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Adventurer’s Vault™

Updated 3/09

Update version 2

Mounts table [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 11
In the “Horse, Riding” entry, replace “8” with “10”.

In the “Horse, Warhorse” entry, replace “200” with “680”.

Addergrease Armor [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 39
In the item’s power, replace “or 29” with “or 28”.

Bonegrim Armor [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 42
In the item’s property, replace “Level 18” with “Level 19,” replace “Level 23” with “Level 24,” and
replace “Level 28” with “Level 29”.

Flickersight Armor [Addition]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 45
In the item’s power, add “or 27” after “Level 22”.

Laughing Death Armor [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 47
In the item’s property, replace “Level 13 or 18” with “Level 14 or 19,” and replace “Level 23 or 28”
with “Level 24 or 29”.

In the item’s power, replace “Encounter” with “Daily”.

Robe of Bloodwalking [Deletion]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 49
Remove the Healing keyword from the item’s power.

Robe of Contingency [Addition]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 49
Add the Healing keyword to the item’s power.

Robe of Defying Storms [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 49
In the item’s property, replace “Level 25 or 30” with “Level 24 or 29”.

Shared Suffering Armor [Addition]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 51
At the end of the second sentence of the power, add “(save ends)”.

Skeletal Armor [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 52
In the item’s property, replace “Level 23 or 28” with “Level 24 or 29”.
Spiritlink Armor [Revision]
Adventurer’s Vault, page 53
In the item’s property, replace “Level 24” with “Level 25,” and replace “Level 29” with “Level 30”.

Veteran’s Armor [Deletion]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 55
Remove the item’s power.

Whiteflame Armor [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 55
In the item’s property, replace “Level 14 or 19” with “Level 13 or 18,” and replace “Level 24 or 29”
with “Level 23 or 28”.

Deathstalker Weapon [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 67
In the item’s power, replace “Level 12 or 17” with “Level 14 or 19,” and replace “Level 22 or 27”
with “Level 24 or 29”.

Jagged Weapon [Addition]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 71
On the Critical line, add “(save ends)” after “Ongoing 10 damage” and “Ongoing 20 damage”.

Pact Hammer [Deletion]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 74
Remove the second property.

Swiftshot Weapon [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 79
In the item’s power, replace “Encounter” with “Daily”.

Tigerclaw Gauntlets [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 80
In the item’s power, replace “Encounter” with “Daily”.

Vampiric Gauntlets [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 81
In the item’s power, replace “Encounter” with “Daily”.

Symbol of Mortality [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 89
In the Level 24 or 29 line, replace “2d4” with “3d4” and “2d8” with “3d8”.

Symbol of the Warpriest [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 90
In the item’s property, replace “Each time you hit” with “Once per round when you hit”.

Orb of Impenetrable Escape [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 94
Replace “Critical: +1d6 damage per plus” with “Critical: None”.

Orb of Mental Domination [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 95
Replace “Critical: +1d6 psychic damage per plus” with “Critical: None”.
Rod of Feythorns [Revision]
Adventurer’s Vault, page 100
In the item’s property, replace “Level 18 or 23” with “Level 17 or 22,” and replace “Level 28” with
“Level 27”.

Rod of the Infernal [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 101
In the item’s power, replace “Encounter” with “Daily”.

Battleforged Shield [Deletion]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 114
In the Level 14 line, replace “2d8 hit points” with “Additional hit points equal to healing surge
value + 2d8”.
In the Level 24 line, replace “3d8 hit points” with “Additional hit points equal to healing surge
value + 3d8”.

Manticore Shield [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 118
In the item’s power text, replace “Dexterity” with “Strength”.

Giant Gloves [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 133
In the item’s power, replace “Encounter” with “Daily”.

Gloves of Eldritch Admixture [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 134
In the item’s power, replace “At-Will” with “Encounter”.

Coif of Mindiron [Deletion]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 140
In the item’s power text, remove “Standard Action”.

Telepathy Circlet [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 145
In the item’s price, replace “25,000” with “625,000”.

Abyssal Adornment [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 148
In the item’s power, replace “Level 24 or 29” with “Level 23 or 28”.

Choker of Eloquence [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 150
In the item’s cost/level entry, add 1 to each of the listed enhancement bonuses.

Girdle of the Dragon [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 165
On the Property line, replace “+2” with “+1”.

Girdle of the Umber Hulk [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 165
On the Property line, replace “+2” with “+1”.

Golden Spade [Revision]

Adventurer’s Vault, page 172
In the item’s power, replace burst with blast.
The tables below track the changes to each release of the update document.

Version 2 (3/09):
Page 11 Mounts table [Revision]
Page 39 Addergrease Armor [Revision]
Page 42 Bonegrim Armor [Revision]
Page 45 Flickersight Armor [Addition]
Page 47 Laughing Death Armor [Revision]
Page 49 Robe of Bloodwalking [Deletion]
Page 49 Robe of Contingency [Addition]
Page 49 Robe of Defying Storms [Revision]
Page 51 Shared Suffering Armor [Addition]
Page 52 Skeletal Armor [Revision]
Page 53 Spiritlink Armor [Revision]
Page 55 Whiteflame Armor [Revision]
Page 67 Deathstalker Weapon [Revision]
Page 79 Swiftshot Weapon [Revision]
Page 80 Tigerclaw Gauntlets [Revision]
Page 81 Vampiric Gauntlets [Revision]
Page 90 Symbol of the Warpriest [Revision]
Page 100 Rod of Feythorns [Revision]
Page 101 Rod of the Infernal [Revision]
Page 114 Battleforged Shield [Deletion]
Page 133 Giant Gloves [Revision]
Page 134 Gloves of Eldritch Admixture [Revision]
Page 145 Telepathy Circlet [Revision]
Page 148 Abyssal Adornment [Revision]
Page 150 Choker of Eloquence [Revision]
Page 172 Golden Spade [Revision]

Version 1 (1/09):
Page 55 Veteran’s Armor [Deletion]
Page 71 Jagged Weapon [Addition]
Page 74 Pact Hammer [Deletion]
Page 89 Symbol of Mortality [Revision]
Page 94 Orb of Impenetrable Escape [Deletion]
Page 95 Orb of Mental Domination [Revision]
Page 118 Manticore Shield [Revision]
Page 140 Coif of Mindiron [Deletion]
Page 165 Girdle of the Dragon [Revision]
Page 165 Girdle of the Umber Hulk [Revision]

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