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Removal of Term Limits among Government

One of the controversial issues in our country is the removal of term limits among the
government officials, term limits means that the law legally restricts Government
Officials to a certain amount of years. It is a controversial issue to remove the term limit
among the Government Officials, according to some politicians, having a term limit is
also limiting them to do their plans.

Back in the senate discussion in 2019 Governor by that year, Imee Marcos, who’s now
a senator, supported the abolishing of term limits. According to her argument, the
implementation of term limits by The 1987 Constitution was not successfully repealed
by the political dynasties in the Philippines.Term limitations are the reason why relatives
within the second degree of consanguinity in the Philippines tend to compete in the
same elections, according to Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano in 2020, who comes from a
political dynasty.

Is it because of the term limit that's why we have political dynasties? Will removing the
term limit among our Government officials will finally abolish political dynasties?

Many modern democracies countries like India, Japan, Mexico, and the Philippines
have strong political dynasties. Political families already figured out how to get around
the term limits and it is by supporting their family members who are running for a
position in our government.

It is already existing way before the introduction of term limits. The fact that several
politicians were forced to step down after serving a total of three terms suggests that the
term limits that were implemented in this case may have facilitated the establishment of
dynasties. But it was easier for these politicians to bypass term limits by handing over or
trading positions with family members because there was no anti-dynasty statute and
no strong institutions or conditions to create a pipeline of alternative leaders.

Relevantly, despite having a clear mandate to do so from the 1987 Constitution,

parliamentarians have not succeeded in passing a law that controls political dynasties in
the nation. Consequently, the rise of political dynasties should not be considered an
unexpected result. We should also point out that political dynasties are a worldwide
phenomena, not only in the Philippines. However, the claim made in a 2012 Sydney
Morning Herald article that some of the most "established" traditional political families in
the nation are "dynasties on steroids" is cause for concern. (Uy, 2020 cited Dent, 2012)

Term limitations might not have been strong enough to withstand political clans'
adaptive behavior. However, the absence of an anti-dynasty law, weak political parties,
and other political reforms likely offered an overall conducive environment for the growth
of political dynasties. The term limit was just one of several variables to take into
account in this situation.

The claim that term limit is the hindrance for Politicians to do their job right and is the
barrier to continue their plan, this claim is false. They are completely incompetent as a
leader with or without the term limit. Removing the term limit is just an excuse for them
to justify that incompetence.

A government that is prepared to commit to change, advancement, and progress

currently exists as a result of the Soviet Union's successful term-limit policy. Term
limitations put pressure on political parties to cultivate fresh members who would
support their views. This will ensure the existence of a competent government that
disregards conventional norms and acts as a progressive actor for the good of its

Also, term limits allow fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to enter our
administration to address issues facing our nation and removing them may deeply affect
our Government and our constitutional law.

According to Casey Burgat of Brookings, term limits take away the power from voters by
severely curtailing the choice of voters. But, term limits ensure that no one can
monopolize a political post while maintaining our freedom to vote; they target dictatorial
leaders and tyrants. Term limits safeguard our right to vote since, without them, dictators
may easily consolidate power and stifle all of our rights, including the freedom to vote.

Term limits are essential to our Government especially when it comes to politicians who
have the possibility to abuse their power. Opposing parties have little motive to
overthrow the system through coups or other means because political transitions are
common, foreseeable processes.

Also, term limits are the first barrier to a dictatorial leader. We must remember to learn
from Martial Law and the implications of it because of not having a term limit, a leader
who becomes too powerful abuses his power that leads people to suffer. Having a term
limit can stop a politician from abusing his power but we must also know that with the
right anti-dynasty law, it can still make our government more efficient.

Querubin, P. (2012). Political Reform and Elite Persistence: Term Limits and

Political Dynasties in the Philippines. New York University (NYU), Department of

Politics. New York: SSRN. Retrieved from

Burgat, C. (2018, January 18). Five reasons to oppose congressional term limits.

Brookings Institution. Retrieved November 9, 2022, from


Uy, R. (2020). Term Limits and Political Dynasties in the Philippines: Unpacking the

Links. De La Salle University. Retrieved November 9, 2022, from



Cepeda, M. (2020, July 20). Term limits 'created' political dynasties, says Cayetano.



Kaufman, S. (2016, January 28). Term limits on presidents are a good thing. Here's why.

Young African Leaders Initiative. Retrieved November 9, 2022, from

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