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Types of prepositions

What is preposition?

• A preposition shows the relationships of a noun or pronoun to another word of

the sentences.
• There are four main types of prepositions that we are going to study :
Prepositions of time
Preposition of place and direction
Preposition of agent
Preposition of instruments
Preposition of time
• Preposition of time is used to refer to time in various aspects.
• For examples: at, in, on, during, by...
• At: for precise time, hours, or minutes,...
• In: for months, years, centuries, seasons, general parts of days and long
• On: for days, holidays, and dates,....
Examples: I get up at 5 o’clock.
I went to USA in summer.
I will go to school on Monday.
• at 8 o’clock • in the morning • On Saturday...
• at noon • in the afternoon • On 7th of February
• at night • in the evening • On my birthday
• at bedtime • in May • On Independent Day
• at sunset • in 2008 • On Valentine’s Day
• at sunrise • in the next century • On New Year’s Day
• at the moment
• in the future • On Tuesday morning
• at lunchtime
• at midnight • in the past • On Saturday night
• in the present
Propositions of place and direction
• Preposition of place and direction is used to show the position or location of
noun or pronoun.
• They are: on, in, at, under, above, toward, to, into, near, next .....
• At: is usually used for a specific place, location or points, or group of activities.
• In: is mostly used for enclosed place or a large area like countries or cities.
• On: is usually used for surface, or streets, public transport,
Examples: The snake comes toward her.
Bopha sits next to her friend.
This train goes to Cambodia.
My teacher walks into the class.
at the bus stop In the car on the street
at home in the taxi on the table
at the coffee shop in the book on the bus
at the conference in the dictionary on the train
at the concert in Cambodia on the airplane
at school in Phnom Penh on the floor
at the table in the cinema on the roof
at the party on the TV
on the internet
I am at the bus stop.
John is in England.
The pen is on the table.

I am in the library. VS I am at the library.

Preposition of instruments
• Preposition of instrument is used for joining nouns such as instruments, devices,
machines, etc, to the other words in the sentence. They are by, with, on.

• Examples: He wants to go home by car.

This lock cannot be opened with the keys.
He breaks the wall with a hummer.
I write a letter with my own pen.
He transfers the money by Wing.
Can I finish my work on your computer?
Preposition of agent
 Preposition of agent is used to express a causal relationship between the noun
and an action.
 They are: by
 Examples:
An interesting novel book is written by John.
That noise is made by the kids.
The phone was repaired by me.
The schools are made by the government.

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