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43 Fourth Word. Dens mens, ut quid dereliguisti me? Omnes amici mei dereliquerunt me, valuerunt insidiantes mibi; tradidit me Baritone Solo. God, my Father aohy hast Thou forsaken me? pre. All those who Were my friends, all have now quem | forsaken me, and they that hate me do now Ailigebam, prevail against mes and he whom I have cher- Vinea mea electa, ego te plantaviyquomo- | ished, he hath betray'd me. do conversa es in amarstudine ut me eruci— Even the vine that T have chosen, and that figeros? T have planted: wherefore art thow now 0 f strangely turned into bitterness, that Tby thee Cros bit Levan t am crucified? 1 Andante maestoso. @ = 60) cantando e_sost.. De-us me- us, De-us mr us.ut quid de-re— God, my Faz ther, God, % sams nf my Fa thesoh whyhast thou for-sak- en me?, FFF rs ors y) aa ws me us, De- us me - us, ut quid de- re- li my Fa - ther God, my Fa ther, oh why hast thou for~ quis-ti me? Omnes &-mi-ci me - i de- re-li- que-runt me Salen me? _Althosewhoweremyfriends,all have now for- sak- en me, Omnes &-mi-ci me - i de — re- li~ que- runt me; pro-va—lu— Allthosewhoweremy friends, all ave now for- sak - en mes and they that —_ —e-runt in-si-di-an-tes mi-hiy pre-valu - e-runt in-si-dian-tes mi-hi; tra hhate me donowprevail a-gainstme, andtheythathate me donowprevail a-gainstme, and a5 ul evese. =—=———_ =» di- dit’ me, tra. di- dit me quem di- i- ge - he whom T ‘have cher- ished, se hath be ~ trayil Pp doloroso ws, 5 nv De - us me-us, De-us me - us, ut quid de-re-li ~ God, my Father, God, my Fa — ther, oh why hast Thou for ~ > 4 of qui - sti me? Sak = ‘en me? Sippoo pin fp Ge SS ‘ Vi - neva E 2 ven the i poco pit f ptr F snais = e-go te plan-ta — and that_I have plant - ? ha B quo - — mo-do con - ver - snes in a where = fore art thou now sostrangely — turn'd an press. e ecru = Gh - ge - termes, that I by thee am mais cruel = fi = bby thee am Fina fia, quid dv re ~ li = qui - sti_me? Shy hast” Thou” for > Sak Stn mee “s 4c Fa ther, Ma~ tim. —= sti ur quid de-re - li - qui - oh why hast Thou forsake ate v aim tt, Tull 5 me? ut quid dere - Ti me? Oh why hast Thow for ~ sak i? ee | cotta parte

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