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In the event of a breach of contract, the legal remedy awarded should put the injured in a

position that approximates that which should have been the case had the contract been
performed properly.

Under the provision of the Law on Enterprises, every partner in an unlimited partnership acts
as an agent for the enterprise, unless the charter specifies otherwise.

All partners have a statutory duty under the provisions of the Law on Enterprises to conduct
business in a manner that is consistent with laws and the constitution of the partnership. The
charter sets down the registered business lines of the enterprise.

Members of the board of management should disclose any related party interests, such as
potential conflicts of interest arising from family relationships.

Insider dealing is a criminal offense through which an individual uses price-sensitive

information relating to the securities of a listed company to make a profit or avoid a loss. Price-
sensitive information is that which is not in the public domain but has the potential to materially
affect the market for securities.

A non-contractual obligation arises if there is an event of loss, harm, or injury as the result of
unlawful actions or inactions. If there is a direct causal link between the event and inflicting
loss, harm, or injury, the person who bought it will be liable.
Unlimited partnerships operate on the basis that all partners will participate fully in the business
of the partnership. Every partner can participate in the decisions of the business, and every
partner is entitled to a share in the profits. The costs of running the partnership are also borne
jointly and severally by all partners.
In relation to management information and transactions, all partners are obliged to make full
disclosures to other partners and are not entitled to use partnership resources for their own
personal purposes, to the exclusion of other partners.

The independence of a director is assessed with reference to criteria laid down in the Law on
Enterprises. To be regarded as independent, the individual must not work for the company or
draw remuneration or have done so for the previous three years. When appointed, the individual
must also not have been a member of the board of management or the inspection committee
within the previous five years. However, the director may retain independence if they own less
than 1% of the shares in the company.

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