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Research- Changes are faced by US Millennials

Your Full Name: Shivi Gupta

Your email ID:
Your Phone Number:9518837476

Ask Method
What to ask?
When it comes to seeking your dream job , what your
single best challenge or frustration , What are your future
Desires ?
Result from survey:
The target customers wants to work with a company that has a excellent
corporate reputation. They are ready to leave their current job for the
company which provides work life balance, organizes family events ,
education benefits for their children Retirement funds etc., has easy,
convenient commute so they do not have to waste a lot of time in
transportation, career development opportunities, health care benefits,
job security and last but not the least work from home flexibility at times
like today.
Suggestion: Our “Alpha” company should collect all the above
mentioned information about the recruiters so that our target customer
do not have to invest a lot of research time and money to do so.
Moreover we can help job seekers to know about the internal
environment of the company by interacting them with the previous or
current employees of the company which I think most of the companies
like LinkedIn , Indeed, etc lack .

Who to ask?
Our target customer are millennial.
Result from survey:
The millennial (38% of US Population) want to work in a company for
a longer period of time(5 years or more)as they are not quite comfortable
in mobilizing and they foster diversity at work. They give significance to
professional career growth and developmental opportunities. They give
emphasis on company mission, vision and values.
Albeit the unemployed population are of two types:
Real unemployed: who are looking for job from last one or two months
and are not voluntarily unemployed.
Marginal unemployed: who left their jobs voluntarily to raise their
children, get married or for caring elderly people.
Hyper responsive customers = Most likely customers
Suggestion : Our “Alpha” company should reflect on our company
website page which companies provide work from home facility, paid
holidays for marriage or pregnancy so that we will be able to attract
whole unemployed population (Both Frictional unemployed and
Structural Employed) . But reality is that employees come to know about
these benefits long after joining. The employees should be informed
about all terms and policies of the company along with benefits offered.
How to ask?
Acc. to the US survey, job seekers say they are more
likely to use social media in their job search.
Result from survey:
US job seekers have more reliability on social media as from there they
can gather various types of information about the company like:
• Company culture, diversity and values
• Various internships, job training and apprenticeship provided by
the company before working at the designated position
• Details on what makes the company an attractive place to work
• Details on compensation package and retirement benefits ( as in
US instead of provident fund there is 401 account in which both
employer and employee contribute a proportion)
• Details on the way company likes to do work either with
aggressive time limits or with a little bit of leniency.
Suggestion : we should promote our company on various
social media handles it is not enough to only make a webpage but
we should frequently post our achievements ( with the help of
people who are able to get their dream job through us).
Whether a recruiter or a job seeker our company should put them
together . They can be put together on the ground of their needs and
wants from each other.

Contact information
We should also get the contact information of our target customers so
that we can get more deep answers as the depth of answers matters most
than the frequency of answers.

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