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Waves Quiz

1. A technician fires a starting pistol at a distance of 240 m from a high cliff. A

student standing next to the technician uses a stopwatch to measure the time
taken between the pistol being fired and the echo being heard.

They repeat the experiment several times. The table shows their results.

Attempt number Time / s

1 1.23

2 0.95

3 1.08

4 1.97

5 1.17

(1)Calculate the distance travelled by the sound between the pistol being fired and
the echo being heard. (1 marks)

© Cambridge University Press 2014 IGCSE Physics
Worksheet 12.1  1
(2)Calculate the average time taken, as measured by the student. (1 mark)

(3)The speed of sound in air is about 330 m/s. Calculate the time it would take the
sound of the pistol to travel the distance calculated in question 1. (1 marks)

(4)Compare your answers to questions 2 and 3. Does the experiment give an

underestimate or an overestimate of the time taken by the sound? (1 mark)

(5)Look at the values shown in the table. They are very variable. Suggest a reason
for this. (1 mark)

© Cambridge University Press 2014 IGCSE Physics
Worksheet 12.1  2
(6)Suggest at least two ways this experiment could be improved to give a better
estimate for the value of the speed of sound. (2 marks)

2 The diagrams below show some incomplete ray diagrams.

For each one, decide whether it represents reflection (by a mirror) or refraction
(when a ray passes from one material into another). Then complete the diagram.

(questions 1 & 2: 2 marks/each, question 3: 3 marks, question 4: 5 marks)

(1) (2)

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Worksheet 12.1  3
(3) (4)

3 A student observes some ripples in a ripple tank. She notes that 20 waves
occupy a distance of 4.8 cm. What is their wavelength? (1 marks)

4 Calculate the speed of sound in air if a sound of frequency 220 Hz has a

wavelength of 1.50 m. (1 marks)

© Cambridge University Press 2014 IGCSE Physics
Worksheet 12.1  4
5 Sound has a speed of 1500 m/s in water. Calculate the wavelength of sound
waves of frequency 480 Hz in water. (1 marks)

6 When ripples travel into shallower water, their wavelength decreases. Their
frequency remains constant.

a Does their speed increase, decrease or stay the same? (1 mark)

When light waves travel from air into glass, their speed decreases. Their
frequency remains constant.

b Does their wavelength increase, decrease or stay the same? (1 mark)

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Worksheet 12.1  5
c How do light waves change when they travel from glass into air? (1 mark)

5 Red light of wavelength 6.50  10−  m travels through air, where its speed is
3.0  10  m/s.

a What is its frequency? (1 mark)

b What will its wavelength become in glass, where its speed is 2.1  10  m/s?
(1 marks)

6 Ultrasound waves are sometimes used to clean small items of jewellery, which are
immersed in water and subjected to ultrasound. What is the wavelength of
ultrasound waves of frequency 40 kHz in water? Give your answer in cm. (Speed
of ultrasound in water  1500 m/s.) (1 mark)

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Worksheet 12.1  6
7 Name each type of electromagnetic radiation described below. (0.5 marks/type)

a Detected by our eyes.

b Given out by very hot objects (three types).

c Given out by radioactive substances.

d Used to show up broken bones.

e Used in a TV remote control.

f Used for broadcasting TV signals.

g Has longer wavelengths than microwaves.

h Used in airport security systems.

i Used to cook food (two types).

j Used in satellite communications.

k Has a range of frequencies between X-rays and visible light.

l Used in invisible beams in security systems.

m Used for photographing friends.

n Travel from the Sun to the Earth’s surface (three types).

o Used to send signals to mobile phones.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 IGCSE Physics
Worksheet 12.1  7

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