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Briefly discus the following principles of:

I. The Induction Motor

1. Describe how a rotating field is developed by the stator to induce magnetic field.
- The fluctuating currents in the stator windings form the spinning magnetic field radially
around the rotor. The squirrel cage rotates because of eddy currents that the spinning
magnetic field causes in its vertical bars. The magnetic field's rotation and the rotor's
rotation are not synchronized.
2. Explain how the rotor tends to follow the rotation this induced magnetic field.
- According to Lenz's Law, the induction motor will always rotate in an effort to counter
the cause. The stator windings' continuous rotating flux is to blame in this situation.
Rotating in the same direction as the magnetic field of the stator is the only way to
lessen the flux cut by the rotor. So, in order to slow down the relative speed, the rotor
will rotate in that direction. But it will never match the speed of the stator magnetic field
since the rotor will stop cutting any flux when Ns (stator speed) equals N (rotor speed),
which will result in a decrease in rotor speed.
3. Show why this induced magnetic field illustrates the Lenz Law.
- Lenz's law states that while the north pole of the bar magnet is approaching the coil, the
induced current flows in a way that make the side of the coil closest to the pole of the
bar magnet itself a north pole to oppose the approaching bar magnet. This is because
like magnetic poles repel one another.

4. What is meant by "revolution slip or percent slip" in induction motor.
- Slip is the difference between the synchronous and asynchronous speeds of an electrical
induction motor. The real speed of the motor (N) can be represented in terms of percent
slip as follows: At start, the motor is at rest, therefore its speed N is zero. This is the
maximum amount of slip an induction motor can experience at startup.
5. Explain why the rotor rotation speed is always less than the speed of the rotating field.
- The induction motor's actual speed will be lower than its synchronous speed. The rotor
windings are no longer cut off by the magnetic field of the stator windings if the
armature rotates precisely at synchronous speed. No current would be induced to the
rotor windings in this scenario.
II. The Synchronous Motor

1. In principle, a direct current generator can operate as a direct current motor. In this regard,
explain how torque is developed in a rotating armature of synchronous motor.
- Between the armature and the stator, a mechanical torque develops when the armature
conductors of a DC motor carry current and the stator field flux is present. The torque is
calculated by multiplying the force by the radius at which it acts.
2. Explain the effect of loading synchronous motor.
- When the load is raised, both DC motors and induction motors experience a drop in
speed. In order to bear the greater load at a reduced speed, more current must be
pulled from the source due to the reduced counter EMF caused by the slower speed.
3. Explain the effect of changing the field excitation current by increasing or decreasing it.
- Increased field current will lead to an increase in the generator's MVAR output if it is
linked to the grid. An increase in field current will result in an increase in generator
terminal voltage if the generator is isolated and providing a local load.
4. Describe how synchronous motor is being started.
- Initial starting of the motor occurs as a slip ring induction motor. As the motor speeds
up, the resistance progressively disappears. The rotor is given DC excitation once it
reaches almost synchronous speed, at which point it is brought into synchronism. After
that, it begins to rotate like a synchronous motor.

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