HRM Script

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Good afternoon everyone. I will be discussing about capability procedure.

When we say capability, it refers to an employees’ ability to perform their job

role. But if there is an employees’ inability to perform their job role it should be
managed across an organization. Hindi basta basta tinatanggal ang isang employee
sa isang kompanya dahil lang sa kanyang poor performance instead it will undergo
with such process that called capability procedure. Obviously, iba siya sa diniscuss
ni ms. Loto kanina na misconduct which should be dealt with disciplinary
proceedings kase yong misconduct may kakayahan siyang gawin pero di niya
ginawa ditto sa capability they cnnot do the job. Hindi nila kayang gawin because
of some reason. For example, hindi kayang imaster ng employee ang skills na
kailangan sa trabaho. Dahil dito idadaan siya capability procedure.
Next slide..
There is a policy in a company which is sa isang kompanya, meron dapat silang
specified performance expectations and standards at para mameet yong standard na
yon performance is monitored and employees are given appropriate feedbacks,
training and support.
1. Una , after mamonitor ng manager or team leader yong performance at nakita
nila na yong performance ng employee is not up to standard o hindi pasok sa
standard, magkakaroon ng informal discussion between that employee and
manager para tanungin kung ano ang dahilan ng kanilang poor performance then
gagawa sila ng actions to iprove the performance of the employee that they both
 Kapag sinabi na ang dahilan ay hindi kayang iattain yong established
standards, they will be reviewed
 Kapag naman dahil sa personal life kaya nagkaroon ng performance
problem, halimbawa diba kapag may family problem nadidistract sila sa
trabaho, di sila makapagfocus kaya di nila nagagawa ng maayos ang trabaho,
they will provide counselling or support for that employee.
 Then kapag ang dahilan naman ay dahil sa nagbago yong organization’s
standard, those standards will be explained to the employee and help will be
offered to obtain conformity with the standards.

2. Ikalawa, should the employees show no improvement over a defined period, a

formal interview will be arranged with the employee. The aims of this interview
will be explain clearly the shortfall between the employee’s performance and the
required standard and to determine what remedial treatment can be given like
retraining or support. Kapag wala silang pinakitang improvement bibigyan ulit sila
ng chance but this time last warning na. Depende sa kung anong magiging resulta
ng kanilang performance dito ang magiging desisyon ng employee or team leader.
They will be given period to reach the standard.
3. At the end of review period a further formal interview will be held.
 If nameet na yong required improvement, sasabihin ito don sa employee and
they will encourage to maintain the improvement
 If kung meron naming konting improvement, eextend nila yong review
 Pero kung wala talagang improvement, bibigyan sila ng consideration,
ibababa sila sa kanilang pwesto kung saan doon naakma yong performance
nila kung merong vacant na pwesto pero kapag di niya tinanggap
ididismissed siya. (if walang vacancy the employee will be informed and
invited to give his or her views on this before the final decision is taken, to
take disciplinary action, including dismissal)
4. Employees may appeal against their dismissal. The appeal must be made within
three working days.

Pagtatanggal o pagbabawas ng mga empleyado sa isang kompanya maaaring dahil
nalugi ang kompanya, relocation, closure of the workplace or a job is no longer
needed. Pero kung may tinanggal sa pwesto at may pumalit ditto hindi yon

Types of Redundancy
 Voluntary Redundancy- inooffered ng kompanya sa mga empleyado na
magvolunteer na lang silang magresign typically in downsizing workforce.
 Compulsory Redundancy- kompanya na mismo ang magdedesisyon kung
sino ang tatanggalin na employees. The employees don’t get any say
whether you can select them.
Common Reasons for Redundancy
 Di na kailangan ng job na yon kase meron ng technology halimbawa
ngayon sa mga fast food restaurant konti na lang cashier kase meron ng self-
service technology. Itatap mo lang don kung anong iorder mo, kaya
nagbabawas sila ng employees.
 Business continue to operate but there is no longer need for the skills for
which the employee was taken on
 Kailangan ng employer na magbawas ng gastusin sa pamamagitan ng
pagbabawas ng mga staff
 Pagtatanggal ng mg staff kase magsasarado na ang business siguro kase
 Nabili na ng ibang kompanya yong business but that transfer doesn’t end the
employment relationship. Usually the contract of employment is carried over
into the new business.
Redundancy Selections Criteria
1. Attendance Record – kung palaging absent sa trabaho or have high
unacceptable level of absence, this not includes absences relating to disability,
pregnancy or maternity.
2. Disciplinary Record – kung may record na ba ng disciplinary actions
3. Skills or Experience – if you cannot function without close support or
supervision o competent ka
4. Standard of Work Performance- if you fail to meet objectives of the role or if
you perform your jobs well
5. Success at Work or lack of them – if you contribute more to the company or
Process of Redundancy
Every employer should consider having a formal redundancy procedure
1. Preparation- Before starting a redundancy process, you should consider all
options to reduce or even avoid redundancies like offer voluntary redundancy,
limit or stop overtime and not hire any new employees.
2.. Consultation- employers are required to consult individual employees and give
them reasonable warning of impending redundancy. Employers are obliged to give
the ff. information like reason for redundancy dismissal and the total number of
employees affected. You can give employees the option to volunteers for
3.. Selection- who should be chosen for redundancy? After ng consultation, pipili
na ang mga employer kung sinong employee based sa result ng redundancy
selections criteria if there are not enough volunteers for redundancy.
4. Suitable alternative Employment- instead of being made redundant, inoofferan
sila ng another job role but if the employee has a valid reason to turn down the job,
they’ll be entitled to redundancy pay but if the employee does not have a valid
reason for turning down the job, you could refuse to pay the redundancy pay.
5. Redundancy Pay- any employees you make redundant are potentially entitled
to redundancy pay. The payment must be made when you dismiss the employee or
soon after.

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