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SURVEY Is messaging effective?

Top 3 hurdles to good customer

State of Messaging for Customer Service Yes! A whopping 86% across the US and the UK found experience (CX)
messaging to be “very effective” and “somewhat effective” I had to repeat information that I
had previously given to the chatbot
for customer service. of another customer service agent

The responses were not prompt
4% 28%

Very effective 17%
The responses were not relevant

Consumers say Yes to

38% Somewhat effective UK US

Somewhat ineffective Consumers across the US and the UK hate being the glue in
messaging and No to 48%
Very ineffective
a multichannel communication. 44% of US consumers and
39% of UK consumers found having to repeat information

silos in consumer survey the biggest pain point.

The survey was conducted by YouGov PLC The biggest hurdle to good CX
on behalf of eGain. The findings are based on
Demographics matter “I had to repeat information I had previously given to
Are you more satisfied with messaging than other channels? the chatbot or another customer service agent”
answers given by 5,950 consumers who had
I had to repeat information I had previously given
used messaging to resolve a customer service 18-34 37% to the chatbot or another customer service agent

issue in the last 12 months. 35-54 23%

Not applicable—I have not had any issues when
messaging a business for customer service

The responses were not prompt 28%

55+ 18%
The responses were not relevant 23%

Younger consumers have a more positive view of messaging. Another issue 5%

37% in the 18-34 age group report being more satisfied with This is clearly a result of a siloed approach to implementing
messaging than other contact channels versus 23% in the customer service messaging, which puts the onus on
© 2021 eGain Corporation. All rights reserved 35-54 age group and only 18% in the 55+ age group. consumers to connect the contextual dots.

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