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Use of galley electrical equipment on ground

Reference: 25.30.00023 Issue date: 12-MAY-2022 Last check date: 12-MAY-2022 Status: Open
A/C type/serie: A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, ... ATA: 25-30
Engine manufacturer: Supplier:
Purpose / Reason for revision: Owner change
Flight Operations and Training Status: Open Modification on Operational Impact: NO
Specific galley equipment such as ovens or coffee makers, are powered by electricity.

The electrical power available is limited by the number and the type of electrical sources (Engines,
Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and/or Ground Power Unit (GPU)).

If the electrical demand from the galley equipment exceeds the power available, the related galley or
galley equipment will have its electrical supply cut, or will be set in standby mode. This is called

To avoid galley shedding (leading to maintenance intervention), the use of high power consumers (such
as ovens) should be avoided when the aircraft is on ground (until engine start).

However, specific operations (such as ultra short-haul flights) may require the use of high power
consumers (ovens…) before engine start.
To answer this need, Airbus recommends the following:

A320 family:
On ground, all the equipment can be supplied from the GPU or the APU.
However, should a galley shedding occur on ground, recycling the "Galy&Cab” pushbutton in the
cockpit will recover the galley power.

A330/A340 family:
Equipment, and thus behaviour, is similar to the A320 family, but it is highly recommended to supply
the aircraft with two GPUs to limit the risk of galley shedding.

A350 and A380:

On ground (with engines not running), the use of high power consumers (such as ovens and chillers) is
However, shedding may occur, e.g. during cargo door operation and pushback.
This is because electrical pumps supplying the cargo doors and the nose wheel steering are also high
power consumers.
Therefore Airbus recommends:
- To supply the aircraft with GPUs and APU and to maximize the power supply,
- To limit the use of high power consumers (such as ovens) during cargo door operation and
Survey for the Flight Operations and Training section

General Information
Potential impact: Operational Reliability, Safety - Flight Operations
Key information:
Solution benefit:
First issue date: 14-JAN-2016 Issue date: 12-MAY-2022 Last check date: 12-MAY-2022

Technical parameters
ATA: 25-30
A/C type/serie: A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A350, A380
Engine manufacturer:
Fault code/ECAM
Part Number:

- ISI_25.30.00023_Summary.docx

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