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to WeTo-330009) RECID.NO.D.La3004%99 ita a The Gazette of Gudia EXTRAORDINARY mm [1_awOe 3—50-HTT (ii) PART [Section 3—Sub-section (ip ‘waftrarre waitin PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY cm:!CSCS ‘a feeedt, quer, serait 27, 2010/0 7, 1931 No. 81] 10/MAGHA 7, 1931 a facet, 27 arr, 2010 St, 191(3),. ae Te Te Ta Coppa A err 15 fanaa feet a erm as fem, we 0 Pear) maT eee she ote eh ser fry Feary, anette oF hr rita 250 wont a aT FeNTT 30000 ‘feral =a ee Sora eas fren re & ake re sere A ort are ween afte! a ifeeake, ereite, t=, Giren, reted, qethning, wa, wre fe vette # | ats qf, swredta yet 5 amet afeen at deer ae) af uz aet cea dy ga gers Fee, whe (ae) ats qeter aches Aas ete as wars amr Pens fever rene site Tet ares ger Sars abt stafataerer at goer, ger dba ot areata F gers aree Pere otel-gyes aereaferat afte sare Mreet db Heri a Ferrer strett aft farere oretter amreatirert it aireft # aie qt, qeemge andra sors a ereferr da at ihr Sore fie. am oh aa at areata site rafarcottes gfe cafe RReiferay eidecsealter sitet a aa 7 abefkter site eet pear sHraweres tt atte @(fts, cafaxur (eran) sftiFias, 1986 (1986 wi 29) a tre a a autre (2) dy ais (v) ate aie (xiv) at geemer (1) a aterfer war reer siftregn weafacor wer ast vier, wert ae aft siffes 20 sera€t, 2000 aff sftrequen apr, ai, a6e(st) dy seta wre dy cramer, syeMenecr ee wo 2 THEGATETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY __fvxt th. 0] “wert a ong et, Shenfas cerfaeor (dear) Pers, 1986 Ob Paes ds su Fer (3) oy sterer citer exe it Farereh gaa) creat er a} sronfirer ey are extinct (li) eqperrnge onter eet abt atta at way Rothe ab skew rguon Aen srerftrar wget dberrt caret feet sett abt eerrcear et Tt 1 (ea) efor aftr :- (i) eemrage ogre sent at ait Oat ch sites St gh ew ces cone aah gat afte meer a arerepa thas aay tga, faseit ase as Peto aref at argufar aah dt sacri; (iO. qeamerge arte gore ator a ater ft shee A oer ah ote ap ater we ae ae a at fatet (caine aire) & siftees fireit wert am Parafor ah orquits dh aren; (hi) geergR seta gers at aon ore at tes HY ak cee ag eg dara cafes ae faery afr orgata at & art (©) seerrsik wr: (i) Geemrage reiter sere as eels aba aft iar Beem feveiitee cron ear aby arphe et ah meaty: (i) geen ret rs vices eb abt iar cas Repetto aay anim fafa wh arp aad & snort | (a) gers aa ste cae yfie a get oh meng, ea eee aren ger ase fe ate sneer ger seq ster citar is art ech ene 1 (se) mm: (0) some 5 anferas ant areerferes soo &t gofit ane site ute, aurea a fore fh stat Premera srqfer 2 meth 5 31 at\to-2 (ar Hever 3¢tip re: rer (i) coe apres eo © gehen Oh fra, re ofa at ager wal € ae j (illest corel safer ort a Rarely genre ay eiguer srerat eguer ont Thanet as fere elt ser fine sy afec 1 (et) eae srgen : ertaor Four Ste a armen eftanon areas or ae fart ote erie aierewvetter ita vine og Pereraor a op fore Reefer atte fate air ab few wiftiaseer ar | (@) aftcenet ot aern: (i) cifeheatiras eraser sits as stax Beet Ar starrer 8 gehen oer statin aie wa a eer a srqufec ae a ot enfee | Ai)ennftve afer 8s aieter & over (Geer Prarcr ed Prerser) sfefrerr 1974 (1974 eT 6) ap suet oy ure Pesca enfew 1 (st) Star graft : (i) Srey araftne eer Preareor ase arene geT 25 fRrcraz, 2000 et art at ng othe arama ue coche aftr te aT, a. powE) A> srder ter are (arr aft eweer), Fe 2000 4 ssueieit fs Seeger. fener sara afer | (iijeererer snftrarcor archfisiiiacr he sifa-aranftiitaer veel 8 cher sraferet ar Te TTT few citsend araret 1 (liek ae ste sree ae aah Re aera effec saves seepage 4 pda esc or een & ivjorpet es weed, fees eeeaeiter sit db aret qeers fips me ears ox wafaeohtar TAA ceive gar & Brean Flow aor remit & | oeRReafean eiecrefer sits at eter siafirect ar sree 3a gaferatort fl saat a & om | 5. aPtretafafir (1) ctf (zrearo) aif, 1986 (1986 emt 29) wh ter 3 ath Bu ener (3) aeT weer eet con rhe ase ae, apeBben erea ga afte fy sere beeper aH eM dy Fee eT eer ‘afi ony net ee @, fare artes) flea ape Ser (2) ser der (1) 3 anf tee ir er & tes caer et a eT Peet sofePfcer att re = (wm) suegere, ayera - sree 6 __THE GAZETTE.OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY. [Paser 11sec a) Ges) wettacor cet ae aenenen, ARH ARRAN aT aH TE. ~ TET - () cuaffawor (fercreret aiearor afel) Ga are awa aTey Read rest aor eo afesfafer dseg ereemre are aries Fevear Siren ~ ER (a) efter siftresr’t, fear eran ager eran ars, gma - tere (8) Gara afte ange greg - eae (@)) Bren aetsitr ads, yore - aera afer xi) (3) wether eafafe aft snfacreat afte anh Asser garcrftraeoa a> gets ay arqeter Ye ats eA | (0) qd arRtett rar werrewer soph ah srawermar ae enchant a> Hee A A reemeMT ere eertter aeafereon svar SUTIN wifey (eargageL) wy srt Fete smreiy FSretan esat aetereor cep co sere, reer ereenre at 14 Fate, 2008 sHfeaRfCrTT awe aT. 3T, 1533 (3H) dh aie [bes Hare sity at gat afbregere ay aceite ovpereweftpsfer a dy fore rere rapeor eM | (5) MBRST a Aner Sirare ug, seTavereTsit & 3M Ie oe FATT fare a ated afta, -erfre fre grerar xterra & sfefefteet en factrtt at aft orate ave etal 2 1 fo) wrdredy aft apt greens sera eee eft, Stem At en et, ger sift Pete wT nga aw ee wefan (heen) fer, 1996 Bret 19 A at Fare af bert Fe “eee BT | (7) vied) enfafe, wedtas and af) ref aprdarng at ont Rect wedkte ark an areh ait aerfereer et at veayerer wet rege VA | - 8 (o) raphe) wafiais as ameter a gue or & Fader &5 fore srareren erent ok fete or | [9 we 20x) oh oh ean, dane aA (Sr Larne 3G) 7 mos. @a/}}eueg-o03 | ‘say poor adh Ansnow Buarwod fue 0 eau sanoa. ono cn Aasrow barneod dnb so weunveranea on 39143810 VORSING ‘MIR [RUVOTIEN sNdueyiNg 10) ou noweet ao ams Borne wads zaarae ‘Baar ; er | THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [Pater 1t—Sue 30) MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS: NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 27th January, 2010 80.191(6.— WHEREAS, the Sultaapus National Park (about 15 kan from Gurgaon and about 45 km from Delhi) is important and known for agudc avifauna where about 30,100 birds belonging to about 25) speces Fave been listed in this park during winters and the important birds visiting this park are Pelicans, Cormorants, Herons, Hares, Sort, Flarningoes, Geese, Dueks, ets AND WHEREAS, a number of territorial birds af Indian origin stay here the year round; breeding of Saras, Crane and the Rare Black Necked Stork have been recorded in this park and as regards biodiversity of this National Park, ehe flora of this area is represented by semi acid vegetation outside it, and » typica) aquatic vegetation of the Iskes in. plains of North Inali ANID WHTEREAS, 1 is necessaty to conserve und protect the ated up to five kilometers from the boundary of the protected area of Sultunpur National Park as Eeo-sensitive Zone {com ecological and environmental point of view; AND WHEREAS, a draft notification under sub-section (1) and elauses (4) and (xiv) of subs section (2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) was published in the Gazetic of India, Extruordinary, vide nosification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests, vide number SO. No. 464 (E), dated the 20" January 2009, as required under sub-nole (3) of rule $ of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, inwiting objections and sugeestons from al perworw likely to be affected thereby, within a period of sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing the said notification were made svallable to the public; AND WHEREAS, copies oF the Gi be to-the public on the 29° Januar ite comtining the said noafication were made 2009, AND WHEREAS, all objections and suggestions received in response to the said drat notification have been duly consideced by the Central Goweramenis NOW, THERMFORE, in cxercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clauses (6) atid (xiv) of sub ~ section (2) of ssenion 3 of the Eovironment (Proceetion) Act, 1986 (2 of 1986) read wath sub-rule (3) of pile § of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, the Central Government hereby 1otities the area up to five kilometess from the boundary of the protected area of Sultanpur National Fark is che Stare of Harvaca ( a8 shown im the maps annexed to this notification as Aanexue), as the Eeowensitive Zone (herein after called as the Eco-sensitive Zone), namely: 2, Boundaries of Lico-sensitive Zome. ~ (1) The said Boo seusisive Zone isthe area up to five kilometers from the boundary of the protected atea of Sultanpur Narional Park situated in the Gurgaon Distnet of Haryana beowcen 28° 24° 00" to 29" 32 00" North latitude and between 76° 48°00" to 76° 58°00" Eas: longitude, @) The map of the Eco-sensiive Zone is at Annexure and the list of the villages falling within. five kilometers distance of the boundary of Sultanpur National Park in the Fico- sensitive Zone are as follows, namely: ( oer 1 eo 344) ree et Tae: srTerroT an ar\io3 Mankraula, Jhanjrwola, Mobarcmedper, Patl, Dhanawas, Wariepe, Dhan, Ramnagar Sikhawala, Ghari Harasra, Tughlakpur, Saya Bihar, Xakawas, Iqaipus, Saidpur, Khaintawas, Hanwepur, Chandu, Omnagar, Bidhera, Scltanpur, Harsinghwali, Dhani Mirchiwali Dhani, Sadhana Barmripur. (3) All activites in the Sultanpur Nanonal Park are being governed by the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (83 of 1972) 5, Zonal Master Plan for the Evo-sensitive Zone: (1) A Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government within a period of onc year from the date of publication of this notification im the Official Gazette and approved by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (2) "The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared with the involvesnent of all conccened State Departmenis of Environment, Forest, Urban Development, Tourism, Municipal Department, Lirigation and PWD (Buildings &Roacs) Department, Revenue Department and Haryana State Pollution Control Boatd for integrating environmental and ecologicat considerations into it (3) ‘The Zonal Master plan shall provice for restoration of denuded areas, conservation of existing water bodies, management of catchment areas, watershed management, sgroundwater managetneng, soil ancl moisture conservation, needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that need attention. (4) ‘The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing and proposed urban setemcnts, village setdemcnts, types and kinds of forests, agricultural areas, fertile land, green’ areas, horticultural areas, orchards, lakes and other water bodies (5) Itshall exempt all canals and druinage works (6) No change of land use from green uses such as orchards, horicsiuse ateasy agriculture parks and others like places to non green uses shall be peruitted in the Zonal Master Plan, except that «tticly Limited conversion of agrieulraral lands maybe permitted to meet the residential neec of the existing local residents together with ‘hatural growth of the existing local populatons, improvement of roads and bridges infrastructute, construction of public uty or community buildings withour the prior approval of the State Government (7) The planned urbanisation proposed int the development pans shall be approved by the State Government for the respective controlled areas, (8) ‘The Zonal Master Plan shall be 2 reference document for the State Level Monitoring ‘Committee for any decision to be taken by them inchiding consideration for relaxation, (9) ‘The Zonal Master Plan shall indicate mensures and lay down stipulations for regulation of traffic. (10) Pending the preparstion of the Zonal Master Plaa for Eco-senitive Yome and approval thereof by the Ministry of Environment and Forests all new censteuctions shall be allowed only after the proposals are scrutinized and approved by the Monitoring Committee as referred in paragraph 5. (11) There shall be no comsequensial reduction in Forest area, Green area and Agricultural (12) ‘The State Government shall preseribe addisional measures, if necessary, in furtherance of the objectives and for giving effect ta the provisions of this notification. 4 Regulated or restrictive activities in the Beo-sensitive Zone; - The following sctivities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be cegulated in the mannet provided herein, namely: ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY —___| Pater IIS. 3] (a) Indus trial Units @ No establishment of rew wood based induscry within one Mlometer from the boundary of the Sultanpur National Park; (i) No establishment of any new polluting or highly polluting industry within ane kilometer from the boundag; of the Sultanpur National Park. (b) Construction Activities - No construction of any kind shall be allowed fom the boundary of Sultanpur National Park to a distance of three hundred meters, except tube well chamber of dimension not more shan one thousand cubic inches; ji) ‘The construction of any building mote than two storey (twenty five feet) shall not be allowed in the urea filling between three hundred metérs to five hundred meters from the boundsry of Sultanpur National Park, (ii) The laying of new high tension teansmission wires shall not be allowed from the boundary of Sultanpur National Park to a distance of five hundred meters. (©) Quarrying and Mining @ Mining up to one kilometer shall not be allowed from the boundary of the protected area of Sultanpur National Pa i) Crushing activity up cw one Kilometer shall not be allowed from the boundary of the protected area of Sultarpur National Park. (@) Trees Felling of tees on forest and revere land shall be subject to the approved ‘management plan by the Central Gaverament ar an authority nesinated for that purpore. (c) Waters- @) Extraction of ground water shall be permitted only for the bana-fide agricultural ancl domestic consumption of the occupier of he plos (i No sale of ground water shall be perraitted exeept with the prior approval of the State Ground Water Board. (ii) AU steps shall be taken to preven cootarnination or pollution of water ineluding from agriculture: (f Noise pollution:- ‘The Envvronment Deparment of, as the case may be, State Forest Department of the Government of Haryana shall be the suthority 10 draw up guidelines and regulations for the control of noise in the Eco-sensitive Zane (g) Discharge of efMucnts:- @) No untreated or industrial effluent shall be permitted to be discharged into any water body within the Eco-sensitive Zone, (ii) ‘Treated effluent must meet the provisions of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (6 of 974), (hy Solid Wastes:- @ The solid waste disposal shall be carcied out as per the provisions of the Municipal Solid Waste (Management aid Handling) Rules, 2000 irsued try the Cencrat Government vide notification number SO. No, 908 (F), dated the 25° September 2000 as amended from time to time. {) The local authoricies shall deuw up plans for the segtegadion of solid wastes into biodegradable and non-biodegradable components (ii) The biodegradable material may be recycled preferably through composting or vermiculture. (sr wee 347 area eet Tawa: revert - 1€ inorganic material may be disposed in an eavironmentally acceptable manner at site ntified outside the Heo-sensitive Zone, No burning oF incineration af solid wastes shall be permitted in the Fco-sensitive one 5. Monitoring Committee :- 1) ln exercise of the powers eonferret: by sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986), the Central Government hereby constinites a committee to be called che Monitosing Committee to moaitur che compliance swith the provisions of this notificaticn, (2) The Monitoring Committee refered to in sub-paragraph (1). shall consist of not snore than ten members sas to yepresent the following, namely> fa) Deputy Commissioner, Gusgaan Chairman: (b) A representative of the Ministey of Environment and Forests, Government of India ~ Member (©) One representative of Non-governmental Organizations working in the field ‘of environment {including heritage conservation? to be nominated by the Central Government Meint () Regional Officer, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Gurgaon — Member. (6) Senior’Town Planner of the area Member (8) District Wildlife Warden, Gurgaon ~ Member Secretary (3) ‘The powers and functions of the Monitoting Committee shall be restricted 1 the ing of the compliance of the provisions af this notificanon only 4) In case of activities requiring prior permission or environmeatal clearance, such activities shall be referred to the State Level Environment Impact Asscssment Authority constituted vide notification of the Government of Tndis in the Ministry of Environment & Forests umber 8.0, 1533 (E), dared Seprember #4, 206, which shall be the Competent Authority for grant of such clearances as per the provisions af the said notification. 5) The Monitonng Committec may also invite representatives or experts from the concered Departments or axsotintions 10 asst in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to issue basis (6) The Chaieman or Member-Secretary, as the case may be, of che Mobiteting Committee “hall be competent to file complaints under section £9 of the Environment (Protection) Met, 1986 for non-compliance of the provisions of this notification 7) The Monitoring Committee thall subi is annual action taken eeports by the 31°* March ‘of every year to the Ministry of Environment and Fosests, (@) The Ministry of Environment & Forests shall give ditections, fram ome to time, to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of the functions of the Monitoring Committee [FNo, 3071720084887] Dr. GV. SUBRAHMANYAM, Scientist Gi [Pant Sec. 4ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY __ 19113310 VORBING 'Yseg |PUOITEN sNdUBIING 40} CUOZ BAITEUPS-OOF | aaaea asses area wade ‘Bae.0 Basen Road, Mayapar, New Pei 10064 ations, Delhéel 10054, Froid by the Manages, Goverment of I eae

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