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Chapter Two

2. The Social Organization and Political Environment of the School

2.1. Schools as Formal Organizations

A formal organization is a "formally structured and social collective established to attain goals
by acquiring resources from the environment and directing those resources to activities perceived
as relevant to the goals. This definition has three key components: a collectivity of people, a
highly formal structure, and the common purpose of working together to meet a goal or goals.
Formal organizations differ in size, structure, culture, and goals. They also perform a variety of
functions in contemporary society and influence human behavior in many ways.

Manneen Barnootaa akka Dhaabbilee Sirnaatti

Dhaabbanni idilee "waldaa sirnaan caaseffamee fi hawaasummaan qabeenya naannoo irraa

argachuun qabeenya sana gara hojiiwwan galmoota waliin walqabata jedhamee fudhatamutti
qajeelchuudhaan galma galmaan ga'uuf hundeeffame. Hiikni kun qaamolee ijoo sadii qaba:
waloo namootaa, caasaa sirna olaanaa qabu." .

If school social workers are naive about the importance of power and politics in the schools they
serve or discount their importance, they become frustrated, burned out, ineffective, or irrelevant.
Conversely, if school social workers understand the political processes within a school, their
actions will be purposeful and effective. Over many years directed school social workers focus
their efforts on school conditions that contribute to student mal-performance and not limit their
efforts to individual and small group contacts with students. Social workers attempt to help mal-
performing pupils by treating them in isolation or as though abstracted from the context of
school circumstances must be viewed with extreme skepticism.

Hojjettoonni hawaasummaa manneen barnootaa manneen barnootaa tajaajilan keessatti

barbaachisummaa aangoo fi siyaasaa yoo naive ta’an ykn barbaachisummaa isaanii yoo hir’isan,
ni mufatu, ni gubatu, bu’a qabeessa hin ta’u ykn barbaachisaa hin ta’u. Faallaa kanaatiin
hojjettoonni hawaasummaa mana barumsaa adeemsa siyaasaa mana barumsaa tokko keessa jiru
yoo hubatan gochi isaanii kaayyoo fi bu’a qabeessa ta’a. Waggoota dheeraaf hojjettoonni
hawaasummaa mana barumsaa qajeelfama qaban tattaaffii isaanii haala mana barumsaa ga’umsa
gaarii barattootaa keessatti gumaachan irratti kan xiyyeeffatan yoo ta’u, carraaqqii isaanii
barattoota waliin qunnamtii dhuunfaa fi garee xixiqqaa qofa irratti kan hin daangessine dha.
Hojjettoonni hawaasummaa barattoota ga’umsa gaarii hin qabne adda baafamanii ykn akka waan
haala mana barumsaa irraa akka waan abstracted ta’etti ilaaluun gargaaruuf yaaluun shakkii
guddaadhaan ilaalamuu qaba.

2.1.1. The Functions of Formal Organizations =Hojii Dhaabbilee Idilee

1. Formal organizations are human facilitators. Organizations help us get things done and meet
our needs. Collective activities are often superior to individual efforts because of speed,
accuracy, human connectedness, and other factors.

Jaarmiyaaleen idilee haala mijeessitoota namaati. Dhaabbileen wantoota akka hojjennuu fi fedhii
keenya akka guutan nu gargaaru. Yeroo baayyee sochiin waloo tattaaffii dhuunfaa caalaa kan
caalu saffisa, sirrii ta’uu, walitti dhufeenya namaa fi sababoota biroo irraa kan ka’e dha.

2. Formal organizations organize society. Every aspect of contemporary life is systematized and
coordinated through formal organizations.

Jaarmiyaaleen idilee hawaasa gurmeessa. Jireenya yeroo ammaa keessatti gama hundaan sirnaan
kan qindaa’ee fi karaa jaarmiyaalee idileetiin kan qindaa’edha.

3. Formal organizations are political institutions. All organizations perform some type of
political activity; whether it is personal politics, group politics, inter organizational politics,
interest group politics, policy politics, or partisan politics.

Jaarmiyaaleen idilee dhaabbilee siyaasaati. Dhaabbileen hundi sochii siyaasaa gosa tokko tokko
raawwatu; siyaasa dhuunfaa, siyaasa garee, siyaasa jaarmiyaa gidduu, siyaasa garee dantaa,
siyaasa imaammataa, ykn siyaasa paartii haa ta’u.

4. Formal organizations are instruments of system maintenance and enhancement.

• Organizations engage in activities that maintain or enhance the economic, political, and
social systems in which they operate.

Jaarmiyaaleen idilee meeshaalee sirna kunuunsuu fi fooyyessuu ti.

• •Dhaabbileen hojiiwwan sirna dinagdee, siyaasaa, fi hawaasummaa isaan keessatti
socho’an kunuunsan ykn guddisan irratti bobba’u.

5.Formal organizations are change agents. Although organizations often resist change, they also
play a role in societal reform and change.

Jaarmiyaaleen idilee ergamtoota jijjiiramaati. Jaarmiyaaleen yeroo baay’ee jijjiirama kan

morman ta’us, haaromsaa fi jijjiirama hawaasaa keessattis gahee qabu

6.Formal organizations create culture and counterculture. Organizations produce and promote
the general cultural values of the popular culture as well as specific organizational cultural values
that run counter to the popular culture. In this way, organizations may play a proactive role in the
societies in which they operate.

Jaarmiyaaleen idilee aadaa fi aadaa faallaa uumu. Dhaabbileen gatiiwwan aadaa waliigalaa aadaa
ummataa akkasumas gatiiwwan aadaa jaarmiyaa addaa aadaa ummataa faallaa ta’an ni oomishu,
ni guddisu. Haala kanaan dhaabbileen hawaasa keessa socho’an keessatti gahee dursaa
taphachuu danda’u

7.Formal organizations are tools of policy implementation. Organizations provide some stability
and predictability as they implement policy over time.

Jaarmiyaaleen idilee meeshaalee hojiirra oolmaa imaammataati. Dhaabbileen imaammata yeroon

hojiirra oolchaniin tasgabbii fi tilmaama tokko tokko ni kennu.

8.Formal organizations are tools of development. Organizations produce advancements in

science, technology, and other aspects of human functioning.

Jaarmiyaaleen idilee meeshaalee misoomaati. Dhaabbileen guddina saayinsii, teeknooloojii fi

gama hojii dhala namaa kan biroo irratti argamsiisu.

2.3. The Organizational Structure and Processes of the School

Caasaa fi Adeemsa Jaarmiyaa Mana Barumsaa

3.1 The Social Work Perspective: Social Functioning

Ilaalcha Hojii Hawaasummaa: Hojii Hawaasummaa

To practice effectively in the school setting, social workers must understand the organizational
context of the school and how this unique organizational context influences the development and
delivery of social work interventions in schools. Just as we cannot understand human behavior in
isolation, we cannot understand what happens in schools without examining the forces that
influence a school from within and from without. All that occurs in schools must be understood
in relation to a school’s relationship with its environment. A number of general systems theory
concepts are useful in understanding these complex relationships.

Hojjettoonni hawaasummaa haala mana barumsaa keessatti bu’a qabeessa ta’een shaakaluudhaaf
haala gurmaa’insaa mana barumsichaa fi haala gurmaa’insaa adda ta’e kun guddinaa fi kenniinsa
gidduu-galummaa hojii hawaasummaa manneen barnootaa keessatti dhiibbaa akkamii akka qabu
hubachuu qabu. Akkuma amala namaa adda baanee hubachuu hin dandeenye, humnoota mana
barumsaa tokko keessaa fi alaa irratti dhiibbaa geessisan osoo hin qoranne waan manneen
barnootaa keessatti ta’u hubachuu hin dandeenyu. Wanti manneen barnootaa keessatti uumamu
hundi hariiroo manni barumsaa tokko naannoo isaa wajjin walqabatee hubatamuu qaba.
Yaadonni ti’oorii sirnoota waliigalaa baay’een hariiroo walxaxaa kana hubachuuf faayidaa qabu.

The profession of social work is characterized by the consideration of systems and the reciprocal
impact of persons and their environments (the bio-psycho-social-spiritual perspective) on human
behavior. Social workers tend not to classify individuals as abnormal. Instead, they consider the
person-in-environment as an ongoing transactional process that facilitates or blocks one's ability
to experience satisfactory social functioning. In fact, in clinical social work, the term
normalization refers to helping clients realize that their thoughts and feelings are shared by many
other individuals in similar circumstances. Identify three types of situations most likely to
produce problems in social functioning: stressful life transitions, relationship difficulties, and
environmental unresponsiveness. Note that all three are transactional, and do not rely on
evaluating the client as normal or abnormal.

Ogummaan hojii hawaasummaa sirnoota ilaaluu fi dhiibbaa wal-faana namootaa fi naannoo

isaanii (ilaalcha baayoo-saayikoo-hawaasummaa-hafuuraa) amala namaa irratti qabaniin kan
beekamudha. Hojjettoonni hawaasummaa namoota dhuunfaa akka waan hin baramneetti
ramaduu dhiisuu barbaadu. Kanaa mannaa, nama naannoo keessa jiru akka adeemsa daldalaa itti
fufiinsa qabuu fi dandeettii namni tokko hojii hawaasummaa quubsaa ta’e akka mudatu haala
mijeessuu ykn uggurutti ilaalu. Dhugaa dubbachuuf, hojii hawaasummaa kilinikaa keessatti jechi
normalization jedhu maamiltoonni yaadniifi miirrii isaanii namoota dhuunfaa haala walfakkaataa
keessa jiran hedduudhaan akka qooddatamu akka hubatan gargaaruu agarsiisa. Haalota hojii
hawaasummaa keessatti rakkoo uumuu danda’an gosa sadii adda baasuu: ce’umsa jireenyaa
dhiphina qabu, rakkoo hariiroo fi deebii kennuu dhabuu naannoo. Hubadhaa sadan isaaniiyyuu
kan daldalaa ta’uu isaanii, akkasumas maamila akka idileetti ykn akka hin baramnetti madaaluu
irratti hin hirkatina.

Social work's person-in-environment (PIE) classification system formally organizes the

assessment of individuals around the four factors: Social functioning problems, environmental
problems, mental health problems, and physical health problems. Such a broad classification
scheme helps ensure that client’s range of needs will be addressed. The authors of the PIE system
state that it "underlines the importance of conceptualizing a person in an interactive context" and
that "pathological and psychological limitations are accounted for but are not accorded
extraordinary attention". Thus, the system avoids labeling a client as abnormal. At the same time,
however, it offers no way to assess the client's strengths and resources.

Sirni ramaddii nama naannoo (PIE) hojii hawaasummaa madaallii namoota dhuunfaa naannoo
sababoota afranitti sirnaan qindeessa: Rakkoo hojii hawaasummaa, rakkoo naannoo, rakkoo
fayyaa sammuu, fi rakkoo fayyaa qaamaa. Iskimiin ramaddii bal’aan akkasii fedhiin
maamiltootaa akka furmaata argatu gargaara. Barreessitoonni sirna PIE "barbaachisummaa nama
tokko haala wal-qunnamtii keessatti yaad-rimee kaa'uu kan jala sarara" fi "daangeffamni
paatolojii fi xiinsammuu herregamee kan ilaalamu ta'us xiyyeeffannaan addaa akka hin
kennamne" ibsu. Haala kanaan sirnichi maamila tokko akka waan hin baramneetti maqaa itti
moggaasuu irraa of qusata. Kanuma waliin garuu ciminaa fi qabeenya maamilaa madaaluuf
karaa hin dhiyeessu.

With the exception of its neglect of strengths and resources, the PIE assessment system is
appropriate for social work because it was specifically developed to promote a holistic
biopsychosocial perspective on human behavior. Assessment with PIE provides the social
worker with more avenues for intervention' which might include personal interventions,
interpersonal interventions, and environmental interventions. Social work is reluctant to label
persons as abnormal, because all behavior is conceptualized as transactional and related to the
nature of the social context

Ciminaa fi qabeenya tuffachuu isaatiin alatti sirni madaallii PIE hojii hawaasummaaf kan mijatu
yoo ta’u, addatti ilaalcha baayoosaayikooshawaasummaa waliigalaa amala namaa irratti qabu
guddisuuf kan qophaa’e waan ta’eef. Madaalliin PIE waliin taasifamu hojjetaa hawaasummaaf
karaalee gidduu seensaa baay’ee ni kenna’ kunis gidduu seensaa dhuunfaa, gidduu seensaa
namoota gidduutti, fi gidduu seensaa naannoo dabalatee ta’uu danda’a. Hojiin hawaasummaa
namoota akka waan hin baramneetti moggaasuuf fedhii hin qabu, sababiin isaas amala hunduu
akka daldalaatti yaad-rimee fi maalummaa haala hawaasummaa wajjin kan walqabatu waan

2.2. The Systems Perspective on the Organizational Process of the Schools

Ilaalcha Sirnoota Adeemsa Gurmaa’ina Manneen Barnootaa

The systems perspective builds on the fundamental principle that the organization is in constant
interaction with its multiple environments-social, political, economic, cultural, and technological
and must be able to adapt to environmental change. Some systems theorists suggest mutual
influence between organizations and their environments; other theorists see the influence as
unidirectional by the environment.

Ilaalchi sirnootaa kun seera bu’uuraa dhaabbatichi naannoowwan isaa dachaa-hawaasummaa,

siyaasaa, dinagdee, aadaa, fi teeknooloojii wajjin walitti dhufeenya yeroo hunda kan qabu ta’uu
fi jijjiirama naannoo wajjin walsimsiisuu danda’uu qaba jedhu irratti hundaa’a. Tiyooristoonni
sirnootaa tokko tokko dhiibbaa wal-irratti dhiibbaa jaarmiyaalee fi naannoo isaanii gidduu jiru
yaada kennu; ti’ooristoonni biroo dhiibbaa naannoon kallattii tokkoon akka ta’etti ilaalu.

A second important principle of the systems perspective is that organizations are composed of
interrelated subsystems that must be integrated in order to achieve the organizational goals and to
meet environmental demands. The systems perspective holds that there are many different ways,
rather than one best way, to reach the same ends. The idea that a system can attain its goals in a
variety of ways is known as equifinality. The systems perspective sees the formal organization in
constant interaction with multiple environments, and composed of interrelated subsystems.

Qajeelfamni barbaachisaan lammaffaan ilaalcha sirnootaa dhaabbileen sirnoota xiqqaa walitti

hidhaman kanneen galma jaarmiyaa galmaan ga’uufi gaaffii naannoo guutuuf walitti makamuu
qaban irraa kan ijaaraman ta’uu isaaniiti. Ilaalchi sirnootaa, karaa hundarra gaarii ta’e tokko osoo
hin taane, dhuma tokko irra ga’uuf karaaleen adda addaa hedduun akka jiran ni qabata. Sirni
tokko kaayyoo isaa karaa adda addaatiin galmaan gahuu danda’a yaadni jedhu equifinality
jedhamuun beekama. Ilaalchi sirnootaa gurmaa’ina idilee naannoo hedduu wajjin walqunnamtii
dhaabbataa ta’een, fi sirnoota xiqqaa walitti hidhaman irraa kan ijaarame ta’uu isaa argu.

The systems perspective sees human behavior as the outcome of reciprocal interactions of
persons operating within organized and integrated social. Its roots are very interdisciplinary.

Ilaalchi sirnootaa amala namaa akka bu’aa walqunnamtii wal-faana namoota hawaasummaa
gurmaa’ee fi walitti makame keessatti socho’aniitti ilaala. Hundeen isaa baay’ee ogummaawwan
adda addaa gidduutti kan argamudha.

Social workers were attracted to the systems perspective instead of the psychiatric model to a
model more inclusive of environment. Social work has drawn most heavily on the work of
sociologists and the developmental perspective, the systems perspective thus has the greatest
potential of the perspectives discussed in this unit to accommodate the biological person. In
addition, systems theorists recognize even if they do not always make clear-the social, cultural,
economic, and political environments of human behavior. They acknowledge the role of external
influences and demands in creating and maintaining patterns of interaction within the system.

Hojjettoonni hawaasummaa moodeela saayikiyaatrikii gara moodeela naannoo caalaatti

hammatetti osoo hin taane ilaalcha sirnootaatti hawwataniiru. Hojiin hawaasummaa baay’inaan
hojii ogeeyyii hawaasummaa fi ilaalcha misoomaa irraa kan fudhate yoo ta’u, ilaalchi sirnootaa
akkasitti ilaalchawwan kutaa kana keessatti mari’ataman keessaa nama baayoloojii
keessummeessuuf dandeettii guddaa qaba. Kana malees, ti’ooristoonni sirnootaa yeroo hunda ifa
gochuu baatanis ni beeku-naannoo hawaasummaa, aadaa, dinagdee fi siyaasaa amala namaa.
Sirnicha keessatti akkaataa walqunnamtii uumuu fi eeguu keessatti gahee dhiibbaa fi
gaaffiiwwan alaa qaban ni beeku.

The social workers who first adopted the systems perspective were heavily influenced by
functional sociology, which was the dominant sociological theory during the 1940s and1950s. In
functionalism social systems are thought to remain in a relatively stable. Each part of the system
serves an essential function in maintaining the system, and the functions of the various parts are
coordinated to produce a well-functioning whole. The biggest problem with this perspective is
that it tends to assume that interactions take place within a pattern, isolated from exchanges with
other systems.

Hojjettoonni hawaasummaa jalqaba ilaalcha sirnoota fudhatan, bara 1940 fi 1950 keessa yaada
hawaasummaa olaantummaa qabu kan ture, hawaasummaa dalagaa (functional sociology) irraa
dhiibbaa guddaa irra ga’aniiru. Faankishinaaliizimii keessatti sirnoonni hawaasummaa haala
tasgabbaa’aa ta’een akka hafan yaadameera. Tokkoon tokkoon kutaa sirnichaa sirnicha
kunuunsuu keessatti hojii barbaachisaa ta’e kan tajaajilu yoo ta’u, dalagaaleen kutaalee adda
addaa qindoominaan guutummaa akka gaariitti hojjetu kan uumudha. Rakkoon guddaan ilaalcha
kanaa walqunnamtiin akkaataa tokko keessatti, sirnoota biroo waliin waljijjiirraa irraa adda
baafamee akka raawwatamu tilmaamuuf kan yaalu ta’uu isaati.

An open system is more likely to form reciprocal relationship with external systems. Actually,
there is no such thing as a totally closed system, because it could not survive without some
external resources, but much of social science research is based on a closed-system model and
does not account for intersystem exchanges.

Sirni banaan sirnoota alaa waliin hariiroo wal-faana uumuuf carraa guddaa qaba. Sirumayyuu,
sirni guutummaatti cufame jedhamu hin jiru, sababni isaas qabeenya alaa tokko tokko malee
jiraachuu hin dandeenye, garuu qorannoon saayinsii hawaasaa baay’een isaa moodeela sirna
cufame irratti kan hundaa’ee fi waljijjiirraa sirna gidduutti taasifamuuf herrega hin kennu.

What is good for the system is considered good for each of the parts, and conflict and change are
seen as threats to be overcome. This emphasis on system equilibrium and on the necessity of
traditional roles to hold systems together has led many to functionalist sociology also assumes
that social systems are held together by social consensus and shared values. The focus is
maintenance of healthy state of affairs, a state that all members work hard to maintain and
restore. Closed System: - no Exchange with External Systems and Open System: - exchange of

Wanti sirnichaaf gaarii ta’e tokkoon tokkoon kutaalee sanaaf gaarii ta’ee kan ilaalamu yoo ta’u,
waldhabdee fi jijjiiramni akka balaa irra aanuu qabuutti ilaalama. Xiyyeeffannaan
walmadaalummaa sirnaa fi barbaachisummaa gahee aadaa sirnoota walitti qabuuf kenname kun
namoota baay’ee gara sooshiyoloojiin dalagaa (functionalist sociology) akkasumas sirnoonni
hawaasummaa waliigaltee hawaasummaa fi gatiiwwan waliiniitiin walitti qabaman jedhee
fudhata. Xiyyeeffannaan haala fayyaa ta’e eeguudha, haala miseensonni hundinuu kunuunsuu fi
deebisuuf cimanii hojjetan. Sirna Cufame: - Sirna Alaa fi Sirna Banaa waliin Jijjiirraa hin qabu: -
Qabeenya wal jijjiiruu

Central Ideas of the Systems Perspective

 Systems are made up of interrelated members (parts) that constitute an ordered whole.
 Each part of the system impacts all other parts, and the system as a whole.
 All systems are subsystems of other larger systems.
 Systems maintain boundaries that give them their identities.
 Systems tend toward homeostasis, or equilibrium.
Yaadota Giddugaleessaa Ilaalcha Sirnoota
Sirnoonni miseensota (kutaalee) walitti hidhaman kanneen guutummaa tartiiba qabu
uumuun kan ijaaramaniidha.
Tokkoon tokkoon kutaa sirnichaa kutaalee biroo hunda irratti dhiibbaa qaba, akkasumas
sirnicha akka waliigalaatti.
Sirnoonni hundi sirna xiqqaa sirnoota gurguddoo birooti.
Sirnoonni daangaa eenyummaa isaaniif kennu ni eegu.
Sirnoonni gara homeostasis, ykn equilibrium tti ce’u.
The first of these concepts is open systems. By their very nature, schools are open systems that
are impacted by their immediate environment. To understand why things happen the way they do
in schools, school social workers must understand the forces that are at work in the larger society
because schools reflect and transmit the dominant norms and values of the larger society. For
example, school policies and procedures often reflect the racism, classism, sexism, and
homophobia of the larger society.

Yaad-rimeewwan kana keessaa inni jalqabaa sirna banaa (open systems) dha. Manneen
barnootaa uumama isaaniitiin sirna banaa naannoo dhiyeenya isaaniitiin dhiibbaa irra ga’aniidha.
Hojjettoonni hawaasummaa manneen barnootaa maaliif akka manneen barnootaa keessatti
raawwatamanitti akka raawwataman hubachuuf manneen barnootaa seera fi gatii hawaasa
guddichaa olaantummaa qaban waan calaqqisiisuu fi dabarsaniif humnoota hawaasa guddaa
keessatti hojjechaa jiran hubachuu qabu. Fakkeenyaaf, imaammattoonni fi hojimaatni mana
barumsaa yeroo baay’ee sanyummaa, gitaa, saala fi jibba saala walfakkaataa hawaasa guddaa

Community violence also affects the school environment. Another useful general systems theory
concept in understanding the complex relationship between the school and its environment is the
concept of boundaries. Even though schools are open systems, they do possess boundaries, or
regions, that separate them from their environment. One example of a boundary that often
separates a school and its environment are the norms and expectations that govern children’s
behavior. For some students, the norms that govern behavior in a school are in direct conflict
with norms that govern behavior in their home and neighborhood. For instance, students who are
encouraged by their parents to defend themselves by fighting back if they are hit by another
person find that this behavior is not tolerated within the school environment and results in a
suspension or even an expulsion from school.

Jeequmsi hawaasaas naannoo mana barumsaa irratti dhiibbaa qaba. Hariiroo walxaxaa mana
barumsichaa fi naannoo isaa gidduu jiru hubachuu keessatti yaad-rimeen ti’oorii sirnoota
waliigalaa faayidaa qabu kan biraan yaad-rimee daangaa ti. Manneen barnootaa sirna banaa
ta’anillee daangaa ykn naannoo naannoo isaanii irraa adda isaan adda baasu qabu. Fakkeenyi
daangaa yeroo baayyee mana barumsaa fi naannoo isaa adda baasu tokko seera fi ejjennoo amala

ijoollee bulchaniidha. Barattoota tokko tokkoof, seera amala mana barumsaa tokko keessatti
bulchu seera amala manaa fi naannoo isaanii bulchu waliin kallattiin wal faallessa. Fakkeenyaaf,
barattoonni warra isaaniitiin yoo nama biraatiin rukutaman ofirraa ittisuudhaan ofirraa ittisuuf
jajjabeeffaman, amala kun naannoo mana barumsaa keessatti akka hin obsinee fi bu’aan isaas
mana barumsaa irraa akka addaan citu ykn illee akka ari’amu argatu.

Where behavioral norms and expectations at home are congruent with those of the school,
students have an easier time navigating through both environments. School social workers must
understand the implications of this incongruity and reach out to those students and parents who
have a difficult time understanding and, hence, following these norms and expectations. Pawlak
and Cousins (1999, p. 151) have offered a series of questions to assist the school social worker in
assessing the norms that govern behavior, policies, and procedures in a school.

Bakka seera amalaafi wanti mana keessatti eegamu kan mana barumsichaa wajjin walsimutti
barattoonni naannoo lamaan keessa deemuudhaaf yeroo salphaa qabu. Hojjettoonni
hawaasummaa mana barumsaa dhiibbaa wal-hinsimne kun maal akka fidu hubachuun
barattootaa fi warra seera fi ejjennoo kana hubachuu fi kana irraa kan ka’e hordofuuf yeroo
rakkatan sana bira gahuu qabu. Pawlak fi Cousins (1999, fuula 151) hojjetaan hawaasummaa
mana barumsichaa seera amala, imaammataa fi hojimaata mana barumsaa tokko keessatti
bulchan madaaluuf gargaaruuf gaaffilee walduraa duubaan dhiyeessan.

These include:

 What are the rules and procedures used by school officials and faculty in their
transactions with students?

 Are these rules and procedures applied equitably among students who, for example, face
suspension and expulsion?

 Do students with particular characteristics experience different and less favorable career
paths (e.g., low-income versus upper-income students, girls versus boys, White students
versus minority students)?

 Do students with particular attributes have equal access to school curricula, programs,
and activities?

 Are some groups of students often inappropriately classified?

Isaan keessaa:

 Seerotaa fi hojimaatni qondaaltonni mana barumsaa fi barsiisonni barattoota waliin

daldala isaanii keessatti fayyadaman maali?

  Dambiiwwanii fi hojimaatni kun barattoota fakkeenyaaf hojiirraa ari’amuu fi ari’amuu

isaan mudatu gidduutti haqaan hojiirra ooluu?

 Barattoonni amala addaa qaban daandii hojii adda addaa fi mijataa hin taane ni
mudatuu (fkn, barattoota galii xiqqaa qaban fi barattoota galii olaanaa qaban, shamarran
fi ijoollee dhiiraa, barattoota Adii fi barattoota xiqqaa)?

  Barattoonni amaloota addaa qaban kaarikulamii, sagantaalee fi sochiiwwan mana

barumsaa walqixa argachuu danda’uu?

 Gareen barattootaa tokko tokko yeroo baay’ee haala hin malleen ramadamuu?

 Barsiisota ykn hojjettoota kamtu barattoota kam waliin hojjechaa jira?

Other organizational concepts that help to increase school social workers’ understanding of the
social organization and processes of schools are formalization, standardization, and
centralization. According to Pawlak and Cousins (1999), formalization refers to the degree to
which rules, policies, and procedures that govern behavior in the organization are set forth in
writing and codified. The degree of formalization in a school is reflected in a school’s discipline
handbook for students. For example, are there rules and consequences for every possible

Yaad-rimeen gurmaa’insaa biroo kanneen hojjettoonni hawaasummaa manneen barnootaa3

hubannoo gurmaa’ina hawaasummaa fi adeemsa manneen barnootaa irratti qaban guddisuuf
gargaaran sirnaan, sadarkaa, fi giddugaleessa gochuudha. Akka Pawlak fi Cousins (1999)
jedhanitti, foormaalizeeshinii jechuun sadarkaa seerotni, imaammattoonni fi hojimaatni amala
dhaabbaticha keessatti bulchan barreeffamaan kaa’amanii fi koodii ta’an agarsiisa. Sadarkaan
foormaalizeeshinii mana barumsaa tokko keessatti kitaaba qajeelfama naamusa mana barumsaa
barattootaaf qophaa’e keessatti calaqqisa. Fakkeenyaaf, haala ta’uu danda’u hundaaf seeraa fi
bu’aan ni jiraa?

Standardization is a type of formalization in which organizations have uniform ways of dealing

with uniform situations. For example, to what extent can school administrators exercise
discretion in disciplining students?

Istaandardii gochuun gosa foormaalizeeshinii dhaabbileen haala walfakkaataa haala

walfakkaataa itti qaban qabanidha. Fakkeenyaaf, bulchitoonni manneen barnootaa barattoota
adabuu irratti of eeggannoo hangam fayyadamuu danda’u?

Centralization refers to the concentration of power, authority, and decision making at the
central office while decentralization refers to site-based management where building principals
have the authority to make important decisions at the building level and where teachers have a
“say” in decision making in their school.

Giddugaleessa jechuun aangoo, aangoo, fi murtee kennuu waajjira giddugaleessaatti walitti

qabuu kan agarsiisu yoo ta’u, giddugaleessa dhabuun ammoo bulchiinsa iddoo irratti hundaa’e
kan dura bu’oonni gamoo sadarkaa gamoo irratti murtii barbaachisaa ta’e murteessuuf aangoo
kan qabaniifi barsiisonni murtee kennuu keessatti jey kan agarsiisanidha mana barumsaa isaanii

These concepts are important because they impact the types of services that school social
workers are able to offer in schools. For example, school social workers employed by more
formalized and centralized school districts were more likely limited to traditional micro level
interventions and less likely to implement macro level interventions.

Yaadonni kun gosoota tajaajila hojjettoonni hawaasummaa manneen barnootaa manneen
barnootaa keessatti kennuu danda’an irratti dhiibbaa waan qabaniif barbaachisoo dha.
Fakkeenyaaf, hojjettoonni hawaasummaa manneen barnootaa kutaalee manneen barnootaa
sirnaawaa fi giddugaleessa ta’aniin qacaraman gidduu seensaa sadarkaa maaykiroo aadaa irratti
kan daangeffaman yoo ta’u, giddu-galeessa sadarkaa maakroo hojiirra oolchuuf carraan isaanii

Another organizational concept that is useful to school social work practice is the concept of
subsystems. A subsystem “is a part of a system that itself comprises interacting and reciprocally
influencing elements”. Wassenich (1972) identified five subsystems in schools in which school
social workers can intervene:

Yaad-rimeen gurmaa’insaa kan biraan shaakala hojii hawaasummaa mana barumsaatiif faayidaa
qabu yaad-rimee sirna xiqqaa (subsystems) ti. Sirni xiqqaan qaama sirna mataan isaa
elementoota wal-nyaatanii fi wal-irratti dhiibbaa geessisan of keessaa qabuudha. Wassenich
(1972) manneen barnootaa keessatti sirnoota xiqqaa shan hojjettoonni hawaasummaa manneen
barnootaa gidduu seenuu danda’an adda baaseera:

In the school, the classroom is the main part of the production subsystem where students are
educated and socialized. School social workers are involved in the production subsystem when
they conduct classroom activities. The maintenance subsystem is concerned with “tying people
into their functional roles”. School social workers work within the maintenance subsystem when
they serve as consultants in helping define the functional roles of teachers, principals, and
students in the school. The supportive subsystem is “concerned with exporting the finished
product into the environment . . . and maintaining a favorable environment for the operation of
the system”.

Mana barumsichaa keessatti daree barnootaa kutaa ijoo sirna xiqqaa oomishaa barattoonni itti
barataniifi hawaasummaan itti walqunnamanidha. Hojjettoonni hawaasummaa mana barumsaa
yeroo sochii daree keessatti gaggeessan sirna xiqqaa oomishaa keessatti hirmaatu. Sirni xiqqaan
suphaa 3namoota gahee hojii isaaniitti hidhuu ilaallata. Hojjettoonni hawaasummaa mana
barumsaa sirna xiqqaa suphaa keessatti kan hojjetan yoo ta’u, gahee hojii barsiisotaa, dura

bu’oota mana barumsaa fi barattoota mana barumsichaa ibsuuf gargaaruu keessatti akka
gorsitootaatti yeroo tajaajilan. Sirni xiqqaan deeggarsaa oomisha xumurame gara naannootti
erguuf yaaddoo qaba . . . akkasumas hojii sirnichaaf haala mijataa ta’e eeguu.

The school social worker works within the supportive subsystem by intervening with
community agencies that link the school and the community and by aiding in the transition of
students into the environment when they leave school. The adaptive subsystem ensures
“organizational survival in a changing environment”. Since school social workers are often in a
position to know students’ and the community’s criticisms of the school and what student needs
are going unmet, they provide an important feedback function as a part of the adaptive
subsystem. The managerial subsystem consists of all the managers in the school system
including principals, the superintendent, and the school board. School social workers may “work
with other managers toward establishing system goals and the responsibility for carrying them

Hojjetaan hawaasummaa mana barumsichaa sirna xiqqaa deggersaa keessatti dhaabbilee

hawaasaa mana barumsichaa fi hawaasa walitti hidhu gidduu seenuudhaan barattoonni yeroo
mana barumsaa gadhiisan gara naannootti akka ce’an gargaaruudhaan hojjeta. Sirni xiqqaan
madaqsuu naannoo jijjiiramaa jiru keessatti lubbuun jiraachuu jaarmiyaa mirkaneessa.
Hojjettoonni hawaasummaa mana barumsaa yeroo baayyee qeeqa barattootaa fi hawaasni mana
barumsichaa fi fedhiin barattootaa maal akka hin guutamne beekuuf haala waan qabaniif, akka
qaama sirna xiqqaa madaqsuutti dalagaa yaada deebii barbaachisaa ta’e ni kennu. Sirni xiqqaan
bulchiinsaa hoggantoota sirna mana barumsaa keessa jiran hunda kan of keessaa qabu yoo ta’u,
kunis dura bu’oota, supparinteendentii, fi boordii mana barumsaa dabalatee dha. Hojjettoonni
hawaasummaa manneen barnootaa hoggantoota biroo waliin ta’uun galmoota sirnaa fi itti
gaafatamummaa raawwii isaanii diriirsuutti hojjechuu danda’u.

The Culture and Climate of the School =Aadaa fi Haala Qilleensaa Mana Barumsaa

Impacting the Culture and Climate of the School=Aadaa fi Haala Qilleensaa Mana Barumsaa
irratti dhiibbaa uumuu

Perhaps the most important organizational concepts for school social workers to be
knowledgeable about are culture and climate. Culture as we know it in contemporary social
sciences to describe a particular way of life of a people, a period of time, or humanity in general

Tarii yaad-rimeen gurmaa’insaa hojjettoonni hawaasummaa mana barumsaa beekumsa

qabaachuu qaban aadaa fi haala qilleensaa ta’uu danda’u. Aadaan akka nuti beeknu saayinsii
hawaasummaa yeroo ammaa keessatti akkaataa jireenya addaa ummata tokkoo, yeroo tokko, ykn
walumaa galatti dhala namaa ibsuuf.

Mainstream schooling systems provide a good example of how cultural structures or norms,
values, patterns, and meanings are maintained, how they change, and how adaptation occurs.
School systems are built on and operate by the norms, values, and beliefs preferred by those who
have had the power to decide what is or are not an appropriate frame of reference by which to
live. From the outside looking in, schools look like benign or innocent institutions, simply about
academics and education. Yet which academic subjects are taught, how they are taught, and how
they are to be learned involve an assertion of someone's values and beliefs, whether right or
wrong, whether shared by many or few. These assertions are based in part on the interests of our
capitalist economy and conventional political processes.

Sirnoonni barnootaa idilee akkaataa caasaan aadaa ykn seera aadaa, gatiiwwan, akkaataa fi hiikni
itti eegamu, akkamitti akka jijjiiraman fi akkaataa madaqfamuun itti uumamu fakkeenya gaarii
ta’a. Sirnoonni manneen barnootaa kan ijaaramanii fi kan hojjetan seera, gatii fi amantaa warri
ittiin jiraatan maaltu akka ta’e ykn akka hin taane murteessuuf aangoo qaban filataniin. Alaa
keessaa yoo ilaalle manneen barnootaa dhaabbilee gaarii ykn qulqulluu fakkaatu, waa’ee
barnootaa fi barnootaa qofa. Ta’us gosoota barnootaa kamtu akka barsiifamu, akkamitti akka
barsiifamuu fi akkamitti akka baratamu, sirrii ta’us dogoggoraa, namoota baay’eenis ta’e
muraasaan kan qoodaman, gatii fi amantaa nama tokkoo mirkaneessuu of keessatti qabata.
Dubbiin kun gartokkoon dantaa dinagdee kaappitaalistii keenyaa fi adeemsa siyaasaa barame
irratti hundaa’a.

Lists some of the factors involved in the cultural construction of schooling. Even in the face of
evidence that the schools do not work for many of us, they persist. Such stubbornness makes

schools complicit in the persistent poverty we have faced in this country; the systematic
subjugation of girls and women; and the high dropout rates (though decreasing for some groups)
and other current debacles of our educational system.

Ijaarsa aadaa mana barumsaa keessatti wantoota hirmaatan tokko tokko tarreessa. Manneen
barnootaa baay’ee keenyaaf akka hin hojjenne ragaan mul’atullee itti fufu. Mata jabina akkasii
manneen barnootaa hiyyummaa itti fufiinsa qabu biyya kana keessatti nu mudate keessatti akka
hirmaatan taasisa; shamarranii fi dubartoota sirnaan bitamuu; fi sadarkaan barnoota addaan kutuu
olaanaa (garee tokko tokkoof hir’achaa dhufus) fi kufaatii sirna barnootaa keenya yeroo ammaa
kan biroo.

Issue: Schools and education are social and cultural products.

Dhimma: Manneen barnootaa fi barnoonni oomisha hawaasummaa fi aadaa ti.

Question: How is it that schools have come to share and be influenced by the following
circumstances and interdependent domains of responsibility that influence one another, and
extend beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic?

Gaaffii: Manneen barnootaa haalawwan armaan gadii fi dameewwan itti gaafatamummaa wal-
irratti hirkatan kanneen wal-irratti dhiibbaa geessisan, fi dubbisuu, barreessuu fi herrega bira
darbee kan babal’atan akkamitti qooddachuu fi dhiibbaa irra ga’uu danda’aniiru?


Legislation, laws, and regulations regarding attendance and social behavior; the kind of
educational content deemed appropriate; segregation/desegregation; school

Seera, seerota, fi dambiiwwan argamaa fi amala hawaasummaa ilaallatan; gosa qabiyyee

barnootaa barbaachisaa ta’ee itti mul’ate; addaan baasuu/addaan addaan baasuu; maallaqa mana


Socialization regarding gender roles and relations; sex; discipline; health/hygiene/ nutrition;
recreation; emotional support and development


Gahee fi hariiroo saalaa ilaalchisee hawaasummaa; walqunnamtii saalaa; naamuusa;

fayyaa/qulqullina/ soorata; bashannana; deeggarsa miiraa fi guddina


Prayer; holidays; family and personal morality and ethics


Kadhannaa; ayyaana; safuu fi naamusa maatii fi dhuunfaa


Status, opportunities, and rewards associated with knowledge, grades, and credentials; individual
versus collective achievement; appropriate versus


Haala, carraa fi badhaasa beekumsa, qabxii fi ragaa waliin walqabatee; bu’aa ba’ii dhuunfaa fi
waloo; amala/ dandeettii hawaasummaa sirrii fi hin malle; miidiyaa, gabaa, fi adeemsa aadaa
beekamaa fi sababoota. inappropriate behavior/ social skills; media, market, and popular cultural
trends and factors.

Community- all the other domains, plus ethnic representation and attitudes; economic resources
and stability; levels of crime

Hawaasa- dameewwan biroo hunda, dabalataan bakka bu’ummaa sabaa fi ilaalcha; qabeenya
dinagdee fi tasgabbii; sadarkaa yakkaa

Organizational culture model focuses on organizations as cultures with shared experiences that
produce shared meanings, or interpretations. Organizations, therefore, exist as much in the heads
of their members as in policies, rules, and procedures. The organizational culture model views
organizations as ongoing, interactive processes of reality construction, involving many
organizational actors. Organizational culture is made up of "slogans, evocative language,
symbols, stories, myths, ceremonies, rituals, and patterns of tribal behavior" but also of
mundane, routine, day-to-day activities.

Moodeelli aadaa jaarmiyaa dhaabbilee akka aadaa muuxannoo waliinii qaban kan hiika waliinii,
ykn hiika oomishanitti irratti xiyyeeffata. Kanaafuu, dhaabbileen akkuma imaammata, dambii fi
hojimaata mataa miseensota isaanii keessa jiru. Moodeelli aadaa jaarmiyaa dhaabbilee akka
adeemsa itti fufiinsa qabuu, wal-qunnamtii ijaarsa dhugaa, qooda fudhattoota jaarmiyaa hedduu
hirmaachisutti ilaala. Aadaan jaarmiyaa "dhaadannoo, afaan kaka'umsaa, mallattoo, seenaa,
sheekkoo, sirna, sirna, fi akkaataa amala gosaa" irraa kan ijaarame yoo ta'u, sochii idilee, idilee,
guyyaa guyyaa irraas kan ijaaramedha.

When we become new members of an organization, some aspects of its culture are immediately
obvious. But other aspects are more difficult to decipher, causing us to feel uncomfortable and
confused. For example, we may understand the cultural norms about dress and extended versus
brief lunch hours after one day in the field practicum agency, but it may take us several weeks to
decipher whether we are in a cooperative or competitive culture. There may be a clear slogan
about commitment to clients, but it may take some time to decipher how that commitment is
implemented, or whether it is.

Yeroo miseensa haaraa jaarmiyaa tokkoo taanu aadaan isaa tokko tokko battalumatti mul’ata.
Garuu gama biraatiin hiikuun caalaatti rakkisaa waan ta’eef, miira tasgabbii dhabuu fi
burjaaja’uu akka nutti dhaga’amu taasisa. Fakkeenyaaf, seera aadaa waa’ee uffannaa fi sa’aatii
laaqana dheeraa fi laaqana gabaabaa guyyaa tokko booda ejensii hojii dirree keessatti hubachuu
dandeenya, garuu aadaa walta’iinsaa ykn dorgommii keessa jiraachuu keenya hiikuuf torban
hedduu nu fudhachuu danda’a. Waa’ee maamiltootaaf waadaa galuu dhaadannoo ifa ta’e
jiraachuu danda’a, garuu waadaan sun akkamitti akka hojiirra oolu, ykn ta’uu isaa hiikuuf yeroo
fudhachuu danda’a.

Formal organizations create culture and counterculture. Organizations produce and promote the
general cultural values of the popular culture as well as specific organizational cultural values
that run counter to the popular culture. In this way, organizations may play a proactive role in the
societies in which they operate.

Jaarmiyaaleen idilee aadaa fi aadaa faallaa uumu. Dhaabbileen gatiiwwan aadaa waliigalaa aadaa
ummataa akkasumas gatiiwwan aadaa jaarmiyaa addaa aadaa ummataa faallaa ta’an ni oomishu,
ni guddisu. Haala kanaan dhaabbileen hawaasa keessa socho’an keessatti gahee dursaa
qabaachuu danda’u

One can often enter a school and, after a few minutes, feel whether it is inviting, open, and
friendly and giving off positive or negative energy. A school’s culture and climate have
tremendous impact on student. Working with students’ behavior, yet changing the climate and
culture of the school is a tremendous challenge for school leaders. School culture is defined as
the “beliefs and expectations apparent in a school’s daily routine, including how colleagues
interact with one another.

Namni tokko yeroo baay’ee mana barumsaa tokko seenee daqiiqaa muraasa booda, affeerraa,
banaa fi michuu ta’uu fi humna gaarii ykn gadhee kennuu ta’uu isaa itti dhaga’amuu danda’a.
Aadaan mana barumsaa tokkoo fi haala qilleensaa barattoota irratti dhiibbaa guddaa qaba. Amala
barattootaa wajjin hojjechuun, ammas haala qilleensaa fi aadaa mana barumsichaa jijjiiruun
hoggantoota mana barumsichaatif qormaata guddaadha. Aadaan mana barumsaa akkaataa
miiltoowwan hojii waliin walitti dhufeenya qaban dabalatee amantaa fi ejjennoo hojii guyyaa
mana barumsaa tokko keessatti mul’atu jedhamee ibsama.

Climate has been defined as the “heart and soul of the school”. Factors affecting school climate
and culture include violence, racism, and teacher expectations, number of suspensions, and
educational engagement. School wide programs can improve the school climate for noncitizen
students and their families by creating welcoming spaces. Including cultural dances and food
festivals is a powerful way to introduce cultures to the school and excite students from those
cultures to get involved and feel they are contributing something to their school community.
Haalli qilleensaa garaa fi lubbuu mana barumsichaa jedhamee ibsamee jira. Wantoonni haala
mana barumsaa fi aadaa irratti dhiibbaa geessisan jeequmsa, sanyummaa, fi barsiisonni irraa
eegamu, baay’ina hojii irraa ari’amuu fi hirmaannaa barnootaa dabalata. Sagantaan bal’aa mana
barumsaa iddoo simannaa uumuudhaan barattoota lammii hin taanee fi maatii isaaniif haala
mana barumsaa fooyyessuu danda’a. Shubbisa aadaa fi ayyaana nyaataa dabalatee aadaa mana
barumsichaa beeksisuu fi barattoonni aadaa sanaa akka hirmaatan kakaasuun hawaasa mana
barumsaa isaaniif waan tokko gumaachaa akka jiran itti dhaga’amu karaa humna guddaa

School climate was defined by Bradshaw et al. (2014) as “the shared beliefs, values, and
attitudes that shape interactions between students, teachers, and administrators and set the
parameters of acceptable behaviors and norms for the school”.

Haalli qilleensaa mana barumsaa kan ibsame Bradshaw fi kkf. (2014) akka amantaa, gatii fi
ilaalcha waliinii kan walqunnamtii barattoota, barsiisotaa fi bulchitoota gidduu jiru bocuu fi
parameetaroota amala fi seera fudhatama qaban mana barumsichaa kaa’an.

Schools develop what can be described as school culture. Bluestein (2001) believes that school
culture can produce certain dynamics, which reflect the school’s physical environment,
interactions among students and staff, and positive behaviors of the social systems involved in
the school’s life.

Manneen barnootaa aadaa mana barumsaa jedhamee ibsamuu danda’u ni guddifatu. Bluestein
(2001) aadaan mana barumsaa daayinamiksii murtaa’e uumuu akka danda’u kan amanu yoo ta’u,
kunis naannoo qaamaa mana barumsichaa, walqunnamtii barattootaa fi hojjettoota gidduu jiru, fi
amala gaarii sirnoota hawaasummaa jireenya mana barumsichaa keessatti hirmaatan kan

Promoting school climate and culture conducive to learning refers to the psychosocial
environment that fosters academic engagement and achievement. Schools with contexts
conducive to learning have (1) policies and procedures that produce safe and orderly
environments; (2)  capacity-building efforts to promote effective practices; and (3)  supportive

relationships within and between students, families, school staff, and community partners.
Implementing this practice feature is accomplished by the following:

Haala mana barumsaa fi aadaa barumsaaf mijatu guddisuu jechuun naannoo

saayikooshawaasummaa hirmaannaa barnootaa fi ga’umsa guddisu agarsiisa. Manneen
barnootaa haala barumsaaf mijatu qaban (1) imaammataa fi hojimaata naannoo nageenya qabuu
fi sirna qabeessa ta’e uumuu; (2) hojiiwwan bu’a qabeessa ta’an guddisuuf tattaaffii dandeettii
ijaaruu; fi (3) hariiroo deggersaa barattoota, maatii, hojjettoota mana barumsaa, fi michoota
hawaasaa keessaa fi gidduu jiru. Amala shaakala kana hojiirra oolchuun kanneen armaan
gadiitiin raawwatama:

 Promoting effective school policies and administrative procedures

 Enhancing professional capacity of school personnel

 Facilitating engagement between student, family, school, and community

Imaammata mana barumsaa fi hojimaata bulchiinsaa bu’a qabeessa ta’e guddisuu

Dandeettii ogummaa hojjettoota mana barumsaa guddisuu

 Hirmaannaa barattootaa, maatii, mana barumsaa, fi hawaasa gidduutti haala mijeessuu

A school’s culture and climate significantly impact and influence students’ behavior and learning
A school’s culture has been defined as the beliefs and expectations apparent in a school’s daily
routine, including how colleagues interact with one another, and the norms or beliefs shared by
students, teachers, administrators, and other workers in a school. Culture is the socially shared
and transmitted knowledge of what is and what ought to be. Closely related to culture is the
concept of climate. A school’s climate “is the heart and soul of a school. It is about that essence
of a school that leads a child, a teacher, an administrator, a staff member to love the school and
to look forward to being at their school each day”.

Aadaan fi haala qilleensaa mana barumsaa tokkoo amala fi barumsa barattootaa irratti dhiibbaa
guddaa fi dhiibbaa guddaa geessisuu Aadaan mana barumsaa akka amantaa fi ejjennoo hojii
guyyaa guyyaa mana barumsaa tokko keessatti mul'atu, akkaataa hiriyyoonni hojii waliin

hojjetan dabalatee, fi seera ykn amantaa barattoonni, barsiisonni, bulchitoonni fi hojjettoonni
biroo mana barumsaa tokko keessatti qooddatan. Aadaan beekumsa hawaasummaan qoodamuu
fi dabarfamuu waan jiruu fi maal ta’uu akka qabudha. Aadaa wajjin walitti dhiyeenyaan kan
walqabatu yaad-rimee haala qilleensaati. Haalli qilleensaa mana barumsaa onnee fi lubbuu mana
barumsaati. Waa’ee hundee mana barumsaa sanaa kan daa’ima, barsiisaa, bulchaa, hojjetaa mana
barumsichaa akka jaallataniifi guyyaa guyyaan mana barumsaa isaaniitti argamuuf hawwii
guddaan akka eeggatan kan geggeessudha.

A major challenge facing school leaders and school social workers today is to change the culture
and climate of a school when it impedes progress. A number of factors are involved in
determining the culture and climate of any given school. A list of school risk factors identified in
the literature can be found in Table 4.

Qormaanni guddaan har’a hoggantoota manneen barnootaa fi hojjettoonni hawaasummaa

manneen barnootaa mudatu aadaa fi haala qilleensa mana barumsaa tokkoo yeroo guddina
gufachiisu jijjiiruudha. Aadaa fi haala qilleensaa mana barumsaa kamiyyuu murteessuu keessatti
wantootni hedduun hirmaatu. Tarreen sababoota balaa mana barumsaa barreeffamoota keessatti
adda baafaman gabatee 4 irratti argamuu danda’a.

As seen in Table 4, discipline and attendance policies and practices, school size, teacher’s
expectations, curriculum, and influences outside the school have a negative impact on a school’s
culture and climate. Other risk factors include hostile and suspicious relationships between
administrators and school staff or between school staff and students. An important role of the
school social worker is to use his or her considerable mediation and group work skills to change
these destructive patterns.

Akkuma gabatee 4 irratti mul'atutti imaammattoonni fi gochoonni naamusaa fi argama, baay'inni

mana barumsaa, barsiisaan irraa eegamu, kaarikulamii, fi dhiibbaan mana barumsaatiin ala jiru
aadaa fi haala qilleensaa mana barumsaa tokkoo irratti dhiibbaa hamaa qaba. Sababoonni balaa
biroo hariiroo diinummaa fi shakkisiisaa bulchitootaa fi hojjettoota mana barumsaa gidduutti ykn
hojjettoota mana barumsaa fi barattoota gidduu jiru kan dabalatudha. Gaheen barbaachisaan

hojjetaan hawaasummaa mana barumsichaa dandeettii gidduu seenummaa fi hojii garee guddaa
qabutti fayyadamuun haalawwan diigumsaa kana jijjiiruudha.

Table 4: School Risk Factors=Qabxiilee Balaa Mana Barumsaa

 Suspension and corporal punishment.=Dhaabbachuu fi adabbii qaamaa

 Punitive or inadequate attendance policies. = Imaammata argamaa adabbii ykn gahaa hin taane

 Tracking and differential grading procedures.=Hojimaata sadarkaa hordoffii fi adda addaa kennuu.

 Grade retention.=Giata qabachuu

 Teacher expectations and attitudes.=Eeggannoo fi ilaalcha barsiisaa

 Large school size.=Bal’ina mana barumsaa guddaa.

 Absence of a stimulating and innovative curriculum.=Kaarikulamiin kaka’umsaa fi kalaqaan

guutame jiraachuu dhabuu.

 Numerous grade-level transitions.=Ce’umsa sadarkaa kutaa hedduu.

 Climate of low academic expectations.=Haala qilleensaa barnoota irraa eegamu gadi aanaa.

 Crime and violence.=Yakkaa fi jeequmsa.

 Gang-related activities in or around school.=Sochiiwwan baandaawwanii wajjin walqabatan mana barumsaa

keessatti ykn naannoo ishee.

At the same time, a number of protective factors, if present in a school, can buffer these risk
factors and result in a more positive school culture and climate. As seen in Table 4, positive
relationships, bonding, and engagement, and an appropriate degree of structure and control are
positively correlated with a school culture and climate that is humane and invitational for staff,
students, and parents.

Kanuma waliin, wantootni eegumsaa hedduun, yoo mana barumsaa tokko keessatti jiraatan,
sababoota balaa kana ofirraa ittisuu fi aadaa fi haala mana barumsaa caalaatti gaarii ta’e uumuu
danda’u. Akkuma gabatee 4 irratti mul’atutti hariiroon gaariin, walitti hidhamiinsi, fi
hirmaannaan, fi sadarkaan caasaa fi to’annoo sirrii ta’e aadaa fi haala mana barumsaa hojjettoota,
barattootaa fi warraaf namummaa fi affeerraa ta’ee wajjin walitti dhufeenya gaarii qaba.

Given the risk and protective factors that are present in schools and the culture and climate they
create, school social workers should focus their interventions on changing or modifying the
culture and climate of a school so that schools become safe havens for all children and
youth—places where teachers, students, administrators, parents, and support staff all feel invited
to participate and welcome and share a psychological-sense of community. A renewed
understanding of the role of the school as a protective factor and caregiving environment in
children’s lives is critical. Fortunately, some schools are already leading the way in transforming
their school culture to include positive approaches to discipline, opportunities for teachers and
students to bond, and training for teachers in classroom management techniques.

Sababoota balaa fi eegumsaa manneen barnootaa keessatti argamanii fi aadaa fi haala qilleensaa
isaan uuman yoo ilaalle, hojjettoonni hawaasummaa mana barumsaa gidduu seensaa isaanii
aadaa fi haala qilleensa mana barumsaa tokkoo jijjiiruu ykn fooyyessuu irratti xiyyeeffachuun
manneen barnootaa daa’immanii fi dargaggoota hundaaf ̗bakka itti baqannaa nageenyaa akka
ta’an gochuu qabu bakka barsiisonni, barattoonni, bulchitoonni, warri, fi hojjettoonni deggersaa
hundi isaanii akka hirmaatan fi simatanii fi miira hawaasaa saayikoloojii akka qooddatan
affeeramuu itti dhaga’amu. Gahee mana barumsichaa akka waan eegumsaa fi naannoo
kunuunsaatti jireenya daa’immanii keessatti qabu irratti hubannoon haaromfame murteessaadha.
Akka carraa ta’ee manneen barnootaa tokko tokko aadaa mana barumsaa isaanii jijjiiruun mala
gaarii naamusaa, carraa barsiisotaa fi barattoonni walitti hidhamiinsa uumuu, fi leenjii
barsiisotaaf tooftaalee bulchiinsa daree hammachuudhaaf dursaa jiru.

Table 5: School Protective Factors =Wantoota Eegumsa Mana Barumsaa

 Educational engagement, school membership or bonding.=Hirmaannaa barnootaa,

miseensummaa mana barumsaa ykn walitti hidhamiinsa.

 Attachment relationships with emotionally significant adults.=Hariiroo walitti hidhamiinsaa

namoota ga’eessota miiraan hiika qaban waliin.

 Appropriate degree of environmental structure and control.=Caasaa fi to’annoo naannoo

sadarkaa sirrii ta’e qabaachuu. A developmental approach to curriculum that supports coping
and self-esteem.=Mala guddinaa kaarikulamii dandamachuu fi ofitti amanamummaa deeggaru.

 The acquisition of coping skills.

The Political Environment of the School and Theory of School Change
Haala Siyaasaa Mana Barumsaa fi Tiyoorii Jijjiirama Mana Barumsaa
4.1. The Political Environment of the School=Haala Siyaasaa Mana Barumsaa

School social workers practice in a “host” setting where the focus is education rather than social
work. Unlike mental health centers or child welfare agencies, school personnel frequently do not
understand or appreciate social work services.

Hojjettoonni hawaasummaa mana barumsaa haala keessummeessituu bakka xiyyeeffannaan hojii

hawaasummaa osoo hin taane barnoota ta’etti shaakalu. Buufata fayyaa sammuu ykn dhaabbilee
walgargaarsa daa’immanii irraa adda ta’ee, hojjettoonni mana barumsaa yeroo baay’ee tajaajila
hojii hawaasummaa hin hubatan ykn hin dinqisiifatan.

Consequently, school social workers are vulnerable; they may occupy a position of relatively low
status within the schools they serve and are often under scrutiny. To carry out their unique
mission in schools facilitating systemic change on behalf of vulnerable groups of students,
school social workers must discover how to acquire more informal power and become more
politically savvy. Rather than avoiding the political process, school social workers must become
engaged in it, guided by personal and professional values and ethics.

Kanarraa kan ka’e hojjettoonni hawaasummaa manneen barnootaa saaxilamoodha; manneen

barnootaa tajaajilan keessatti sadarkaa gadi aanaa qabaachuu kan danda’anii fi yeroo baay’ee
qorannoo jala kan jiran ta’uu danda’u. Ergama addaa isaanii manneen barnootaa gareewwan
barattoota saaxilamoo ta’an bakka bu’uun jijjiirama sirnaa haala mijeessan keessatti
raawwachuuf, hojjettoonni hawaasummaa manneen barnootaa akkaataa aangoo al-seerummaa
caalu itti horatanii fi siyaasaa caalaatti beekuu danda’an argachuu qabu. Hojjettoonni
hawaasummaa mana barumsaa adeemsa siyaasaa irraa fagaachuurra, gatii fi naamusa dhuunfaa fi
ogummaatiin qajeelfamuun itti bobba’uu qabu

In an important and provocative article, Lee (1983) provided a very informative and detailed
explanation of the many political processes that impact school social work services and provide
guidance on how school social workers can acquire more informal power. For example, Lee
stated that decisions made in schools result from “battles between competing interest groups”
rather than a rational decision-making process. In other words, decisions are largely based on
which group or persons wield the most power and influence in a school. Therefore, if school
social workers want to influence decision-making processes in a school, they must discover
which behaviors are rewarded or punished within a school that has the ear of the school
principal, who holds the most power on the school board, and how much authority the school
superintendent wields.

Barreeffama barbaachisaa fi kaka’umsa qabu keessatti, Lee (1983) adeemsa siyaasaa hedduu
tajaajila hojii hawaasummaa mana barumsaa irratti dhiibbaa geessisan irratti ibsa baay’ee
odeeffannoo fi bal’aa kenneera, akkasumas hojjettoonni hawaasummaa mana barumsaa
akkamitti aangoo al-seerummaa caalu argachuu akka danda’an qajeelfama kenneera.
Fakkeenyaaf, Liin murtoon manneen barnootaa keessatti kennamu adeemsa murtee hubannoo
qabu osoo hin taane lola gareewwan fedhii dorgoman gidduutti taasifamuu irraa kan maddu ta’uu
ibseera. Kana jechuun murtoon baay’inaan garee ykn namoota kamtu mana barumsaa tokko
keessatti aangoo fi dhiibbaa guddaa akka qabu irratti hundaa’a. Kanaafuu, hojjettoonni
hawaasummaa mana barumsaa adeemsa murtii mana barumsaa tokko keessatti dhiibbaa uumuu
yoo barbaadan, mana barumsaa gurra dura bu’aa mana barumsichaa qabu, eenyutu boordii mana
barumsichaa irratti aangoo guddaa akka qabu, akkamitti akka badhaafamu ykn adabamu adda
baasuu qabu aangoo guddaa itti gaafatamaan mana barumsichaa qaba.

Much of this political knowledge can be acquired through direct observation, by finding a
confidante in the school who can inform the school social worker about what is going on within
the school, by reading newspapers or scanning the Internet for school-related news, by attending
school board meetings (or watching them on cable TV), or a combination of these.

Beekumsi siyaasaa kun baay’een isaa kallattiin ilaaluudhaan, nama iccitii mana barumsichaa
keessatti hojjetaa hawaasummaa mana barumsichaa waa’ee waan mana barumsichaa keessatti
ta’aa jiru beeksisuu danda’u argachuudhaan, gaazexaa dubbisuudhaan ykn oduu mana
barumsichaa wajjin walqabatu interneetii irratti sakatta’uudhaan, irratti argamuun argachuun ni
danda’ama walgahii boordii mana barumsaa (ykn TV keebilii irratti ilaaluu), ykn kanneen kana
walitti makuun.

In addition to gaining this knowledge of the political processes within a school, school social
workers must also learn how to become more politically savvy. Table 2.3 discusses a series of
concrete steps that school social workers can take to become more politically savvy.

Hojjettoonni hawaasummaa mana barumsaa beekumsa adeemsa siyaasaa mana barumsaa tokko
keessatti raawwatamu kana argachuu bira darbee akkaataa siyaasaa caalaatti beekuu danda’anis
barachuu qabu. Gabatee 2.3 irratti tarkaanfiiwwan qabatamaa hojjettoonni hawaasummaa
manneen barnootaa siyaasaa caalaatti beekuuf fudhachuu danda’an walitti fufiinsaan ibsameera.

As shown in Table 6, school social workers need to learn how to market themselves by “blowing
their own horn,” offering compelling arguments about why they are needed in the schools, and
why they are indispensable.

Akkuma gabatee 6 irratti mul’atutti hojjettoonni hawaasummaa manneen barnootaa gaanfa ofii
afuufuudhaan, maaliif manneen barnootaa keessatti akka barbaachisan, fi maaliif akka hin hafne
falmii dirqisiisaa dhiyeessuun akkamitti akka of gabaa itti baasan barachuu qabu.

Table 6: Developing Political Savvy

 Rather than quietly doing their good work, school social workers must constantly “sell” themselves
and “blow their own horn” since no one else will do this for them.
 School social workers must offer compelling arguments about why they are needed by schools,
what specific contributions they make to the system, why no one else can do their job, and why
more of them need to be hired.
 Having information means having power. For example, social workers should market their
knowledge of community resources that can be used in support of education.
 Since conflicts are inevitable and unavoidable in schools, school social workers should develop and
“market” their expertise in conflict mediation and problem-solving skills (e.g., take a leadership
role in mediating conflicts or beginning a peer mediator program).
 School social workers can make themselves indispensable to the school by identifying needs and
gaps in services and offering their expertise in addressing these needs and gaps.
 Identify and establish relationships with powerful individuals both within and outside of school
(e.g., influential business people in a community, school board members, local and state
representatives) and call on these individuals for assistance when needed.
 School social workers must choose their battles carefully. They should go for easy victories
initially to build up their credibility in a school before tackling larger and more important issues
 School social workers should be prepared to cite statistics and research findings that support or
refute an educational issue.
 School social workers must constantly show that their interventions result in improved educational
outcomes (i.e., improvement in grades, attendance, and behavior) for students.

20-60-20 Theory of School Change=Tiyoorii Jijjiirama Mana Barumsaa

Another important “tool” for facilitating systemic change on behalf of vulnerable groups of
students in schools is the 20-60-20 theory of school change. This theory is illustrated in the case
vignette at the beginning of this chapter. According to this theory, each school staff breaks down
roughly into three groups. Members of the first group, comprising about 20 percent of the school
staff, may be referred to as the “obstructers.” This group will actively attempt to undermine any

attempts to make changes in school policy, programs, or procedures and will try to discredit
anyone who attempts to make any change, including school social workers. While this group is
relatively small percentagewise, its members can be very vocal and they can be a destructive
political force in the school. School social workers should not waste their time or energy trying
to influence the obstructers. Instead, they should agree to disagree with them and focus all their
efforts on the other two groups.

Garee barattootaa manneen barnootaa keessatti saaxilamoo ta’an bakka bu’uun jijjiirama sirnaa
haala mijeessuuf meeshaan barbaachisaan biraa yaada jijjiirama mana barumsaa 20-60-20 ti.
Tiyoorii kun jalqaba boqonnaa kanaa irratti case vignette keessatti ibsameera. Akka yaada
kanaatti hojjettoonni mana barumsaa tokkoon tokkoon isaanii tilmaamaan garee sadiitti
qoodamu. Miseensonni garee jalqabaa, hojjettoota mana barumsichaa keessaa gara dhibbeentaa
20 kan of keessaa qaban, gufuu ta’an jedhamanii waamamuu danda’u. Gareen kun imaammata,
sagantaa, ykn hojimaata mana barumsaa irratti jijjiirama gochuuf yaaliin godhamu kamiyyuu
dammaqinaan ni yaala, akkasumas maqaa balleessuuf ni yaala hojjettoota hawaasummaa mana
barumsaa dabalatee namni jijjiirama kamiyyuu fiduuf yaalu kamiyyuu. Gareen kun
dhibbeentaadhaan xiqqaa ta’us miseensonni isaa sagalee guddaa qabaachuu kan danda’anii fi
mana barumsichaa keessatti humna siyaasaa diigumsaa ta’uu danda’u. Hojjettoonni
hawaasummaa mana barumsaa yeroo ykn humna isaanii gufuu ta’an irratti dhiibbaa uumuuf
yaaluun qisaasuu hin qaban. Kanaa mannaa, isaan waliin walii galuu dhabuu fi carraaqqii isaanii
hunda gareewwan lamaan hafan irratti xiyyeeffachuu qabu.

Members of the second group could be referred to as the “fence sitters.” This group comprises
the largest number of school staff, about 60 percent. Fence sitters often assume a “wait-and-see”
attitude about any proposed school change. They remain neutral about any change until it is
proven to them that a change is beneficial. Because of the size of this group and because this
group can be won over, it is critical for school social workers to focus on this group to win
support for any school change effort.

Miseensonni garee lammaffaa fence sitters jedhamanii waamamuu danda’u. Gareen kun
hojjettoota mana barumsaa baay’inaan kan of keessaa qabu yoo ta’u, gara dhibbeentaa 60.
Namoonni dallaa taa’an yeroo baay’ee jijjiirama mana barumsaa yaadame kamiyyuu ilaalchisee
ilaalcha eegaa-ilaal fudhatu. Jijjiiramni tokko faayidaa akka qabu hanga isaanitti mirkanaa’utti
jijjiirama kamiyyuu irratti giddu galeessa ta’u. Sababa baay’ina garee kanaa fi gareen kun
mo’amuu waan danda’uuf, hojjettoonni hawaasummaa mana barumsaa tattaaffii jijjiirama mana
barumsaa kamiifuu deeggarsa argachuuf garee kana irratti xiyyeeffachuun murteessaadha.

Members of the third group could be referred to as the “change agents.” While this group
comprises only about 20 percent of the entire school staff, members of this group can be counted
on to be very enthusiastic about attempts to change school policies, programs, or procedures that
benefit the students. The change agents will be the school social worker’s primary support group
in bringing about systemic change in a school. For example, change agents can be used to win
over the fence sitters and to neutralize the destructive efforts of the obstructers.

Miseensonni garee sadaffaa ejentoota jijjiirraa jedhamanii waamamuu danda’u. Gareen kun
hojjettoota mana barumsaa guutuu keessaa gara dhibbeentaa 20 qofa kan of keessaa qabu yoo
ta’u, miseensonni garee kanaa yaaliiwwan imaammata, sagantaa mana barumsaa jijjiiruuf
godhamu irratti baay’ee quuqama akka qaban lakkaa’amuu danda’a , ykn hojimaata barattoota
fayyadu. Ergamtoonni jijjiiramaa mana barumsaa tokko keessatti jijjiirama sirnaa fiduu keessatti
garee deeggarsa jalqabaa hojjetaa hawaasummaa mana barumsichaa ta'a. Fakkeenyaaf,
ergamtoonni jijjiiramaa namoota dallaa taa’an mo’achuufi tattaaffii diigumsaa gufuulee
jiddugaleessa gochuuf itti fayyadamuun ni danda’ama.

The case of John, the School Social Worker=Dhimma Yohaannis, Hojjetaa Hawaasummaa
Mana Barumsaa

The following is an illustration of how John, the school social worker in the case vignette at the
beginning of this chapter, might go about applying the 20-60-20 theory of school change to
address the problem of peer sexual harassment at Jefferson Middle School. John would first meet
with the school principal to gain his support for addressing the problem. Once he has obtained at
least minimal support from the principal, John next meets with those teachers and staff that he
has identified as the change agents. John has identified a number of them during the three years
he has been at the school by observing which teachers and staff are most enthusiastic about their
jobs and love working with children.

Kan armaan gadii fakkeenya akkamitti Joon, hojjetaan hawaasummaa mana barumsaa kan case
vignette jalqaba boqonnaa kanaa irratti, rakkoo miidhaa saalaa hiriyaa mana barumsaa Jefferson
Middle School keessatti mul’atu furuuf yaada jijjiirama mana barumsaa 20-60-20 hojiirra
oolchuuf deemuu danda’a . Joon jalqaba dura buʼaa mana barumsichaa wajjin wal argee
rakkinicha furuuf deeggarsa isaa argachuuf ture. Yoo xiqqaate deeggarsa xiqqaa muummee
barnootaa irraa erga argateen booda, Joon itti aansee barsiisotaa fi hojjettoota ergamtoota
jijjiiramaa ta’uu isaanii adda baase sana waliin wal argu. Joon waggoota sadan mana
barumsichaa keessa ture keessatti barsiisonni fi hojjettoonni hojii isaaniif baay’ee quuqama akka
qabaniifi daa’imman waliin hojjechuu akka jaallatan ilaaluudhaan lakkoofsa isaanii adda

In his initial meeting with the change agents, John shares his concerns about the escalating
number of very offensive sexual comments; spreading of sexual rumors; and the inappropriate
touching, grabbing, and pinching that go on in the school hallways. John shares that there will be
a small but vocal group of teachers and faculty at the school who will deny that there is a
problem or attempt to minimize the problem. They may say things like, “What’s the big deal,
boys will be boys!” or “Here comes the politically correct police, again!” John states that these
comments should be ignored and that instead, members of the change agents group should focus
all their energies on the fence sitters.

Walgahii jalqabaa ergamtoota jijjiiramaa waliin taasise irratti, Joon yaaddoowwan yaadota
saalqunnamtii baay’ee nama aarsan baay’achaa dhufuu isaanii irratti qabu qooddata; oduu
saalqunnamtii babal’isuu; akkasumas tuquu, qabachuu fi ciniinsuu sirrii hin taane kan daandii
mana barumsichaa keessatti adeemsifamu. Joon gareen barsiisotaa fi barsiisonni xiqqaan garuu
sagalee guddaa qaban mana barumsichaa keessatti rakkoon akka jiru kan haalu ykn rakkinicha
xiqqeessuuf yaalan akka jiraatan qooddata. Isaan waan akka, Wanti guddaan, ijoolleen dhiiraa
ijoollee dhiiraa ta'u! ykn Kunoo poolisiin siyaasaan sirrii ta'e dhufa, ammas! Yohaannis yaadonni
kun akka tuffataman fi kanaa mannaa, miseensonni garee ergamtoota jijjiiramaa akka ta'e ibsa
humna isaanii hunda warra dallaa taa’an irratti xiyyeeffachuu qabu.

To do this, John asks that each teacher and staff person in this group help him identify the
teachers and staff who may not be aware or concerned at this time about the problem but who
could be won over if persuaded that sexual harassment is a serious problem; that is, it is having a
devastating impact on the learning environment of the school. He asks each member of the
change agents group to identify between three to five teachers and staff who they believe are
currently fence sitters but who can be won over to address this problem. Their next step will be
for two members from the change agents group to meet with 6 to 10 members of the fence sitters
group to discuss the problem and to develop a school wide plan of action to address this problem.

Kana gochuuf, Yohaannis tokkoon tokkoon barsiisaa fi hojjettoonni garee kana keessa jiran
barsiisotaa fi hojjettoota yeroo kanatti waa’ee rakkoo kanaa quba qabaachuu ykn yaaddoo
qabaachuu dhiisuu danda’an garuu miidhaa saalaa rakkoo guddaa ta’uu isaa yoo amansiifaman
mo’achuu danda’an adda baasuuf akka isa gargaaran gaafatee jira ; jechuunis haala barumsaa
mana barumsichaa irratti dhiibbaa hamaa geessisaa jira. Tokkoon tokkoon miseensa garee
ergamtoota jijjiiramaa barsiisotaafi hojjettoota yeroo ammaa dallaa taa’an jedhanii amanan garuu
rakkoo kana furuuf mo’amuu danda’an sadii hanga shanii akka adda baasan gaafatee jira.
Tarkaanfiin isaanii itti aanu garee ergamtoota jijjiiramaa irraa miseensonni lama miseensota
garee fence sitters 6 hanga 10 ta’an waliin wal arguun rakkoo kana irratti mari’achuu fi karoora
hojii bal’aa mana barumsaa qopheessuun rakkoo kana furuuf ta’a.


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