EVS BCA Unit 1

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by Dr. Noor Jahan


The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives

or operates
everything surrounding us is called environment
Environmental Studies
Environmental studies is a multidisciplinary academic field which systematically studies
human interaction with the environment
Environment consists of four segments of the earth

Ø Atmosphere

Ø Hydrosphere

Ø Lithosphere

Ø Biosphere
• The envelope of gases surrounding the earth.
• The ‘earth’s summit’ was held in the year 1992.
• Biomass is the total organic matter present in an ecosystem.
• The layers of gases surrounding a planet, the earth originated 4.6 billion years ago.
• Earth's atmosphere is composed of about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and one percent of
other gases like argon, carbon dioxide, and trace gases. Organic waste is a
biodegradable waste.
• These gases are found in layers (troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere,
and exosphere) defined by unique features such as temperature and pressure, preventing the
earth from becoming too cold and too hot.
• It forms a distinctive protective layer about 100 km thick around the earth which protects
the earth from the Sun's harmful ultraviolet rays and also protects from cosmic rays from
outer space and a major portion of the electromagnetic radiation from the sun.
Ø All types of water resources like oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, reservoirs(a
large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply), polar icecaps( a
high-latitude region of a planet, dwarf planet, or natural satellite that is covered in
ice), glaciers(a slowly moving mass or river of ice formed by the accumulation and
compaction of snow on mountains or near the poles) and groundwater.
Ø Oceans represent 97% of the earth’s water
Ø 2% of the water resources are locked in the polar ice caps and glaciers
Ø 1% of the water is available as fresh water as surface water in rivers, lakes, streams,
and groundwater for human use.
The lithosphere is the solid, outer part of the Earth.

Ø It consists of minerals occurring in the earth's crust and the soil. example., minerals, organic
matter, air, and water

Layers of Lithosphere

Ø Crust

Ø Mantle

Ø Core

The biosphere is made up of the parts of Earth where life exists

The biosphere consists of three


(1) Lithosphere

(2) Atmosphere and

(3) Hydrosphere.

The zone which is security

protected in a biosphere
reserve is called Buffer zone

space and plants


water bodies, men animals

minerals Physical Elements Biological Elements

soil and rocks

economical elements

political elements Cultural Elements Social elements

v The word ‘Environment’ is derived from the French word ‘Environner’( Neighbourhood )
which means to encircle, around, or surround.
vThe biologist Jacob Van Uerkal ( 1864-1944) introduced the term ‘environment’ in Ecology.
Ecology is the study of the interaction between an organism of some kind and its
environment. The word ecology was coined by Earnst Haeckel.
vAccording to Boring, 'A person's environment consists of the sum of the stimulation which
he receives from his conception until his death such as physical, intellectual, mental,
economic, political, cultural, social, moral, and emotional.
vDouglas and Holland: 'The term environment is used to describe, in the aggregate, all the
external forces, influences, and conditions, which affect the life, nature, behavior and the
growth, development, and maturity of living organisms.'
vAccording to The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 Definition.Sec. 2(a) "environment"
includes water, air and land and the interrelationship which exists among and between
water, air and land, and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and

• Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates

physics, biology, and geography (including ecology, chemistry, plant science,
zoology, mineralogy, oceanography, limnology, soil science, geology and physical
geography, and atmospheric science) to the study of the environment, and the
solution of environmental problems or the systematic and scientific study of the
environment and our role in it.
• The word Science comes from Latin language called scientia
• Environment meaning in oxford advanced learner's dictionary is ‘the natural
world in which people, animals, and plants live.’
• Environmental Studies deal with the study concerned with environmental issues.
Social Science is the systematic study of Human behaviour and society.

v A multidisciplinary study is one in which you study a variety of disciplines such as Science,
Social Science, Mathematics, English, and so on.
vEncompassing the elements of Physics, Chemistry, Medical Science, Agriculture,
Geography, and Biology, Environmental Studies is a vast field of study. Not only restricted
to environmental conservation and management of resources, but it also emphasizes
Ø Types of pollution and their harmful effects on a living organism
Ø Biodiversity, its types, and causes of degradation
Ø Deforestation and methods to increase forest cover
Ø Desertification
Ø Waste disposal and sewage treatment, etc
Ø Environmental Chemist
Ø Environmental Engineering
Ø Concept of Sustainable Development
vEnvironmental studies are made up of several components. They are as follows:
vAnthropology: It is the study of human traits, biological and psychological well-being,
communities and cultures, and the growth and evolution of humans. EVS is connected to
anthropology since it studies humans and their environments throughout place and time.
vBiology: It is a field of science that focuses on the study of living creatures. Their physical
structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, development, and evolution are all
included. EVS is connected to biology since it is concerned with the natural environment of
living creatures.
vChemistry: It is a field of science that examines chemicals and the components that make
up matter. Understanding natural occurrences in EVS necessitates knowledge of chemistry.
vComputers: As the world has progressed, computers have become a need for everyone.
Computers are used by the Environmental Protection Agency to keep track of pollutants found
in soil and water.
vGeology: It is the study of physical structures and substances found on Earth, as well as
their history and the processes that they go through. EVS is also concerned with the study of the
earth and environment.
vBasics and applied sciences: The seeking of practical answers which can sustain human
civilization on the finite resources of the world (i.e., applied science) has been further
classified into two categories of Physical Science and Life Science.
vWhere Physical science comes with a package of subjects of physics, chemistry, earth
science, and atmospheric science, life science comes with the study package of biology,
microbiology, biochemistry, etc.
vTechnology: Here, you study different technologies used in the civil field, chemical field,
hydraulics technology, and nanotechnology.
vManagement and Awareness: It is a study of the impact that humans have on the
environment and the environmental resources through subjects like Economics, Law,
Management, Sociology, Mass communication, etc.
vModelling: Environmental modelling is creating and using mathematical models that help
in informing both decisions and policies by increasing the understanding of the natural
systems and their behavior concerning the changing conditions. We use it for research and
involve subjects like Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science.The founder of
Mathematical analysis is Madhava.
vEconomics: It is a field of study concerned with the production, consumption, and
distribution of commodities and services. Various economic strategies have been established
to preserve the environment from pollution, global warming, and climate change by evaluating
and developing answers or cures for environmental concerns.
vPhysics: It is a field of science that examines energy and matter in space and time, as well as
their interactions. Physics is concerned with energy conservation, atmospheric modelling, and
many environmental concerns.
vSociology: It is the study of social life, change, social causes, and the social repercussions of
human action. It also addresses the connection between contemporary society and the
vStatistics: It is the study of quantitative data collection, analysis, interpretation, and
presentation. It is also used to evaluate data in order to find trends and recommend the optimal
environmental growth.
vGlobal warming is primarily a problem of too much Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
vMicrobiology: study of micro-organisms
vNature of Environmental Studies
includes biological, cultural,
social, and physical elements. It
is also linked to science,
geography, economics, statistics,
health, technology, ecology,
population, Conservation of natural resources, ecological aspects, pollution of the
surrounding natural resources, controlling the pollution, social issues connected to it, impact
of human population on the environment. Developing an awareness and sensitivity to the total
environment and its related problems, motivating people for active participation in environmental
protection and improvement. Developing skills for active identification and development of
solutions to environmental studies. Imbibe and inculcate the necessity for conservation of natural
resources, Evaluation of the environmental programs in terms of social, economic, ecological, and
aesthetic factors.
ü Environment studies is all about learning the way we should live and how we can develop
sustainable strategies to protect the environment. It helps individuals to develop an
understanding of living and physical environment and how to resolve challenging
environmental issues affecting nature.
ü Environmental studies have become significant for the following reasons:
§ Environment issues are being of Global like global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain,
marine pollution and biodiversity.
§ Development and Environment like Urbanization, Industrial growth, Telecommunication
and transportation systems, Hi-tech agriculture and housing etc.
§ Explosive increase in pollution according to World census reflects that one in every
seven persons in this planet lives in India, with 16 percent of the world’s population
and only 2.4 percent of its land area, there is a heavy pressure on the natural resources
including land. Agricultural research recognized soil health problems like deficiency of
micronutrients and organic matter, soil salinity and damage of soil structure.

• Every developing country must find alternative paths to an alternative goal.

• A true goal should be to develop environmentally sound and sustainability.

• Recycling of paper will reduce Cutting of tree.

• A goal should be common for all citizens of our planet earth.

• A goal distant from the developing world in the manner it is from the over-
consuming wasteful societies of the “developed” world. It is incumbent upon us to
save humanity from extinction.

• Public awareness of environment creates Environment protection.

• Air pollutants on mixing up with rain water make it Acidic


Our survival and sustenance depend.

v Resources withdraw

v Processing and use of the product have all to by synchronised with the ecological cycles in
any plan of development

v Our actions should be planned ecologically for the sustenance of the environment and
Environmental awareness is critical because it can help to minimise pollution and global
warming. It can also lead to a more sustainable world by promoting renewable resources such as
solar, wind, and water. The increase in the average temperature of the air near earth’s surface and
oceans in recent decades is due to Global warming.
The major challenges are
Ø Population: A population of over thousands of millions is growing at 2:11 per cent every
year. Over 17 million people are added each year. India accounts for 16% of the world
population, but only with 2.4% of the land area due to which pressure on the natural
resources increases and reduces the gains of development. So greater challenge is to control the
population growth rate to develop the country.
Ø Poverty Alleviation:India is often been described as rich land with poor people. The proverty
and the degradation are inter dependen. About 65% of Indians are poor and about 40% pf
our people are still below the proverty line. Most of the people depends on environment for
their resources such as food, fuel, fodder and shelter. Environment degrading is affecting the
poor who depends upon the natural resources of their immediate surrodings.population growth
is essentially a funtion of provety.
Ø Agricultural Growth: Agricultural development is one of the most powerful tools to end
extreme poverty, boost shared prosperity, and feed a projected 9.7 billion people by 2050.
Growth in the agriculture sector is two to four times more effective in raising incomes
among the poorest compared to other sectors.
Ø The resilience of the farming community in the face of adversities made agriculture the
only sector to have clocked a positive growth of 3.4 per cent at constant prices in
2020-21, when other sectors slid. The share of agriculture in GDP increased to 19.9
per cent in 2020-21 from 17.8 per cent in 2019-20.
Ø Factors that affect agriculture are climate and temperature, soil and topography,
landforms, availability of water and labor.
Ø Crop protection is the general method or the practice of protecting the crop yields from
different agents including pests, weeds, plant diseases, and other organisms that cause
damage to the agricultural crops.
Ø Protected agriculture – the cultivation of high-value vegetables and other horticultural
crops in greenhouses – allows farmers to grow cash crops on small plots in marginal,
water-deficient areas where traditional cropping is not viable.
Ø Certain cultural practices can prevent or reduce insect crop damage. These include
destruction of crop residues, deep plowing, crop rotation, use of fertilizers, strip-
cropping, irrigation, and scheduled planting operations.

Development and Forests

Ø A forest is a complex ecological system in which trees are the dominant life-form. A
forest is nature's most efficient ecosystem, with a high rate of photosynthesis affecting
both plant and animal systems in a series of complex organic relationships.
Ø Forests are recognized as an integral part of national economies, providing a wide
range of production inputs, environmental goods, food, fuel, medicines, household
equipment, building material and raw materials for industrial processing.
Ø Forests provide us with shelter, livelihoods, water, food and fuel security. All these
activities directly or indirectly involve forests. Some are easy to figure out - fruits, paper
and wood from trees, and so on.
Degradation of Land

Ø Land degradation is defined as the reduction or loss of the biological or economic

productivity and complexity of rainfed crop land, irrigated crop land, or range,
pasture, forest or woodlands resulting from natural processes, land uses or other
human activities.
Ø Land degradation is the temporary or permanent lowering of the productive capacity
of land (UNEP, 1992b). It thus covers the various forms of soil degradation, adverse
human impacts on water resources, deforestation, and lowering of the productive
capacity of rangelands.

Reduction of Genetic Diversity

Ø Inbreeding, genetic drift, restricted gene flow, and small population size all contribute to
a reduction in genetic diversity.
Evil Consequences of Urbanization

Ø Poverty, unemployment and under employment among the rural immigrants,

beggary, thefts, dacoities, burglaries and other social evils are on rampage. Urban
sprawl is rapidly encroaching the precious agricultural land.

Ø 27 % Indians live in urban areas. Over 30% of Indian live in slums. Out of Indian’s
3,245 towns and cities, only 21 have partial or full sewerage and treatment facilities.

Water and Air Pollution

Ø Water pollution is caused by both synthetic and biological contaminants and can
damage aquatic environments. For example, organic matter that decomposes in water
can reduce its oxygen content, resulting in potentially harmful effects for organisms such
as fish.
Water and Air Pollution Cont....

Ø Climatic factors are abiotic factors of environment that includes Light, temperature and
Ø Majority of our industrial plants are using outdated treatment technologies and makeshift
facilities devoid of any provision of treatment thier wastes.
Ø Many Act are enforce in the country for the protect of Environment from water and air
poluution but their implementation is not so easy because their need great resources,
technical expert.
Ø Public awareness to be created by both print media and electronic media.
Ø NGO’s should play a major role in creating awareness from gress root levels to the top
most policy decision making.
The activities help in creating awareness among public are

Ø Join a group to study nature such as WWF-I or BNHS or any other organization
Ø Read newspaper articles and periodicals like Down to earth, WWF-I newsletter, BNHS,
Hornbill, Sanctuary magazine.
Ø Discuss environmental issues with friends and relatives.
Ø Join local movements that support activities like saving trees in your locality, reducing
use of plastics, going for nature treks, practicing 3 Rs i.e. reduce, reuse, & recycle.
Ø Practice and promote good civic sense and hygiene such as enforcing no spitting or
tobacco chewing, no throwing garbage on the road and no urinating in public places.
Ø Take part in events organized on World Environment Day, Wildlife week etc.
Ø Visit a National park or sanctuary or spend time in whatever natural habitat you
have near your home.
A Brief History of Environment
Ø Environmental history emerged as a new field of study as environmental problems began
to rise up the global political agenda in the 1960s and 1970s. Its primary goal is to show
how environmental change and human actions are interconnected.
Ø The concept of sustainable development formed the basis of the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The
summit marked the first international attempt to draw up action plans and strategies for
moving towards a more sustainable pattern of development.
Ø The goal of environmental sustainability is to conserve natural resources and to develop
alternate sources of power while reducing pollution and harm to the environment. For
environmental sustainability, the state of the future – as measured in 50, 100 and 1,000
years is the guiding principle.
Ø To develop land and contruction projects in a manner that reduces their impact on the
evvironment by allowing them to create energy efficient model of self-sufficiency.
A Brief History of Environment
Ø To achieve true sustainability we need to balance economic, social and environment
sustainability factor in equal harmony. these may be defined as folows:-

Ø Environmental Sustainability: The natural resources base and ecosystems must be managed
sustainably to meet people's food requirements and other environmental, social and economic
needs. Climate change, increased water scarcity and conflicts over access to resources all pose
challenges to environmental sustainability and food security.

Ø Economic Sustainability: Economic sustainability refers to practices that support long-term

economic growth without negatively impacting social, environmental, and cultural aspects of
the community.

Ø Social Sustainability: Social sustainability is about identifying and managing business impacts,
both positive and negative, on people. The quality of a company's relationships and
engagement with its stakeholders is critical.
Three pillars of Sustainability
Taking these three pillars of sustainability further if we only achieve two out of three pillars then
we end up with:

Ø Social + Economic Sustainability = Equitable.

Ø Social + Environmental Sustainability = Bearable.
Ø Economic + Environmental Sustainability = Viable.

Four demensions to sustainable development

Ø Society
Ø environment
Ø culture and
Ø economy

• A strategy that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the
ability of future generations to achieve their own requirements.
• Improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of
supporting ecosystems.
• Environmental care ‘married’ to development.
• An environmental ‘handrail’ to guide development.
• Focusses on Sustainable Agricultural Methods.
• Manages Stabilizing the Climate.
• Provides Important Human Needs.
• Sustain Biodiversity
• Financial Stability
Four objectives of sustainable development

• These include social progress and equality, environmental protection, conservation of

natural resources and stable economic growth.

• Economic needs-access to adequate livelihood and economic security when

unemployed, disability, ill or otherwise unable to earn ones living.

• Social, Culture and Health needs- this includes shelter which is safe, secure,
affordable and secure within a neighborhood with provision for water supply,
drainage, transport, health care and education.

• Political needs-freedom to participate in national and local politics.

SDG eventually came up with a list of 17 Items for the
sustainability of evironment
Three Pillars of Sustainability
Sustainability encompasses three pillars: economic, environmental, and social, also represented
as profits, planet, and people.
Economic/profits 一 This pillar centers on the idea of an efficient and responsible use of
resources that leads to long-term profitability. In business, profitability can equal longevity. In
other words, transitioning to a sustainable business can improve a company’s chances of
operating over the long term.
Environmental/planet 一 In business, reducing carbon footprints, waste, and water usage while
maximizing energy efficiency can provide both environmental and financial benefits, and shows
responsiveness to community opinion. According to Pew Research, 63% of Americans believe
that climate change affects their local community.
Social/people 一 The social pillar of sustainability focuses on the interrelationship of systems
and processes that support the creation of healthy and livable communities that can sustain
themselves. In business, social sustainability initiatives often include promoting fair labor
practices and wages; employee health, safety, wellness, and work-life balance; and diversity and
Sutainbility vs.Sustability Development
• Sustainability is a word that comes from the word sustain. It means the ability to sustain.
Sustain means to endure, support or to hold for a long time. There is also a concept called
sustainable development that confuses many.
• Sustainability and sustainable development also play a central role in business, across
industries and in almost every field. Trends suggest consumers prefer to buy products from
companies that subscribe to the pillars of sustainability and sustainable development.
According to Barron’s, a brand’s sustainability is a deciding factor for 70% of U.S. consumers.
• Sustainability is a broad term that describes managing resources without depleting them for
future generations. This concept goes beyond environmental sustainability, which concerns
earth’s natural resources, to include economic and social sustainability, which relate to
meeting people’s current economic and social needs without compromising future generations.
• Sustainable development describes the processes for improving long-term economic well-
being and quality of life without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their needs.
Challenges to Sustainable Development
Ø Sustainable development relies on the different pieces of the puzzle working together.
Ø The misconception that sustainability is only about protecting the planet endangers our
collective effort to achieve the SDGs.
Ø Sustainable development goals include eliminating poverty, ending hunger, providing good
health and education, achieving gender equality, reducing inequality, and promoting economic
Ø The U.N.’s SDGs provide a path forward, but buying into the global vision requires
participation from all sectors of society.
Ø Those governments that do participate need partners from other governments and businesses
to overcome roadblocks and streamline the implementation of sustainability and sustainable
development strategies.
Ø Those in sustainability roles can use their leadership, critical thinking, and negotiation skills to
help organizations and communities mitigate the effects of these challenges.
Become a Sustainable Leader

Ø Globalization and digitization have played a central role in improving lives around the world
since 1990. An estimated 1.1 billion people have moved out of extreme poverty, according to
the World Economic Forum.

Ø The New Climate Economy reports that the economic benefit of sustainability could measure
in the trillions of dollars by 2030. How can we continue to improve life for all?

Ø Sustainability professionals can use their interdisciplinary knowledge to help organizations,

governments, and businesses adopt sustainable practices.

Ø They can help set the stage for a cleaner environment, healthier communities, the smarter use
of resources, higher profits, and more equitable societies.

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