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1. I am an animal lover, especially pets.

they are so cute

2. I love pets, especially cats. They are always lazy and lovable. Cat expressions always make me
3. I would love to have an animal but my mother doesn't. She is allergic to animal hair. When i live
alone i will have a dog or a cat or both.
4. I have seen wild animals many times before. take me to the zoo
5. But as I grew older, I realized that it was inhumane to keep wild animals in a zoo. Living
conditions at the zoo will affect their development.

To me, Dolphins would be the most beloved mammal because they are highly

intelligent, enormously popular and scientifically complex.

Actually, I have never seen a real dolphin in my life. But I still  vividly
remember the first time I saw one on the Discovery channel, I was instantly
captivated by its distinctive witty features. At that time, I was just a little
girl - 10 years old I guess.

So Dolphins are similar to whales and they are very social animals. They often
travel in groups - called pods and hunt together for fish and squid.

The thing that makes Dolphins so special is that their social structures are
among the most remarkable aspect. They form strong bonds within their pod
and they have been known to help their peers and people in a variety of
circumstances. For example, if one of them is injured or sick, the others help
him to reach the surface so he can breathe.

What I absolutely love about Dolphins is that they are so playful and

intelligent enough to understand complex commands.

Unfortunately, Dolphins are not common in our country so the only chance to
see them is in an aquarium. They are trainable so people keep them
in captivity to perform tricks.

I would love one day to see a real Dolphin in its natural setting!

Promote Biodiversity
Biodiversity is vital for a healthy and functional ecosystem. The ecosystem is delicate.
Extracting wildlife from its natural habitat inevitably leads to disastrous results. If a
single species should become extinct, the whole food chain is disrupted – affecting all
species. Similarly, if a species get an increase in number, it can have an adverse effect
on the ecological balance. If carnivores are becoming extinct, the number of
herbivorous animals will rise, consequently leaving us with an imbalanced ecosystem.
For agriculture and farming
Every day human life relies largely on agricultural crops and plants for a variety of
purposes. Are you aware that wildlife plays a significant role in the growth of these
If you’re not familiar with pollination, it’s a reproduction system in plants wherein the
pollen grains from the male flower are transferred to the female flower, which then
produces seeds. The birds, bees, and insects all have roles as to how pollination
occurs. Crop growth can be significantly affected if the pollen-carrying animals are
reduced in numbers.

do they keep some kind of reptile? special hobby

 Human beings are also a threat to animals. Due to continuous poaching,

many animals have either become extinct or have come to the stage of
extinction. Elephants are killed for their tusks; rhinoceros for their hones,
tigers; crocodiles, and snakes for their skins and so on. Musk deer are killed
to prepare scent from their musk. Further, growing human interference and
destruction of forests have only aggravated dangers to these animals.

Zoos can help to preserve endangered animals by keeping them safe from
poachers and other threats, such as habitat destruction and the spread of
urbanisation. I believe that zoos are unnecessary for the following
reasons. To begin with, zoos can only hold small numbers of animals
and therefore cannot protect the large majority of species from being
hunted or their habitats from being destroyed. I believe it is the
responsibility of each government to create and fund conservation
programs that help to stop the destruction of the habitats of endangered
species so that animals can live in their natural state rather than be
locked up in cages for their entire life. Furthermore, in many zoos,
animals are being mistreated as they are often provided with insufficient
food and medical care, which has so far caused many animals in zoos to
die because of starvation and diseases.
I think they are cruel places and do more harm than good.
History and world

The soldiers' status changes, so many of them come back to poverty and have no jobs. The jobs
they had before the war have been taken by others in society. Soldiers' inability to work because of
physical or emotional disability hurts the economy because the soldiers may seek extra benefits and
Social Security. Their lack of productivity and joblessness is also a contributing factor to the
economy and puts pressure on relatives to support them.

How did you learn about history when you were a child?

When I were a child, I had historical cources in class but I didn’t do well because there
were too much need-to-remember dates and information. Outside of the classroom, I
went to bookstores or library and I enjoyed learning about my favourite world history
and historical figures such as Tolstoy, Thomas Edison or Walt Disney.
What are your favourite historical highlights?
Everytime I am asked about history, I am always want to talk about Vietnam war, which
ends in 1975. It is one of the historiccal highlights of my country. Vietnam undergone
hundreds of years under the colonization of foreign invaders and this is the last war
before a new era of peace and independence is opened for us.

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