives with her parents because she
wanted to take care of them for the rest of their lives.
9. Culture refers to a complex whole that encompasses the beliefs, practices, norms, and attitudes
of an individual or group of people. What situation below is best suited in the statement? A.
Nadia attending a political rally near the city hall.
B. Barry participates in a mass registration in the office of the Commission on
C. The mother of Missy is known to be a strict mother in which she usually
asked not to join in any party with her barkada especially at night.
D. Mang Danny brought his son Danilo to a faith healer in order to cure his
10. Emma Cruz was awarded as the most outstanding employee of Mabuhay City Hall in the
Mabuhay City. She devoted her time in giving public service and attend to the needs of the
people in the city without expecting something in return, but she wanted to pursue her studies
and enroll in Public Administration. What do you think is her reason for enrolling in relation
to her work at the city hall?
A. In order to be famous and acquire more knowledge about how to gain the
trust of the people in the city.
B. She needs the knowledge and practical skills she can get in her studies in
order to be a better public servant without violating any laws.
C. In order to know more on how to hold an office and be a part of any
government a institutions someday.
D. She needs to enroll in the course in order to gain insights on the relationship
of human life in different perspective.

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