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1. Shows moral integrity and Complied to all school policies and procedures
professionalism at all times. and advocated for high standards of professional
and ethical conduct in the community.

2. Exhibits emotional stability Always calm and shows pleasant disposition;

and self-control. Consistent confident and positive even during
stressful conditions at work, never loses patience
and never allows others tension and anxiety to
affect workplace.

3. Shares expertise willingly Regulary emphasized important concepts and

and enthusiastically. skills appropriate to the content area, made
connections to other content areas and createsd
opportunities for interdisciplinary learning. He/she
consistently shared knowledge with
others and openly sought opportunities
for self and peers to increase skills where
enhanced outcomes are demonstrated.

4. Observes good grooming Always dressed in a highly

and proper attire. professional
manner following the school uniform as
Neat and well

5. Shows sincerity and All statements, responses and body language

maturity in dealing with are respectful and appropriate and always listens
superiors, peers and to, shares with, and supports the efforts of
students. others.


6. Shows openness to Actively seeks out feedback, questions
questions, suggestions, and suggestions from students,
reactions and criticisms. parents, colleagues, immediate superior and
school authorities and
use them to improve

7. Cooperates willingly with Demonstrates excellent

others in the achievement of teamwork skills, contributes
common goals. to group effort and actively
assists others to get jobs
completed; inspires others to
higher levels of participation

8. Shows positive attitude Always

and respect for everyone. reacts professionally under pressure and when
with difficult situations and consistently relied on
to provide excellent, prompt, friendly interaction
that maintains positive relationship with
superiors, colleagues and students.

9. Able to be resourceful and Monitors, defines, prioritizes and complete tasks

work without always being without direct oversight in a variety of conditions.
told what to do. Contributes valuable ideas and expertise and
intill in other a desire to improve student results.

10. Demonstrates leadership Leads people exceptionally well; easily achieves

in the workplace towards high productivity through teamwork; maintains a
attainment of a common goal good balance of task and people concern; and,
effectively communicates and motivates others
to solve group problemse while accomplishing a


11. Makes sound, effective Consistently participates in planning
and timely decisions and decision-making at the school
department, and/or grade level; and
consistently contributes ideas and
expertise that are critical to school
improvement efforts.

12. Demonstrates Exhibits and generates confidence in others

fairness/justice based on through professional and ethical behavior that
ethical and moral behavior exemplifies the values and objectives; and
establishes open and honest communication with
employees consistently.
4 3
Complied to some school policies and Complied to few school policies and
procedures and advocated for high standards of procedures and advocated for high
professional and ethical conduct in the standards of professional and ethical
community. conduct in the community.

Most of the time calm, confident and positive. Normally calm, confident and positive.
Occasionally loses emotional control during Occasionally loses emotional control during
stressful conditions. stressful conditions.

Regularly emphasized important concepts and Sometimes emphasized important concepts

skills appropriate to the content area and made and skills appropriate to the content area.
connections to other content areas. Mos of the He/she may show support
time he/she shared knowledge with others and for peers increasing skills but would
demonstrated support for peers rather learn separately.
increasing/developing skills. Was
aware of the potential for
enhancing outcomes.

Usually dressed in complete uniform as Occasionally dressed in a complete uniform

scheduled but with 1-2 instances reported of as scheduled but with 3-4 instances
not in uniform. Generally reported of not in uniform.Fairly neat.
neat and well-groomed

All statements and responses are respectful and Most statements, responses and body
appropriate body language was exhibited and language are respectful; occasionally had a
listens to, shares and supports others. negative tone. Does not always listen to,
share with, and support the efforts of others.


4 3
Seeks out effective teaching Is somewhat defensive but
ideas from students, does listen to feedback and
parents, colleagues, immediate superior and suggestions.
school authorities
workshops, and other sources
and implements them well.

Actively participates as a When asked, will serve on a

team member, contributes committee and attend an extra
to group effort and assists activity but seldom participates as a team
others to get jobs member.
completed as needed.

Greets superiors, colleagues and students Communicates respectfully and deals

in professional manner that superiors, colleagues and students in an
respects diversity and consistently provides unprofessional manner and does not always
excellent, prompt, friendly maintain
interaction that a positive relationship with them.
maintains a positive
relationship with them.

Monitors, defines, prioritizes and complete tasks Attempts to monitor, define, prioritize and
without direct oversight. Frequently contributes complete tasks without direct oversight. Is a
valuable ideas and expertise positive team player and
and instills in others a desire to contributes ideas, expertise,
improve student results. and time to the overall mission
of the school.

Leads people effectively; often gets job done Leads people adequately well; usually gets
through teamwork; all are productive; and, job done; and effectively communicates and
effectively communicates and motivates others motivates others to work toward a goal
to work toward a goal


4 3
Frequently contributes relevant Occasionally participate in planning and
ideas and expertise to planning decision-making at the school/department
and decision-making at the but
school/ department. rarely contributes relevant ideas or

The teacher eagerly generates opportunities for The teacher completes his or her own tasks
others; and always shows commitment and in a honest
display honesty in every task. and responsible manner that directly
contributes to reaching goals
2 1
Complied to few school policies and Complied to few school policies
procedures with one (1) complaint/ and procedures with more than
memorandum issued. one (1) complaint/ memorandum

Seldom seem to be stress but not Cannot handle stress. Highly

highly emotional and not into violent emotional and into violent
argument with other. argument with others.

Did not share important concepts Unwilling to share knowledge

and skills appropriate to the content with others; was outwardly
area. unsupportive of team members
increasing skills.

Occasionally acts and/or Frequently acts and/or dresses

dresses in an unprofessional in an unprofessional manner. Does
manner and seldom uses his/her not wear proper uniform.

Most statements, responses and Statements, responses and/or body

body language are seldom language were consistently
respectful; occasionally had a disrespectful. Rarely listens, shares
negative tone and oes not always and exerts effort.
listen to, share with, and support the
efforts of others.

2 1
Is somewhat defensive but Is very defensive about
does listen to feedback and criticism and resistant to
suggestions and not open to follow changing classroom practice and is
ideas for improvement. not open to ideas for
improving teaching and

Teamwork skills are limited and Declines invitations to serve

participation is sporadic; rarely on committees and attend
contributes to group effort to get jobs extra activities. Does not have
completed as needed teamwork
skills; unable to
contribute to group effort
and does not assist
others as needed

Seldom greets superiors, colleagues Is often insensitive and does not

and students and seldom maintains greet superiors,colleagues and
a students
positive relationship with them. in a professional manner;

Attempts to monitor, define, prioritize Rarely if ever contributes

and complete tasks with direct ideas that might help improve
oversight. Occasionally suggests an the school.
aimed at improving the

Seldom exercises leadership over Shows no sign of interest in

people; seldom gets job on time; and achieving a goal ; he/she cannot
attempts to work with others to reach lead, no teamwork and roductivity
a goal, but fails to communicate lows; and no balance of tasks and
effectively to solve a problem or people concerns.
motivate others

2 1
May participate in planning and Participates in planning and
decision-making at the decision-making at the
school/department but school/departmentl only when
rarely contributes relevant ideas or asked and rarely contributes
expertise. relevant ideas or expertise.

The teacher does not consistently The teacher demonstrates

demonstrate open and honest unprofessional behavior and
communication. engaged in inappropriate matter
that is offensive in the workplace;
improvement of being fair is

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