13 Abdomen (Part 1)

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Fascia transversalis

· thin layer of fascia

·lines the transversus abdominic muscle

·continuous with a similar layer lining the diaphragm & the iliacus muscle cover the iliacus muscle

· the femoral sheath for the femoral vessels in the lower limbs is formed from the fascia transversalis & themailiaca

Inguinal Canal

-an oblique passage through the lower part of the ant.abdomenal wall

-it lies parallel to & above the inguinal ligament

-in males the spermatic canal runs in it (allow structures to
pass to a from the testies to the abdomen

-in females it permits the

passage of the round lig. of the uterus from the uterus to the labium majors

-in both sexes it transmits the ilioinguinal nerve

spermatic cord structures

-Pampiniform Plexus (testicular views) -Autonomic nerve

-vas deferens Remains of the processus

artery -Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve (supplies the cremaster muscle

-Testicular lymph vessels

Digestive tract

GI tract

accessory digestive organs


fibromuscular tube
=25 cmlength
transports food from pharynx to the stomach
cardia a

stomach origin: inferior border of circoid cartilage Cl

exted to the cardia orifice of the stomach TIO
Blood supply: by left gastric artery

·between esophagus & duodenum

·J shape

·ant & post surfaces are

smoothly rounded with peritoneal

· it located in the sup. aspect of the abdomen" in Iro, epigastric, & umbilical regions

· protected by the lower portion of the rib

it has 4 main

-rounded portion sup. to &
left of the cardia

surrounds the
·forms the shorter, concre.med surface -
in . to
-large oral
·the most inf. part is angular notch, which

indicates the junction between the bodyd pyloric region

·give attachment to the
hepatogastric liga is
supplied by the left gastric artery & right
branch of the hepatic
nature fo r m s the long, convex, lat border of the stomach
gastric artery · arise at the cardiac orifice, it arches backwards
connects the stomach to the duodenum
a passes int to the left, it curves to the right
it continues
medially to reach the pyloric antrum
· short gastric arteries & right & left gastro-omental
the neurovascular supply: branches to it
arteries supply

arterial -> from the coeliac trunk & its branches

curvature Right left

the anastmoses form
along the Lesser by the & gastric arteries

along the greater curvature by the Right & Left gastro-omental arteries

branch of the common hepatic artery -

-arise directly from the coeliac truck
which arise from the coeliac trunk

terminal branch of the gastroduodenal -> branch of the splenic artery

which arises from the coeliac trunk
artery which arise from the common

hepatic artery

· the vein are parallel to the arteries

· the right & left gastric veinsdrain into
the hepatic portal vein
the short gastric vein, left & right
gastro-omental veins ultimately
into the sup. Mesenteric vein

from autonomic nervous system

-Parasympathatic nerve - from ant. & post. vagal trunks

sympathatic nerve-> from T6-Ta spinal cord segments pass to the coeliac plexus. (it also carries some pain
transmitting fibers
3rd main difference:

small intestine &

large intestine appendices epiplocalthem-
from the
covered fat hanging
d ↳ known bowel

I known small bowel as

colon/large and

as main difference
sacculation "sac formation"
=20ft long
the tania coli is

diameter (4-6cm)

3 small in
diameter %50new intensein
to parts: duodenum, jejunum, & ileum 40 parts: colon, rectum, caecumid and canal
circular folds absent
so internal surface has circular folds (palical circulares so are

bovilli are present Govilli are absent

peyers patches are present (lymphoid tissue 7.peyers patches are absent
so forms the layer of continuous bands so reduce to 3 types of muscle
of muscle around it bands (called taenial coli.
9 taenia coli absent potaenial coli present

10 small movement
lohastural absent
in the abdomenal cavity
to fixed
very little movement
"hastura present

12 appeadage is absent
epipolic 120Epipolic appendages are present It main
on the

digestion appendix &

isodigestion is complicated
role in "not found in the

secreted 14 no hormones are secreted

14 numerous hormone are

absorb nutrients from the food it take part in absorption of water &
is it so a

electrolytes & production of vitamins

microscopic structure stiny projections (brush border)

The small intestine:

·narrowest diameter

longest in
length (4.5-7m)

· located between the large intestine a stomach

·internally: circular folds (palical circulares) & villi (microscopic finger-like projection

· Villi: help to increase the surface area for the maximum absorption of nutrients deep circular folds of mucosa
& submucosa

report as recen
·in this part the food remains for a
longer time (for the absorption &

·the circular folds will slow down the movement of the food
theygivevelvetyappearanceramp capillary
· main for: chemical digestion, absorption of nutrients

Parts of the small intestine

start from the end of the stomach -
lit has a small opening through the biliary
of a
system pancreas tohelp isbreakingone or
middle part
to flow into it) -.

·its the smallest villi absorb all the digested product

its divided into 4 parts

sup.duodenal ·
5 cm
flexure -

total of 25 cm

7.5 cm

inf. duodenal-
->3rdd last part
10 cm 2.5 an ends into the large intestine
help in absorbing
the remaining
nutrients, mins, a bile salts
The Large intestine:

·wider diameter (4-6cm)

· smaller length (1.5 m)

·opens through anus

· starts at the end of the small intestine

·4 regions: rectum, colon, caecum, & anal canal

↳4 parts: ascending, transverse,

descending, & sigmoid colon
·fan: absorbs waterd salts & stores remaining product as faces

·a s it doesn't contain villi, it does not have the capacity to absorb nutrients

· the caccum is attached to the appendix (restigial organ)

The peritonerm:
·continuous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity & covers the abdomenal organs

support the viscera (organs), & it provide pathways for blood vessels & lymph to travel to a from the viscera

· consist of 2 layers that are continuous (both are madeup of simple squamous epithelial cells "mesothelium")

-Parietal peritoneum: lines the internal surface of the abdominopelvic wall, receives the small somatic nerve

supply as the region of abdominal wall that it lines (therefore the pain from the parietal peritoneum is well localised)

its sensative to pressure, pain, laceration, & temperature

2. Visceral peritoneum: (organs) cover

majority of the abdominal viscera (organs), it has the same autonomic nerve

supply as the viscera it covers. The pain is

poorly localised, its only sensative to stretch a chemical irritation

· Peritoneal Carity: is the potential space between the parietal & visceral peritoneum

↳it contains only a small amount of

lubricating fluid

reduce friction
a space that is located behind

the abdominal/peritoneal cavity

Retroperitoneal Space:

olies on the posterior abdominal wall behind the parietal peritoneum

·extend from Tie & the 12trib to the sacrum & the iliac crest below

·the floor/post wall of the space is formed from med to lat, by psoas & quadratus lumborrn muscles

a the origin of the transversus abdominic muscle

· each of these muscles is covered on the ant surface by a definite layer of fascia

in front of the fascial layer there is an amount of fatty connective tissue that forms a bed for

the suprarenal glands, kidney, ascending &

descending colon, & the duodenum

·it also contains the ureters & the renal & gonadal blood vessels

the organs (SAD PUCKER

Supravenal Cadrenal) gland, Aorta+IVC, Duodenum, Pancreas. Ureters, Colon, Kidney, Esophagus, Rectron

· 2 layered folds of peritoneum that connect the stomach to another


·the greateromentum connects the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon

(it hangs down infront of the coils of the small intestined is folded back on itself to be attached to the transverse colon.

·the lesser omentum suspends the lesser curvature from the fissure of the ligamentum renowned the porta

hepatis on the undersurface of the liver

the gastrosplenic omentum (ligament) connects the stomach to the hilum of the spleen

The mesentery:
·double fold of peritoneal tissue that suspends the small intestine a large intestine from the post. Wall


I suspends the small a large intestine from the post abdominal wall;
anchoring them in place, but it still allow some movement

* it provide a
conduit for blood vessels, nerves, & lymphatic vessels

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