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Chapter 8 • Lecture Quiz

Answer the following questions on Parts 1 and 2 of the Chapter 8 lecture, “Love – What’s It All
About?” Use only the lecture notes that you took on your own paper to help you. Answer each
question as fully as possible. You will receive 2 points for each complete and correct answer and 1
point for each partially correct answer.
1. How would a sociobiologist explain the attraction that one individual might have for another?
(2 points)

2. How does the matching hypothesis explain the fact that sometimes a beautiful woman loves
an unattractive man, or a handsome man loves an unattractive woman? (2 points)

3. List five areas mentioned by the lecturer in which you might expect to find similarities
between people who are attracted to each other. (2 points)

4. According to the lecturer, sometimes it is better for people in a relationship to have

differences. Explain how the example that he gives illustrates this. (2 points)

5. Explain the Romeo and Juliet effect. (2 points)

Answer Key
1. The sociobiologist would say that we are attracted to someone whom we unconsciously
perceive as being a good genetic match in terms of his or her physical appearance and
the kind of children he or she would produce.

2. The matching hypothesis states that we are attracted to people whom we see as being
similar to us. Even though two people may not be equally attractive physically, they
may have other similarities, such as common interests, level of education, etc.

3. Students should name five of the following: personality type, job, intelligence, level of
education, interests, values, religion, race, age, socioeconomic status, political beliefs.

4. The lecturer says that a dominant person would probably get along better with a
submissive person. If two submissive people lived together, they would have trouble
deciding anything because they would each want the other person to decide everything.

5. As in the story of Romeo and Juliet, a couple will tend to feel more attracted to each
other if there is opposition to their relationship from parents or friends.

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