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1. The only recognized professional society open to all radiologic technologists in the United
States today is:

2. Arm and leg restraints applied without either the patient's permission or a physician's order
could result in charges of:
A. false imprisonment.
B. negligence.
C. invasion of privacy.
D. battery.

3. The nationwide increase in patient visits to the emergency department is principally due to:
A. convenient hours.
B. a lack of doctors who make house calls.
C. lower costs per visit than doctors' offices.
D. inability of patients to obtain low-cost health insurance.

4. Standards of correct behavior by professional groups are called:

A. morals.
B. codes of ethics.
C. torts.
D. regulations.

5. The day-to-day scheduling of staff in the radio graphy department is the responsibility of the:
A. radiologist.
B. Chef radiographer.
C. department secretary.
D. admitting clerk.

6. A pulmonologist who practices exclusively in a hos pital intensive care unit may be referred to
as a(n):
A. lung specialist.
B. internist.
C. intensivist.
D. thoracic surgeon.
7. A moral agent is one who
A. behaves correctly.
B. is responsible for implementing an ethical de as poss bandag cision.
C. judges the morality of others.
D. analyzes ethical dilemmas

8. "A response in which understanding and compas sion are accompanied by an objective
detachment that enables you to act appropriately." This phrase describes the characteristic of
A. aggressiveness.
B. assertiveness.
C. empathy.
D. sympathy.

9. Which of the following is NOT a component of ethical analysis?

A. Identifying the problem
B. Determining who is at fault
C. Developing alternative solutions
D. Defending your selection

10. The neglect or omission of reasonable care or cau tion in the context of a professional
relationship is termed:
A. malfeasance.
B. malpractice.
C. misdemeanor.
D. malapropism

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