Angelina Diva Mesya Putri - KKN Desa Penari

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Angelina Diva Mesya Putri

FTV20 - Film Theory Class



Story :
The story begins with six students carrying out an obligatory social action internship for advanced
university students to remote village after receiving permission from their respective parents. Nur,
Widya, Ayu, Bima, Anton, and Wahyu were the names of the six students. Their operations in the
village went smoothly at first, but Widya and Nur began to experience a sequence of mysterious
experiences over time. From Nur, who appears to be terrified of something due to her sensitivity to
mystical phenomena, to Widya, who is dancing in a trance. The dancers' terrors began to be sensed
by their other friends in the village, and they got more acute. Especially when Nur is possessed by a
grandmother's spirit who claims that their mutual acquaintance is dead. Until one night, when Widya
stealthily followed Bima out of the inn. Bima visited a location where he should not have been.
Despite this, Widya was still determined to follow Bima when he witnessed something horrific his
male companion was doing. Not only that, but Widya also met Ayu, who couldn't stop dancing
despite Widya's best efforts. Bima and Ayu's story ended tragically, leaving their four friends in a
state of shock.

Shot - Angle :

Most of the shots used in this film are longshots, medium close ups and close ups, the angle used
for the characters is eye-level, and to record the trees in the bird's eye forest and when recording the
students' journeys, use a high angle.

Medium Shot - Eye Level

Medium Close Up Shot - Eye Level

Extreme Close Up - Eye Level

Long Shot - Eye Level

Long Shot - Bird Eye
Long Shot - High Angle

Set - Location :
The main shooting location for the KKN Di Desa Penari in Ngluweng Hamlet, Gunungkidul Regency.
In addition, the shooting of the KKN film in the Dancer Village was also carried out in the Sleman and
Bantul districts. In order to get a rural atmosphere that supports the depiction of the stories in
Twitter thread by Simpleman.
Makeup - Costume :
The Makeup for the real face of Bandarawuhi (The snake face) that’s very cool, also when Ayu
possessed by Bandarawuhi in Widya POV and the make up for the “Another Village” that's very
magical, it’s make the movie more exciting to watch and make who watch the movie is amazed even
though that’s make up is very scary.

Makeup for Bandarawuhi

Ayu’s Makeup in Widya POV

The “Another Village” Death Villager Makeup

The Costume for the University Student who has KKN is just like another university just using
Almamater from their university, and for Bandarawuhi and her Dawuh Widya it’s like Javanese
Traditional dancer costume.
The Alma Mater Costume

Costume for Bandarawuhi and Her Dawuh Widya

Lighting :

Many of them use Natural Lighting because most of the shooting is outdoor and also uses orange
lights or lantern to make the atmosphere of the house dimly lit at night

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