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ETIQUETTE AT MEETINGS. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_aXS48w/ING06...

Read the text and listen to the recording.

00:00 01:48

The role of the facilitator.

A facilitator is someone who helps a group of people understand their common

objectives and plan to achieve them without personally taking any side of the
argument. The facilitator will try to assist the group in achieving consensus. The
role of a facilitator has been compared with that of a midwife who assists in the
process of creation but is not the producer of the end result.

A facilitator accepts responsibility to help the group accomplish a common task:

to move through the agenda in the time available and to make the necessary
decisions. A facilitator makes no decisions for the group, but suggests ways to
help the group move forward.

If you want to be a successful facilitator, read the following tips:

Start the meeting on a positive note of confidence and energy.

Go through the whole agenda. Explain what is to be covered and how.
Encourage the expression of various viewpoints.
In tense situations or when solutions are hard to reach, remember that humour, affirmation, change of
place, etc., may help.
Remember that any meeting will benefit from quick breaks.
In small meetings, it is often a good idea to evaluate the meeting to see how the process, not the content,
was perceived by the participants.
Try to end the meeting on a positive note with a sense of gathering: A song, some silence, standing in a
circle, shaking hands.
Text adapted from:

and (21,7 KB)

Find words in the text which mean:

1. An opinion that everyone in a group accepts.

2. A nurse who assists in the birth of a baby.
3. Succeed in doing something.
4. A particular way of thinking.
5. A short period of time when you stop working.
6. A meeting of a group of people.


If you had problems with this exercise, try reading the text again.

You should know

1 de 6 18/04/2021 09:30
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If you want to find out more about meeting etiquette, visit the following website.

Language expert Meetings.

To test what you have learned, take the quiz.

Language expert Challenge.

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1.- Manners are important.

Let's learn a few interesting facts about manners in the UK.

Do stand in line: In Britain we like to form orderly queues and wait patiently
for our turn, e.g. boarding a bus. It is usual to queue when required, and
expected that you will take your correct turn and not push in front. 'Queue
jumping' is frowned upon.
Do say "excuse me": If someone is blocking your way and you would like
them to move, say excuse me and they will move out of your way.
Do say "please" and "thank you": It is very good manners to say "please"
and "thank you". It is considered rude if you don't.
Do cover your mouth: When yawning or coughing always cover your mouth with your hand.
Do say "sorry": If you accidentally bump into someone, say 'sorry'. They probably will too, even if it was
your fault! This is a habit and can be seen as very amusing by an 'outsider'.
Do not greet people with a kiss: We only kiss people who are close friends and relatives. Also, avoid
doing gestures such as backslapping and hugging. This is only done among close friends.
Do not ask personal or intimate questions: We like our privacy. Please do not ask questions such as
"How much money do you earn?" "How much do you weigh?" or "Why aren't you married?".

 Do delante de los verbos tiene el efecto de suavizar el uso del imperativo afirmativo, equivale a un “por favor”.

Think about it
Write in the forum:

Why not make a similar list for visitors to your country?

Text and activity adapted from

You should know

Did you know that manners are all about a reduction of violence between people? Listen to
a radio programme about manners and do the exercises.


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2.- Back to December.

Citas Para Pensar

“An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything.”

Lynn Johnston

"I'm sorry" songs are quite popular. Here is a list of some songs to tell someone
you're sorry for what you've done. I'm sure you can think of some more.

Elton John - Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

Evanescence - Forgive me.
Chicago - Hard to say I'm sorry.
Elvis Presley - Always on my mind.

Think about it
Read part of the song "Back to December" and answer the questions:

"So this is me swallowing my pride Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night And I
go back to December all the time"

What does the above verse mean?

What do you think the song is about?

Mostrar retroalimentación

This is what Taylor Swift says about this song: "This is about somebody who was
incredible to me, just perfect to me in a relationship, and I was really careless with him, so
these are the words that I would say to him -- that he deserves to hear."

You should know

Now watch the video and read the lyrics.

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Back to December- Taylor …

Text summary

Back to December Lyrics.

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Appendix.- Licences of resources.

Licences of resources used in section "Culture and Peaple".

Resource Resource
Resource information (1) Resource information (2)
(1) (2)

Autoría: Richard Rutter. Autoría: Thomas Hawk.

Licencia: CC by 2.0. Licencia: CC by-nc 2.0.
Procedencia: Procedencia:
/photos/clagnut/252185030/ /photos/thomashawk/245769695/

Autoría: °Florian.
Licencia: CC by-sa 2.0.

6 de 6 18/04/2021 09:30
ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Communicative Activities. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_jSXM2D/ING0...



Caso práctico

Read the text and listen to the situation.

00:00 00:58

The girls are back in the office and Lourdes receives a phone call.

Lourdes: Hello? Lourdes speaking.

Michael: Hi Lourdes! It's Michael. How are you?

Lourdes: I'm fine, thanks. How are you? How are things with your girlfriend?

Michael: I'm great. I followed your advice and things have worked out perfectly. My girlfriend and
I made up.

Lourdes: Wow, that's fantastic news. I'm really happy for you.

Michael: Yes, thank you. I have to go now. Talk to you later.

Lourdes: Bye.

Lourdes can't wait to tell Susana about the good news and phones her.

Susana: Hey, that's wonderful. You know, we are very good at giving advice.

Lourdes: Yes, and we are experts in good manners and etiquette.

Susana: That's right. I'm so happy we came to London. We're learning so much!!!

Think about it
What have you learned in this unit? Can you...?

Apologise to somebody.
Express ability.
Give permission.
Make deductions.
Follow the rules of etiquette at the office.
Express reason and result.
Express obligation.
Write a memo.
Pronounce modal verbs.
Tell the difference between an adjective and an adverb.

Mostrar retroalimentación

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If you answered "no" to some of the questions above, it would be a good idea to revise
the unit before moving on to the final tasks.

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1.- Reading exercise.

Let's read the following text to find out about manners nowadays.

Many people lament the lack of good manners in today's society. There tends
to be a "me first" attitude that can manifest itself in rudeness and bad
manners. Some people focus on their own needs and forget about treating
others with respect. If you treat people with respect, from potential partners to
bosses to total strangers, and make a good impression, there could be some tangible benefits.


Using good manners on the job will give a good impression to your co-workers and bosses. It can be hard to
stand out at work when you have the same skills and ability level as everyone else on your work team.
Good manners can set you apart, helping you to earn recognition and possible raises and promotions.


If you deal with customers, good manners can help you maintain your current clients and win new customers
more easily. In a study by Eticon Inc., an etiquette consulting company, 58 percent of people surveyed said
they would stop dealing with a business if they were treated rudely. Using good manners also can bring down
hostility and defensiveness when a customer comes to you with a problem.


Try to maintain good manners on the road, even when other drivers do foolish things like cutting you off.
By maintaining good manners, you'll reduce your own stress level and reduce the chance that another driver
will try to get into a violent confrontation with you.

Everyday contacts.

Use good manners and treat others with respect, even if they are everyday contacts who you do not know
personally. This includes store clerks, gas station attendants, salespeople and just about anyone else you
might encounter in your daily routine. If you treat others with respect, they are more likely to respond in the
same way. If you end up having a problem, they will be more likely to go out of their way to help you if you use
good manners instead of getting upset. Using good manners with a stranger can brighten the other person's
day, even with a simple act like holding a door open or giving up your seat on a crowded train.
Text adapted from

Match the following sentences with the paragraphs.

Matching exercise

Sentences Match Paragraph

Give up your seat. 1. Workplace.

Good manners help you reduce stress. 2. Customers.

Good manners can impress your boss. 3. Drivers.

4. Everyday
Use good manners with strangers.

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If people are treated rudely, they stop dealing with a


Good manners can help you to get a promotion.


Practice makes perfect, so try to practice your pronunciation as much as you can.

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2.- Listening exercise.

Listen to an expert discussing covering letters and then do the exercise below.
00:00 01:25

Complete the text with the missing words.
Do matter at work? Should you really be expected to be
all the time, or can you bend the rules in the name of
efficiency or self-preservation?
When your boss calls and you're in the of a meeting with
a colleague, you answer it. It must be important – after all, it's your
boss! Never mind that your colleague and the meeting are important
too, it's your boss on the phone!
Or what about when you're behind? It's 3:50 pm and the report you're preparing has
to be printed by 4:00 pm sharp. You print it off and the paper in the middle of your job.
There's no time to fix it so you resend the print job to another printer and you just leave the jam
for someone else to discover and fix. Sure, it's an for them, but it wasn't
exactly your fault that the printer jammed, was it?
You know that behaviors like this are . You wouldn't behave in this way outside of the
office. So why do we then ourselves to behave inconsiderately at work?
behaviour makes members of your team unhappy. With this in mind, there is
simply no for bad manners.
Text adapted from

If you had problems with this exercise, you can read the listening script.

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3.- Speaking exercise.

Answer the following questions:

Where and when do you usually switch off your mobile?

Have you ever forgotten to turn your phone off? Were there embarrassing
Do you use more formal language when you speak to an older person / your
boss / a teacher?
Do you always stop at a pedestrian crossing?
When you arrive more than 15 minutes late for a lunch or dinner at someone's house, do you apologise?
Do you take a present?

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4.- Writing exercise.

Write memos with the following information.

Example: Mrs Harris / Peter Duncan / application forms for course / send back asap.

To: Mrs Harris

From: Peter Duncan

Attached you will find the application form for the course. Could you complete it and send it back as
soon as possible?

1. Mr Reynolds / Susan Fleming / inform the workers about new schedules / attached document with more
2. Ms Branson / Anne Smith / pick up the package at the train station / bring it to office asap.
3. Mr Brown / Susan Ford / in response to memo / gave details to administration staff to start working on
the new campaign / attached document with new brochures.

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Appendix.- Licences of resources.

Licences of resources used in session Communicative Activities. "Sorry is the
hardest word".

Resource (1) Resource information (1) Resource (2) Resource information (2)

By: Lady_K. By: Marcin Wichary.

License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. License: CC by 2.0.
From: From:
/krista_g/2386400492/ /mwichary/2132379434/

By: Sean dreilinger. By: Shawn Econo.

License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0.
From: From:
/seandreilinger/5208697698/ /shawnecono/145424142/

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ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 1.- Sorry is the hardest word. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_1Lihjx/ING06_S...

ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 1.- Sorry is

the hardest word.

Caso práctico

Read the text and listen to the situation.

00:00 01:43

Another day at the office begins and Lourdes phones a friend of hers.

Lourdes: Hi, Michael, it's me, Lourdes. How are you?

Michael: Sorry, who are you?

Lourdes: I am Lourdes, do you remember me? I am a trainee at British Corporation.

Michael: Right. Sorry, I'm a little bit distracted today. I was thinking about a problem I have. I
don't know what to do; maybe you could give me some advice.

Lourdes: Well, tell me and maybe I can help you.

Michael: It's my girlfriend, you know. We kind of fell out, and at the moment she's not talking
to me.

Lourdes: What happened?

Michael: Nothing, but she seems to be angry at me for some reason.

Lourdes: Have you tried talked to her?

Michael: Yes, without success. I have been trying to say sorry to her through phone calls and
text messages, but she is still ignoring me. It is a tough situation to say sorry especially if you
do not even have the chance to say a proper apology. You see, I don't want to upset her and
make her dislike me even more.

Lourdes: Yes, I agree. By leaving her needy messages you will only push her further away.

Michael: What can I do instead?

Lourdes: Well, I'm not an expert in the subject, but perhaps now you are wondering whether she
will break up with you. I think you should try to be calm and collected. Instead of saying
what you want, apologise and tell her how important she is to you.

Michael: Thank you Lourdes, I think I might do what you suggest.

Lourdes: No problem. I'm glad I can be of help. Bye!

Michael: Bye, Lourdes.

Think about it
1 de 17 18/04/2021 09:29
ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 1.- Sorry is the hardest word. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_1Lihjx/ING06_S...

Write in the forum:

Have you ever had to say sorry about something? If you were Michael, what would you
Is it common to apologise in your country?
Are there any differences between apologising in your country and in English-speaking

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ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 1.- Sorry is the hardest word. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_1Lihjx/ING06_S...

1.- What to say.

Citas Para Pensar

“A man's manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Caso práctico

Lourdes has told Susana about her conversation with Michael. Susana has
been listening very attentively.

Susana: It looks like your friend has a serious problem.

Lourdes: Yes, and I don't know what to tell him, honestly. I'm not very
good at giving advice.

Susana: I know! Your friend can play the guitar, can't he?

Lourdes: Yes, that's right.

Susana: And he's good at writing songs, isn't he?

Lourdes: Yes, he used to play in a band.

Susana: Well, he should write a song to his girlfriend. You know, a song to say he's sorry.

Lourdes: Right, that's a fantastic idea. I can't wait to tell him. Thanks Susana, you're great.

Susana: I know, I know.

If you aren't good at singing or writing songs and you want to find out more about saying sorry, read the
following chart. You might find some interesting expressions to apologise.

To emphasise how you feel

I'm really sorry... I'm really sorry, Pete, I didn't mean to lose your book.
I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday, Oliver!
To say why you're sorry
Sorry about... Sorry about the mess. I'll clear up later.
Sorry for... Sorry for taking your DVD.
To say sorry without using the words 'I'm sorry'!
I'd like to apologise for... I'd like to apologise for the way I spoke to you earlier.
Adapted from

You should know

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How would you respond politely to the following requests? Go to the BBC Learning English
website and take the quiz.

Quiz Responses.

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ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 1.- Sorry is the hardest word. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_1Lihjx/ING06_S...

1.1.- Celebrity apologies.

Would you know the difference in meaning between "I'm sorry" and "I
apologise"? If you bumped into someone with your shopping trolley, you
might use either phrase. But what about public apologies? For celebrities and
politicians the differences are key, and the choice of the right phraseology is vital.
Let's take a look at some examples:

In 2009, actress Kate Winslet won two Golden Globe awards: for best supporting actress in The Reader,
and for best actress in Revolutionary Road. Winslet's emotional acceptance speech immediately
ensured its place in the gallery of YouTube classics, when she tried to apologise to her fellow nominees:
"I'm so sorry Anne (Hathaway), Meryl (Streep), Kristin (Scott-Thomas) oh God, who is the other one?" she
gasped. "Oh yes, Angelina (Jolie)... OK… Now forgive me... Is this really happening?"

German football team Energie Cottbus announced it would refund 600 supporters the admission price of
a recent away game. The fans travelled 610 km to see their players beaten 4-0 by the Schalke team. It was
Energie Cottbus's sixth loss in seven games. A statement on the club's website said: "By refunding the cost
of admission for their supporters, the red and whites would like to apologise for the pitiful performance
which they displayed at the Veltins Arena".

Rap star Kanye West apologised for interrupting the acceptance speech of singer Taylor Swift at the MTV
Video Music Awards. As Swift was collecting the award for best video by a female artist, West jumped on to the
stage saying "Taylor, I'm really happy for you… but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time." The
audience jeered. Later, West wrote on his blog: "I'm soooo sorry to Taylor Swift, her fans and her mom ... I
spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would've said."

Software giant Google apologised to Michelle Obama over a racially offensive image of her that appeared
when users searched for images of the US first lady. Google placed an "offensive search result" notice over the
picture. The company said: "Sometimes our search results can be offensive." But it refused to take the image
down from its search results.
Adapted from and

Decide if the following are true or false:

"I'm sorry" and "I apologise" are not acceptable ways to apologise if you bumped into
someone with your shopping trolley.

They are equally acceptable.



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1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta

Celebrities who want to apologise have to choose their words carefully.


That's right!

Perhaps you need to read the text again.


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto

Kate Winslet's acceptance speech received many visits on YouTube.


That's correct.

That's not exact.


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto

The German football team refunded the supporters for having travelled 610 km.

They gave their supporters the money back for losing the game.

That's correct!

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ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 1.- Sorry is the hardest word. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_1Lihjx/ING06_S...


1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta

Kanye West apologised to Taylor Swift in person.


He apologised by writing on his blog.



1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta

Google has not removed the offensive image of Michelle Obama from its website.


They apologised but didn't take the image down from their website.


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto

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1.2.- Apology to "The stolen generations".

Kevin Rudd was the 26th Prime Minister of Australia and is currently the Minister for
Foreign Affairs. In 2008, he offered a broad apology to all Aborigines and the Stolen
Generations for their "profound grief, suffering and loss" in a carefully worded
statement that was greeted by a standing ovation.

"The Stolen Generations" is a term used to describe the children of Australian Aboriginal
descent who were removed from their families by the Australian Federal and State
government agencies and church missions, under acts of their respective
parliaments. The removals occurred in the period between approximately 1869 and
1969, although in some places children were still being taken in the 1970s.
Text adapted from and

You should know

Now watch the video in which the Australian Prime Minister reads an apology to the

Sorry, Kevin Rudd's Apolog…

Text summary

Read the apology transcript.

Apology transcript.

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2.- How to say it: Modal verbs to express ability.

Think about it
What is the difference between these two sentences?

Jamie can play the guitar.

Jamie could play the guitar when I was six.

Mostrar retroalimentación

That's right, in the first sentence we're talking about an ability Jamie has, something he
can do. In the second sentence, we're talking about an ability he had when he was a child.

When we talk about ability, we mean two things.

First, we mean general ability. This is something that once you have learned you can do any time you want, like
being able to read or swim or speak a language, for example.

The other kind of ability is specific ability. This means something that you can or can't do in one particular
situation. For example, being able to lift something heavy, or find a place you are looking for.

Can / can’t (for both general and specific ability).
I can play the piano.
She can speak English.
He can’t drive – he’s too tired.
We can’t come now.
I can't ride a bike.
Could / couldn’t (for general ability).
I could read when I was four.
She could speak French when she was a child, but now she has forgotten it.
He couldn’t dance at all until he took lessons.
My grandfather couldn’t swim.
When I was a child, I could play chess very well but my father couldn't.
Was able to / couldn’t (for specific ability).
When the computer crashed yesterday, I was able to fix it. (Not I could fix it.)
She was able to pass the exam, even though she hadn’t studied much. (Not she could pass.)
He called us because he couldn’t find the house.
I couldn’t open the window.
Will be able to.
If you ask him, he will probably be able to help you.

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click here to read the Spanish translation.

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Mostrar retroalimentación

Al hablar de capacidad, queremos decir dos cosas:

Primero, capacidad o habilidad general. Algo que, una vez aprendido, puedes hacer
cuando quieras.
En español decimos saber leer, nadar o hablar otra lengua, por ejemplo.
El otro tipo de capacidad es específica: algo que se puede hacer en una situación
particular. Por ejemplo, levantar un peso o encontrar el sitio que estabas buscando.
Presente: can / can’t (para capacidad general y específica).
Pasado: could / couldn’t (para capacidad general).
was able to / couldn’t (para capacidad específica).
Futuro: will be able to.

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2.1.- Modal verbs to express permission.

Can and could + INF are used to ask for permission.

Can I use your car tonight, dad?
Could I use your car tonight, dad?
There are differences between the two:
Can is used in informal situations while could is used in more formal, polite
Can I borrow your pencil, Tomas?
Could I borrow your pen, Mr. Clapton?
Can is used for the present and could is used for the past.
Last night I couldn't go to the disco, my father was really angry with me.
The use of may + INF is very formal.
May I use telephone, please? Yes, you may.
Note that when we want to give permission, we use can or may, but not could.
Be allowed to + INF is used to express that we have permission to do something.
We will be allowed to smoke in a bar when we are 18 years old.
People over 55 years have been allowed to leave the building 30 minutes earlier.
Are there any differences between can and be allowed to?
Can is used for general permission while be allowed to refers to a particular occasion.
People only can smoke in the staff room.
The prisoner was allowed to leave the prison for one day last weekend.

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click here if you want to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Can y could + INF se usan para pedir permiso.

Hay diferencias entre los dos.

Can se usa en situaciones informales mientras que could se usa en situaciones más
Can se usa para el presente y could para el pasado.

El uso de may es muy formal.

Observa que cuando queremos dar permiso usamos can o may, pero no could.
Be allowed to + INF se usa para expresar que tenemos permiso para hacer algo.
¿Hay alguna diferencia entre can y be allowed to?
Can se usa para permisos generales mientras que be allowed to se refiere a una ocasión

11 de 17 18/04/2021 09:29
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2.2.- Now put it into practice.

Fill in the blanks with CAN or CAN'T:

a. I'm sorry but you smoke here.

b. you speak French? No, I .
c. You leave your bags at reception.
d. you sign here, please?
e. You visit different tourist attractions.
f. Children under 12 travel alone. They must always be
accompanied by an adult.
g. Where I find a tourist information office?
h. Where are you? I see you.


It wasn't difficult, was it?

Look at the following sentences and use one of the modal verbs in brackets to fill the gaps.

1. You (may/could) leave now if you wish.

2. (Could/May) you open the window a bit, please?
3. (May/Can) you play the piano?
4. (Can't/May) I make a call on your mobile?
5. Do you know if Mark (can/can't) sing?
6. (Can't/May) I sit here, please?
7. Caroline, your friends (can/could) stay the night if they want to. They're perfectly
8. (May/Could) you lend me 40 Euros till Monday?
9. Listen, please. Students (may/could) study in the library from five to nine in the


I'm sure you found this exercise easy.

Write the   sentences in brackets in their correct forms into the gaps. Use contractions
where possible.

1. Last week we swimming, but this week we can. (can / not / go)

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ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 1.- Sorry is the hardest word. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_1Lihjx/ING06_S...

2. Maybe your friend Lara a new house next year. (can / buy)
3. If you try hard, you your exams. (can / pass)
4. When I was four, I . (can / not / swim)
5. George his homework when his desk is in such a mess. (can / not / do)
6. They were so busy, they me a text message. (can / not / write)
7. Larry his jacket. He can wear it again. (can / clean)


1. Last week we couldn't go swimming, but this week we can.

2. Maybe your friend Lara will be able to buy a new house next year.
3. If you try hard, you will be able to pass your exams.
4. When I was four, I couldn't swim.
5. George can't do his homework when his desk is in such a mess.
6. They were so busy, they couldn't write me a text message.
7. Larry was able to clean his jacket. He can wear it again.

If you are having problems with modal verbs, try to revise the theory.

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ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 1.- Sorry is the hardest word. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_1Lihjx/ING06_S...

3.- Words you need: Apologising.

There is a saying in English which goes "Sorry is the hardest word to say". This is
strange because many non-native speakers of English believe the opposite – that
it’s the easiest word to say because English speakers seem to say it so often in so
many different situations! When you apologise, how you use your voice is crucial,
as is your choice of language.

What does "I’m sorry" mean in the sentences below? Match the sentences and their

Matching exercise

Sentences Match Meaning

1. I beg your
Sorry, I think that's my coat.

He had a terrible childhood. I'm sorry I asked him to tell me

2. Excuse me.
about his past.

3. I regret
Sorry, what did you say?


It's very important to say the words sorry, please and thank you, when you speak in

What is “I’m sorry” equivalent to in the following sentences? Match the sentences and their

Matching exercise

Sentences Match Meaning

I'm sorry I won't be able to go because... 1. Disagree.

I'm sorry, but I can't agree with you on this. 2. Give bad news.

I'm sorry, you can't have the afternoon off because... 3. Make a request.

I'm sorry, you can't smoke at school. 4. Refuse a request.

I'm sorry, your computer can't be fixed. 5. Refuse an invitation.

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ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 1.- Sorry is the hardest word. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_1Lihjx/ING06_S...

Sorry, could you open the window? It's too hot in here. 6. Refuse permission.


As you can see, the word sorry has a lot of different meanings.

Think about it
What would say in the following situations? Practise in the forum.

1. You did not catch what your boss said.

2. You won’t be able to have a drink with the rest of your co-workers because you're not
feeling well.
3. A colleague is using a room that you had booked in advance.

A step ahead
For more information on how to say sorry, visit the following website.

Saying sorry.

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3.1.- Accepting apologies.

When we accept an apology we can use phrases such as:

That’s OK.
No problem.
Don’t mention it.
It’s quite all right.
It’s not important.
Don’t worry about it.
No worries.
When we decide not to accept an apology we can say:
I’m afraid that’s not good enough.
I’d rather you didn’t let that happen again.
A more subtle way of not accepting an apology is to pretend it hasn’t been made, for example:
A: I’m sorry I lost your pen.
B: I’ll go and get another one.
A: Sorry I’m late.
B: Well, take a seat.

Think about it
Respond to the following prompts in the forum:

1. I'm sorry I'm late again.

2. I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday again.
3. I’m really sorry the report wasn't ready in time for your meeting with Mr. Henderson.
4. I'm sorry for drinking all the coffee.
5. I'm sorry, they didn't have green tea so I've brought you a black tea instead.

A step ahead
For more information on how to accept an apology, visit the following website.

Accepting an apology.

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ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 1.- Sorry is the hardest word. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_1Lihjx/ING06_S...

Appendix.- Licences of resources.

Licences of resources used in session 1. "Sorry is the hardest word".

Resource Resource
Resource information (1) Resource information (2)
(1) (2)

By: Polina Sergeeva. By: butupa.

License: CC by 2.0. License: CC by 2.0.
From: From:
/polinasergeeva/3021632376/ /25792994@N04/5299579966/

By: m.a.r.c. By: Pascal \o/.

License: CC by-sa 2.0. License: CC by-nc 2.0.
From: From:
/mabi/38909521/ /v50/4310117890/

By: hegarty_david.
By: Zawezome.
License: CC by-nc.
License: CC by 2.0.

By: runran. By: Horia Varlan.

License: CC by-sa 2.0. License: CC by 2.0.
From: From:
/runran/3069844856/ /horiavarlan/4516719171/

17 de 17 18/04/2021 09:29
ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 2.- Rules of etiquette. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_AJCvrq/ING06...

ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 2.- Rules of


Caso práctico
Read the text and listen to the situation.

00:00 01:58

It's lunchtime and the girls have a few minutes to eat and have
a chat.

Lourdes: Hi, Susana! How 's everything?

Susana: Not too bad, how are you?

Lourdes: Great, thanks. Look, that conversation I had with Michael has made me think. You
know that here in the UK it's very important to apologise when you've done something wrong.

Susana: Sure, everybody knows that.

Lourdes: Well, yes, but perhaps we don't do that as often as we should, because things are
different in Spain.

Susana: OK, Lourdes, what's your point?

Lourdes: What I mean is that we need to be familiar with the rules of etiquette in this country.
Etiquette is very important, especially in the office, you know?

Susana: I couldn't agree more. What do you suggest we do? Maybe ask somebody?

Lourdes: That's a good idea, but I thought we could start by reading this book about business
etiquette I borrowed from the library. We might find out that we don't know that much about
etiquette at the office.

Susana: Let's see. Hmm... It says here that in the UK punctuality is very important in business
situations. If you know that you will be late, it is a good idea to phone and offer your apologies.

Lourdes: Wow, we should take that into account. Any other interesting pieces of information?

Susana: Yes, listen to this: "When we meet somebody in a business situation, a firm handshake
is the norm. Maintain eye contact during the greeting but avoid anything prolonged and keep a
few feet of personal space."

Lourdes: "Personal space"? That's something I would never have thought about.

Susana: That's true. We are learning so much... and I think we still have lots to learn in the future.

Lourdes: I agree: this stuff is fascinating, but there are so many rules! We'll never be able to work
in the UK unless we learn all these rules!

Susana: Don't worry, we'll work something out.

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Think about it
Write in the forum:

Do you know the rules of etiquette in your country?

Are there many rules concerning working in an office?
Do you think etiquette is important in a business context?

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ETIQUETTE AT THE OFFICE. Session 2.- Rules of etiquette. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_AJCvrq/ING06...

1.- What to say.

Citas Para Pensar

"Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that
awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use." Emily Post

Caso práctico
The girls decide to make a list of office etiquette rules. This is what
they come up with:

Be punctual.
Dress appropriately.
Don't abuse the flexibility they give you.
Be polite to everyone.
Don't do too many personal things on the company's time
(personal phone calls, email, etc.).
Call if you can't come or are going to be late.
Respect colleagues' privacy.

Think about it
Give your opinion in the forum:

What do you think about the previous list?

Are there any other rules you can think of?

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1.1.- Office etiquette.

There are proper ways to behave in any social situation. Proper etiquette is to be
followed when dining out, attending a wedding or funeral, giving gifts and
even saying "thank you." Did you know there's also proper etiquette to be
followed when working in an office? Below are some ways you can practice good
office etiquette.

1. If you show up to work every day with a wrinkled shirt, uncombed

hair or dirty fingernails, it will be noticed. Who do you think your supervisor
is going to choose to represent the company on a business trip or in a meeting? The person wearing
sneakers and T-shirt, or a co-worker who always shows up for work with well-groomed features
and freshly ironed clothes?
2. Your desk or cubicle should be an extension of yourself. If it's messy and cluttered, you'll probably
have difficulty locating necessary items. In addition, your colleagues will not regard you in a favourable
light due to the untidiness of your workspace.
3. If you're late on a regular basis, people notice. If you have trouble leaving the house on time, or seem to
always be missing connections, perhaps you should wake up earlier to remedy the situation. The same is
true for business meetings. It is never a good idea to arrive late for a business meeting.
4. There's a saying, "you never get a second chance to make a good first impression." When meeting
people for the first time, it's good practice to use eye contact and a firm handshake and tell the other
person how nice it is to meet him or her. If you already know the person, but others in your
environment don't, it's necessary to make the proper introductions.
5. Whether in a meeting, on the phone or sitting in a co-worker's office, pay attention. It's bad manners to
be caught with your mind wandering or to have no clue as to what actually took place. Be a good
listener and take notes. Don't interrupt unless you absolutely have to.
6. Just as they would resent someone who's constantly late, co-workers also have issues with those
who spend most of their time on personal phone calls. Not only are they disruptive, but it's also unfair
to have pleasant chats while those around you are working. It's a good idea to keep personal phone calls
to a minimum and to keep cell phones turned off during business hours.
Adapted from

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Match the paragraphs with the most suitable title.

Matching exercise

Title Match Paragraph

The greeting. 1

Pay attention to your appearance. 2

Be on time. 3

Pay attention. 4

Telephone etiquette. 5

Keep your desk tidy. 6


If you still have questions about this exercise, read the text above again.

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2.- How to say it: Modal verbs for deduction.

Think about it
Think about the following situation: Kevin is 10 years old.

It's 10 am. Kevin must be at school.

It's 11.30 am. Kevin might be in the middle of his Spanish lesson.
It's 7 pm. Kevin can't be at school.

What is the difference between the previous sentences?

Mostrar retroalimentación

In the first case, the speaker is absolutely sure that Kevin is at school.
In the second sentence, the speaker is not completely sure what Kevin is doing at 11.30.
In the third situation, the speaker is absolutely sure that Kevin is NOT at school.

We can use these modal verbs (also called modals of probability, speculation or certainty) when we want to
make a guess about something. We choose the verb depending on how sure we are.

We use may, might or could to say that something is possible or probable in the present or in the future.

May (more probable).

Where is Kurt? He may be at home or he might be at the sports pavilion.
Might (the possibility is quite remote).
I might study Medicine next year, but I don't think I will.
Could (less probable, too).
Where is Jane? I don't know, she could be at school. (Might is also possible).
Must is used in an affirmative sentence to say that we are sure about something.
My students get very high marks. They must study very hard. (I am sure that they are studying a lot).
The lights are on. Someone must be in. (I am sure there is someone in the house).
Can't is used in negative sentences to say that something is impossible.
They can't be brothers. They are completely different. (It is impossible that they are brothers).
They can't be in, as the lights are off. (It is impossible that there is someone in the house).
When talking about the present there is a line that goes from very probable to almost impossible. For
example: I am waiting for Julie with another friend, David.
I ask: "Where is Julie?"
David guesses:
She must be on the bus. (About 95% possible).
She may be in the wrong room. (About 50% possible).
She might come soon. (About 30% possible).
She could be lost. (About 30% possible).
She can't be at home. (About 5% possible).
Notice that the opposite of must is can't in this case.

Ejercicio Resuelto

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Click here to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Podemos usar estos modales (también llamados de probabilidad, especulación o

certidumbre) cuando queremos adivinar algo. Escogemos el verbo de acuerdo a nuestro
grado de seguridad.
Usamos may, might o could para decir que algo es posible o probable en el presente o
en el futuro.
May (más probable).
Might (la posibilidad es bastante remota).
Could (también menos probable).
Must se usa en una frase afirmativa para decir que estamos seguros de algo.
Can't se usa en una frase negativa para decir que algo es imposible.
Cuando hablamos del presente hay una línea que va de muy probable a casi imposible.
Must (un 95% de posibilidad).
May (un 50% de posibilidad).
Might (un 30% de posibilidad).
Could (un 30% de posibilidad).
Can't (un 5% de posibilidad).
Observa que el contrario de must es can't en este caso.

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2.1.- Now put it into practice.

Think about it
Read the sentences. Make deductions using "can't", "could"
and "must".

1. Annie goes to school from 9 am to 2 pm. It's 1:30 pm.

Where's Annie?
2. Ron likes playing soccer on Saturday mornings. It's Saturday
afternoon. What's Ron doing?
3. Joanna never leaves her house before eating breakfast. Today
she's running late. What's she doing?
4. Pedro never skips work. Today is the final game of the Football World Cup. Where's Pedro?
5. Rhonda and Jackie love watching movies. Their favourite movies are comedies, but they
don't like animated films very much. Today, a new 3D animated movie is released. What are
they doing?

Mostrar retroalimentación

1. She can't be at home. She could be in biology class.

2. He can't still be playing soccer, can he? He must be at home by now.
3. She can't be leaving yet. She must be eating breakfast.
4. He can't be at a bar watching the game. He could be watching the game online, but he
must be in the office.
5. They can't be at the première, they don't like animated movies that much. They could
be home watching a comedy.

Look at the following sentences and use one of the modal verbs in brackets to fill the gaps.

1. They (may/must) be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.
2. He (can/could) be French, judging by his accent.
3. With luck, tomorrow (can't/could) be a sunny day.
4. You (can/might) be right but I'm going to check anyway.
5. The exam (can't/might) be easy. You never know.
6. It (may/can't) be true about a sauropod dinosaur living in Lake Telé in the Congo.
It's impossible.
7. Dave reckons she's from the States but I think she (can't/might) be from
8. I (can't/might) go to the party but I'm not sure yet.
9. This (must/could) be the right answer but we'll have to check with your teacher to
make sure.
10. She's been revising 10 hours a day for 3 weeks. She (could/must) be exhausted.
11. Nobody's answering. They (can't/must) be out.
12. He (can't/may) be from the USA. He doesn't speak English.

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I'm sure it wasn't too difficult.

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2.2.- Clauses of reason.

Clauses of reason are used when we want to express the reason why we do something.
They are introduced with: because, as, since, owing to, due to, because of.

Because, since, as: They mean "porque" and are usually placed in the middle of a
sentence. They are followed by a sentence.
Shakira could not sing because/as/since she was ill.
Since, as: When they are placed at the beginning of the sentence, they mean
Since/as it was raining, we didn't go out.
As/since she fell off her bike, she had to go and see the doctor.
Remember the structure: Because/since/as + clause.
Because of / owing to / due to: They mean "a causa de, debido a". They are always followed by a noun.
Shakira could not sing because of her illness.
We didn't go out due to the rain.
These sentences are incorrect:
She could not sing because her illness.
She could not sing because of she was ill.
Remember the structure: Because of/due to/owing to + noun or pronoun

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click here if you want to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Estas frases se usan cuando queremos expresar la razón por la que hacemos algo.
Normalmente se introducen por palabras como: because, as, since, owing to, due to,
because of.
Because, since, as: Significan "porque" y suelen ir en el centro de la frase. Van seguidas
de una frase (sujeto + verbo).
Since, As: Cuando se colocan al principio de la frase, significan "como". En este caso,
damos antes la causa y luego la consecuencia.
Recuerda la estructura: Because/since/as + frase
Because of / Owing to / Due to: Significan "a causa de, debido a". Van siempre
seguidos de un nombre o un pronombre.
Recuerda la estructura: Because of/due to/owing to + nombre.

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2.3.- Clauses of result.

These clauses are used when we want to express the result or consequence of an
action. These sentences start explaining the reason and they give the result in the
end. Result clauses are normally introduced with: so, consequently, for this
reason, as a result, therefore.

We use so and consequently to join two clauses. We also use and

therefore and and as a result to join two clauses.
Shakira was ill, so she could not sing.
We all heard of his accident and as a result we didn't go out.
We use therefore and as a result at the beginning of a new sentence.
We are not interested in those articles. Therefore, we are not going to order any of them.
She fell off her bike. As a result, she had to go to hospital.
We also use so + adjective + that or such + (adj) (a) noun + that, when we speak about the result of
So + adjective + that:
The exam was so easy that everybody passed it.
It was so cold that nobody went out.
Such + (adj) (a) noun + that:
It was such a difficult exam that nobody passed it.
He is such a good teacher that all his students want to go to his classes.
When the noun is plural or uncountable, we don't use the article "a".
They were such beautiful flowers that I couldn't cut them.
They were carrying such heavy luggage that they had to hire two taxis.

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click here to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Estas frases se usan cuando queremos expresar el resultado de una acción. Estas frases
empiezan explicando la razón y dan la consecuencia o resultado al final, justo al contrario
que las causales.
Normalmente se introducen por palabras como: So, consequently, for this reason, as a
result, therefore.
Usamos "so" y "consequently" para unir dos frases. También usamos "and therefore" y
"and as a result" para unir dos frases.
Usamos therefore y as a result a principios de una nueva frase.
También usamos so + adjetivo + that / such + (adj) (a) nombre + that, cuando queremos
hablar sobre el resultado de algo.
Se traducen por "tan …. que …"
Cuando el nombre es plural o incontable, no usamos el artículo "a".

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2.4.- Now put it into practice.

Let’s do some exercises on reason and result clauses. This should not be too difficult for you. Let us give it a

Fill in the blanks with “because, because of”.

1. The flight was delayed of the fog.

2. They have travelled to Ireland they wanted to know
Oscar Wilde's country.
3. She had to stay in bed her injured leg.
4. We didn't eat anything we had already had dinner.
5. My students were really happy their good results.


1. The flight was delayed because of the fog.

2. They have travelled to Ireland because they wanted to know Oscar Wilde's country.
3. She had to stay in bed because of her injured leg.
4. We didn't eat anything because we had already had dinner.
5. My students were really happy because of their good results.

Easy, right?

Fill in the blanks with “because, since, so, therefore, because of”.

1. it was a lovely day, we went for a swim in the river.

2. We missed the beginning of the show we were really late.
3. She didn't get the job her appearance.
4. I didn't like the film, I left the cinema before it had finished.
5. The main road was closed because of some road works. , we had to take a
secondary road.


1. Since it was a lovely day, we went for a swim in the river.

2. We missed the beginning of the show because we were really late.
3. She didn't get the job because of her appearance.
4. I didn't like the film, so I left the cinema before it had finished.
5. The main road was closed because of some road works. Therefore, we had to take a
secondary road.

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Fill in the blanks with “so or such (a)”.

1. He is lazy that he will fail all his exams.

2. These are disgusting vegetables that I cannot eat any of them.
3. The car was dirty that it smelled terrible.
4. It was hot evening that we couldn't work outside.
5. The room was crowded that we could not have any cake.
6. He is nice man that all girls want to go out with him.


1. He is so lazy that he will fail all his exams.

2. These are such disgusting vegetables that I cannot eat any of them.
3. The car was so dirty that it smelled terrible.
4. It was such a hot evening that we couldn't work outside.
5. The room was so crowded that we could not have any cake.
6. He is such a nice man that all girls want to go out with him.

Think about it
Join these sentences using "so or such (a)". Make the necessary changes.

1. The dog was very big. Everyone was frightened.

2. Their party was really noisy. Nobody could sleep.
3. It was a terrible storm. It tore down several trees on the road.
4. She has pretty eyes. Everybody looks at her.
5. They are very good parents. Their children gave them lots of presents at Christmas.
6. They had a terrible flight. They will not fly with that airline again.

Mostrar retroalimentación

1. The dog was so big that everyone was frightened.

2. Their party was so noisy that nobody could sleep.
3. It was such a terrible storm that it tore down several trees on the road.
4. She has such pretty eyes that everybody looks at her.
5. They are such good parents that their children gave them lots of presents at
6. They had such a terrible flight that they will not fly with that airline again.

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3.- Words you need: Business culture.

A collocation is a particular combination of words, that is, two or more words that often
go together. These combinations just sound "right" to native speakers, who use them all
the time. Let's take a look at some collocations with culture:

Canteen culture: the attitudes of some members of an organization who are

considered to be sexist and racist, which is not always approved by the leaders of
the organization.
Company or corporate culture: the shared values and practices of the employees
of a particular company. The way a company works.
Long-hours culture: the way in which some workers feel they are expected to
work much longer hours than they are paid to do.
Macho culture: ideas and attitudes typically associated with men: physical strength, aggressiveness, etc.

Dress code: Dress codes are written and sometimes unwritten rules with regards to clothing. Let's see what
expressions we can use to talk about dress codes.

Dress code.


Business suit. Traje (formal, para ir a la oficina).

Casual Fridays / dress-

En algunas empresas, los viernes se viste de manera informal.
down Fridays.

You can dress casually. Vestir de manera informal.

You can dress formally. Vestir de manera formal.

Atuendo informal, pero pulcro y apropiado. Por ejemplo, para los hombres
Smart casual.
podría ser una camisa sin corbata, zapatos y pantalones de algodón.

Which word combination describes each of the following?

Matching exercise

Sentences Match Word combination

In the past very few women were promoted in this

1. Canteen culture.
company. Now things are beginning to change.

Although a member of the team, he didn't like to

2. Company or
participate in the sexist conversations by the coffee
corporate culture.

Employees complain that their health and productivity will

3. Dress code.
decline if they continue working for 10 hours every day.

In our company, employees are required to wear uniforms. 4. Long-hours culture.

Our company is very customer-focused. 5. Macho culture.

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If you still have questions about this exercise, read the text above again.

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3.1.- Now put it into practice.

Watch this video and do the listening activity.

Business Casual & Styles of Dress.

Business Dress & Etiquett…


Are the following sentences true or false?

The way you dress shows respect for your managers.


That's great!

Sorry! Try again.


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto

A dress code robs you of your personal style.


Listen carefully.


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1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta

Business casual includes jeans and T-shirts.


Not really.



1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta

For men, business casual can include a tie.


Well done!

Sorry! That's not correct.


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto

For women, business casual doesn't include high heels.


That's awesome!

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Sorry! Try again.


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto

Think about it
Write in the forum:

In your country, how do people dress at work? Do any companies have dress-down days? What
are the advantages and disadvantages of how people dress?

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Appendix.- Licences of resources.

Licences of resources used in session 2. "Rules of etiquette".

Resource Resource
Resource information (1) Resource information (2)
(1) (2)

By: Jodi. By: DG EMPL.

License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0.
From: From:
/squirmelia/4409484132/ /socialeurope/4304137088/

By: Jay Wood . By: Dave Gough.

License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. License: CC by 2.0.
From: From:
/jaywood/4247944275/ /spacepleb/249138072/

By: Hubert Burda Media

By: Lee Shaver.
License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0.
License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0.

By: NASA Goddard Space Flight

By: Luc Cesca.
License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0.
License: CC by 2.0.

By: Iven Zumach.

License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0.

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Caso práctico
Read the text and listen to the situation.

00:00 01:30

It's after lunch and the girls are back in the office. Mr Parker is
waiting for them.

Mr Parker: Hello there, girls. How is it going?

Lourdes: Everything is great, Mr Parker.

Mr Parker: Fantastic. I have a new task for you to do.

Susana: What do we have to do, Mr Parker?

Mr Paker: I thought you could help me draw up a memo.

Lourdes: A memo... what's that exactly?

Mr Parker: Well, it's an internal document... you'll see. I have an appointment now, so I'll see you

Susana: Oh, no, again we have to "guess" what Mr Parker wants us to do.

Lourdes: Yes, but I think this time I know where to start.

Susana: Really? That's great. What do you think we should do?

Lourdes: Let's take a look at this website. They explain how to write memos. Listen to this:
"Memos serve two main purposes: to bring up a problem, and to solve or suggest solutions to
the problem."

Susana: So memos are basically another form of communication in businesses.

Lourdes: That's correct.

Susana: I wish we could write a memo to your friend Michael, to help him find a solution to his
problem with his girlfriend.

Lourdes: Yes, I wish we could, but we can't.

Susana: It would be great if we could receive a memo every time we had a problem, wouldn't it?

Lourdes: I guess you're right. Come on, let's nip out to the café on the corner to get some
fresh coffee. I think we have a long afternoon ahead of us.

Think about it

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Give your opinion in the forum:

What different means of communication in the office do you know?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of those means of communication?

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1.- What to say.

Citas Para Pensar

"You can get through life with bad manners, but it's easier with good manners."
Lillian Gish

Caso práctico

Mr Parker sends the girls this memo about the new company
policies on writing memos:

To: All Staff

From: Mr Parker

Date: June 1, 2021

Re: New Memo Format Effective June 1

In order to make interoffice communications easier, please adhere to the following guidelines
for writing effective memos:

Clearly state the purpose of the memo in the subject line and in the first paragraph.
Keep language professional, simple and polite.
Use short sentences.
Use bullets if a lot of information is conveyed.
Proofread before sending.
Address the memo to the person (or persons) who will take action on the subject, and CC
those who need to know about the action.
Attach additional information: don't place it in the body of the memo if possible.

Please put this format into practice immediately. We appreciate your assistance in developing
clear communications. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Thank you.
Adapted from

Think about it
Write in the forum:

What do you think about the previous ideas to write memos?

Do you find them useful?
Can you think of other interesting guidelines to write memos?

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1.1.- Writing a memo.

A memo is a form of internal communication between people from the same

office or organization. Memos are commonly used in place of notes or text
messages, especially when the message needs a touch of formality. Memos have
a twofold purpose: they bring attention to problems and they solve problems.
Technically, all memos should be in paper form, although many offices have
adopted the electronic memo as official correspondence.

Parts of a memo.
To: (Readers' names and job titles).
From: (Writer's name and job title).
Date: 15 March, 2011.
Subject: (Be specific and concise).
A series of paragraphs where you develop the subject of the memo.

Memos need to be coherent, so the ideas have to be linked together with linking words.

Sample memo.

TO: Kelly Anderson, Marketing Executive.

FROM: Tania Fitzgerald, Market Research Assistant.
DATE: June 14, 2021.
SUBJECT: Fall Clothes Line Promotion.

Market research and analysis show that the proposed advertising media for the new lines need to
be reprioritized and changed. Findings from focus groups and surveys have made it apparent
that we need to update our advertising efforts to align them with the styles and trends of young
adults today. No longer are young adults interested in sitcoms as they watch reality televisions
shows. Also, it has become increasingly important to use the Internet as a tool to communicate with
our target audience to show our dominance in the clothing industry.

If we refocus our advertising efforts of the new line of clothing, we will be able to maximize the
exposure of our product to our target market and therefore increase our sales.

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Look at an extract from a memo and complete it with the following words.

to sum up ; otherwise ; also ; first of all ; although ; in consequence.

To: CEO. From: HR Manager. Date: 5 June 2011. Subject: Problems in the website design
we have agreed to try to cut down on staff, there are some problems in the website
design department. , the person in charge of updating the website is also in
charge of managing the department email. , when many people write to
ask for information, and require updated information from the website, she is unable to
perform both tasks. , I suggest we try to reorganise her job to improve efficiency,
our website will never be updated and our emails will not be answered.

It's very important to organize your text with linking words.

Adapted from and

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2.- How to say it: Modal verbs to express


Think about it
Read the following sentences. What is the difference between them?

You mustn't speak to the bus driver. She's driving.

You don't have to speak to your teacher. She's already spoken to your

Mostrar retroalimentación

You mustn't speak to the bus driver. It's prohibited because she is driving and you
might distract her.
You don't have to speak to your teacher. It's not necessary, because she has already
spoken to your parents.

Modals of obligation.

Use Modal Example

must /
All students must turn off their mobile phones.
Present or future mustn't
To give a good first impression, you have to/need to be
obligation. have to
need to

don't have
No present or future You don't have to/don't need to/needn't pay to open a
don't need
obligation. bank account

Past obligation. Past obligation. Yesterday, Peter had to buy more milk.

didn't have
to I learnt a little Polish, but everyone spoke English, so I
No past obligation.
didn't need didn't have to/didn't need to use it.

In spoken English, have to is more common than must. Must is often used in written notices and

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'We have to go to the supermarket today,' Rita said.
Passengers must fasten their seat belts.
Mustn't and don't have to do not mean the same:
You mustn't smoke in the airport! ( = Don't do that!)
It's my birthday, but you don't have to buy me a present. ( = You can do that if you want to, but it's
not necessary.)

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Para expresar una obligación, podemos utilizar diferentes verbos modales:

Obligación en el presente o futuro: must, mustn't, have to, need to

Ausencia de obligación en el presente o futuro: don't have to, don't need to, needn't
Obligación en el pasado: had to
Ausencia de obligación en el pasado: didn't have to, didn't need to

En el inglés oral, have to es más común que must. Must se suele utilizar en carteles e
instrucciones escritas.
Mustn't y don't have to tienen significados diferentes.

Think about it
Think of some tips you could give a new employee about etiquette in the office and write them in
the forum. Try to use modal verbs. Here are some examples:

You mustn't comment on people's sense of dressing.

You must keep your voice low when speaking.

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2.1.- Revision of modal verbs to express obligation.

A piece of advice
The difference between must / have to / mustn't / don't have to might seem a little bit difficult to
understand at first. Let's revise this grammar point with a presentation. I think you might find it

00:00 01:04
Text summary

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2.2.- Adjectives and adverbs.

Sometimes you are not sure when to use an adverb or an adjective. This short guide
provides an overview and rules to using both adjectives and adverbs.

Adjectives modify nouns.

Adjectives are placed directly before a noun:
Tom is an excellent singer.
I bought a comfortable chair.
She's thinking about buying a new house.
Adjectives are also used in simple sentences with the verb 'to be'. In this case, the adjective
describes the subject of the sentence:
Jack is happy.
Peter was very tired.
Mary'll be excited when you tell her.
Adjectives are used with sense verbs or verbs or appearance (feel, taste, smell, sound, appear and
seem) to modify the noun which comes before the verb:
The fish tasted awful.
Did you see Peter? He seemed very upset.
I'm afraid the meat smelled rotten.
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
Adverbs are easily recognized because the end in '-ly' (with a few exceptions!):
Adjective -> careful / Adverb -> carefully.
Adjective -> quick / Adverb -> quickly.
Adverbs are often used at the end of a sentence to modify the verb. (El orden depende de la
función de ese adverbio. Los ejemplos hacen referencia a adverbios de modo, por lo tanto son
complementos circunstanciales de modo. A continuación podrían ir complementos de lugar o de
tiempo, entre otros, sean adverbios o sintagmas nominales).
Jack drove carelessly.
Tom played the match effortlessly.
Jason complained about his classes constantly.
Adverbs are used to modify adjectives:
They seemed extremely satisfied.
She paid increasingly high prices.
I was suddenly surprised by Alice.
Adverbs are also used to modify other adverbs:
The people in the line moved incredibly quickly.
She wrote the report unusually neatly.

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

A veces es difícil distinguir entre un adverbio y un adjetivo. A continuación tienes un

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esquema que te permitirá distinguir unos de otros:

Los adjetivos modifican los sustantivos.

En inglés, se colocan delante del sustantivo.
También se usan en oraciones simples con el verbo "to be" para describir el
sujeto de la oración.
Además, se utilizan con verbos que tienen que ver con sensaciones o aspecto
para modificar el sustantivo que va delante del verbo.
Los adverbios modifican los verbos, adjetivos y otros adverbios:
Los adverbios se reconocen fácilmente por el sufijo -ly (aunque hay
Se utilizan con frecuencia al final de una oración para modificar el verbo. (El
orden depende de la función de ese adverbio. Los ejemplos hacen referencia a
adverbios de modo, por lo tanto son complementos circunstanciales de modo. A
continuación podrían ir complementos de lugar o de tiempo, entre otros, sean
adverbios o sintagmas nominales).
También modifican adjetivos y otros adverbios.

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2.3.- Now put it into practice.

Let's practise some of the things that we've learnt in this unit.

Choose the correct word or phrase.

1. Smoking isn't allowed at school.

You (mustn't / don't have to) smoke at school.
2. It's not necessary to pick me up.
You (have to / don't have to) pick me
3. We were forced to leave after we paid our bill.
They (had to / didn't need to) leave after they paid
their bill.
4. The instructions tell you to shake the bottle before using the product.
You (must / needn't) shake the bottle before using the product.
5. You can pay either by credit card or you can send us a check.
You (mustn't / don't have to) send them a check.
6. You can carry your ID with you if you want, but it's not necessary.
You (don't need to / mustn't) carry your ID with you.


1. Smoking isn't allowed at school.

You mustn't smoke at school.
2. It's not necessary to pick me up.
You don't have to pick me up.
3. We were forced to leave after we paid our bill.
They had to leave after they paid their bill.
4. The instructions tell you to shake the bottle before using the product.
You must shake the bottle before using the product.
5. You can pay either by credit card or you can send us a check.
You don't have to send them a check.
6. You can carry your ID with you if you want, but it's not necessary.
You don't need to carry your ID with you.

It wasn't difficult, was it?

Complete using the correct form of have to. You may have to use some negative forms.

1. Sam can't go out tonight. He look after his nephew.

2. She didn't have enough sugar, so she borrow some from her neighbour.
3. It's snowing, but luckily we go out today.
4. To start the TV you press the power button.
5. Daisy worked last weekend, but I .

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6. you wear a uniform when you were a child?


1. Sam can't go out tonight. He has to look after his nephew.

2. She didn't have enough sugar, so she had to borrow some from her neighbour.
3. It's snowing, but luckily we don't have to go out today.
4. To start the TV you have to press the power button.
5. Daisy worked last weekend, but I didn't have to.
6. Did you have to wear a uniform when you were a child?

Fantastic, let's move on to another exercise.

Test yourself. Fill in the blanks with the correct word in brackets.

1. My friend is a (careful / carefully) driver.

2. The boss spoke (softly / soft) to his employees.
3. He plays the piano very (good / well).
4. She works very (hardly / hard).
5. I read (slowly / slow) in order to enjoy every page.
6. Mary is an (intelligent / intelligently) student.
7. I jumped in the car and drove (quick / quickly) to school.
8. Your boy was very (badly / bad) in class today.


I'm sure it was very easy.

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2.4.- Pronunciation of modal verbs (may and might).

When you say the letters of the alphabet, A has the vowel sound /eɪ/.You hear this sound in the word may. The
letter I, has the vowel sound /aɪ/. You hear this sound in the word might.

You should know

Go to the following website and practice saying words with the two
sounds. How do you pronounce the following sentences?

I hate heights!, smiled the snail.

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

Minimal pair practice.

Match the words and the sounds.

Matching exercise.

Words Match Sounds

Height. 1. /eɪ/

Eight. 2. /aɪ/








Practice makes perfect, so try to practise your pronunciation as much as you can.

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3.- Words you need: The language of memos.

Written communications within an organization are as important as those to be

sent outside. Memos are used to share information among employees. The plural
form is either memoranda or memorandums, or memos for the short form.
Memos are usually more informal than a business letter. Because of that, the
language used when writing memos is direct, concise, and factual. We must
not forget that memos need to be polite as well.

1. Include the following information: To, From, Subject and Date. Each item
should be on a separate line. Write a clear statement of purpose as the first paragraph. Be very specific in
stating the purpose. It should be no longer than three sentences.
2. Write a summary paragraph. The summary helps to express the main point, request or recommendation
of the memo. It should be no longer than four or five sentences.
3. Write a discussion section that explains the main recommendation or request of the memo. This is the
most important and longest part of the memo because it describes the background of the reason for the
memo. This section also provides all of the supporting evidence, facts or other information for the
main point of the memo.
4. Write a recommendation or closing section. Clearly state what you want the reader to do next. If
necessary, include a bulleted list of suggested actions that the reader should take.
5. Use headings for each section throughout the memo so that the reader can easily read and understand
the memo. With headings, the reader is able to skip certain sections that he or she is already familiar with
or does not need. Using headings also makes writing memos easier because it gives the writer a clear
focus for each section.

Tips and warnings.

Add attachments to the memo, if necessary. If you plan to add attachments, be sure to refer to them
throughout the memo.
Text adapted from

Match the expressions to the paragraphs of the text above.

Matching exercise.

Expressions Match Paragraphs

Aim, objective. 1

Advice about what to do . 2

Titles. 3

The most important information (not all the details). 4

Previous information. 5


If there's anything you didn't understand, try reading the text again.

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3.1.- Now put it into practice.

Fill in the blanks with polite expressions.

I'd like to ; I'd appreciate it if ; Could ; I'd be grateful if you ; Would it be possible to ;

1. you inform your manager about the latest figures?

2. could fax me the
documents as soon as possible.
3. all the arrangements were
made before next week.
4. I use your fax machine?
5. book the meeting
room for Tuesday?
6. arrange a meeting with the head of department.


1. Could you inform your manager about the latest figures?

2. I'd be grateful if you could fax me the documents as soon as possible.
3. I'd appreciate it if all the arrangements were made before next week.
4. May I use your fax machine?
5. Would it be possible to book the meeting room for Tuesday?
6. I'd like to arrange a meeting with the head of department.

Choose one of the verbs below to complete each sentence.

lend ; use ; work ; tell ; borrow ; make arrangements ; ask

1. I'd like to someone's office next Thursday.

2. Could you overtime tomorrow?
3. Could I the photocopier in your office?
4. Could you him to attend the meeting?
5. I'd appreciate it if you could me an office where I could work.
6. Did you to receive the visitors?


1. I'd like to borrow someone's office next Thursday.

2. Could you work overtime tomorrow?
3. Could I use the photocopier in your office?
4. Could you ask him to attend the meeting?

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5. I'd appreciate it if you could lend me an office where I could work.

6. Did you make arrangements to receive the visitors?

A step ahead
A video in which we get useful tips to write a memo.

The Key Forms of Business Writing: Ba…

Text summary

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4.- A step ahead.

A step ahead

Let's revise what we've learned in this unit. Check out the following

The Flatmates: watch the episode, then read the information in the
language point (apologising) and finally take the quiz.

The Flatmates.

Business etiquette in the UK.

British business etiquette.

A pronunciation game.
Pronunciation game.

How to write a memo.

Writing a memo.

An interesting pdf document about clauses of reason and result.

Clauses of reason and result. (60 KB)

A website where you will find lots of information on modal verbs.

Modal verbs.

Here you will find lots of exercises to practise different modal verbs.
Modal verbs Exercises.

Revise the difference between adjectives and adverbs.

Adjectives and adverbs.

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Appendix.- Licences of resources.

Licences of resources used in session 3.- "A new task".

Resource (1) Resource information (1) Resource (2) Resource informationo (2)

By: Andrew Malone. By: shaz wildcat.

License: CCCC by 2.0. License: CC by-sa 2.0.
From: From:
/photos/a /photos/s
ndrewmalone/2480919864/ hazwildcat/194598532/

By: istolethetv. By: Vincent van der Heijden.

License: CC by 2.0. License: CC by 2.0.
From: From:
/photos/i /photos/f
stolethetv/121857164/ lo_and_me/3342612982/

By: andreas. By: Martina Rathgens.

License: CC by 2.0. License: CC by 2.0.
From: From:
/photos/a /photos/r
ndreas/74799235/ iviera2008/2971413212/

By: Jacek Becela. By: Bre Pettis.

License: CC by-sa 2.0. License: CC by-nc 2.0.
From: From:
/photos/n /photos/b
cr/509015574/ re/3990933114/

By: Tara Anderson.

License: CC by-nc 2.0.

18 de 18 15/04/2021 11:41

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