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The Word of God1 at the Synod of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel

The blessing of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, this is what I, the Lord, am
leaving over you on this day of the angelic feast, sons in the citadel of My word, for you have set
here a stopover for Me and for My angels, after the tradition left from the fathers for this day, and
it is in heaven and over the sons of God an assembly with a great celebration, and the heavenly
powers and angelic hosts are standing in groups-groups here above and are looking at the prepa-
ration for them and at their reception at the feast you have set for them, for the hosts above, oh,
and the fathers are rejoicing over you because you are loving sons and fulfill their ordinances and
also because you are bringing them before the heaven, and behold, God is working with you and
the angels minister to you and you to them, oh, sons.

Oh, the obedience to the fathers is great! It works great blessing over the sons, and I am
saying to all the sons who listen to their parents, I am telling them this: Do not despise the fathers,
do not grieve or hurt them, for if you humiliate or grieve them, oh, it does no go well with you,
but rather badly because of the violation of God’s commandment left for the fathers.

Oh, what would have happened if I had not listened to My Father, Who had sent Me on
earth to be put on the cross and given to torture and death, and I to have grieved Him with discon-
tent, with disobedience and rebellion? Behold, Father knows what is good for the sons, even if
His sons cannot understand what their fathers mean for them and what a father means for his sons.

Oh, sons, the fathers and all the saints rejoice over you because you have chosen to obey,
to understand and to work God’s will among the people on earth now, during My time with you,
for behold, you speak on earth for Me, you are My messengers and you take the word from My
mouth and proclaim it over the earth and you announce Me with you, and you also let it know that
I am coming on earth as word in My time with you.

Oh, blessed are those who work with the Lord on earth and live after His will, sons! Life
without God brings man only to wrong doings, only to emptiness of God, as though God means
nothing for man. I am sitting with you in a council at the feast of My angels and I am looking with
sorrow at those who have broken themselves by judging God and the hard way of My word, and
you, too, those who under the heavy cross of My coming as word on earth, sons, and I am saying
to all those who hear and know of My walking with you and I am telling them this:

Beware from judging God and My walk as word over the earth with those under the cross
of My coming now, in the end of the time. I am telling you this with tears, because I suffer forever
from those who crushed themselves against the stone of judgment concerning My today’s walking
with those who carry Me in order to come as word on earth. I have no longer remained with those
who have been discontent and unloving to the end with the holy patience, and so, they have earned
only judgment because they have judged.

Oh, be very careful how you look at My walk and My cross today and the blows against it,
for I had with those who carry Me, I had near them, good Christians in their faith and sacrifice,
but they thought they were able to count in My place the things and states, and in this way they

The Word of God in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, translated by I.A., re-
dactor note.


climbed above Me and as a result, they became dizzy and I do no longer have them under the cross,
oh, I do no longer have them because they wavered, and this is how many have wavered and taken
one after another falling into weaknesses, oh, but I still have a few and they can hardly walk.

Oh, how much joy the saints and angels have for the work of My word and how much
support they give to fulfill the Scripture of My coming as I am coming now on earth! Those on
earth, who walked with Me for a while, behold, they were no longer glad, and set forth their griev-
ances and left Me and drew themselves from under My cross, oh, that they did not understand
God, and they wanted God to understand them instead, oh, and they were ashamed to see their
fault and stand up every time to move forward.

And behold, dear Christian, you are ashamed to be guilty, you hesitate, you tense up, you
are discontent with the one who may be able to guide you with something to your correction, and
I, the Lord, your God, was to bear all the shame which you are ashamed to bear on earth, and I
was considered a law breaker, a fornicator, a blasphemer of holy things, a divisive and sinner, then
I was beaten and put to torture on the cross, and I was struck naked as My clothes were taken to
be a mockery for the crowd, because you hide your dirty deeds that come from your disobedience
to God and to the fathers, for you ashamed to be guilty, defamed and considered unworthy, oh,
and because of that, I had to bear what you cannot bear.

Behold, faithful sons with whom I have remained, I have spoken about pain, sons, for
whenever I stay with the saints at you in the feasts, I see the absence of those who have fallen from
the work of My coming and sadness seizes and oppresses Me and I want them to know how they
did not listen to Me, how they grieved the Father and, therefore, it does not go well with them on
earth, let alone in heaven! Oh, if only they would work repentance and deep regret! Oh, if only
they would wake up for humility and for prayer with much power in it to escape from the guilt of
having forsaken Me! Oh, if only they would work their holiness to the end, and forsake the spirit
of the world, in which they have drowned themselves!

Sons, sons, there is great joy on this day at the table with Us and with you for those you
have remembered here before Me for the step to full resurrection, for the people of those asleep
is great and they have come in groups-groups ahead of time and are as plentiful as blackber-
ries, sons. You have called them, you have given them the autumnal memorial and they are more
and more alive and they are singing in a choir glory to their Savior and all rejoice over My work
with you for them, sons. Here they are at the table with the angels here, for they have remained
at the feast after they received the gifts, blessed food and pleasant in heaven, not as the world
prepares the food with meat and brandy for the departed, oh, not so, sons. (See the selection topic:
„Resurrection of the dead2”, r.n.)

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When I built man, I made him to be able to eat and then I hurried to make him a garden
with holy food and I set him at the table and then told him what to eat and what not to eat of
the good things of heaven. (Gen: 1/29)3 However, he did as every man on earth does, and resisted
to obey and by so doing, he despised his Father and disobeyed. He could listen but did not choose
this, and, therefore, he could no longer stay in the place where he violated his obedience to the
Father and then man came out from under the will of God and lived on earth according to his will,
working with sweat for his food, working since then and up to this day.

Now, sons, behold what a great work we have to do, for we have to remove the guilt the
human race that did not listen and for which I suffered on the cross in order to take it out from its
pain, and I did, oh, and we still have work to do, sons. The angels work with Me incessantly and
know from Me that I, the Lord, fight against satan to take the people out of his bondage. I and My
little ones from under the cross of My coming, are fighting against the spirit of the world and
against satan, the ruler over the people, and We will throw him down and free all from his darkness,
and My angels are also fighting the unseen battle to overcome satan by My spoken word to
fulfill it afterwards, as it is written for Me to overcome and then to set the feast of My victory
and that of the angels victorious with Me, and here they are, confessing near Me My today’s work
with them and with you, those under My cross, and the spirit of the world will be overcome for
this is written to be.

— The heavenly powers and the angelic hosts praise You unceasingly and confess You,
Lord, with the complete nearness of Your victory against satan, who separated You from man
deceiving him so that he could fall from paradise and man to remain on his side. However, You
awakened the angels and since then they have been working with You to defeat the thief, but man
has stood against us, for man does not see You, and satan and the spirit of the world have always
shown their goods in plain sight and delighted man with the visible things and in order to have
victory one has to fight, and You bring man to helplessness in order to draw him to repentance,
You give him the bitter medicine of humiliation, Lord, and this medicine is enough to make man
seek You and take You inside of him in time of trouble, only that he may understand that he has
always been stubborn as long as he could do something; however, then he wants You, Lord, oh,
and how much mercy You work to bring him back to You, and we are always with You at work in
heaven and on earth, and Your church, little and working on earth for the part of the prayers sent
to You for the fulfillment of the Scriptures, for this fulfillment has to be asked according to how
You have worked with Your people in all the times, and only You are the One Who overcomes even
if man stands against You and sides with satan after his will, with his life; nevertheless, it is also
written that Christ is the Victor.

We glorify You from above, we carry You on the clouds of angelic wings and now we are
spending here, in the citadel of Your word, full of gifts now, on our day of celebration. (See the
selection topic: „He comes in the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds4”, r.n.)

«God also said, 'Look, to you I give all the seed-bearing plants everywhere on the surface of the earth,
and all the trees with seed-bearing fruit; this will be your food. » (Gen: 1/29.)
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The multitude of the angelic hosts together with the multitude of those called at their table
of memorial for their full resurrection, we all are bringing before You glory and thanks, for Your
great glory, for Your coming as word on earth, for Your coming and close victory and then the
celebration of eternity with all the sons of the holy faith, who will have kept their love for You in
their hearts, waiting for You to save them.

Let us stay well with fear and attention to You, Lord, and the people of Your word, and let
the true people for faith and obedience say to You: Surround us with Your holy angels, Lord, and
be our salvation and refuge. Amen.

— The blessing of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, this is what I, the Lord,
leave over the table of the celebration of the angels at the beginning and at the end of the feast in
this settlement!

There are some of those who wait for Me to speak big words in order to split mountains
with them, because this is how they know to think and wait from God. Hower, I am spending with
you as a father spends time with his sons here, and We are organizing Our work and life with
orders and rules after the heavenly laws, and what other bigger words can be waited from God to
be heard? Oh, let no one among these forget that I am He Who has to wait, and that I wait and still
wait patiently for the Father after those who love less to fulfill the work of a son before Me.

And if a big word is waited from My mouth, then here it is: Love to be holy, love
holiness! It testifies itself by everything a man is and does, and it becomes an example of holiness
for man. You will be able to do this if you are humble and modest, or else you will not be able
to do it. Sin does not go well with those who love humility and propriety, and if it does, it is
because of the mixture of pride even through these, for man cannot believe that he is unworthy of
God, of his salvation, as the saints cry and mourn because of their unworthiness before God.

And now, again and again, from the midst of the heavenly powers and angelic hosts, I am
saying as a careful Father:

Peace over and among the nations and especially peace among those that have not
peace! Let the spirit of peace come over the rulers of the nations without peace, as it is because
of their leaders that the nations have no peace.

I am calling out from heaven and from earth: Peace among the nations, peace to you, peo-

Oh, peace to you as well, citadel of My word! Peace to you, sons from the citadel, and cry
out to Me for the peace of the nations without peace!

I am embracing you and those at My table with you now, oh, sons! Few have remained
faithful to Me and to you, but two thousand years ago, it was also the same with My word and My!5N8FVJ5Z!JJIiD5ui_quEJbwUD3-r504YDafNB4lks1n2ay3GJsw


disciples of that time. There are many of those in heaven with you, and this is the victory: heaven,
sons, the heaven and those from heaven with you and for you, and that is why peace to you, peace
to you, peace to you, oh, sons! Amen, amen, amen.

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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