CSE310 - CoffeshopManagement-UserExperienceAnalysisAndDesign - Trọng - Bình - Minh Ngọc Hà

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Phạm Văn Trọng – 1531200021
Phạm Sơn Bình – 1831200035

Hà Minh Ngọc

Binh Duong, 24/07/2021


1. General information
Project TITLE: Coffeshop Management - User Experience Analysis and

Student name and ID 1: Phạm Văn Trọng - 1531200021

Student name and ID 2: Phạm Sơn Bình - 1831200035

Supervisor name 1: Hà Minh ngọc

Supervisor name 1:

2. Descriptive comments
2.1. Presentation (layout, format, style, confidence)

2.2. Content (Originality and contribution)

2.3. Outcome (Creativity and practice)

2.4. Performance during questions and answers

3. Suggestion for improvement (optional)

Total Score: …/100 Binh Duong, Date:



With the development of information technology today, the application of information

technology to work management is increasingly popular. There are many technologies
and platforms to create a store management application such as XAML, XAMPP, Java
Swing, MVC, ... etc. For the cafe management software we will study the front-end and
back-end of the application. Java Swing is a structure that will show the user interface
to the client and they will perform operations on it, so Java Swing will be the user
interface. As for the back-end, the software uses the XAMPP database to store
information that users manipulate on the application interface. Overall, with these
technologies, developers can build software for personal and business use.


Under the enthusiastic guidance of the lecturer (Teacher Ngoc), our team completed a
Desktop-based Desktop application developed using Java Swing for front-end design,
Java for coding and phpMyAdmin for back-end design. -end database. Through this
study, we learned how to create apps and improve the gaps in the app creation process
to develop better apps in the future.

Chapter 1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2. Description of technology and software............................................ 8
2.1 Background and overview of coffee shop industry ...................................... 8
2.1.1 Background ................................................................................................ 8
2.1.2 Objectives................................................................................................... 9
2.1.3 Users........................................................................................................... 9
2.1.4 Serving Procedure .................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Survey of technology ............................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Technology used in the project Coffee Shop Management System. ....... 13
Chapter 3. Setup and configuration .................................................................. 14
3.1 System requirements ................................................................................... 14
3.2 Program setting ........................................................................................... 14
Chapter 4.Fetures .............................................................................................. 19
4.1 Login ........................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Common features for employees and administrators ................................. 20
4.2.1 Sell ........................................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Setting ...................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Addmin fetures ............................................................................................ 21
4.3.1 Manage ..................................................................................................... 21
4.3.2 Statistical .................................................................................................. 24
Chapter 5. Discussion ....................................................................................... 26
References ......................................................................................................... 27

Figure 1. Top primary language (Source: JetBrains). ....................................... 11
Figure 2. Top Database in 2020 (Source: JetBrains). ....................................... 12
Figure 3. Top database tool 2020 (Source: JetBrains). ..................................... 13
Figure 4. Data flow diagrams. ........................................................................... 14
Figure 5. Desk table data page. ......................................................................... 15
Figure 6. Invoice table data page. ..................................................................... 15
Figure 7. Activity detail table data page. .......................................................... 16
Figure 8. Account table data page..................................................................... 16
Figure 9. Item group table data page. ............................................................... 17
Figure 10. Menu table data page. ...................................................................... 17
Figure 11. ConnectionSQL example................................................................. 18
Figure 12. Login page ....................................................................................... 19
Figure 13. Admin home page ............................................................................ 19
Figure 14. Employee homepage ....................................................................... 19
Figure 15. Example of input data ...................................................................... 20
Figure 16. Example of automatic billing .......................................................... 21
Figure 17. Password change page ..................................................................... 21
Figure 18. Menu management page .................................................................. 22
Figure 19. Desk management page ................................................................... 23
Figure 20. Menu group management page ....................................................... 23
Figure 21. Account management page.............................................................. 24
Figure 22. Statistics page .................................................................................. 25

Chapter 1. Introduction
Currently, Coffee Shop management is widely used by most of the Coffee Shop
owners from small business to large chain coffee shop, this means Coffee Shop
management software play an important role in the coffee shop industry. The software
is installed in the main computer of the shop and is suitable for organizing a coffee shop
with at least 5 or more tables that might need to serve 50 customers at the same time at
busy hours without costing a lot of money.
Store management is an important job for a coffee shop, this helps the store to
capture store operation information to guide future store expansion and development.
Therefore, the management software Coffee shop management was born to meet the
above needs. What is coffee shop management software?
Coffee Shop Management System is a Desktop based application developed using
Java Swing for front-end design, Java for coding and phpMyAdmin for back-end
database. Now, talking about the Admin Panel, an administrator has full control over
the system. He/she can view the total cash transactions through sales invoice statistics
for the day and selected period, add coffee items, delete items, edit menu item
information and item groups, customize add, delete, edit service desk, in addition to
managing employee accounts such as adding, deleting and editing account information.
While adding coffee items, user should fill item name, item type, unit of measure, and
price. All Coffee bill of the day can be viewed from Statistical tables.
Features designed to manage your coffee shop in the best possible way, solving
most of your coffee shop problems. While it's simple and has a lot of room for
improvement, it's still a good program to start with because it's free and extremely easy
to use.

Chapter 2. Description of technology and software
2.1 Background and overview of coffee shop industry.
The main purpose preparing these documents is to give a general insight into the
problems of the existing system. The proposed software will be able to solve all the
challenges to become practical and useful for users.
2.1.1 Background.
Since the beginning of coffee shop industry, every coffee shop has been using
traditional way of serving a customer by having the waiter to go at table to take order
then the orders will be passed to the bartender and once again paid at the cashier. There
are too many steps which make it longer for each customer to be served. Also, these
processes seem to be too clumsy too to handle many customers at the same time and
errors are more likely to happen. As a result, the customers experience can potentially
ruined. Cafe owners face a business environment with unique challenges. How to
balance between providing the right quality, pricing and ambience, managing with
minimal staff and with the outstanding customer service that make the shop dominate
their opponent in market field.
A typical coffee shop usually can not afford to has many employees. The low
number of workers often translates to slow and, sometimes, inefficient service. Using
A Coffee Shop software that has a solid POS system can turn things around in terms of
order management and service. Using a touchscreen monitor, your cashier can ring up
a customer order and process the payment or save the ticket a POS system eliminates
the need for using pen and paper, thereby reducing waste and the likelihood of serving
incorrect customer orders in traditional method.

Without a coffee shop management system, cashiers and coffee shop owners had
to memorize product prices and do payment calculations in their head. At first if there
are only a few types of product this seems plausible but when there are a lot of orders
at the same time, this quite seems impossible to do correctly. The software provides a
calculation tool almost immediately with accuracy and can be easily customized
anytime such as adding more items or payment discount. It makes the payment process
faster, easier but also more accurate with no error.
In term off management, this software is far more superior than the traditional ways
by records all transactions that happen in your coffee shop. If you want to review the
sales of the day or for the whole week, you simply pull out the data. You will then know

how much money you made or spent on supplies. You can also use the data from your
system to know which products are performing well and which ones are not. You can
then decide to pull out or replace these menu items, especially if you are losing a lot of
money on them. More importantly, you can produce print outs of your sales data when
you need to submit them to your investors or to include in your year-end reports.
2.1.2 Objectives.
The usage of Coffee Shop Management System would ultimately reduce the
overall management costs thus ensuring greater profits and reduced burdens. The
system is very easy to use and can adjust into any business frame.
➢ Desktop based application is very easy to access.

➢ Make it easy for staff to know if a table is available or not so that they can choose
a table for new customers.
➢ Accurate and fast calculation for check-out when charging.
➢ Simple interface, easy to interact to speed up staff operations. Save time and
improve the customer experience.
➢ Clear database: store and display table, sales, revenue, inventory and aggregate
information to help managers review store performance.
➢ Flexibility: Managers can easily adjust menus, inventory, employee accounts at
any time as needed.
➢ Optimized the way the manager controls his cafe, much easier and more convenient.

➢ Data and Records are managed in centralized database. Data is secure and easy to
retrieve, store, and analysis, so chances of miscalculations and occurrence of error are
very less.
2.1.3 Users.
The software is designed for two users: employees and managers
- Customers have not interacted directly with the software, have not ordered food and
drinks from staff.
- Staff receive customers' orders and charge when customers want. Employees can only
perform those two operations with the support of the software.
- Managers can use all employee functions, in addition can access and interact with the
database by:
➢Add/edit/delete and create prices for each product

➢Add/edit/delete tables

➢Revenue management
➢Allow other users to use

` ➢Employee account management

➢Save and restore the database
2.1.4 Serving Procedure.
When customers come to the cafe, the staff will help customers choose the right
table based on the display on the software screen, then display the menu and let the
customer choose the food and drink they want. Then write them down on a note and go
back to the bar and add the ordered products to the customer's table number. The
selected table changes the status color to “served” (red) and stores all received
information such as arrival time, product name, quantity, and price before charging.
During this process, customers can add more items to their bill or cancel an ordered
item for another. When guests want to leave, they signal to the staff to check the bill,
the staff interacts with the software by clicking on the table number and taking the bill
to automatically calculate when the cafe has the sales they have. Discounts can be added
here. step. Once charged, the board's status color will change to "free" (green). When
the invoice is finished, all information will be updated into the database, the manager
can view the entire invoice later in the statistics section. This helps managers evaluate
their performance over a certain period of time such as a day, a week, a month, or a
year. Also, when there is new information like new employee, manager can easily
create/update account, new product,...etc.
2.2.1 Survey of technology.
This survey presents the combined results of the fourth annual Developer
Ecosystem Survey conducted by JetBrains. Feedback from 19,696 developers in the
beginning of 2020 to identify the latest trends around tools, technologies, programming
languages, and many other exciting facets of the development world.
According to JetBrains, each survey including over 300 questions, all the surveys
was were based on the 20,000 responses collected from 18 countries. The current
dataset consists of 23,589 responses, including those collected from outside of the
initially targeted countries.

In term of programming language, Java is the most popular primary programming
language and JavaScript is the most used overall programming language. While Python
is currently the most studied language.

Figure 1: Top primary language (Source: JetBrains).

Python has overtaken Java in the list of languages used in the last 12 months. It is
the most studied language. In the last 12 months 30% of respondents have started or
continued to learn Python — even more than last year. Python, Go, Kotlin, are the top
3 languages developers are planning to adopt or migrate to.
In term of database, MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB take the lead as the
most popular databases.

Figure 2: Top Database in 2020 (Source: JetBrains).
The list of popular tools for working with database has not changed much in recent
year, database users seem to be extremely conservative when it comes to change: most
of the developers surveyed do not plan to migrate this year. Command Line, JetBrains
IDE, MySQL Workbench are the most trusted platforms in the survey. The ranking is
not change much from 2019’s survey.

Figure 3: Top database tool 2020 (Source: JetBrains).
2.2.2 Technology used in the project Coffee Shop Management System.
Coffee Shop management is a simple software written by Java using Netbeans 8.1
in order to help coffee shop manager boost their shop’s efficiency. All the code are
update free on sharecode.vn[1].
this project was developed using the below technology.
- JavaScript: all the business logic and user interfere has been developed by JavaScript
- Netbeans 8.1[2]: Java coding software
- PhpMyAdmin: used as the database for the project
- XAMPP[3]: tool software to create local host web server.

Chapter 3. Setup and configuration

3.1 System requirements.

❖ Operating system: windows 64 bit.

❖ Database: MYSQL connector, XAMPP.
❖ Font: Unicode fonts like: Arial, Tahoma, Times New Roman...etc.

3.2 Program setting.

The software uses the database "qlcafe", which is managed by the administrator. The
database includes tables to store data: "ban", "chitiethd", "hoadon", "nhhommon",
"thucdon", "taikhoan". The account is set up with two user rights, "admin" and "user".
The admin account has access to all functions in the app, the level 1 setup account is
admin rights. The user account can only use the sales and installation functions with a
level other than level 1. The software can be used on multiple computers in the same
local network through the computer's IP.

❖ Create database: Start XAMPP and create database “qlcafe”.

Figure 4: Data flow diagrams.

❖ Data Structures

After carefully understanding the requirements of the client the the entire data storage
requirements are divided into tables. The below tables are normalized to avoid any
anomalies during the course of data entry.

Figure 5: Desk table data page.

Figure 6: Invoice table data page.

Figure 7: Activity detail table data page.

Figure 8: Account table data page.

Figure 9: Item group table data page.

Figure 10: Menu table data page.

❖ Connection configuration settings:

Open Applications folder → Open ConnectSQL.java →Edit configuration

information same as yours
8", "root", ""); )→ Press Ctrl + S to save.

Figure 11: ConnectionSQL example.

❖ Open the Application folder.

❖ Start the QL_CAFE_1.jar.

Chapter 4. Features

4.1 Login.

Login section includes username and password.

Figure 12: Login page.

❖ Admin: Username “admin”, Password “admin”.

Figure 13: Admin home page.

❖ Staff : Username “nhanvien”, Password “1”.

Figure 14: Employee homepage.

4.2 Common features for employees and administrators.

The staff feature can only use sales and settings, the two functions on admin and
staff are the same.

4.2.1 Sell.

In the sales function there is a table containing all the desk set up with three color
states, green is "Serving", pink is "Reserved", blue is "Free". When the user clicks on
the table, there will be a function to book a table and order food. When you click to
book a table, it will change to the "Reserved" state. When the user clicks to order, the
program will display the menu and list of dishes, the price of the dish is the default,
cannot be adjusted, the user can only adjust the quantity, after the user has finished
editing, press “Agree” , then the desk status will change to "Serving", clicking cancel
will exit the order.

Figure 15: Example of input data.

Automatic payment: The total amount on the invoice will be calculated

automatically, when the user enters the amount given by the customer, the remaining
amount will be calculated automatically. When clicking confirm, the information will
be saved in the statistics table, click "Cancel" to stop the invoice.

Figure 16: Example of automatic billing.

4.2.2 Setting.

In settings allow user to change password.In this section include default account
name, old password, new password, re-enter password. New password must not exceed
30 characters, use collation "utf8_vietnamese_ci".

Figure 17: Password change page.

4.3 Admin features.

In addition to two general functions similar to those of employees, administrators

also have some specific functions such as management and statistics.

4.3.1 Manage.

❖ Menu management: User can add, edit or delete menu items. Clicking "Add" will
display an information table including: item name, item group, unit price, unit of

measure, confirmation and cancellation. When the user fills the form and clicks
confirm, the information is added to the menu panel, clicking cancel will stop
adding the item. After clicking on the item in the menu, Click on "Edit" the program
will appear information like "Add" section, User can edit all the information in the
table. As for "Delete", users only need to click on the dish in the menu and press
delete, the program will display a table containing two states "yes", "no", if clicking
"yes", the dish will be deleted , "no" cancels the operation.

Figure 18: Menu management page.

❖ Desk manager:Users can add, edit or delete desk in the desk list table. Clicking
"Add" will display a table of information including: table name, confirmation and
cancellation. The table name is only allowed to enter numbers, when the user fills
in the form and clicks confirm, the information will be added to the desk list table,
clicking Cancel will cancel the desk addition. After clicking on the desk in the desk
list, Click on "Edit" the program will appear information like "Add" section, User
can edit all the information in the table. As for "Delete", users just need to click on
the desk in the list of desk and press delete, the program will display a table
containing two states "yes", "no", if clicking "yes", the type of dish. will be
displayed. deleted, "no" aborts the operation.

Figure 19: Desk management page.

❖ Manage group of dishes: Users can add, edit or delete items in the item group.
Clicking "Add" will display a table of information including: row name, color,
confirmation and cancellation. When the user fills in the form and clicks confirm,
the information will be added to the item group table, clicking cancel will stop
adding the item. After clicking on the item in the item group, Click on "Edit" the
program will appear information like "Add" section, User can edit all the
information in the table. As for "Delete", users only need to click on the type of
dish in the dish group and click delete, the program will display a table containing
two states "yes", "no", if clicking "yes", the type of dish will be deleted, "no"
cancels the operation.

Figure 20: Menu group management page.

❖ Account management: Users can add, edit or delete accounts in the accounts table.
Clicking "Add" will display an information panel including: account name,
password, level, confirmation and cancellation. When the user fills in the form and
clicks confirm, the information is added to the accounts table, clicking cancel will
stop adding the account. After clicking on the account name in the table, Clicking
on "Edit" the program will appear information like the "Add" section, Users can
edit all the information in the table. As for "Delete", users only need to click on the
account name and click delete, the program will display a table containing two
states "yes", "no", if clicking "yes", the type of dish will be deleted. , "no" cancels
the operation..

Figure 21: Account management page.

4.3.2 Statistical.

In the statistics section, users can view all store management information such as:
Statistics by invoice, statistics by item, total number of bills paid, into cash, discount,
proceeds, total number of tables, total number of dishes, total number of categories,
total number of accounts. Information can be viewed for each time period selected by
the user

Figure 22: Statistics page.

Chapter 5. Discussion
Currently in Vietnam there are many coffee shop management software,
each software has different advantages and disadvantages, but all have the same
purpose: to help shop owners, cafe managers operate the sales process and its
management. These Softwares are available everywhere on the internet that you can
contact to buy or rent. Most of the major software companies opt for a paid monthly
payment method with an additional fee per update that can range from $50 to $300
based on your subscription.
Coffee shop management tools would certainly be a good help as they can handle
most of the work and make it better but small businesses like home coffee shops with
low customer numbers only should consider using them when they have more
customers, as the software's monthly cost can be a burden for a new business in the
early stages. In fact, their functionality can be useful in large-scale business, it is not
worth investing in a system just to do a small job that you can do yourself.
Although the application fulfills most of the basic needs of the user; However,
there are still some limitations that have not been overcome, hope that it can be done in
the near future when enough time is available. Some other functions and features in the
coffee shop management system need to be implemented such as:
- Invoice printing design.
- Manage inventory and materials.
-Develop more functions on settings such as: Restore settings, update, ... etc
-Research and implement security in the system

[1] sharecode.vn, Phần mềm quản lý quán cafe, https://sharecode.vn/source-

[2] netbeans.apache.org, Netbeans download link ,


[3] apachefriends.org, XAMPP Download Link,



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