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Damariz Arevalo

December 18, 2022

This was a different health class that I had expected. It was so informative, and I feel that

I learned a lot in such a short amount of time. The readings were eye openers because many

things that I used to do were so dangerous and I am still in time to make a change in my life. The

assignments helped me grow as a person and challenged me to do better and to continue doing so

after the course is over. Checking my calories and seeing how often I was consuming fast food,

it made me make a change in my household. The amount of fast food has dropped significantly,

even if I am tired I don’t make it into an excuse of ordering instead I make my boys healthy

meals and there are more veggie options.

This class also showed me the consumption of alcohol and I know I drink it when I am

sad or depressed and it shouldn’t be that way and reading all the negative effects it doesn’t make

it worth it. I don’t want to be suffering later in life because I chose to drink a lot. I have done

more walking instead of driving and once the semester ends, I can continue putting in more time

for physical activities and learn more ways of mediation and try to align my chakra. I am

thankful that I was able to take this class, I can use all my knowledge and implicate it in my life

and in my family.

Thank you, professor, for teaching this amazing class and I hope many others have

gained wonderful experience from this.

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