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7 Worksheet-18 Class Section Roll No, he Enemy — Pearl S. Buck y fed, er. Then Hana said with in: “Come, are 1 a ou?” Sadao ask No,” He id, “But i Hes my enemy. All Americans are my enemy, h s it since he is woun. Choose the correct option with respect to the statements given below Statement 1: Hana wants Sadao to see the prisoner's foolish face carefully Statement 2: adao faced the dilemma of treati him or handing him over to the a a) Statement 1 can be inferred but Statement 2 cannot be inferred. | b) Statement 1 cannot be inferred but Statement 2 can be inferred _9 Statement 1 and Statement 2 can be inferred. | d) Statement 1 and Statement 2 cannot be inferred. + What is Sadao’ feeling towards the prisoner? z 2) guilty b) concerned : ) relieved | 4) rejuvenated ii) What is the meaning of the statement: ‘If the man were whole?” : a) ifthe man was strong enough to fight 7 \b)/fthe man was not wounded ©) ifthe man could walk on the feet 4) ifthe man was not white (iv) Look at the statements given below, Choose the option that correctly identifies which statements are fac and which are o| 1, Both Sadao and Hana hated Americans. Xe Gedao and Hana were loyal to their nation and thus had to ate the American, Ged Luck ushers Limited ion: ————————e e police: jed man to th k 3, Sadao and Hana W anted to take the wounded eee aa A i for the ake of humanity, de id os 4. Both Sadao and Hana, for sak a) Fact-1 and 4; Opinion 2 and 3 aearent-? and 3; Opinion yand A ) Fact-1 and 2; Opinion 3and 4 Soy Fact-2 and 4; Opinion-! and 3 (b) He left the General’s presence then and went home, taken out of his hands. He would tell Hane nothing, since » state such as and yet certainly such persons were lute state SUE essential in an abso! with those who opposed them? Jan. In this way the whole thing timid at the idea of assassins he Japan was. How else Could ny, thinking over the p! she would be o made with the General? 1's room (i) What is the plan Sada open so that the General’s assassins coulg, To leave the partitions of the enemy soldie Kall him that night and dispose off the body e by sending him toa nearby island with instructions to way b) To make the enemy soldier escaP' Korean fishing boat ¢) Tomake the enemy soldier live in his house till the arrival of a Korean fishing boat a) Byletting the assassins come to the house quietly and arrest the enemy soldier (ii) What might Sadao be thinking about his arrangement, while going back to the house? Na) Fie thought it was for the best. b) He was uncomfortable at the idea of assassins in the house. c) He was glad that the matter had been amicably resolved. d) He felt disturbed to have conspired against the very man whose life he had saved. (i) Why did he not want to share his plan with Hanat <3) fe thought that a murder in the house would unnerve her. +) Sadao wanted to give her a surprise by having the servants back in the house, restoring mam c) Hana would faint at the thought of Tom being killed. d) Hana would never agree to this plan. { (iv) Read the following statements, choose the correct option, Assertion: The PO’ i ace F ben spo the words and silence of Sadao properly before leaving Japa Reason we ae ati cause more trouble to Sadao and his family. Reason - knew his life would be in danger if he lived there. b) Both Reason and Reason 2 seas inferred from the Assertion. al was in the palm of his ns Boul hand xcellency,” d and thal Ys Ne said to the old Gen 7 4 consequence he himself eral elf was perfectly and to your zeal against the enem ) Pick on that best describes th " es the word der ‘dereliction’ as w .. ed in the passage ion 4, carelessness dilapidation b) l4tand5 2,4 and 6 and 4 At the end of the conversation with the General, Sadao felt: a) rejuvenated and guilt-free b) conceited and egoistic ¢) refreshed and self-conscious <9 Telieved and guilt-free iii) Read the analysis of the General based on the given extract. Choose the option that fills blanks most appropriately: The General (i) power but is (ii) of the obligations of his job. He is so (ii) —_— with his health that he forgets to send the assassins to kill the prisoner. Due to his (iv)___—_imterests. he doesn’t want to expose Sadao and agrees to keep the prisoner's escape a secret a) (i) fantasises (ii) lonely (iii) consumed (iv) vested ~DdY @ relishes (ii) weary (iii) self-absorbed = W) selfish c) (i) fancies (ii) apathetic (iii) negligent (iv) worthless d) (i) desires (ji) concerned (iii) indisposed (iv) narrow (iv) Pick the option that best matches the idiom: « with ‘hand’ with their meanings Idiom Meanings 8 1. hand in glove (A) in the care of somebody good and knowledgeable 2. a good hands (B) to reveal a see ret about ones plans al hand (C) do harm to someone who has been kind to you an 7 collusion (D) two or more people who ate in collusion 4. bite the hand that feeds you a) 1-A,2-D,3-C4B Sa b) 1-B,2-€,3-D, 4-4 << > (d) “Oh,” Hana breathed, “is that all?” © the anessenger exclaimed. “Js it not enough?” aid) ne replied. “I ¢ preted the arriv alo arrest Sadao. am very Sorry? “Indeed it is,” ‘ f the messenge! (i) How had Hana inter a)She thought he had come to Y b) She thought the servants had info ard Sadao. ©) She thought he had come to rewa nd Sadao to the med him of the prisoner attlefield. d) She thought he had come to sen battlefiele the messenger? d 5 (ii) What information was given by a) that Sadao was to be arreste prisoner in his home b) that Sadao would be questioned for hiding the American © that servants had complained about Sadao \ AF that the old General was sick (ii) Which word means the same as ‘enough’? a) deficient b) inferior <> sufficient d) meagre (iv) Choose the statement that is NOT TRUE about Hana. 3 a) Hana cannot defy her husband and is loyal to him till the end. Hana had shown immense courage in helping Sadao. c) Hana was angry on her servants for their behaviour. 4) Hana too was ina dilemma. ent | and Statement 2 th Stateme ‘ pv Both can be inferred Fen Statement 1 and Statement 2 c ip B0 cannot be ing . nferred optio listing the reason serv: + eck the option 3 son servants di je ane id not want Sadao to heal t 4) Hiswound could not be healed as it Was too a) Ce a ep, . nypey feared they would be avenged. eg {) sadao could be in trouble with the authorities ) they thought he ought to die eventually d d iq) “Those sears; she mur mured, lifting her eyes to Sadao, ge scars’ DO NOT indicate . a) torture perpetrated on prisoners of war vr superiority of Japan over America c) the quest for supremacy in war 4) the rumours of torture often heard A. Xe eA\C9, \ ore Ae 45% rerrne § dnd Conv eh Oo. y fener _ Bo AAAS ge me se — > Ye SoS —_\10 ee a; Om Voy off Ss —__—— ovnhy. obs OS eagebutes A yis Wrfe A onda So. . 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