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NEWSLETTER August 2011

422 Main St., Farmington, NH 03835/ 603 755-2944
Operating Hours: PLEASE Please note that our regular monthly meetings will NOTE: OUR HOURS HAVE CHANGED
Mon. 12-8 / Tues. 2-5 / Weds. 12-8 / resume12-5 / Fri: CLOSED / wish9-2/our participants an Thurs. in September. We Sat. all Sun: CLOSED summer! inspired and creative

Reminder: The Library will be CLOSED Saturday, August 27 for Hay Day. Hay Day Book Sale Saturday, August 27 Our Friends group will be sponsoring their 4th Annual Giant Book Sale on Hay Day! Officially, the sale starts at 9:00, but get there early for the biggest selection. New Library Hours Please note these important changes in our hours. The library will be open on Thursdays from 12:00-5:00 PM and CLOSED on Fridays. Library Cards We are now scanning barcodes on library cards at the checkout desk. Please remember to bring your card with you when you visit the library so everything will go smoothly. DVD Checkouts In order to meet the increasing demand on our DVD collection, DVD loans are now limited to one week (7 days) with no renewals. DVD late fees have increased to .25 per day. This will allow everyone a better opportunity to borrow our new releases. Library Program Meeting Space Patrons, please remember that the Goodwin Library holds many programs from 6:00-8:00 PM on Monday and Wednesday nights at our big conference table in the Non-Fiction/Public Access Computer Room. If you need quiet time at the computer during this program time, please bring or ask for headphones. Thank you for understanding our space limitations. Staff Picks and Patron Picks Bookmarks Looking for a good read among our many new books? Check out our Staff Picks bookmarks. Our staff has a wide variety of reading tastes and with these bookmarks, we can recommend our favorite titles to you. Did you just finish a great read that you want to recommend? Grab one of our new Patron Picks bookmarks from the bookmark rack and share your enthusiasm with other patrons. Friends of the Goodwin Library Meeting Wednesday, August 10th at 6:00 PM If you are interested in finding out more about the Friends, you are welcome to attend. Applications to become a member of the Friends are available at the library and available on the Friends blog at

A Day in the Life of Farmington Town Photo Day Sunday, September 11 is the ten- year anniversary of 9/11. The Goodwin Library would like to honor the memory of this event by asking the community to take one digital photo of your Farmington, something that represents what is important to you in this town. It can be anything from a photo of your family, your home, or garden to your favorite local restaurant, walking trail or quiet spot. We would like everyone who can to become involved in this project- adults, children, veterans, town officials, the whole community. Please take a digital with at least a minimum of 300 dpi and email it with your title, e-mail address, name and phone number to A release form will be available online and at the library for you to fill out. Please note that Children and Teens need a parents signature on the release form. We will be collating and presenting these photos through several future programs. The deadline for the photos is Sept. 30. Call 755-2944 ext. 2 for more info. Please note that our regular monthly meetings will resume in September. We wish all our participants an inspired and creative summer! Gardeners Roundtable Our Gardners Group enjoyed visiting the gardens of seven fellow members during the 2nd annual Garden Tour in July. Our official meetings start up again in the fall. New members are always welcome. Come share your love of gardening, self-sufficiency skills and farming knowledge. Farmington Film Society at the Goodwin Library Join us when we return from our summer break in September for more great films and discussion. Adult Poets and Writers Group We are officially on hiatus until September. The group will take part in the Hay Day events on Saturday, Aug. 27 by holding an Open Mike session at the Farmington Recreation Center (the old Town Hall building) from 12:00 to 1:30. Bring a poem and join the fun! In the meantime, have a creative and inspired summer and

then come share your new work with the group. Writers of all kinds are always welcome to join us or to just

come and listen to some great writing! Call 755 2944 ext. 2 for more information. Adult Book Club The group will meet up again in September and discuss the best books we have read during the break. In the meantime, we have a great selection of new titles at the library. Grab a few to enjoy during your vacation. Happy reading! Kids Cartoon Club Were on break until September, so be sure to practice your cartooning and writing skills and bring in what youve worked on over the summer to show us in the fall. Childrens Room News Parents and Grandparents, are you looking for something to do with the kids that doesnt cost a lot of money? You can borrow our museum passes (on an adult card) and visit the Christa McAuliffe Planetarium, or the Childrens Museum. This month the Children's Museum is having their Annual Teddy Bear Clinic and Party on August 10th). The NH Farm Museum has many events planned for August, including Stories on the Farm, every Wednesday at 10 a.m. We also have passes for Seacoast Science Center and they have a full schedule this summer, including their great concert roster! Please note that sometimes passes may not be accepted for special events. We urge parents to call ahead and check before using the passes in this manner. Summer Food Program for Kids Free Meals for Children ages 0-18 The Goodwin Library is again sponsoring the Southern NH Services Summer Food Supper Site. We invite Farmington and Middleton children and their families to join us Monday through Friday at Fernald Park from 5:00 to 6:00 PM for a tasty and nutritious meal. Free Breakfasts are also available from 8:158:45 AM at Fernald Park, and Free Lunches from 11:30 AM- 12:00PM at the Henry Wilson School Playground. All families are welcome and there is no registration required! Tee ns News

Join us to finish the Teen Zine on Wednesday, August 10th at 6:00 PM. Bring the pages youve finished or stop by and ask for information about making a page before the event so your poetry, art, collages, or reviews can make it into the first issue.

Well also be doing a cover jam where everyone will add something to the front and back covers. Remember, pages must be finished before this program so we can put it together and print it.

Congratulations to our Skittles Count Winner! Looking for a great summer book? Try Beauty Queens by Libba Bray is one of the funniest books I have read in a long time. Imagine if a plane load of beauty queens on their way to a pageant crash lands on a mysterious island and have to learn to survive while they wait to be rescued. Throw in a bit of Lord of the Flies and a dash of Lost mixed with make-up and diet tips and you have got a great summer read. If you like graphic novels, try this new title: Anyas Ghost by Vera Brosgol. A Russian born teen shares her American high school experiences. One day she accidently falls into a hole in the woods and discovers a skeleton and a ghost. Its funny, scary and has fantastic illustrations. If you are a fan of graphic novels do not miss this one! Other great titles recommended by teen readers: Ship Breaker by Paolo BacigalupiMoon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

One of Maria OConnors beautiful henna tattoos.

A mesmerized crowd at Valley View giggles at stories told by entertainer Shawn Middleton.

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