Speaking Đáp Án

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Look at the picture above and answer the questions below in complete sentences.

12. What are the cons of museums? The cons of

1. Where does the story take place? at the museum is that sometimes the entrance is
exhibition very high
2. How many exhibits can you see?
13. Write about your favorite field trip. In the
I can see 2 exhibits past, I had a wonderful trip to Dalat,
everything in there made me feel very
3. Describe the exhibit on the left. comfortable. I live in Nha Trang city, I often
There is a dry skeleton of a dinosaur on that see people traveling from Nha Trang city to
picture Dalat by motorbike. Howerver, I choose the
safer option is to go by car. My first
4. Describe the exhibit on the right. impression when I came to Da Lat was the
weather, it is quite cold. I rented a 3 star
in a forest there is a dinosaur eating leaves on
hotel, however, when I entered the room, I
top of s tree
did not see the air conditioner anywhere.
5. What is the boy doing? Was the air cold, so they didn’t have an air
conditioner? I stayed there for 3 days and 2
The boy is running nights, the food in Da Lat was quite good, the
6. What is chasing the boy? scenery was also very nice. Especially, the
people were very friendly. Maybe I will
a dinosaur return to Da Lat someday.
7. How do you think he feels? 14. Are you interested in dinosaurs? Yes, I am
I think he is feeling very scared 15. Have you ever seen or held a fossil? No, I
have never
8. Where is the mouse?

The mouse stands between the boy and the


9. What items are on the ground?

There are a book and a pen

10. What time is it in the picture?

It’s 12:05

11. Have you ever been to a museum?

Yes, I have
Look at the picture above and answer the questions below in complete sentences.

1. What is happening in the picture? They’re

filming a pirate case
10. What do you think the pirates are going to do?
2. Where does the story take place? I think they will use weapons to threaten and
attack ships operating at sea to rob valuable
Take place on a beach
3. What is in the background?
11. What tool is on the beach? There is a shovel
There's the sea, 1 ship, and 3 seagulls stuck in the sand

4. How many actors are there? 12. How many seashells are there? 2 seashells

There are 2 actors 13. How is the weather?

5. What characters are in the movie? It’s a cloudy day

There are 2 pirates 14. What is the director doing?

6. What weapons do the pirates have? They The director is speaking in the loudspeaker
have a knife and a sword in their hands
15. What movies have you seen recently?
7. Describe the captain. He’s a big man with a
Recently, I often watch a movie ablout a
beard, a hat and one eye is covered
superhero calles Avengers
8. What is the first mate stepping on?

It’s a chest

9. What do you think is in the chest? I think

the’e's a lot of gold and diamonds in there
Look at the picture above and answer the questions below in complete sentences.
1. Where does the story take place?

At the basketball field 8. Have you ever been to a baseball game?

2. What is in the background? There is a green No, I have never

9. Have you ever played baseball?
3. What are they doing?
No, I have never
they are playing baseball
10. Do you play any sports? What sports? No, I
4. What is the man on the right doing? don’t

He’s shooting the ball 11. What are the benefits of playing sports?
Reduces the risk of cardiovasscular disease,
5. How many people can you see in the picture?
helps bones and joints stay healthy and uplifts
There are 4 people spirits

6. How is the weather? 12. Are there any drawbacks to playing sports?
Yes, there are
The weather is cool and clear

7. What equipment do they need to play?

They need to equip 1 suit suitable for this

sport, 1 specialized glove, 1 hat and 1 pair of
Look at the picture above and answer the questions below in complete sentences.

1. Where does the story take place? On the side 8. What items are on the ground?
of the wall and the trash cans in front of the
There are 2 money piles, 1 briefcase and 1
blank sheet of paper
2. What is in the background? There is a gray
9. Whose money do you think that is?
I think it’s the restaurant’s money
3. How many people are in this scene?
10. How many garbage cans can you see?
there are 4 people
I can see 3 garbage cans
4. What do you think happened before this? I
think the thief stole the money from the 11. What is on top of one of the garbage cans?
restaurant There is a mouse
5. What is the police officer on the right doing? 12. What do you think is going to happen next? I
On top of the thief and handcuffing him think the thief will be caught and the
restaurant will get the money back
6. What is the police officer on the left doing?
Recoding what the chef said

7. What is the man on the left doing?

Telling the story to the police

Look at the picture above and answer the questions below in complete sentences.

1. Where does the story take place? 8. What is happening on the left side of the
picture? Looks like a male friend wear a blue
At a park
coats bullying a male wear orange shirt
2. What is in the background? The grass fiels has
9. How do you think the boy on the far left feels?
1 slide, 2 swings and 1 carousel
I think you’re scared
3. What can kids do on this playground?
10. Have you ever had a problem with another
They can play games available there and talk kid on the playground? No, I have never
to each other
11. What is a bully? A bully use force, forced,
4. What does the one boy have in his hand? teasing can threaten to hurt and harm the
In his hand have a insect

5. What are the girls in the center doing?

The girls in the center are stroking the dog

6. Do you ever play on the playground?

Yes, I have ever

7. What games do you play when you meet your


we play the game League of Legends

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