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Phiéu bai tap bé tro toan dién theo tuan tiéng Anh I6p 5 1h. 4a. Task? Match the words that have opposite meanings. 1, near a, big 1 2. young b. wide 2, 3. free ¢. far 3. 4, short d. noisy 4. 5, small ¢. long 5. 6, narrow fold 6. 7. quiet g. busy 1. Task3 Complete the sentences using given words from the box. 1. Vinh....... 7 .... is my farther’s hometown. 2. His aunt and uncle live in a small .......ssssssssseseeeeceee in the countryside. . Their family lives in on the third of HAGL Tower. s . There is a big and tall... .. in front of my house. wn . Da Nang is one of the most beautiful ... in Viet Nam. is 97B, Phan Dinh Giot street. = . Truong Son is the longest range in my country. ~ . Ryan's is London City in England. Task 4 Match the questions with the correct answers. T. What's your address? a. I live in a quiet village. 2, Where do you live? b. It’s 25, Hai Ba Trung Street, 3. What’s your hometown like? ¢. Twice a week. 4, Is your hometown large? d. It’s pretty. 5, How often do you go to your hometown? Tasks Read the passage and answer the questions. I am Cao Tien Trong. I’m a new student in class SB. I come from Nghe An and e. Yes, it is. my family still lives there, Tam staying with my uncle and aunt at 84, Tran Hung Dao Street, Da Nang. Our flat is on the third floor of the tower. The flat is not big but modem. It is near Han River, so it has a fine view. I like this because it is beautiful and near my school. I walk to school with my unele’s son. I am happy, but sometimes I miss my parents. 1. What’s his full name? => 2. Is he a new student? > 3. Who is he staying with? > 4, What's his address? Se 5. How does he go to school? >. 6. Why does he like living there? > 8 . 6. hometown / like? / What / his / is > . Tasks Write the questions for the underlined words. = No, I don’t live in the city. - My hometown is in the countryside. - Her village is small and quiet. - I live with my parents, 5. - My flat is on the fifth floor, Task 1 Listen and write the words you hear. 4s. ERED state rhe words to make correct phrases 1. go ‘a. karate 2. ride b. teeth 3. surf «. to the library 4d. football 5. brush e. the Internet 6. have f.a bicycle 7. play & face 8. wash h, breakfast [ESRI Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Van often to the movies on Sundays. (go) 2. Tung sometimes ... TV in the evening. (watch) 3. He usually ... ... in the morning. (jog) 4, Lucy and Daisy . . aerobics every day. (do) 5, Anna .... ... a bieyele to school every day. (ride) 6. The children ... lunch at the canteen at half past eleven. (eat) IBRD ead the pasage and answer the questions ‘My name is Phuong Anh. | get up very early in the morning. I do morning exercise with my father. After breakfast, my brother and I ride a bicycle to school. We come home at eleven o'clock, and then I have lunch with my famiy. In the afternoon, I study with my partner. Her name is Thu Hang. Sometimes, I go to the library to look for some information. My family go to the cinema once a month. 1. What’s her name? => 2. Does she get up late in the morning? >. 3. Who does she go to school with? > 4, What’s her partner’s name? > 5. How often do her family go to the cinema? => 1. Tusually get up at 2.1 go to the bathroom and have .. 3. Lusually have ... 4.1 go to school by 5. Lusually have a carton of milk at ..... SG cy Task Listen and fill in the blanks. ‘Qué ma GR a 8 nghe Hi. My name is Joe. Today is (1) ...... Inthe morning, I get up (2) .... so1 (3)... . do morning exercises, I have breakfast with (4) ............ and ). at 8 a.m, Then I help my mother with (6) ......... -and have lunch at 12.30 a.m, In the afternoon, I (7) ... and play (8). with my friends. In the evening, I have dinner at 7 p.m, then I do my (9) .... I go to bed at 10.30 p.m. How about you? Task 2 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently. from that of the others. 1. Avearly B. my C. usually, D. city 2. Avalways B. play C. have D. face 3. Alike B. evening C. dinner D. film 4. A. study B surf C.up D. bus Ss. Ackind B. tide C.twice D. fishing 6. A.come B. once C. bicycle D. centre Task3 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 1. Alan always after school. my 2. She usually... homework in the evening. Si \ ) her teeth after meals. / . twice a week. 5. The children ... . to school every day. [EBD choose the correct answer. 1. We usually early and do morning exercises A gets on B. get up C. get on D. gets up 2. What .. you do after school? - I usually do my homework. B. are C. does D. did 3. Tony offen cee . TV after dinner with his parents, A. watch B. to watch C. watches D. watchs 4. What does your mothe ... in the evening? - She with my homework. A. do - help B. do - helps C. does - helps D. does - help 5. [sometimes go to the sports centre with my friends... the afternoon. Avon B. at C. with Dain 6. Do you . your face in the morning? A. get B. wash C. brush D. have Task 5 Reorder the words to make correct sentences. 1. Lily / the / often / afternoon? / What / do / in / does >. 2. always / breakfast / with / has / and / milk. / Bob / bread =>. 3. with / study / often / partner? / How / her / sister / does / your > . . ses 4, father / Hung / month. / with / fishing / goes / his / often / twice / a > 5. you / often / do / visit / How / grandparents? / your > Task 1 Listen and circle the correct answer from the given choices 1, Last week, my mother and I went to the supermarket by bike / motorbike. 2, People often travel by plane / train, 3. Last month, he went to the countryside by underground / coach. 4, Last summer, I went to Vung Tau with my family, I saw a lot of boats /ships on the sea. 5. Where do you want to go? - I want to go to Hoi An Ancient Town /Hue Imperial City? EBIEED Weite means of ansport under each pcre Task} Fill in the blanks with the past form of the verbs in bracket. 1. Duyen.... ... student in this school last year. (be) 2. Last summer, my family .ocssenenenee to Nha Trang. (go) 3. My, Tam and An... . lunch together at the school yesterday.(have) 4. Tung .. any noodles. (not have) 5. Before I moved here, I.. in the countryside. (live) 6. When he was young, he .. .. to play tennis. (not like) 7. She . the trip because of the heavy rain, (not enjoy) 8. They . in Da Nang last month, (be) FEBRR comptete the conversation using given words from the box. Tam: Where were you (1) Summer, Myan? Myan: 1 (2) soneoe at the seaside. Tam: Where did you (3) .sscssseesersoees ? Myan: | went to Phu Quoc (4)... Tam: What did you do? Myan:1(5). a boat trip. Tam: What was the trip (6) Myan: It was great. Tam: What's that? Myani t's. (7) coe of my trip, Task 5 Read the conversation and choose the best answer. Tim: Hi, Alex! How was your trip to the United States? Alex: Oh, it was wonderful. I really enjoyed it, Tim: Great. How long were you away? Alex: I was there for about three weeks. Tim: That’s a long time! Was the weather Ok? Alex: Yes, most of the time, but it snowed a lot in Chicago. Tim: So, what was the best thing about your trip? Alex: Oh, that’s difficult to say, but I guess I like Nashville best. 1. Where did Alex visit? ‘A. England B. America C. Japan D. Mexico 2. How was his trip? A, Itwas wonderful, B. It wasterrible. —C, It was awful, D.A& B 3. How long was he away? A. About two weeks B. About three weeks C. About a month __D. No information 4. The weather was .. wu fine Av always B. usually C. never D. sometime 5. What did Alex like best? A, He couldn’t decide which he liked best. B. He thought he liked Nashville best. C. He didn’t know whick he liked best, D. No information ac [BSE Liston and circte the best pictures for the information you hear. Safa genes 1A. Task? Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A.did C. with D. nice A.go B. home C. motorbike D. holiday A. played B. walked C. watched. D. looked AL get B. met C. went D. summer A. coach B. ancient C. come D. country [EB Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1, Did Trung go to his hometown by bike last week? 2. How did Tammy travel last week? 3, Where did he go on holiday? 4, Where were you last summer? 5, Where did they go last week? TERR choosen correct answer 1. Did you .. .. any photographs there? A. take B. takes C. took D. taking 2, What was the trip ... Ais B. was C. like ... did you get there? - By bus. A, Where B. Who C. What 4, She went to Hoi An Ancient Accity B. village 5, Where ... Avare did you go on holiday? B. Where C. Which D. How many Te HAY sesssssssnnsneee Nha Trang last holiday and she ... a lot of souvenirs. A.visted- bought B. visited-buyed _C, visits - buys D. visit - bought BT WERE vaoccssenenenens @ ttip with my family. Ain B.on Cat Tasks Read the passage and answer the questions. Last year, Viet Phong spent his summer vacation in Nha Trang. It was a wonderful holiday. He stayed at a friend’s house. Every morning, they swam on the beach. His friend took him to Po-Nagar temple and Tri Nguyen aquarium, Minh saw many types of sea fish there, He also bought a lot of gifts for his friends and family. He felt happy. 1. Where did Viet Phong spend his summer vacation? =>. 2. Did he stay in a hotel? >. 3. What did he buy for his family’? 4, What did he do at Tri Nguyen aquarium? > 5. How was the trip? >. Task Listen and circle the words you hear. 1. played enjoyed had 2. birthday did give 3. sweets candies cookies 4. funfair comic book cartoon S. piano party guitar Task? Look at the pictures and complete the words. 4. gotothe _o 5. the sp_rts f_st__al [BI choose the correct answer. 1 ... You go to Bob’s party last Sunday? A. Did B.Are C. Were 2, We had a lot of .. .. at the party. A. funny B. great C. fun 3. Yesterday, I at home and... joined invite robot 6.j_in the f_nfa_r D. Does D. nice TV. A. stay - wateh B. stayed - watch C. stay - watched D. stayed - watched 4, Did they enjoy their holidays? - Yes, A. they do B. they did C. they were D. they didn’t 5. Did Jame .....sesecesee t0 the 200 with her parents? A. went B. go C. goes D. going 6.He . his homework last Sunday, but today he left it at home. A. completed B. returned C. started D. enjoyed 7. Lan has a lot of friends. Last Sunday, she .. them to her birthday party. A. returned B. completed C. invited D. played 8. My birthday party was a lot of fun. My friends ... A. sang B, repeated Chad D. enjoyed Tasks Match the questions with the correct answers. 1. What did you do there?” ‘a, L was at Linh’s birthday party. 1 2. Where were you yesterday? _b. Yes, I did. 3. Did you dance at the party? _¢. I sang and played games. 2, 3. 4, Who did you go with? 4d. went by bike. 4, 5, 5, How did you get there? e. My friends. Tasks Find the mistakes and rewrite the correct sentences. 1. He doesn’t go to school yesterday. 2. Why did you gave me that gift? 3. The film started at 8:00, and I am late. 4, Peter and I was at the beach last week. op Task Listen and fill in the blanks. 1. Linvited some of my friends to the 2. They gave me some 3. Weate .. 4, Her children ... S. My parents let me go to the .......... and .. ‘Gust ma GR dé aghe cescu With my friends. Task? Rearrange the letters to make the correct words. 1. fanfuir = fe 3. onij S.teryeysad =P Yee 7. iinvte >i. 2. cipnic 4. istvi 6. njyoe 8. atweh_ > Pe =v. =e... => w.. Task} Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1, What did they do at the party yesterday? 2. What did they eat at the party’? 3. What did Linda do last night? 4, Did you get a ten mark for English test? Task Read the passage and tick (7) True or False. eae My name is Trung Hieu. Last Saturday, there was a book fair near my school. Minh Quang and I went there. We met a lot of our classmates. First, we visited the bookstall to have a look at the books. Then we bought some books. I like comic books, so I bought Doraemon and Sailor Moon, Minh Quang likes detective stories, so he bought Sherlock Holmes. We also took a lot of photographs with famous writers. Finally, we returned home at half past five in the afternoon. We enjoyed the book fair very much. 1. The book fair was at Trung Hieu’s school last Saturday. 2. They met a lot of teachers at the book fair. 3. Minh Quang likes detective stories. 4. Minh Quang bought two comic books. 5. They came home at 5:30 p.m, * Answer the questions 1. Where did Trunng Hieu and Minh Quang go last Saturday? > 2. Who did they meet there? > 3. Did they buy some books? > esses 4, Did Minh Quang like comic books? > esse 5. Did they enjoy the book fair? > Tasks Reorder the words to make correct sentences. 1. weekend. / grandparents / Joe / last / his / visited > see 2. morning, / on / the / students / picnic. /In / went / a / our 3. children / TV / Did / cartoons / her / on / watch / night? / last 4, funfair? / did / do / What / at / you / the 5. you / Did / go / Ngoc My’s / party? / to / birthday > Task Listen and write name under the correct picture. es 3 is mek ihe Kate Bob Lucy Alan Daisy David [BRA choose the correct answer. 1. Tthink she . the party tomorrow. A. will enjoy B. enjoy C. enjoys 2. Will he be free? A. No, he won't No, he doesn’t C, No, he isn’t 3. Iwill see you tomorrow. Avon Bo 4, Where will we meet? . the cinema, A. In front B, next C.In front of 5, Will you be free tomorrow evening? . A.Yes, Twill B. Yes, I do C. Yes, 1am 6. NUN oo sessesseenvee 900 her next birthday, Avis B. will C. will be ... you have a test tomorrow morning? A. Will B.Do C.Are 8. We will .. A, to meet B. meet C. meeting [ESRB Complete the conversation using the words from the box. our old friends next Sunday. When — Where Will Would Is see Who at Nam: Hello. This is 8756357 Tuan: Viello. (1) Nam: Yes. (2) Tuan: It’s me, Tuan, (3) soe you be free tomorrow afternoon? Nam: Yes, [will Tuan: (4) you like to play tennis? Nam: Sure, (5) .vssseesees Will we play? Tuan: We'll play at Diamond Court. Nam: (6) sosssssneenrees Will we meet? Tuan: We'll meet (7) .. ... three o’elock. Nami: Ok. PI (8) .osssseeneees YOU LOMOrTOW, Tasks Choose the words or pharases that are not correct in standard English. 1. I think I do well in my English exam next week. AB C¢ D 2. She will be 14 in Sunday, February 17%. AB C D 3. Huyen will has a party for her birthday. AB CD 4, They are by the sea next week. ABC D 5. We will make for a pienic this weekend. AB c D Tasks Reorder the words to make correct sentences, 1.1/ the / I'll/ caves. / explore / think >. 2. Quynh / build / and Chi / may / beach. / sandcastles / the / on Pieces 3. My / will / the / family / and / sea. /1/ swim / in Pesce 4. seaside / They'll / be / the / on / at / Sunday. >. 5. think / 1 / tomorrow. / I'll / the / mountains / visit Posse 4 Task 1 Listen and complete the passage. EAMG sere Next (1) .. , we will leave the city for a summer camp. First, we will explore a tropical (2) We will study about the plants, trees and animals there. Then, we will work in a nursing (3) ..::nenne «It’s a place for old people. Finally, we will take a (4)... trip to a small island and swim in the ©) . . think we will have a wonderful summer camp. * Answer the questions 1, When will they go for a summer camp? > .. . 2. What will they do first? = 3. Will they leam about the plants and trees there? => 4, Who will they meet next? > . . 5. What does he think about their trip? => Task2— Write the correct words from the box under the description. 1. It is very large and has a lot of water: > 2. IL is outside cities and towns with fields and trees: > 3. It is made of sand to look like a castle, usually built by children on a beach: > 4. A very high hill, often with rocks near the top: > 5. A large hole in the side of a hill, mountain or under the ground: > Task3 Look at the pictures and complete the answers. 1. Where will you be tomorrow? Ithink I... 2. What will you do this weekend? Tee 3. Where will the children be next week? They sess 4, Will the children play sports? 5, What will Jay do this weekend? She . Task4 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. We offen ... tennis in the afternoon. (play) 2. Tony .... . 14 on his next birthday. (be) 3. What 2 YOU next Sunday? (do) 4, Emerson ...csssenee television every night. (watch) 5. James ... With his parents in Lon Don. (live) a = Task 1 Listen and number the sentences to make correct dialogue. a aoe oR Binh: | went to Ha Long Bay. sesseeaee An: By coach, of course. What about you? What did you do yesterday? 1... Binh: Good moming, An, What are you doing? . Binh: They are very nice. How did you get there? : An: Hi, Binh. I’m planting the flowers. Yesterday I went to the countryside for them. Task? Circle the odd one out. 1. A, village B. mountain C. flat D. countryside 2. Avalways B. after C. sometimes D. usually 3. A. went B. played C. liked D. enjoyed 4. A. festival B. funfair C. party D. happy 5. A. tomorrow B. next week C. seaside D. weekend Task3 Match the sentences with the correct pictures. 1. Last week, Huy and his classmates went to the village by bus. 2, The children often play football after school. 3. They sang and danced at Lily’s party. 4. Next summer holiday, Linh’s family will be on the beach, 5. Tomorrow, Kate and her friends will fly kites in the countryside. FERRDD choose the correct answer. 1, Khoa’s flat is on the .. . floor of Sai Gon Tower. A. five B. fifth C. fiveth 2. Tammy sun early and does exercises every day. A. gets up B. get up C. gets on 3. Last week, we... .. on Cua Lo Beach. A.was B. are C. were 4, Khanh Van goes to the library ... a week. A. once B. one C.two 5. We . with friends at the party. A. chated B. chatted C. chat Tasks Read the passage and tick (7) True or False, then answer the questions. Minh Tu usually goes to school in the morning. Yesterday was Sunday, so she didn’t have to go to school. In the morning, she went shopping with her family. They shopped for food and drink, and many things for the family. In the afternoon, they went on a picnic in the village. They sang, danced and had nice food. The family enjoyed their day in the countryside and went back home late in the evening, Next weekend, they will go to Sa Pa. She hopes her family will have a great time there. 1. Yesterday was Saturday. 2. Minh Tu’s family went shopping in the morning. 3. Last Sunday morning, Minh Tu’s family went on a pienie in the village. 4, They sang and danced there. 5. Next week, they will visit the countryside. * Answer the questions 1, How often does Minh Tu go to school? > 2. What day was yesterday? > 3. What did she do in the morning? > 4, Did her family stay at home in the afternoon? => 5. Where will they go next weekend? >

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