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Safety & Risk Engineering

Hazard and Operability Analysis


Course lecturer: Dr. Musamali


This is a structured and systematic examination of a

planned or existing process or operation in order to identify
and evaluate potential hazards and operability
problems; or to ensure the functioning ability of equipment
in accordance with the design intent.

A HAZOP is a qualitative technique based on guide-words

and is carried out by a multi-disciplinary team (HAZOP team)
during a set of meetings.

• The technique of HAZOP studies, or in more common
terms HAZOPs, is used for identifying potential hazards
and operability problems caused by deviations from the
design intent of both new and existing process plants.

• Each item of the equipment/machine will need to

consistently function in a particular manner.

• It is this manner which could be classified as the

'design intent' for that particular item.

• The HAZOP analysis technique uses a systematic process
to identify possible deviations from normal operations and
ensures that appropriate safeguards are in place to help
prevent accidents.

• Hazop uses special adjectives combined with process

conditions to systematically consider all credible deviations
from normal conditions.

• The adjectives, called guide words, are a unique feature of

HAZOP analysis.

When to perform HazOp?
• The HAZOP study should preferably be carried out as
early in the design phase as possible - to have influence
on the design.

• On the other hand; to carry out a HAZOP a complete

design is needed.

• As a compromise, the HAZOP is usually carried out as a

final check when the detailed design has been completed.

• A HAZOP study may also be conducted on an existing

facility to identify modifications that should be
implemented to reduce risk and operability problems.
HAZOP studies may also be performed:
• At the initial concept stage when design drawings are

• When the final piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&

ID) are available.

• During construction and installation to ensure that

recommended actions are implemented.

• During commissioning.

• During operation to ensure that plant emergency and

operating procedures are regularly reviewed and updated
as required. 6
Basic concept

 Essentially the HAZOP study procedure involves taking

a full description of a process and systematically
questioning every part of it to establish how deviations
from the design intent can arise.

 Once deviations are identified, an assessment is made

as to whether such deviations and their consequences
can have a negative effect upon safety and efficient
operation of the plant.

Definitions of Terms
• STUDY NODES - A node is a specific location in the
process in which (the deviations of) the design/process
intent are evaluated.
Examples might be: Separators, heat exchangers,
scrubbers, pumps, compressors, interconnecting pipes
with equipment etc.

• INTENTION (Design intent) - defines how the plant is

expected to operate in the absence of deviations at the
study nodes.

 This is qualitatively described as an activity (e.g., feed,

reaction, sedimentation) and/or quantitatively in the
process parameters such as temperature, flow rate,
pressure, composition, etc. 9
• DEVIATIONS - a way(s) in which the process conditions
may depart from their design/process intent. It is created by
combining guide words with process parameters resulting in
a possible deviation from design intent.
• e.g., More pressure, High concentration, Reverse
flow, etc.

• CAUSES - These are the reasons why deviations might

occur. These causes can be failures of hardware, human
errors, an unanticipated process state (e.g., change of
composition), external disruptions (e.g., loss of power), etc.


These are the relevant parameters for the conditions of
the process. e.g. power, temperature, voltage, data,
direction, etc. 10
• CONSEQUENCES - These are the results of the deviations,
should they occur .

 e.g., release of toxic materials

• GUIDE WORD - A short word used to create the

imagination of a deviation of the design/process intent. For
example, less, more ,no, reverse, etc. Are used to qualify or
quantify the intention and so discover deviations.

 Each guide word is applied to the process variables at

the point in the plant (study node) which is being
SAFEGUARD: These are facilities that help to reduce the
frequency of occurrence of the deviation or to mitigate its

There are five types of safeguards that:

1) Identify the deviation (e.g. , detectors and alarms,

and human operator detection)

2) Compensate for the deviation (e.g., an automatic

control system that reduces the feed to a vessel in case
of overfilling it. These are usually an integrated part of
the process control system)
3) Prevent the deviation from occurring (e.g., an
inert gas blanket in storages of flammable

4) Prevent further escalation of the deviation (e.g.

, by (total) trip of the activity. These facilities are
often interlocked with several units in the process,
often controlled by computers )

5) Relieve the process from the hazardous

deviation (e.g. , pressure safety valves (PSV ) and
vent systems)

Keywords - are divided into two sub-sets:

 Primary Keywords which focus attention upon a

particular aspect of the design intent or an associated
process condition or parameter. These are such as: Flow,
Pressure, Temperature, Composition, Level etc.

 Secondary Keywords (e.g. No, Less, More, Part off,

Reverse, etc) which, when combined with a primary
keyword, suggest possible deviations or problems.

N.B. It should be noted that not all combinations of

Primary/Secondary keywords are appropriate. For
example, Temperature/No, or Pressure/Reverse could be
considered as meaningless.

Guidelines for HAZOPs

 Define the purpose, objectives, and scope of the


 Select the team,

 Prepare for the study,

 Carry out the team review,

 Record the results.

a) Define the purpose, objectives, and scope of the

 The purpose, objectives, and scope of the study

should be made as clear as possible.

 These objectives are normally set by the person

responsible for the plant or project, assisted by the
HazOp study leader (perhaps the plant or corporate
safety officer).

 Once the system is defined, then nodes (boundaries)
that provide a logical breakdown of major subsystems
(or components) for examination are selected.

 Once the nodes are selected, the analyst should obtain

all available necessary documents, including drawings,
specifications, schematics, component lists, etc to
complete the analysis.

 Piping and instrumentation drawings (P&ID) are also

important. 18
b) Select a Team

Hazop is brainstorming process in a team of individuals with

expertise in different areas.

– The team identifies the means through which

deviation from the design intent can occur.

– The team further determines whether these

deviations, collectively or individually, might create a
 Ideally, the team consists of five to seven members.

 If the team is too large, the group approach


 If the group is too small, it may lack the breadth

of knowledge needed to assure completeness.

 The team should comprise of experts in areas relevant to
the plant operation.

• Design engineer

• Process engineer

• Operations supervisor

• Instrument design engineer

• Chemist

• Maintenance supervisor

• Safety engineer (if not HazOp leader).

c) Prepare for the study

 The amount of preparation depends upon the size and

complexity of the plant.

 The preparative work consists of three stages:

i. Obtaining the necessary data

ii. Converting the data to a suitable form and

iii. Planning the study sequence; and arranging the

d) Carry out the team review (Hazop study)

 The HazOp study requires that the plant schematic be

divided into study nodes (locations) and that the process
at these points be addressed with the guide words.

 The method applies all of the guide words in turn and

either of two outcomes is recorded:

 the deviation with its causes and consequences or

 more information is needed.

e) Record the Results
• The recording process is an important part of the
• A HazOp form should be filled out during the
• An example of the result form is given in the figure

The success or failure of Hazop study depends on;

 The completeness and accuracy of drawings and other

data used as a basis for the study,

 The technical skills and insights of the team,

 The ability of the team to use the approach as an aid to

their imagination in visualizing deviations, causes, and

 The ability of the team to concentrate on the more

serious hazards which are identified.

Advantages of HAZOP
HAZOP is the most widely used method of analysis in process

 Most systematic and comprehensive of

 Can be used in conjunction with Human Error
 Provides greatest safety assurance.
 Multidisciplinary study
 Utilizes operational experience
 Covers safety as well as operational aspects
 Solutions to the problems identified may be indicated
 Results are recorded

Disadvantages of HazOp
 Can be time consuming and costly.
• The HAZOP process systematically reviews credible
deviations, identifies potential accidents that can result
from the deviations, investigates engineering and
administrative controls to protect against the deviations,
and generate recommendations for system
• This detailed analysis process requires a substantial
commitment of time from both the analysis facilitator and
other subject matter experts, such as crew members,
engineering personnel, equipment vendors, etc.

 Can be tedious if not well facilitated

Hazop Procedures

1. Divide the system into sections (i.e., reactor, storage)

2. Choose a study node (i.e., line, vessel , pump , operating
3. Describe the design intent
4. Select a process parameter
5. Apply a guide-word
6. Determine cause(s)
7. Evaluate consequences/problems
8. Recommend action : What? When ? Who?
9. Record information
10. Repeat procedure (from step 2 above)

HazOp methodology

End of lecture


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