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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (E&TE)

Name: Shailaja kulkarni Batch: L-6

Roll No: 32242

SOP for food website:

The food website consists of a navigation bar, a homepage, an about us section, a
menu, contact, and a footer. Here is the standard operating procedure for the website.
The first section of the website consists of the navigation bar, which contains the
brand name and various buttons. By clicking on any of those buttons you can explore
the website. The first button provided is the home button which will navigate you to
the homepage of the website. Here you will see the tagline of our site and various
images. Also, there is a button which says, "order now". when you click on that button
it will redirect you to the site where you can order your food.
The next button in the navigation bar is the About us section by clicking that button
website will redirect you to the about us section of our site in that section you will see
the image of the most ordered dish through our website and the information about our
site that is, where we came from, how we started this business, and now how we are
working on it so that’s all about the about us section.
Moving on to the next button in the nav bar, it is the menu button, when
you click that button, you will be redirected to the menu section of the site. In the
menu section, you will see the various options we provide, that you can order using
our website. It contains various food options, to order that food, you can click the
button which is provided below the respective image. And you will be redirected to
the site where you can order that food.
The last section of the website is the contact us section, where you will
see the form to connect with us. The form contains the email address, password, and
feedback. By filling out that form, you can connect with us.

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