Transformation Initiatives Underway For Regulatory Information Management

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Transformation Initiatives Underway
for Regulatory Information Management
shift is underway in regulatory Regulatory Information Management biopharmaceuticals, basically the top
information management (RIM) (RIM); Strategy, Measures and Priori- 50 defined by Pharmaceutical Execu-
as pharmaceutical companies ties. A dramatic 86% are embarking on tive, are focused on transformational
evaluate their global operating capa- transformational change in one or more changes, while in smaller organizations
bilities. A recent report by Gens and As- of the seventeen regulatory capabilities the changes are more incremental.”
sociates shows that many organizations tracked in the report. While most trans- Regulatory transformation initia-
are embarking on significant transfor- formations are in early stages, 85% of tives are also bigger and broader than
mation initiatives, not simply looking companies expect to realize significant they used to be. “Historically, we’ve
for incremental change. As pressure business benefits within the next two to seen regulatory capabilities upgraded
mounts on profitability in the business, three years. with individual change initiatives. To-
senior executives are looking for regu- “We are seeing an unprecedented day, regulatory change is treated as an
latory teams to operate more efficiently level of change in regulatory,” Gens end-to-end program with colleagues
and effectively. said. “In the last 24 months, technology from clinical, quality, and manufac-
This is creating a sense of urgency spending has accelerated significantly turing participating.” Companies are
around harmonizing processes and and we think it’s going to continue for reinforcing their new RIM strategy
adopting shared global systems to im- another two or three years.” Forty-one with organizational changes, with 52%
prove data quality, reporting capabili- percent of surveyed companies plan to implementing new roles and responsi-
ties, and end-to-end process flows. A change their submissions content man- bilities around data governance or data
number of priorities are driving this agement systems within the next two quality. Another 45% of companies are
urgency, chief among them is the new years. Sixty-five percent are changing implementing the concept of end-to-end
IDMP standard, which requires regula- their submission planning systems and process ownership and governance.
tory teams to collate data from multiple a dramatic 73% are changing systems
sources and functions. for managing health authority interac- Goals of Transformation
As companies put plans in place to tions. The scale of change differs by Harmonization
meet IDMP requirements, many are company size. Gens continued, “Large There has been and continues to be a
proposing changes that have far-reach- shift toward standardized systems with
ing impact. One such company, UCB, Submission Content Submission a common RIM model. “Companies are
Management Planning
got an early start on IDMP preparations moving from a disparate RIM model
with a comprehensive strategy around where systems vary by geography or
data and modernizing their RIM capa- 41% product, to a common RIM model in
bilities. As the Pharm Exec interview 65% which they use shared global systems,”
with UCB shows, transforming RIM Gens said. “Companies are taking a
can not only improve the efficiency and more holistic approach, managing regu-
Health Authority
agility of the business, it also translates Interactions latory processes globally, and their ef-
data quality into patient value. forts are paying off.” The new research
shows that companies with a common
RIM Transformation Accelerates RIM model are 18% more efficient than
Industry analyst Steve Gens, manag- 73% their competitors with disparate RIM
ing partner of Gens and Associates, has systems and have 2.5 times more confi-
been following RIM trends for more dence in the quality of their data.
Figure 1. Significant plans for system
than a decade and has captured some changes within two years
significant changes in the latest an- by large and mid-sized companies, Data Quality
nual RIM report, Pursuing World Class n=36 The quality and reliability of data is also

a top priority in RIM transformation. spending between $5-$9 million. The veyed companies are seeking transfor-
“Every local market or regional hub scale of transformation is due in large mational change to processes connect-
must contribute consistently to global part to the number of functional areas ing regulatory with manufacturing and
systems with the same levels of data involved. IDMP requires regulatory to supply chain. Automation will start
quality and reliability,” Gens explained. collate data from multiple functional playing a much bigger role in facilitat-
“If a few countries fail to meet target areas. And master data management ing those interactions.
levels, the program breaks down into (MDM), a common approach to syn-
something very much like the current thesizing and cleaning data across the The Urgency to Change
system. Today, companies need to check enterprise, also touches multiple areas Two financial drivers are motivating
and re-check information anytime they and their business applications. IDMP organizations to make bigger changes
use it, which is a big burden. Regulatory is compelling organizations to get their within regulatory than they’ve under-
spends a lot of time verifying informa- houses in order, and most regulatory taken in the past. First is the pressure
tion before it goes to health authorities teams are capitalizing on the opportu- on cost savings and efficiency across all
or inspectors, or is used for internal de- nity to modernize their regulatory infor- parts of drug development, including
cision making.” mation management capabilities. regulatory. Second are the significant
potential costs and fines associated with
Efficiency Changing Data Planning a compliance-related issues. Multimillion-
A third force driving transformation is Management & Transformational dollar data quality remediation projects
Standards Activities Change
the desire for greater efficiency and pro- n = 50 n = 44 are becoming increasingly common.
ductivity. Most regulatory activities are This creates a big push to enhance data
very effective in terms of compliance, yet quality and establish better end-to-end
score low in terms of efficiency. Gens process ownership between functions.
noted, “The average self-reported level 88% The opportunity for regulatory
of efficiency in the 17 regulatory areas teams to innovate is also greater to-
we measure is about 39%, which is very day than it has been in the past decade.
Figure 2. Of the 88% planning to
poor.” Given the historic focus on com- “The RIM technology space has been
change data management and
pliance, it is not surprising that few com- standards activities, 68% are planning relatively stagnant for a long time and
panies measure RIM efficiency. Most transformational change. is changing. There are several new pro-
companies either measure RIM per- viders bringing much needed usability
formance with low confidence in their and innovation, replacing older sys-
metrics or only measure submission pro- “The second and third priorities for tems that are hard to use globally or
duction. However the majority plan to transformation are global dossier man- are inefficient.”
measure RIM performance within the agement (42%) and submission fore- “There is another important driver,”
next 12 months. casting (40%), determining what coun- Gens said. “Many companies complet-
When it comes to answering for basic tries get which submissions and in what ed their IDMP gap analysis and were
regulatory questions such as the status order” Gens said. “For a very large alarmed by the size and complexity of
of a label change in an affiliate office or multinational, there are thousands of the necessary IDMP compliance proj-
product renewal by product and country. submissions that go out every year. ect. They are subsequently focused on
Half of the participating companies took A fourth priority is improving con- how to keep all this mission critical data
days or weeks to provide accurate an- nection points between regulatory and clean and updated over the long term.”
swers, as opposed to hours or minutes. other functional areas. A manufactur- The goals for improving RIM ef-
ing change, supply release, and a label ficiency and meeting IDMP standards
Transformation Initiative Priorities change are three collaborative process- both rely on improving data quality
The highest priority for transformational es hampered by poor data quality and and global collaboration. Companies
change is in data management and stan- accessibility. Inefficiencies in cross- may have once balked at the cost of
dards, with 88% currently changing or functional collaboration are particular- standardizing systems, processes, and
planning a change within the next two ly concerning since they often introduce data globally. However, it is increas-
years. Of those making a change, nearly compliance gaps. IDMP requirements ingly clear that the gains in operating
70% are planning a transformational and the desire to connect product re- efficiency and regulatory effectiveness
change. According to Gens estimates, lease with registration status are driving will generate a positive return and have
top 50 are projected to spend between deeper integrations with manufacturing motivated many to embark on their
$3-$5 million on IDMP, with the top 15 and supply chain. In fact, 40% of sur- own transformation initiative.

Regulatory Transformation at UCB

ith Gordon Topping as a mem-
ber of EMA’s IDMP/SPOR task
force, Brussels-based UCB was
an early mover in RIM transforma-
tion. Three years ago, the company em-
barked upon a transformation initiative
for IDMP readiness.
According to Topping, what started
as an IDMP readiness program quickly
became much more. “Initially, the first
priority was to comply with IDMP,
whatever that would come to mean as
the guidance was finalized. The second
Gordon Topping
priority was addressing batch release – Senior Director
making sure what was released to any Submission Portfolio and
given market matched the regulatory Regulatory Knowledge Management
file. We wanted to work with a specific
use case that provided business value foundation in place, they will be able to processes,” Topping said. “People tend to
and involved a meaningful sample of scale up and address additional IDMP think about document management as
IDMP data. The third priority was prod- data points as they become required. its own process, and registration tracking
uct master data management, or MDM. as its own process. The same holds true
We have now evolved our priorities, and Six Core Objectives within for each tool. We created an interactive
IDMP compliance is simply a byproduct UCB’s RIM Transformation Initiative process map that is system agnostic. You
of doing these other things correctly.” »» Data collection monitoring. will eventually be able to go from sub-
When IDMP’s ISO standards were The company sought to create a routine mission planning to archiving without
published at the end of 2012, that was monitoring framework that would ensure logging into multiple systems. We are
the “burning platform” to get started. the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness not there yet, but we are working toward
“We said right, we’ve got a deadline, the of updates to product license information. this and it creates a very different, much
standards are published, it is happening. more effective way of working.”
We did a lot of internal communication »» Information availability.
around IDMP, particularly viewing it While regulatory traditionally works be- »» Document and data collection remediation.
through the lens of patient value, and hind closed doors, UCB decided to make Topping shared, “Locating the source
were transparent about wanting to ad- regulatory information more widely materials for IDMP data collection is
dress important business and compliance available internally. They started with a major frustration. All too often the
objectives as part of the initiative.” Rec- the supply release process to fully ensure needed documents are located at an af-
ognizing that UCB’s internal business ob- that product in market matches the reg- filiate or a partner company. We now
jectives aligned well with the IDMP re- ulatory file. “We were managing product have an ongoing program collecting all
quirements, senior management agreed releases with emails and spreadsheets. of the source documents, extracting the
to use IDMP as the driving reason to en- We now provide weekly reports with the information and converting it into data.”
courage collaboration and to get started. status of all CMC or regulatory varia-
A cross-functional team outlined an tions for each product in every country. »» Master data management.
initiative with six core objectives. With- Going forward, we’d like a more inter- UCB started by mastering a small hand-
in each objective, UCB focused nar- active technology with real-time dash- ful of data fields. They identified six or
rowly on what was business critical and boards,” said Topping. seven fields that were frequently dupli-
resulted in real patient value in the form cated between systems and would deliver
of data quality and efficiencies. The »» Unified regulatory processes. significant business value if standardized
ISO standards specify more data points “Historically, regulatory professionals and shared. These fields included prod-
than any firm can tackle at one time, have thought in terms of individual soft- uct name, strength, formulation, and
and UCB recognized that with a strong ware applications instead of end-to-end country. “MDM is the most transforma-

tive piece for us. Simply being able to link

manufacturing stock keeping units with “You will eventually be able to go from
registered package details has been a sea
change in how we approach things,” Top- submission planning to archiving without
ping said. “Connecting into systems like
SAP, Trackwise, and Veeva Vault RIM is logging into multiple systems… We are working
going to make a big difference and will
release enormous value over time.”
toward this and it creates a very different,
much more effective way of working.”
»» Operating model optimization.
Once data flows and systems are run-
ning smoothly, UCB could step back and like publishing are already largely out- management to the cloud and get sup-
evaluate the overall operating model to sourced, but when transferring or shar- porting processes in place. Cloud also
optimally maintain these data including ing documents around the world, you enables us to reduce the overall admin-
extended use of external service provid- need global, reliable performance. That istrative burden of updating and main-
ers. “Many of our regulatory activities was a good reason to move document taining multiple systems.”

Consolidating Systems with Unified RIM

John Lawrie, Veeva Systems

In closing the conversation about global cently adopted Veeva’s registration track- label changes, manufacturing changes, or
RIM initiatives, Pharm Exec had the ing and submissions archiving in order the product releases that UCB spoke of,
opportunity to speak with John Lawrie, to unite headquarters and affiliates on have an enormous impact on the orga-
vice president of RIM strategy at Veeva a shared global system. Clinical depart- nization’s overall agility and profitability.
Systems. Lawrie has spent over twenty ments moved fast to adopt cloud, and the
years consulting with regulatory teams dramatic improvements have many regu- PE: What do you think is important as
in pharma and supporting their tech- latory teams looking to follow quickly. organizations consider their own trans-
nology initiatives. At Veeva, Lawrie is formation initiatives?
working with leaders in multiple top 50 PE: Regulatory liaises with every other Lawrie: A unified RIM environment is
organizations to modernize their RIM major department in an organization. critical to operating globally — effi-
environments. This places them in a critical position ciently. Switching tools for every single
with respect to an organization’s agility activity introduces inefficiencies and op-
PE: What strategies are companies imple- and efficiency. What are the leaders in portunities for error. Unified RIM envi-
menting to operate globally more effec- clinical, quality, and manufacturing ask- ronments connect regulatory activities
tively? ing of regulatory today? to related products, registrations, sub-
Lawrie: Operating globally is a significant Lawrie: Regulatory has been rightly fo- mission documents, and published dos-
challenge, and technology can either hin- cused on communicating with health au- siers. The resulting traceability enables
der or help. Many organizations have thorities. However, companies are now organizations to move faster, whether
people in headquarters frustrated by a also looking at the role of regulatory that’s responding to health authorities,
lack of visibility, and people in region within the organization. We are speak- safety concerns, or product changes.
frustrated by headquarters’ old systems ing with a number of top 20s looking to Companies are looking for efficiencies
and frequent requests for status updates improve the technology supporting their to give them a competitive edge, and as
regarding local filings and interactions interactions with quality, clinical, and Steve Gens and Gordon Topping both
with health authorities. Cloud applica- supply chain. These areas need direct mentioned, many are using IDMP as
tions can help address those challenges. access to regulatory data that is reliable the impetus to get their RIM transfor-
For example, Bristol-Myers Squibb re- and current. Day-to-day processes like mation started.

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