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Spreading it’s Branches through Social Media in 21 st Century

We all have heard about the Chipko Movement. Chipko FACTS:

Movement was a social and ecological movement by rural • The Chipko Movement was initiated by
villagers, particularly woman, in India in the 1970s aimed environmentalist Sunderlal Bahugunu.
to maintain the ecological balance of nature. • This movement originated at the Himalayan regions
of Uttarakhand.
But in today’s time where social media is so much • Awarded in 1987 as the Right Livelihood Award.
prevalent, this movement has not loosen its originality. In • Ended successfully in 1980, when the government
fact in today’s technological and advanced world, Chipko of India issued a ban on felling of trees in
Movement has spread its horizons widely for reducing Himalayan regions.
numerous environmental concerns. This movement
becomes an example of how our environment, our
forests, our trees are so much important for us. The
village women’s who were part of this movement are an
example for the citizens to conserve the Ecological

In today’s world, Social Media is really a blessing for us as

it has not only helped these Environmental Movements
reach to a certain level but also created a social awareness
among the citizens of the country. Even tough, Chipko
Movement is a very old movement but through the
advent of Media, this movement is still cherished and
taken as an example in the 21st Century. Recently Emma
Watson (an English Actress) was also seen thanking Indian :
women’s who were involved in the movement for A glimpse of Chipko Chipko Movement gaining
conserving the ecological system. This shows how social Movement: momentum through Media:
media has completely changed the parameters of
Environmental and Social Movements in 21st Century.

(by, Jhanvi Khatri, sec.B & Arushi Pandita, sec.A)

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