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Discuss 1 model of healthcare or health care system, of a specific country. 

Explain it elaborately, state the benefits of the health care model or system. 

The Bismarck model is a type of health care system in Germany that is based on a "single
payer" system. It is also been used by the other States. This means that one entity the government is
responsible for paying the bills, and all citizens' health care needs will be covered by this entity.

In the Bismarck model, there are three core elements: 1) a government-run insurance system that
covers all citizens; 2) a publicly funded universal health care program; and 3) a public option so that
everyone can have access to health care. The government has complete control over these systems,
which allows them to make changes quickly and efficiently without having to go through Congress or
other political ways.

This model is also better for consumers because it allows them to choose where they get their health
insurance from, whether it's through an employer or through a public entity like Medicaid or Medicare
(which are both considered "public" programs). Consumers have more options when it comes to
finding high-quality healthcare providers who treat them fairly and fairly compensate them for their
work; the same goes for employers who provide insurance plans for their employees.

To sum it all, the biggest benefit of this system is that it provides everyone with access to healthcare
regardless of their income level or where they live, which means that everyone can get appropriate
medical treatment regardless of their financial situation. This also means that everyone gets treated
equally regardless of race or ethnicity, no one will be denied on providing care because they don't have
insurance or because they're poor enough that they can't afford private insurance. The government
can better manage costs by determining how much money it spends on health care as different to
other areas of the budget. For example, if there's a flu season and we need more hospital beds, the
government can allocate funds accordingly.


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