MODULE 4 Fundamentals of Surveying 02022022

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Self-Pace Module

Module 4 Measurement of Angles and Directions

Topics a. Types of Meridians and North Points
b. Units of Angular Measurement
c. Interior and Deflection Angles
d. Bearings and Azimuths
Overview: The lesson will cover the determination of a point or points based from
the angles and directions. Determine the horizontal angles by bearing and
azimuths. Calculation and converting units of angular measurements and
measuring angles using surveying instruments (total station)
Duration: Week 13-14 (2 weeks)

Targeting Learning Outcomes

Course Intended Learning -Understand different types of meridians

Outcomes -Calculate the angles using different units of angular measurements
-Differentiate interior angles and deflection angles
-Differentiate bearing and azimuths
Essential Questions How can I locate a point using angles and directions?
Learning Targets At the end of this module, you should determine the different angular
measurement and locate a point using angles and directions
Reference and Credits: Elementary Surveying, by Ghilani and Wolf
Elementary Surveying by La Putt


Determining the locations of points and orientations of lines frequently depends on the
observation of angles and directions. In surveying, directions are given by azimuths and bearings.

Angles measured in surveying are classified as either horizontal or vertical, depending on the
plane in which they are observed. Horizontal angles are the basic observations needed for determining
bearings and azimuths. Vertical angles are used in trigonometric leveling, stadia and for reducing slope
distances to horizontal.

Angles are most often directly observed in the field with total station instruments, although in the
past transits, theodolites, and compasses have been used. Three basic requirements determine an
angle: (1) reference or starting line,
(2) direction of turning, and
(3) angular distance (value of the angle).

Methods of computing bearings and azimuths described in this module are based on these three

Learning Tasks 5: Angles and Directions

Submission: as announced in MS Teams

Study and understand list of terminologies and enumeration. You can submit in ppt,
docx, pdf or image file format. You can also submit handwritten format, be sure to take the image
of your handwritten assignment in image format (jpg, png or others). Submission will be thru MS
Teams Assignment

1. Enumerate and Discuss the Types of Meridians

2. Enumerate and Discuss Units of Angular Measurements
Bearings and Azimuths


The direction of a line may be described by giving the bearing. The bearing of a line is
the acute horizontal angle between the reference meridian and the line. A quadrantal system is
used to specify bearings such that a line may fall under one of the following quadrants: NE, SE,
NW, and SW.

Each quadrant is numbered from 0 to 90 degrees from either the north or south end of
the meridian to the east or west end of the reference parallel (or the E-W Line). The fact that
bearing angles never exceed 90 degrees is an advantage when extracting values of their
trigonometric functions for use in computations.

Bearings Bearings



Another common method used in designating the direction of a line is by the use of
azimuths. The azimuth of a line is its direction as given by the angle between the meridian and
the line measured in a clockwise direction from either the north or south branch of the
meridian. Azimuths are usually preferred over bearings by most surveyors because they are
more convenient to work with such as in computing traverse data by electronic digital

The azimuth of a line may range from 0 to 360 degrees and letters are not required to
identify quadrants. For any particular survey the direction of zero azimuth is either always north
or always south. Some surveyors reckon azimuths from the south and some from the north
branch of whatever meridian is selected as a reference. Usually, a particular agency or
organization will consistently use one or the other.

Azimuth reckoned from North (AzN) = 210o

Azimuth reckoned from South ( AzS) = 30o

AzN of line A = 322o26’

AzN of line B = 66o40’
AzN of line C = 124o28’
AzN of line D = 224o21’
Lecture Videos
Please watch the YouTube Videos, (links provided)

Angle Units Conversion

Bearings to Azimuth

Sample Calculation:
1. Convert the angle 238o25’50” into its equivalent in decimal degrees


238o25’50” = deg + min/60 + sec/3600

= 238o + 25’/60 + 50/3600
= 238 + 0.4167 + 0.0139
= 238.4306o Ans.

2. Convert to degrees, minutes and seconds the decimal angle 325.7541667 degrees


= 325

Minutes = (325.7541667 – 325)/60

= 45.250002

Seconds = (45.250002 – 45)/60

= 15.00012

Therefore : 325.7541667 = 325o25’15” Ans.

3. Convert 270o into its equivalent value is grads, mils and radians

Degrees to grads
270o x = 300 grads ans.

Degree to Mils
270o x = 4800 mils ans.

Degree to Radians
270o x = 4.7124 radians ans.

4. Convert the following to bearings equivalent azimuth ( reckoned from north and south )
a. N 25o25’W b. S 50o10 E c. Due East

a. AzN Azimuth reckoned from North (AzN)
= 25o25’ Ans.

Azimuth reckoned from South (AzS)

= 180o + 25o25’
= 205o25’ Ans.


Azimuth reckoned from North (AzN)

= 180o – (50o10’)
= 129o50’ Ans.
Azimuth reckoned from South (AzS)
= 360o + 50o10’

= 309o50’ Ans.


Azimuth reckoned from North (AzN)

= 90o Ans.

AzS Azimuth reckoned from South (AzS)

= 180o + 90o = 270o Ans

Due East or

= 360o – 90o = 270o Ans.

5. Convert the following to Azimuths to Bearings pp283
a. AzS = 135o b. AzN = 228o15’ c. AzN = 180o


AzS = 135o

Bearing = 180o – 135o

= N 45oW Ans.



(AzN) = 228o15’

Bearing = 228o15’ – 180o

= S 48o15’W Ans.


(AzN) = 180o

Bearing= Due South Ans.


Class (Synchronous) Discussion: as posted in MS Teams

Learning Tasks No. 6: Problems Sets in Measurement Angles and Directions
Submission: as posted in MS Teams

Solve the following problems. Write your solutions on the space provided and encircle your
final answer. After finalizing your answer and solution, took an image using your
smartphones, cameras or scanners and upload it thru MS Teams under the designated
Learning Tasks.

Name: ___________________________________Student No.___________Yr. and Sec ______

Problem 1 : The angular measurement of 151 .0000 grads is equivalent __________ degrees

Problem 2. The equivalent of 270o00’ in the centesimal system is _______________

Problem 3 : The forward bearing of a line is N 45o00’E. Its back azimuth measured
from north is equal to ______________

N 45oE

Problem 4: The azimuth of a boundary line is 128°13’46”. Convert this to a bearing.

Performance Task No. 4:
Fieldwork No. 4 Closing the Horizon
( See attached Fieldwork Procedure or Check MS Teams files)
Submission : as posted in MS Teams

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