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7/19/2021 [PDF] English Grammar Topics List PDF Free Download - PDF Hunter

English Grammar Topics List

1. Gendered nouns
2. Singular and plural nouns including irregular plural nouns
3. Countable and uncountable nouns
4. Definite pronouns
5. Indefinite pronouns
6. Compound nouns
7. Capitalization rules for nouns
8. Nationalities in English
9. Forming the possessive

Definition of adjectives
Recognizing and placing adjectives in sentences
The order of adjectives when using several in a row
Forming comparative and superlative adjectives
Using adjectives to compare attributes
Adjectives describing equal quantities
Adjectives describing unequal quantities

What adverbs are and what they are for
Forming adverbs from adjectives
Forming the comparative and the superlative of adverbs
Adverbs of place
Adverbs of time
Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of degree
Adverbs of certainty
Viewpoint and commenting adverbs 1/4
7/19/2021 [PDF] English Grammar Topics List PDF Free Download - PDF Hunter

Relative adverbs
Interrogative adverbs

Definite article : the
Indefinite articles : a, an
Demonstratives: this, that, these, those
Pronouns and possessive determiners : my, your, his, her, its, our, their
Quantifiers : a few, a little, much, many, a lot of, most, some, any, enough
Numbers : one, ten, thirty
Distributives : all, both, half, either, neither, each, every
Difference words : other, another
Pre-determiners : such, what, rather, quite

Verbs & verb tenses

Present tenses in Examples


Simple present They walk home.


Present They are walking home.

continuous tense

Past tenses in

Simple past tense Peter lived in China in 1965.

Past continuous I was reading when she arrived.


Perfect tenses in

Present perfect I have lived here since 1987.


Present perfect I have been living here for years.


Past perfect We had been to see her several times before 2/4
7/19/2021 [PDF] English Grammar Topics List PDF Free Download - PDF Hunter

she visited us.

Past perfect He had been watching her for some time

continuous when she turned and smiled.

Future perfect We will have arrived in the States by the time

you get this letter.

Future perfect By the end of your course, you will have

continuous been studying for five years.

Future tenses in

Simple future They will go to Italy next week.


Future continuous I will be travelling by train.


Conditional tenses
in English

Zero conditional If ice gets hot it melts.

Type 1 If he is late I will be angry.


Type 2 If he was in Australia he would be getting up

conditional now.

Type 3 She would have visited me if she had had

conditional time.

Mixed conditional I would be playing tennis if I hadn’t broken

my arm.

The -ing forms in


Gerund I like swimming.

Present participle She goes running every morning.


Passive voice 3/4
7/19/2021 [PDF] English Grammar Topics List PDF Free Download - PDF Hunter

Direct and indirect speech
Tense changes when reporting speech
Changing time and place references when reporting speech
Question forms and reporting speech
Verbs used for reporting speech in English
Reporting orders, requests, and suggestions
Reporting hopes, intentions, and promises

The period (or full stop in British English)
The comma
The exclamation mark
The question mark
The colon
The semicolon
The quotation mark
The apostrophe
The hyphen and the dash
Parentheses and brackets

Relative clauses
Defining clauses
Non-defining clauses 4/4

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