Grimm - M - e - 180 - V4-9 (060916)

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Stationary Environmental Dust Measurement Device

Environmental Dust Monitor

Model EDM 180
EDM 180


GRIMM Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG

Dorfstraße 9
83404 Ainring
Tel.: +49 8654-578-0
Fax: +49 8654-578-35

Registration Office Traunstein, German Commercial Register (HRB) 4803

Managing Directors: Marco Signori, Thomas Eisenmann


EDM 180

Table of contents

1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 8

2 Fundamental requirements for operation ......................................................................................... 9

2.1 General information.......................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Warranty ......................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Explanation of symbols .................................................................................................................. 11
2.3.1 Meaning of symbols used .............................................................................................................. 11
2.3.2 Meaning of certain text characters ................................................................................................. 11
2.4 Fundamental safety provisions ...................................................................................................... 12
2.4.1 Safety provisions ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.4.2 Electrical safety .............................................................................................................................. 12
2.4.3 Lasersafety ..................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.4 Extreme environmental conditions ................................................................................................. 14
2.4.5 Declaration of conformity ............................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Intended use and fields of application ............................................................................................ 17
2.5.1 Operating environment................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.2 Information about direct on-site and remote control ...................................................................... 17
2.5.3 Notes on starting and stopping the measurements ....................................................................... 17
2.5.4 Preparations and checks................................................................................................................ 17
2.6 Restrictions of the field of application ............................................................................................ 18
2.7 General notes on the conditions for use ........................................................................................ 18
2.8 Transportation ................................................................................................................................ 18
2.9 Storage ........................................................................................................................................... 19
2.10 Disposal ......................................................................................................................................... 19
2.10.1 Expected service life of the device ................................................................................................. 19
2.10.2 Waste disposal recommendation ................................................................................................... 19
2.11 Repairs ........................................................................................................................................... 20

3 Installation of the EDM 180 ............................................................................................................ 21

3.1 Unpacking the components ........................................................................................................... 21
3.2 Installation of the EDM 180 ............................................................................................................ 21
3.2.1 Preparing the sample collection tube ............................................................................................. 21
3.2.2 Installing the roof flange ................................................................................................................. 24
3.2.3 Complete system installation ......................................................................................................... 26
3.2.4 Information on uninstalling the EDM 180 ....................................................................................... 34
3.3 Datalogger option, antenna and GPS mouse ................................................................................ 35
3.3.1 Subsequent installation of the datalogger, antenna and GPS mouse ........................................... 36
3.3.2 Inserting the SIM card (machine to machine M2M) into the datalogger ........................................ 37

4 Device description .......................................................................................................................... 39

4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 39
4.2 Sample collection head .................................................................................................................. 39
4.3 Display............................................................................................................................................ 40
4.4 Lift operation flap ............................................................................................................................ 40
4.5 On/off switch .................................................................................................................................. 40
4.6 Status LEDs ................................................................................................................................... 41
4.7 Control buttons on the EDM 180 .................................................................................................... 41
4.7.1 Button functions before answering the filter question .................................................................... 42
4.7.2 Button functions in measuring mode .............................................................................................. 43
EDM 180

4.7.3 Button functions in standby mode .................................................................................................. 44

4.8 Memory card .................................................................................................................................. 45
4.8.1 Inserting the memory card ............................................................................................................. 45
4.8.2 Removing the memory card ........................................................................................................... 46
4.8.3 Reading and erasing the memory card .......................................................................................... 46
4.8.4 Data preservation and storage times ............................................................................................. 46
4.9 Gas routing concept ....................................................................................................................... 48
4.10 Drying ............................................................................................................................................. 48

5 Particle measuring with Grimm dual technology ............................................................................ 49

5.1 Measuring principle ........................................................................................................................ 49
5.2 Calibration, physical background ................................................................................................... 50

6 Measurement process.................................................................................................................... 54
6.1 Putting the EDM 180 into operation ............................................................................................... 54
6.2 Measurement display ..................................................................................................................... 55
6.3 Model versions of the EDM 180 ..................................................................................................... 55

7 Software ......................................................................................................................................... 56
7.1 HyperTerminal via RS-232 interface .............................................................................................. 56
7.2 Establishing a HyperTerminal cable connection ............................................................................ 56
7.3 RS-232 commands ........................................................................................................................ 59
7.4 Grimm Windows 1178 software ..................................................................................................... 64
7.4.1 Installation of the 1178 software .................................................................................................... 64
7.4.2 Screenshots of the software .......................................................................................................... 65
7.5 Displaying the measurements of the Grimm device ...................................................................... 68
7.5.1 With the terminal program .............................................................................................................. 68
7.5.2 Activating service mode 0 .............................................................................................................. 68
7.5.3 Returning to service mode 0: ......................................................................................................... 69
7.5.4 With the Grimm Windows 1178 software ....................................................................................... 69

8 Accessories .................................................................................................................................... 70
8.1 Data interfaces on the EDM 180 .................................................................................................... 70
8.1.1 Serial interface ............................................................................................................................... 70
8.2 Measurement transmission ............................................................................................................ 71
8.2.1 P-line 71
8.2.2 K-line, function test of the optical measuring cell, laser diode and photo diode ............................ 72
8.3 Service mode settings .................................................................................................................... 74
8.4 Datalogger ...................................................................................................................................... 75
8.4.1 Installation of the datalogger .......................................................................................................... 75
8.4.2 Interfaces on the datalogger .......................................................................................................... 75
8.5 Accessories for the EDM 180 ........................................................................................................ 78

9 “Gesytec” special measurement data protocol .............................................................................. 79

9.1 Settings in normal operation .......................................................................................................... 80
9.2 Gesytec structure ........................................................................................................................... 80
9.2.1 Data transmission .......................................................................................................................... 81
9.2.2 Data request ................................................................................................................................... 83
9.2.3 Device control ................................................................................................................................ 83

10 Technical information ..................................................................................................................... 84


EDM 180

10.1 Technical data of the EDM 180 ...................................................................................................... 84

10.1.1 Memory card 1142.A2 and 1142.A4 .............................................................................................. 86
10.1.2 Datalogger 1142.M5 ....................................................................................................................... 86
10.1.3 Acoustic and visual alarm emitter 1147B ....................................................................................... 86
10.1.4 Rain protection cover ..................................................................................................................... 86
10.1.5 Sample collection head heater ....................................................................................................... 87
10.1.6 Test kit 186 ..................................................................................................................................... 88
10.2 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 89
10.2.1 Alarm and error messages on the display ..................................................................................... 89
10.2.2 Warnings on the display ................................................................................................................. 90
10.2.3 Explanations of select error messages .......................................................................................... 90
10.3 Device dimensions ......................................................................................................................... 91

11 Maintenance and cleaning ............................................................................................................. 94

11.1 Sample air path in the measuring cell of the model 187 spectrometer .......................................... 94
11.2 Housing .......................................................................................................................................... 94
11.3 Internal purge airfilter ..................................................................................................................... 94
11.4 Instructions for cleaning the Nafion and sample collection tube .................................................... 95
11.4.1 Required accessories..................................................................................................................... 95
11.4.2 Steps for Nafion cleaning ............................................................................................................... 96
11.4.3 Final drying ................................................................................................................................... 108

12 Frequently asked questions – FAQ .............................................................................................. 109

13 Index............................................................................................................................................. 115


EDM 180

List of figures
Figure 2-1: Laser radiation safety marking on the laser holder .................................................................. 13
Figure 2-2: Safety marking on the rear of the device ................................................................................. 13
Figure 3-1: Material and tools for sensor installation ................................................................................. 21
Figure 3-2: Preparing the sensor protector ................................................................................................ 22
Figure 3-3: Installing the sensor protector on the sample collection tube .................................................. 22
Figure 3-4: Installing the sensor cable on the sensor ................................................................................ 23
Figure 3-5: Installing the rain deflector ....................................................................................................... 23
Figure 3-6: Installing the rear mounting strips of the drilling template ....................................................... 24
Figure 3-7: Inserting the drilling template ................................................................................................... 24
Figure 3-8: Marking the drilling position with a centre punch ..................................................................... 25
Figure 3-9: Roof flange installed in the roof ............................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-10: Rear view of the sample collection tube holder ..................................................................... 26
Figure 3-11: Installing the sample collection tube holder ........................................................................... 26
Figure 3-12: Inserting the sensor cable ...................................................................................................... 27
Figure 3-13: Positioning the sample collection tube ................................................................................... 27
Figure 3-14: Inserting the sample collection tube through the roof flange ................................................. 28
Figure 3-15: Inserting the sample collection tube into the sample collection tube holder .......................... 28
Figure 3-16: Connecting the sensor cable to the plug module in the sample collection tube holder ......... 29
Figure 3-17: Removing the transport guard from the measurement device .............................................. 29
Figure 3-18: Opening the transport guard .................................................................................................. 30
Figure 3-19: Installing the EDM 180 in the 19” rack ................................................................................... 30
Figure 3-20: Pulling out the lift lever ........................................................................................................... 31
Figure 3-21: Moving the lift lever up ........................................................................................................... 31
Figure 3-22: View into the sample collection tube holder from the rear ..................................................... 31
Figure 3-23: Final position of the lift lever .................................................................................................. 32
Figure 3-24: Securing the sample collection tube ...................................................................................... 32
Figure 3-25: Positioning the rain deflector .................................................................................................. 33
Figure 3-26: Securing the sample collection tube holder ........................................................................... 33
Figure 3-27: Installing the mains cable ....................................................................................................... 33
Figure 3-28: Lift lever locking ..................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 3-29: Pushing the lift lever up .......................................................................................................... 34
Figure 3-30: Pulling the lift lever all the way out in the top position ........................................................... 34
Figure 3-31: Datalogger installation example ............................................................................................. 35
Figure 3-32: Principle of datalogger installation and removal .................................................................... 35
Figure 3-33: Connection schema of the datalogger ................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-34: Pin assignment of the datalogger plug .................................................................................. 36
Figure 3-35: Opening the datalogger ......................................................................................................... 37
Figure 3-36: Open datalogger .................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 3-37: Open SIM card slot with SIM card ......................................................................................... 37
Figure 3-38: Closed SIM card slot with internal datalogger antenna ......................................................... 38
Figure 4-1: Sample collection head ............................................................................................................ 39
Figure 4-2: Display ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 4-3: Spectrometer keyboard ............................................................................................................ 41
Figure 4-4: Flow schema ............................................................................................................................ 48
Figure 5-1: Measurement principle ............................................................................................................. 49
Figure5-2: Screenshot of the Grimm calibration software during the calibration process ......................... 51
Figure 5-3: Calibration: Simultaneously measured particle concentration for all 31 size channels ........... 52
Figure 5-4: Mass comparison: Simultaneously measured particle concentration ...................................... 52
Figure 5-5: Calibration label ....................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 7-1: New HyperTerminal connection ............................................................................................... 56


EDM 180

Figure 7-2: Interface selection .................................................................................................................... 57

Figure 7-3: Transmission parameters ........................................................................................................ 57
Figure 7-4: Help screen of the model 187 spectrometer ............................................................................ 58
Figure 7-5: Home screen ............................................................................................................................ 65
Figure 7-6: Setting the measuring interval ................................................................................................. 65
Figure 7-7: Time synchronisation ............................................................................................................... 66
Figure 7-8: Selecting the file name and storage location ........................................................................... 66
Figure 7-9: Count values ............................................................................................................................ 66
Figure 7-10: Particle distribution diagram (counts) .................................................................................... 67
Figure 7-11: Particle mass distribution diagram ......................................................................................... 67
Figure 8-1: Datalogger plate ....................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 9-1: Control panel on the model 187 spectrometer ......................................................................... 79
Figure 10-1: Sample collection head heater ............................................................................................... 87
Figure 10-2: Installed sample collection head heater ................................................................................. 87
Figure 10-3: Installed test kit 186 ............................................................................................................... 88
Figure 10-4: Front view of the EDM 180 with sample collection tube ........................................................ 91
Figure 10-5: Top view of the EDM 180 ....................................................................................................... 92
Figure 10-6: Left side view of the EDM 180 ............................................................................................... 93
Figure 11-1: Accessories for Nafion cleaning............................................................................................. 95
Figure 11-2: Turning off the device. ........................................................................................................... 96
Figure 11-3: Disconnecting the device from the mains network ................................................................ 96
Figure 11-4: Moving the lift ......................................................................................................................... 97
Figure 11-5: Pulling the lift lever down and sliding it in to the stop ............................................................ 97
Figure 11-6: Connecting the long silicone hose to the inner tube of the sample collection tube ............ 98
Figure 11-7: Removing the four screws from the front cover and taking the EDM 180 out ....................... 98
Figure 11-8: Inserting the hose into the collection container – NOT to the container bottom .................... 99
Figure 11-9: Removing the screws securing the sample collection head ................................................ 100
Figure 11-10: Pulling the head off the sample collection tube with a combined motion .......................... 100
Figure 11-11: Filling the bottle  with soap solution ................................................................................ 101
Figure 11-12: Using a bottle  to rinse the sample collection head ....................................................... 101
Figure 11-13: Blowing out the sample collection head with compressed air ........................................... 102
Figure 11-14: Cleaning the sample collection tube with soap solution .................................................... 103
Figure 11-15: Rinsing the sample collection tube .................................................................................... 103
Figure 11-16: Blowing out the sample collection tube with compressed air ............................................ 104
Figure 11-17: Installing the sample collection head ................................................................................. 104
Figure 11-18: Removing the long silicone hose and collection container ................................................ 105
Figure 11-19: Installing the sample collection head ................................................................................. 105
Figure 11-20: Pulling the lift lever in the bottom position all the way forward .......................................... 106
Figure 11-21: Sliding the EDM 180 into the container rack and mounting it with four screws ................. 106
Figure 11-22: Pushing the lift lever in to the stop and closing the door ................................................... 107
Figure 11-23: Pushing the lift lever all the way up ................................................................................... 107
Figure 11-24: Connecting the mains cable............................................................................................... 107
Figure 11-25: Turning on the EDM 180 .................................................................................................... 107
Figure 11-26: Switching on the EDM 180 and waiting for the filter query ................................................ 108


EDM 180

1 Introduction
The model EDM 180 environmental dust monitor is a 19” rack solution developed and built by Grimm for
operation inside measuring containers. This system was first approved in Europe and subsequently by
the EPA in the USA. It is intended for ongoing automatic fine dust monitoring in accordance with
international standards.
With outstanding technology, the EDM 180 system satisfies customers around the world with its great
flexibility and the precision of the measurement series as well as its low maintenance and operating
The EDM 180 is capable of:

 Measuring all PM values (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1) simultaneously.

 Recording semi-volatile components (SVO) in real time with no loss.

 Measuring the outside air humidity and temperature.

 Recording the conditions in the measuring cell.

 Outputting error messages that occur.

 Working with numerous accessories.

 Assigning each individual aerosol particle from 0.25 to 32 µm in 31 size channels.

The EDM 180 reads all measurements at a six-second measuring interval and outputs them at intervals
of six seconds to one hour. To ensure the precision of the measurements and to protect the measuring
cell against contaminants, part of the constant sample air flow of 1.2l/min is filtered and returned to the
measurement device as purge air. A self-test is performed in each measuring interval to verify the
operational readiness of the EDM 180.
The key performance characteristics of the EDM 180 are:

 Officially approved according to the EN12341, EN14907, US-EPA and GOST-R standards

 Simultaneous output of measurement data as dust mass fractions PM10, PM2.5, PM1, TC (total
count); counts in 31 channels

 No loss of semi-volatile compounds due to drying with Nafion

 Output of the measurements in real time every 6 seconds

 Verification of the measurement device’s operational readiness in each measuring interval

 Automatic cleaning of the optical measuring cell

 Very low maintenance costs

 No consumables


EDM 180

2 Fundamental requirements for operation

2.1 General information

Many software and hardware designations used in this manual are registered trademarks and have to be
treated as such. The author has attempted to provide complete and accurate information in this manual.
GRIMM Aerosol Technik does not guarantee the integrity and accuracy of this information. Therefore, it is
not liable for damages caused directly or indirectly due to the use of this information, the hardware or the
software. Furthermore, GRIMM Aerosol Technik is not responsible for damages due to the abuse of
patent rights or third-party rights.
Since the hardware and software is always being improved and expanded, deviations are possible
between the descriptions and illustrations in this manual and the hardware and software delivered to you.
Please request a current version of this document if needed.
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be duplicated (printed, copied, microfilmed or other), or
duplicated, reproduced or modified with the use of electronic systems, except with the written permission
of the company GRIMM Aerosol Technik.

Study the operating instructions in detail before operating the hardware and software! The
manufacturer is not liable for damages caused by improper putting into operation, use,
cleaning or by operating errors.

Printed in Germany
Copyright © 1990 – 2016 by GRIMM Aerosol Technik, Ainring, Germany

GRIMM Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG

Dorfstraße 9
D-83404 Ainring, Germany
Phone: ++49 / 86 54 / 5 78 – 0
Fax: ++49 / 86 54 / 5 78 – 35

This manual applies to:

Environmental Dust Monitor M_E_180_V4-9 (06-09-2016)


EDM 180

2.2 Warranty

The company GRIMM Aerosol Technik warrants to each customer that the device described in this
document has been developed, designed and manufactured according to the existing technical
requirements for the application described, is entirely free of material defects and is delivered free of
assembly errors due to strict quality control. However, no further warranty is given for an application-
specific function or damages due to material defects or assembly errors. Detailed records are prepared
for each unit through production technology, especially the calibration and validation data.
Should the device fail during the 1-year warranty period or fail to meet the requirements, the company
GRIMM Aerosol Technik has the right to replace defective parts or the device; operating errors are
excepted. The company GRIMM Aerosol Technik shall perform repairs free of charge at the factory. Only
transportation costs and the resulting incidental costs are borne by the customer. On-site repairs are only
carried out in exchange for reimbursement of the travel expenses and service costs. GRIMM assumes no
liability for any further claims that would be derived from the warranty.
GRIMM only warrants the goods sold if they are used under normal conditions and according to the
instructions in this manual. The warranty expires at the end of the 12-month period, starting on the day of
delivery from the plant. Returns for warranty work are at the customer’s expense.
The warranty is subject to the following exceptions:

 For replacement parts that are replaced or repaired during the warranty period in order to make
the device operational again, the warranty is 90 days under conditions of normal use only.

 The supplier is not liable for third-party products, batteries or consumables – only the original
warranty is maintained.

 Without its written confirmation, GRIMM offers no warranty on parts from suppliers that were
modified and/or removed or installed by untrained personnel.

 All of the above replaces any other warranty agreements and/or restrictions. There are no further
warranty claims, especially outside of normal use.

 The buyer is responsible for use and/or operation. Complying with the applicable legal
requirements and regulations as well as operating the device in accordance with the applicable
legal and operating technology provisions is the responsibility of the buyer. Deviations void the

 All legal means against GRIMM from any party after more than 12 months are groundless.

 The buyer and seller agree that this LIMITATION OF LIABILITY which describes the
requirements and limits shall not be called into question. Both partners are general merchants
according to German law.

 Should a dispute nevertheless arise, the jurisdiction is Traunstein in the Federal Republic of

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EDM 180

2.3 Explanation of symbols

2.3.1 Meaning of symbols used

This manual uses the following graphical symbols to make important information easier to find:

This symbol points out useful tips that can simplify and optimise your work.

This symbol points out potential hazards that can lead to malfunctions or even damage to the
hardware, and describes how these can be avoided.

This symbol points out particularities of software products.

2.3.2 Meaning of certain text characters

This manual illustrates the control buttons in order to explain the functionality in the respective sections.
The function is explained according to the characters of the control button on the device. A
combination with other buttons on the membrane keyboard is possible.

Explanations for operating the device or for keyboard input using HyperTerminal or another terminal
program to carry out a certain function are marked by curly brackets in this manual.
Example: Pressing {Mean/Weight} and the {+} button at the same time ...

is an example illustrating how certain buttons and button combinations are used to configure settings.
Example: Send the ASCII character sequence { | } and {Tab key} or {ASCII character 124} and
{ASCII character 9}...
is an example illustrating how certain switching states are queried using the computer keyboard in a
terminal program.

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EDM 180

2.4 Fundamental safety provisions

2.4.1 Safety provisions

The manufacturer rejects any direct or indirect liability if the operator opens or manipulates the
device! The device has been tested according to DIN EN 61010 for the electrical safety of equipment and
according to DIN EN 61326; its design meets the requirements of EMC testing for industrial equipment. In
order to maintain this condition and ensure safe operation, the user has to observe the information and
warnings contained in these instructions for use.
If it can be assumed that safe operation is no longer possible, the device must be taken out of operation
and secured against unintended use. It can be assumed that safe operation is no longer possible in the
following cases:

 If the device exhibits visible damage.

 If the device no longer functions.

 If the device was stored for an extended time period under unfavourable conditions.

 After transportation under unfavourable conditions.

If after transportation at low temperatures below the temperature according to the technical data in
section 10, the acclimatisation time prior to operation is not observed, this can cause the pump to block
due to . In this case the electronic overcurrent protection device will shut the unit down entirely. The wait
time until resuming operation can be reduced by drying in a heating cabinet. Grimm Aerosol Technik
GmbH & Co. KG recommends an acclimatisation time of 8 hours at 20°C and 40-45% relative humidity.

2.4.2 Electrical safety

Before using the EDM 180, verify that the mains voltage is in the allowable range for the device. The
EDM 180 may only be operated with the prescribed voltage (see type plate).
Since the device is protected by an electronic overcurrent protection device, the fuses only burn out in
case of a serious fault.
The EDM 180 may only be operated on a circuit with an installed ground fault circuit interrupter.

The fuses installed in the device may only be replaced by trained service personnel!

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EDM 180

2.4.3 Lasersafety

Attention! Laser class 3B in the open state of the measurement device!

The aerosol spectrometer may only be opened by trained service personnel. Class 3B laser radiation may
be emitted if the laser unit is opened. The maximum output of class 3B lasers in continuous-wave
operation is 0.5 watts. Looking directly into the beam or a mirrored reflection can cause eye damage,
even with only a short exposure time.
Consult DIN EN 60825 for further information. The corresponding requirements of the Employer's Liability
Insurance Association Regulation (BGV) B2 “Laser Radiation” must be observed!

Figure2-2: Safety marking on the Figure 2-1: Laser radiation

rear of the device safety marking on the laser

The laser radiation warning (Figure 2-2) is found on the laser holder, warning the user against laser
radiation if the device is opened. This labelling is not visible during operation of the EDM 180.
Class 1 laser when the measurement device is closed!
Class 1 lasers are “safe during normal operation […], even when looking directly into the beam for an
extended period of time and with radiation exposure using telescope optics”.
The Picofuse (3.15 A slow) installed in the spectrometer may only be replaced by trained service
personnel with the type specified in the switch documents. Since the measurement device is protected by
an electronic overcurrent protection device, the fuses only burn out in case of a serious fault.

DIN EN 60825-1 (VDE 0837-1):2015-07, page 83, German version
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EDM 180

2.4.4 Extreme environmental conditions

Altitude correction

The barometric altitude formula describes the vertical distribution of the (gas) particles in the earth’s
atmosphere, that is the change in air pressure according to altitude. Therefore one also speaks of a
vertical pressure gradient. Due to weather dynamics in the lower atmosphere however, it can only be
described mathematically with approximations. Air density changes noticeably as the altitude increases.
The air pressure decreases because the air column gets “shorter” and therefore lighter. Rule of thumb:
The air pressure drops by 12 mbar per 100 m of additional altitude.
Due to the lower air pressure, the flow rate increases with the altitude. This means the signal amplitude of
the detected particles changes. It gets smaller and therefore larger particles are incorrectly assigned to
small channels, resulting in an incorrect mass.
Therefore the flow rate that depends on the air pressure has to be corrected using a rotameter.
The correction of the flow rate is explained here in an example using the
Analyt 052-01 Saphire (SA) rotameter. Operation of the EDM 180 at an altitude of 2000 m is assumed.
Since the air pressure here is much lower than at sea level, the flow rate is higher. Now the flow rate is
adjusted as described below, to the specific scale value of the rotameter in reference to the air pressure
of 1013 mbar and a flow of 1.2 l/min. To determine the scale value of the rotameter for the air pressure of
1013 mbar and a flow rate of 1.2 l/min, consult the calibration report of the rotameter. In our example, 1.2
l/min corresponds to a scale value of 60*.
The scale value is calculated using the following formula:

𝑅𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒∗

𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 =

𝑃𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒

P reference = 1013.25 hPa or 1.01325 Bar

This table describes the dependency of the air pressure and altitude (above sea level) and the calculated
scale value to be set (green) depending on the air pressure for a few examples. The calculated scale
value corresponds to a flow rate of 1.2 l/min at the corresponding air pressure.

740 790 840 860 870 890 905 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 1000 1013
2500 2000 1500 1300 1200 1075 900 850 775 675 600 500 425 350 250 175 100 0
Scale 51.3 53 54.6 55.3 55.6 56.2 56.7 56.9 57.2 57.5 57.8 58.1 58.4 58.7 59 59.3 59.6 60*
Table 1: Dependency: Altitude, air pressure, flow rate
* Consult the calibration report for the rotameter.

Example: The scale value to be set at an altitude of 2000 m has to be calculated.

𝑅𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒∗ 60
𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = = = 52.99 ≈ 𝟓𝟑
𝑃𝑅𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 1013 𝑚𝐵𝑎𝑟

√ 790 𝑚𝐵𝑎𝑟
𝑃𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒

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EDM 180

Note: The float in the rotameter must be freely moveable, which means the exact horizontal and vertical
alignment of the rotameter is very important. A tolerance of +/- 3% is specified by the rotameter
manufacturer for the adjustment.
If the device flow has to be changed due to a change in location, proceed as follows:

 Establish a connection to a terminal program that supports the Xon/Xoff software protocol (such
as HyperTerminal). Set the measurement device to standby mode. Activate service mode 0 (see
Section 7.5.2).

 Use the key combination {Ctrl} + {f} to start the sample pump.

 If the flow does not correspond to 1.2 l/min (or the calculated scale value of the rotameter), you
can increase the flow with the {+} button or reduce the flow with the {-} button.
Then exit service mode 0 again (see Section 7.5.3) and set the device to measuring mode.

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2.4.5 Declaration of conformity

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2.5 Intended use and fields of application

2.5.1 Operating environment

The model EDM 180 mobile outdoor environmental measurement device is intended for dust monitoring
in urban residential and traffic areas, industrial production, the chemicals industry and other areas where
monitoring is required. It is intended for outdoor installation.

2.5.2 Information about direct on-site and remote control

The model EDM 180 mobile outdoor environmental measurement device is intended for optional use with
the 1142M5 datalogger. With the use of the 1142M5 datalogger, the environmental dust monitor can be
accessed via the World Wide Web and the measurement data can be visualised or accessed in real time.
When an SD memory card is used in the datalogger instead of a memory card in the spectrometer, far
larger data volumes can be stored.

2.5.3 Notes on starting and stopping the measurements

To start and stop the measurements, the EDM 180 must be supplied with mains voltage. See the
technical information for the allowable mains voltage. A measurement starts after the device is powered
up and has passed the self-test. Measurement operation can be ended manually at any time. A
scheduled start time, scheduled interruptions and a scheduled end time for measurement operation can
be programmed.

2.5.4 Preparations and checks

Each time the device starts, it performs a self-test which provides information about the device status.
Therefore it is mandatory for the EDM 180 to ask if the filter has been changed. This filter is permanently
installed in the device and generally replaced only by service personnel during calibration and
maintenance, which is to be performed annually. Therefore the filter query can be answered with no {-} as
a rule.

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2.6 Restrictions of the field of application

To keep the EDM 180 in working order, the technical data and environmental conditions for the device
summarised in Section 10 must be observed. These restrictions apply both to the number of particles
being measured and the expected relative humidity at the planned measuring location.
Coincidence occurs if the number of particles is too high. Coincidence is the simultaneous occurrence of
at least two particles in the course of the beam, which are counted as one particle of a different diameter.
As a result, the size is assigned to an incorrect channel compared to the individual measurement. At a
particle concentration in excess of 2,000,000 particles per litre, the sample air should be diluted with dry,
particle-free air.
If the relative humidity is too high, there is a risk of condensation in the device which can lead to
extensive damage. If the relative humidity is too high, there is also a risk of condensation on the particles
which increases the particle size. The spectrometer assigns the fine dust particles to a higher size
channel, which leads to a distortion of the mass-specific values. If the relative humidity is too high (see
the technical data in Section 10), Grimm Aerosol Technik advises you to dry the sample air.
In case of doubt or questions about the use of the model EDM 180 environmental dust monitor, contact
the dealer or sales representative of Grimm Aerosol Technik nearest you.

2.7 General notes on the conditions for use

The EDM 180 was designed and built for measuring containers and 19” racks in measuring stations (such
as the EDM 665). The measurement device has no locking mechanism or security lock. During operation
of the EDM 180 in the 19” measuring station, the container door should be closed and locked. This
prevents manipulation of the measurement device.

2.8 Transportation

The EDM 180 measurement device must be switched off for transportation and only the original
packaging may be used. The aerosol intake and the sample collection tube discharge have to be closed
with the supplied end caps. Packing the sample collection tube separately is recommended for
transportation. Therefore, be sure to keep the transport packaging.

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2.9 Storage

If measurement operation is interrupted for a limited time, Grimm Aerosol Technik recommends storing
the EDM 180 in the original packaging in a dry storage location within the temperature range specified for
storage in the technical data for storage and transportation in Section 10.
Please inspect all parts of the measuring system after unpacking. If it can be assumed that safe operation
is no longer possible, the device cannot be put into operation and must be secured against unintended
It can be assumed that safe operation is no longer possible in the following cases:
• If the device exhibits visible damage.
• If the device no longer functions after use.
• After extended storage under unfavourable conditions
• After transportation under unfavourable conditions.

2.10 Disposal

2.10.1 Expected service life of the device

When used as intended and with regular service or corresponding maintenance by an authorised service
technician, the EDM 180 has a service life of many years. Statements about the expected service life
cannot be made and depend on the applications for the measurement device.

2.10.2 Waste disposal recommendation

As an alternative to the PTFE filter, the EDM 180 has a glass cylinder so that only very coarse particles or
water that gets into the measurement device are collected there. Subsequently the measured particles
are collected in a BQ filter. The BQ filter is normally replaced by service personnel during calibration and
maintenance, which is required annually, but can also be disposed of by the customer in commercial or
household waste. If the filter is contaminated with toxic substances, it has to be disposed of as special
waste according to local regulations. Local waste disposal regulations generally have to be observed. The
same applies for the substances collected in the glass cylinder.

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2.11 Repairs

Knowing that defective or inactive devices are costly for the customer, the GRIMM policy is to resolve
customer problems as quickly as possible. When a device stops working, please contact the nearest
GRIMM sales office or dealer as soon as possible.
Please contact the GRIMM service department by e-mail before you send one of our devices back for
Kindly provide the following information:
• Device model number
• Serial number and year of manufacture (on the type plate, rear of the device)
• Order date and your order number (except for warranty cases)
• Your billing address
• Your shipping address

Prior to shipment, make sure each device is free of any contamination that could be
hazardous to health.

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3 Installation of the EDM 180

3.1 Unpacking the components

A delivery of the EDM 180 consists of three packages:

Device (180): Dimensions in cm: 57 x 53 x 33; weight: 17.5kg
Sample collection tube holder (181): Dimensions in cm: 60 x 45 x 27; weight: 5.8kg
Sample collection tube (182): Dimensions in cm: L180 x Ø 11; weight: 5.8kg
Unpack everything and follow the installation instructions.

3.2 Installation of the EDM 180

3.2.1 Preparing the sample collection tube

Figure 3-1: Material and tools for sensor installation

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Install the two screws on the sensor protector for the climate sensor.

Figure 3-2: Preparing the sensor protector

Install the sensor protector on the sample collection tube with the two screws. Before tightening the
screws, align the sensor protector so it is positioned over the cable.

Figure 3-3: Installing the sensor protector on the sample

collection tube

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The sensor cable can only be installed in one position. Slide the cable connector onto the sensor plug
and screw the sensor cable to the sensor with the cap nut.

Figure 3-4: Installing the sensor cable on the sensor

Mount the rain deflector on the sample collection tube. In order to do so, slide the rain deflector onto the
sample collection tube form below with the bevel first.
NOTE: Make sure the interior O-ring is not damaged or destroyed.

Figure 3-5: Installing the rain


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3.2.2 Installing the roof flange

Insert the drilling template 180 (X18130) into the 19” rack.
The two mounting rods have to be installed on the rear. In order to do so, the M6 threaded holes in the
mounting rods have to face up.
On the upper four holes in the drilling template, attach the drilling template with four M6 screws.
On the lower four holes in the drilling template, attach the drilling template with four M5 screws.

Figure 3-7: Inserting the drilling template

Figure 3-6: Installing the rear mounting strips of the drilling template

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Insert a centre punch through the drilling template from below with the tip pointing up. Clearly mark the
roof with one or more taps.

Figure 3-8: Marking the drilling

position with a centre punch

The advantage of the drilling template is that the drilling position in the roof is perpendicular to the
mounting position of the EDM 180.
Now remove the drilling template entirely.
Drill a hole with a diameter of 78 mm in the roof.
Insert the roof flange into the container roof from above. The long tube has to face up. Use silicone
sealant between the roof flange and container to protect against the elements. The stud on the roof flange
is for grounding the roof flange.

Figure 3-9: Roof flange installed in the roof

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3.2.3 Complete system installation

Install the holder for the sample collection tube in the 19” rack with 2 mounting rods at the rear and 4x M6
NOTE: Do not firmly tighten the screws at this time.

Figure 3-11: Installing the sample collection tube holder

The four M6 screws are installed from the front through the perforated tape of the 19” rack into the
mounting strips. To permit subsequent corrections and the alignment of the system, do not tighten the
screws at this time.

Figure 3-10: Rear view of the sample collection tube holder

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First thread the sensor cable through the roof flange.

Figure 3-12: Inserting the

sensor cable

Insert the sample collection tube through the roof flange into the
19” rack or container.
NOTE: The screw and the red mark have to face towards the front
plate of the EDM 180.

Figure 3-13: Positioning the

sample collection tube

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From the inside, hold the water baffle against the roof flange and thread the sample collection tube with

Figure 3-14: Inserting the sample collection tube through the

roof flange

the sensor cable through the water baffle in the roof flange.
Insert the sensor cable in the sample collection tube through the sample collection tube holder. Slide the
sample collection tube into the sample collection tube holder to the stop. Tighten the four water baffle
Install the rainwater drainage hose downwards.
NOTE: Do not install the hose towards electrical equipment or cables.

Figure 3-15: Inserting the sample collection tube into the

sample collection tube holder

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Connect the sensor cable on the sample collection tube inside the sample collection tube holder.

Figure 3-16: Connecting the sensor cable to the plug module

in the sample collection tube holder

Install the rest of the cable inside the sample collection tube holder.
Remove the right-hand screws of the transport guard on the EDM 180 and turn the transport guard to the
left. Attach it with the previously removed screws (Allen key size 1.5 mm).

Figure 3-17: Removing the transport guard from the

measurement device

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EDM 180

Turn the transport guard by 180° and

secure it again with the two screws (Allen
key size 1.5 mm).

Figure 3-18: Opening the transport guard

Install the EDM 180 in the 19” rack with

four M5 screws.
NOTE: To permit subsequent alignment,
do not fully tighten the screws at this time.

Figure 3-19: Installing the EDM 180 in the 19” rack

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The lift has to be moved up to connect the EDM 180

to the sample collection tube. Pull out the lift lever in
order to do so.

Figure 3-20: Pulling out the lift lever

The upward movement of the lift lever closes the

pneumatic and electrical contacts. The lift lever has
to move up easily.

Figure 3-21: Moving the lift lever up

Figure 3-22: View into the sample collection tube

holder from the rear

If the lift does not move easily, there is a risk that the contacts may jam.
The sample collection tube holder and 19” rack are aligned at the plant.

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If the lift lever slides up easily, it can be

pushed in again.
Then the front flap can be closed.

Figure 3-23: Final position of the lift lever

Figure 3-24: Securing the sample collection tube

The sample collection tube is installed with the Allen screw of the sample collection tube holder (size 2

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Install the roof flange on the roof with eight screws.

Waterproof sealing of the roof flange is required (for instance with
Slide the rain deflector onto the roof flange to the stop.

Figure 3-25: Positioning the

rain deflector

Secure the sample collection tube holder with the

four M6 screws.
Secure the EDM 180 with the four M5 screws.

Figure 3-26: Securing the sample collection tube


Connect the mains cable on the back of the EDM


Figure 3-27: Installing the mains cable

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3.2.4 Information on uninstalling the EDM 180

The lift lever has a groove on the lower end so the

lever does not slide out of the plate and lowers on its

Figure 3-28: Lift lever locking

Therefore, the lift lever first has to be pushed up for removal.

Figure 3-29:
Pushing the lift lever up

Figure 3-30:
Pulling the lift lever all the way out in
the top position

Then it can be pulled forward easily.

Move the lift lever down to disconnect the EDM 180 from the sample collection tube and the electrical and
pneumatic contacts.

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3.3 Datalogger option, antenna and GPS mouse

The datalogger is installed in the sample collection tube

holder of the EDM 180 with a rail.

Figure 3-31: Datalogger installation


For further instructions about the datalogger, see the datalogger manual.

First put the datalogger from the

bottom side to the rail.

Pull the datalogger upwards, let it

lock to its final position.

Push the datalogger upwards.

Fold down the front of the

datalogger and take it out.

Figure 3-32: Principle of datalogger installation and removal

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3.3.1 Subsequent installation of the datalogger, antenna and GPS mouse

Installing the datalogger makes it possible to record, store and subsequently evaluate all spectrometer
measurements as well as the meteorological data from the weather station (optional). The sample
collection tube holder is intended as a possible installation location for the datalogger. In this case, two
M3 threaded bores have to be created to position the mounting rail. A micro-SD card for the automatic
storage of all measurements has to be inserted into the SD card slot on the datalogger after it is installed.
Therefore a separate PCMCIA memory card in the spectrometer is not needed.
The mounting rail to hold the datalogger is installed in the sample collection tube holder.
Every datalogger bears a label with the
illustration shown here.
It shows the terminal strip and explains which
connection is used for what application.

Figure 3-33: Connection schema of the datalogger

A separate power supply unit is required to supply power. The datalogger works with a supply voltage of
9 to 24 V. A 3-pin Phoenix type MC1.5/3-G-3.81 connector is used for the supply voltage and earth
conductor. A top view of the connector is shown in the following sketch:

Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3

+9 to +28 V Protective ground

typically 24 V
connected to
metal frame

Figure 3-34: Pin assignment of the datalogger plug

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3.3.2 Inserting the SIM card (machine to machine M2M) into the datalogger

If you want to use a SIM card in the datalogger to send data via GPRS, you have to change the PIN for
the SIM card to 3141 using a mobile phone.
To insert the SIM card, loosen the four screws on the interface side of the datalogger.

Figure 3-35: Opening the datalogger

Take off the front plate and pull out the circuit board. Open the SIM card
holder and insert the SIM card.

Figure 3-36: Open

datalogger Figure 3-37: Open SIM card slot with SIM card

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Figure 3-38: Closed SIM card slot with internal datalogger


Then insert the circuit board into the datalogger housing and close the datalogger.
Now the datalogger can be installed in the EDM 180 and connected as described in Section 3.3.1.

Installing the GPS receiver

The GPS receiver has a magnetic base and can be installed on all magnetisable surfaces.
Use the supplied PS2 to RJ-45 adapter to connect the GPS receiver to the PS2 port (depending on the
version, an adapter may not be needed). Connect the RJ-45 plug to the green connector (RS-232-3) on
the datalogger.
Position the GPS receiver outside the 19” rack or measuring container if possible so GPS data reception
is not impaired. Thanks to the magnetic base, the GPS receiver can be installed on all magnetisable

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4 Device description
4.1 Introduction

The series 180 dust monitor is a stationary device built for the continuous measurement of dust in air as
well as the grain size distribution. The measurements are output as the mass concentration in μg/m³.
They are represented according to the PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 fractions. Scattered light measurement of
the individual particles with a semiconductor laser as the light source is the measuring principle. 90°
scattered light is guided to a receiver diode by a mirror with an opening angle of approximately 120°.
Particles reflect part of the light when they cross the laser beam. After corresponding amplification, the
electrical signal of the diode is classified in 31 size channels. This makes it possible to determine the
particle size. Analysis curves, for instance PM10 according to EN 12341, can be realised as well. The
sample air is suctioned through the measuring cell and a fine particle filter with flow rate control. The
pump also conveys purge air which is collected from the pump exhaust air through an ultra-fine filter and
kept constant by a purge air regulator. The purge air prevents contamination of the laser optics and
measuring chamber. It is also used as particle-free reference air during the device self-test.

4.2 Sample collection head

A TSP sample collection head is used. There is no size-selective separation in the sample collection
head. A wire mesh is therefore installed around the sample collection head to protect against coarse
materials (such as leaves) and insects.

Figure 4-1: Sample collection


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4.3 Display

The optical display of the device is an LCD (liquid crystal display) with a total of 2 x 16 characters. This
display shows the measurements, date, time and location number (a two-digit number that can be
assigned to a specific measuring location as desired). All messages that are generated are of course
shown here as well.

Figure 4-2: Display

4.4 Lift operation flap

The pressure gauge for the vacuum display and the gas cylinder are located behind the door on the right
side of the front plate. The sample air, dryer circuit and sensors are connected to the measurement
device via the plug modules. The operating lever for the lift connects the plug modules of the model 180
measuring device and 181 sample collection tube holder to each other.
On delivery the lever is inserted in the lower position. To connect the two plug modules, pull the lever out
and push it up until the two plug modules are connected to each other. Then slide the lever back into the
device to the stop in the upper position. The lever actuates a micro-switch in this position. If it is not
(correctly) actuated or the lift is not properly connected to the sample collection tube holder, the
measurement does not start and the error message “LIFT NOT OK” is shown.
Below that is a glass cylinder to hold condensate and coarse particles.
A pressure gauge that shows the negative pressure in the drying circuit is installed in the bottom right
corner of the opening. During the self-test and operation of the drying circuit, the pressure gauge has to
show negative pressure of approx. - 550 hPa. The sample air, dryer circuit and sensors are connected to
the measurement device via the plug modules.

4.5 On/off switch

Use the power switch (Power, bottom left) to turn the device on or off. Do not turn off the device in
operating (measuring) mode, but switch to standby mode first (press the Standby button). Otherwise data
loss on the memory card may occur in rare cases. If the device is switched off in operating mode, it
interprets this as a power loss and will continue measuring automatically when it is switched on again,
without asking about filter replacement and with the mean values of the preceding measurements. The
following is displayed after switching on the device: Model 180, Version 7.80 E, then the date and time.
Now 180 series devices display the question “filter changed?”; press – (no). Then the self-test begins
automatically. It ends with “self-test OK”. If an error occurs during the self-test, the message “new self-
test” is displayed. This process is repeated 5 times. If the error continues to occur, the message “Fatal
Error Please Check” is displayed. This message cannot be cleared; see Section 10.2.

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4.6 Status LEDs

There are two LEDs labelled Status and Dryer to the left of the display on the front plate. These LEDs can
assume 4 states:

 Off:

 Lit up red:

 Lit up yellow:

 Lit up green:
The Status LED is off in standby mode. It is lit up green during normal operation. When an error occurs, it
lights up red. It lights up yellow during the self-test. The Dryer LED is off when the dryer circuit is inactive.
It lights up green when the dryer circuit is operating and red when an error occurs in the dryer circuit. The
LED lights up yellow during the self-test.

4.7 Control buttons on the EDM 180

Some of the device responses to pressing the buttons are different between the operating and standby
modes. A short beep confirms when a button is pressed.

Figure 4-3: Spectrometer keyboard

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4.7.1 Button functions before answering the filter question

The EDM 164 is switched on – no previous power failure was detected.

Mean/Weight Display of the filter weight for all measurements with the
corresponding sample volume. Continues to be displayed as long
as the button is pressed.
The gravimetry factor is taken into account for this display.

Standby Display of the serial number and hours of operation

+ Filter has been replaced. The filter weight and mean values are
erased. The device starts with a self-test.

- Filter has not been replaced. The mean values are not erased.
The device starts with a self-test.
Table 2: Button functions before answering the filter question

All other button functions are the same as in standby mode.

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4.7.2 Button functions in measuring mode

Display of the mean dust concentration values for all measurements that were
evaluated (PM10; PM2,5; PM1) after switching on the device or after erasing the
mean values with the corresponding sample volume. The gravimetry factor is
taken into account for this display. The sample volume for the mean values
Mean/Weight appears after approximately 5 seconds and is displayed as long as the button is
pressed. Pressing {Mean/Weight} and the {+} button at the same time displays
the filter weight and the corresponding sample volume. All measurements after
filter replacement are included in the calculation. The gravimetry factor is not
taken into account here.

Pressing this button interrupts the current measurement and puts the device into
standby mode.

PM Mode Stops the output of measurements as long as the button is pressed.

Pressing this button displays the configured measuring location number. This
number can be changed by pressing the {Battery/Location} and {+} or {–}
buttons at the same time. Battery charge level (since the device is only operated
on mains voltage, this always shows 130%).

Alarm Press this button to query the current alarm value.

Displaying the sensor values on a cycle is activated when you press this button.
+ Then the sensor values are also shown in the first line of the display in addition
to the configured measurement.

Displaying the sensor values on a cycle is suppressed when the button is


Date/Time The current date and time are displayed by pressing this button.

Pressing this button shows the current temperature and relative humidity status
on the display.

Table 3: Button functions in measuring mode

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4.7.3 Button functions in standby mode

Same as measuring mode, but also resets the mean values and average
Mean/Weight measurement volume by simultaneously pressing the {Mean/Weight} and {-}

Standby Pressing this button exits standby mode and starts a new measurement series.

By pressing the {+} or {-} button in addition, 2 desired PM values to show on the
PM Mode
display can be chosen from PM10, PM2.5 or PM1.

The measuring location number can be changed by pressing the

{Battery/Location} and {+} or {-} buttons at the same time.

The mass threshold for triggering the alarm can be changed by pressing the
Alarm button in combination with the {+} or {-} button. (0 means off).

Increases the interval after inserting a memory card. Displays the mailbox
contents and scrolls up (optional with installed PCMCIA modem).

Decreases the interval after inserting a memory card, displays the mailbox
contents and scrolls down (optional with installed modem).

Short press: Display of date and time.

Longer press: Adjust date and time.

Date/Time The location of the flashing cursor can be changed by pressing the {+} or {-}
button. Pressing the {Date/Time} button again advances the cursor. If no button
is pressed for some time, the device returns to standby mode. When changing
the minutes, the seconds are simultaneously reset to zero.

Pressing the button shows the current sensor values (top row) and time (bottom
row) on the display. Pressing it again cancels the display.

Mean/Weight + Outputs the contents of the internal memory or PCMCIA memory card over the
Alarm RS-232 interface.

Mean/Weight + The internal memory or inserted memory card is erased after confirming with
Temp./rH {+}.

Table 4: Button functions in standby mode

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4.8 Memory card

The EDM 180 has 80 kByte of internal memory. Using a memory card is recommended so that larger
data volumes, such as measurement series with a high time resolution, can be recorded without a
connection to a PC. Only PCMCIA SRAM memory cards can be used. The data are stored using a FIFO
(first in, first out) process, that is in a circular buffer, so that the oldest values are overwritten once the
card is full. The maximum storage time depends on the configured storage interval and the capacity of the
memory card.

The memory card must be installed before measuring begins. Furthermore, the memory card
has to be initialised or erased before it is used in a device for the first time.

4.8.1 Inserting the memory card

The memory card is inserted into the slot underneath the display on the front of the dust monitor with the
arrow facing up, until it engages audibly. A correctly inserted cards sticks out of the housing by about 1
If the memory card has been inserted when the device is powered up, or if it is inserted and accepted in
standby mode, the card size and version are shown on the LCD screen for about 3 seconds. Then the
interval and available storage capacity are shown. Use the “+” and “-” buttons to change the interval while
this is shown on the display; the available storage capacity is updated. Once the memory card has been
inserted and accepted, all measured values are automatically saved to the memory card.

A memory card is only accepted by the device if it has been erased or previously used in the
same device and the type and number of sensors have not changed. No storage capacity is
displayed if the card is not accepted. Cards containing stored data cannot be used in a device
with a different serial number. This means previously stored data from a device with a
different serial number must be deleted before new data can be recorded by the current
measuring device.

Measuring will not start if the memory card is not accepted. Check whether write protection is enabled for
the memory card. Write protection is activated or deactivated with a slider next to the memory card
battery compartment. If no memory card is installed, the LCD screen displays the following message after
powering up:
In addition, a warning signal (beep) sounds when a measurement is started.

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4.8.2 Removing the memory card

To remove the memory card, put the EDM 180 into standby mode. Now the memory card can be pulled

4.8.3 Reading and erasing the memory card

Several methods can be used to erase the memory card. One option is the corresponding key
combination using the membrane keyboard. The Grimm Windows 1178 software may also be used, or
the corresponding control command in HyperTerminal; see RS-232 commands in Section 0.

4.8.4 Data preservation and storage times

A back-up battery maintains the data on the memory card. The memory card is supplied with power by
the device while it is inserted. Make sure you read the memory card before changing the battery,
otherwise your data may be lost.
If the error message:
is displayed, the memory card has to be replaced.
Memory cards are available with different storage capacities (1 MB or 4 MB). The interval can be selected
in increments. If an interval of 60 minutes is selected, the data for the last 59 minutes may be missing!
When the specified time is exceeded, the respective oldest values are overwritten. The card remains

Further information:
• If the memory card was previously used in another dust measurement device with a
different equipment version that does not have the same version number, the
memory card has to be formatted and all previous data are erased.
• The memory card should only be changed in “standby” mode, otherwise data may
be lost.
• If the memory card was not inserted before starting a measurement (“Standby”
button), the device has to be put into standby mode again by pressing the “Standby”
button before the memory card is inserted.
• The average service life of the battery in a 1 MB memory card is more than one
year. If the memory card will not be used for an extended period of time, the battery
should be removed.
• The memory card can only be read on the GRIMM aerosol spectrometer or using an
external card reader. Using a PC with PCMCIA card reader is not supported.

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Storage times

Interval 1 min 5 min 10 min 15 min 30 min 60 min

Internal 2d 17 h 13d 13h 27d2h 40d 15h 81d 6h 162d 12h

1 MByte 34d 16h 173d 8h 346d16h 1Y 155d 2Y 310d 5Y 255d

4 Mbyte 138d16h 1Y328d 3Y291d 5Y 255d 11Y 145d 22y290d

Table 5: Memory card storage times for firmware version 7.80

Interval 1min 5min 10 min 15 min 30 min 60 min

Internal 12h 2d13h 5d2h 7d 15h 15d 7h 30d 15h

1 MByte 6d 12h 32d 16h 65d 8h 98d 0h 196d0h 1Y 27d

4 MByte 26d 3h 130d 16h 261d 8h 1Y 27d 4Y 108d 8Y 216d

Table 6: Memory card storage times for firmware version 12.30

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4.9 Gas routing concept

Figure 4-4: Flow schema

4.10 Drying

The relative humidity and outdoor temperature are recorded with the 1.158-EE sensor. When the relative
humidity exceeds 55%, the drying circuit is activated automatically. After entering the sample collection
head, the sample air flows past a Nafion membrane. When the drying circuit is active, dried air then flows
past in the opposite direction on the outside. From 1.2 l/min of exhaust air (Sample Out) and 0.9 l/min of
room air, 2.1 l/min of air is supplied to the counter flow drying circuit of the sample collection tube via a
vacuum filter, a critical nozzle and the sample collection tube holder. Drying with a Nafion membrane is
realised with the help of a vacuum on the outside. This membrane removes moisture from the sample air
using a water-specific chemical process. Water molecules are transported through the membrane via ion
channels. Then the vacuum pump transports the moisture to the outside via the protective filter through
the condensate drain. When the relative humidity falls below 50% again, the drying circuit is deactivated

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5 Particle measuring with Grimm dual technology

5.1 Measuring principle

The sample air is conducted into the measuring chamber through a stainless steel tube (di=3mm).
Particles contained in the sample air are classified by size and number in the measuring chamber using
scattered light measurement. A small measuring volume is exposed to a laser with downstream optics.
The flow of particles is conducted through this sensing volume. For environmental measurements, the
concentration of solids is so low that statistically there is only one particle in the sensing volume. The
scattered light emitted by each particle is captured by a second set of optics with an opening angle and a
scatter angle, deflected to a detector by a mirror, and the light intensity is measured. The particle size is
proportional to the intensity of the reflected beam of light. The count rate is derived from the number of
particles and the volume flow rate. When the particle diameter and density are known, the particle mass
can be derived from the particle count based on the assumption of a spherical shape. The light intensity is
also influenced by the particle shape and refraction index. This influence is very minor for environmental

Figure 5-1: Measurement principle

The measurement principle is shown in the illustration above. Test aerosols with a known particle size
and density are used to determine the scattered light intensity. An empirically established correction
factor is applied to determine the mass concentration of polydisperse mixtures.
A semiconductor laser serves as the light source in the EDM 180 spectrometer. In order to minimise the
influence of the refraction indexes, the 90° scattered light is guided to a receiver diode by a mirror with an
opening angle of approximately 120°. After amplification, the electrical signal of the diode is classified in
31 size channels according to the signal strength. This makes it possible to determine the grain size
distribution of the particles.
The channel limits are listed in Table 7. From the measured grain size distribution, the fractions are
calculated using calculation factors and summed. The calculation factors are based on the cumulative
frequency distribution of EN 12341 (PM10), EN 14907 (PM2.5). Adjustments are made under
consideration of the separation behavior of the sample intake on the test device and the particle density
through correlation with gravimetric measurements. A reference unit is configured with defined latex
particles to calibrate the channel limits. All other devices are compared to it prior to delivery and should
be subsequently checked against it on a 1-year cycle. The model 180 spectrometer should be returned to
the manufacturer for this purpose.

0.25 0.28 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.58 0.65 0.70 0.80 1.0 1.3 1.6 2.0 2.5
3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.5 7.5 8.0 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 25.0 30.0 32.0
Table 7: Channel limits for internal dust measurement of the test device in μm

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5.2 Calibration, physical background

Particle size detection is calibrated with mono-dispersive latex certified by the NIST (National Institute of
Standards and Technology). The dust mass calculation is calibrated with dolomite dust in comparison to a
reference device. All devices are delivered with a calibration certificate!

The condition of a spectrometer should be checked annually. Send the device to the
manufacturer for this purpose, where it is inspected and calibrated with the help of a
reference device. Alternatively the customer can perform the calibration directly. A calibration
tower and reference device are required to do so. Two special training sessions are required
for the correct operation of the calibration tower. The reference device must be inspected and
certified annually by the manufacturer using mono-dispersive latex aerosol.

Each manufacturer uses a different method for the calibration of aerosol spectrometers. Such a method
can be called a “house standard”. Why? Because there is no worldwide calibration standard for aerosol
spectrometers, all manufacturers should use the same standard aerosol particles for size calibration, for
example polystyrene, latex or PSL. The GRIMM “calibration house standard” is based on a comparison
between a reference device calibrated with PSL and the spectrometer candidate.
A calibration characteristic curve with all relevant parameters of our spectrometer (laser wavelength,
detector position, detector opening angle, PSL refraction index m = 1.60 +io etc.) has been calculated for
the reference device. The reference device is supplied with various mono-dispersive PSL samples and
the particle size measurements are validated for this standard material. As the master device, the first
Grimm reference device was in turn compared to the laser aerosol spectrometer model LAS-X from PMS,
Boulder, Colorado as a reference device.
We ensure correct particle size measurements in the specified channels with this procedure, for instance
31 for the models 107, 180 and 365.
The particle size is calibrated with NIST traceable polystyrene-latex from the company Duke Scientific.
This means the optical latex equivalent diameters are measured. The size channels refer to electronic
thresholds. When a single particle passes through the laser beam, the incident laser light is scattered.
This scattered light is collected by a mirror and focused on the detector at a specified angle. The photons
captured by the detector emit a “raw signal” which is amplified and classified into particle size channels.
Therefore the number and size of the aerosol particles can be measured.
A spectrometer candidate is calibrated against a reference device with the help of a fully computer-
controlled, automated “GRIMM calibration tower” using dolomite dust as the standard aerosol. Why
dolomite dust? Dolomite dust is non-toxic, non-hygroscopic, poly-dispersive and very stable in storage.
The dolomite dust covers the entire size range for all Grimm spectrometers from approximately 0.25 µm
to > 30 µm. Since both the reference device and the spectrometer candidate are manufactured the same
way, the dolomite dust has to lead to identical results for the two spectrometers. The dolomite dust is
blown into the top of the cylindrical calibration tower by a short blast of particle-free compressed air and
homogenously distributed through the entire cross-section. A reference device and three or six
candidates with identical aerosol intakes are installed on the lower section of the calibration tower. A
return flow of particle-free compressed air from the bottom to the top guarantees a clearly defined and
reproducible aerosol particle distribution during the entire calibration process.
During calibration, the number in each individual channel starting with the largest is compared
simultaneously between the reference device and the spectrometer candidate. The calibration software
can compare 32 size channels at the same time. The statistical comparison is based on a mean value
formed from two cycles of two minutes and ten minutes. Depending on the measured particle
concentration, the calibration software can electronically adjust the threshold of the candidate.

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Lower threshold = more particles in the channel

Higher threshold = fewer particles in the channel

Figure5-2: Screenshot of the Grimm calibration software during the calibration

process with a reference device and candidate (here Grimm environmental dust
monitor with 31 channels)

The columns in the table in Figure5-2 show the 31 channels. From top to bottom, the rows in the table
show the particle number concentration of the reference device and, for each candidate, the electronic
threshold settings, the particle number concentration of the candidate and the calculated relative error.
Three different colours are used to indicate the significance of the relative errors: Red values during the
calibration process indicate that a channel is outside the tolerance range. Green values indicate that the
calibration is within the permitted tolerance range. Black values mean that the relative error is being
stored for quality assurance and documentation, the channel threshold is being fixed and the channel is
identified as “Calibrated” in the software table. Comparing the mean values is repeated around ten times
for each size channel until all measurements for the candidate compared to the reference device are
repeatedly within the permitted tolerance range with an accuracy of ± 2%. Since the particle diameter is
used to the power of three in calculating the particle mass, the certified accuracy for mass mode is ± 5%.
The calibration software checks all relevant parameters and the quantity of calibration dust to ensure that
the concentrations lie above a certain minimum. All results are stored electronically and saved in the
database for quality assurance purposes. Calibration on the tower is followed by an additional
comparison under indoor conditions. The following screenshot from the Grimm calibration software
CalSoft is provided for clarification.

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What are known as “ramps” show two examples of the measured particle number concentration for a
candidate compared to the reference unit, respectively before and after calibration.

Figure 5-3: Calibration: Simultaneously measured particle concentration for all 31 size channels of the
candidate (red) and reference device (blue) vs. time

Figure 5-4: Mass comparison: Simultaneously measured particle concentration for three relevant
environmental values of the candidate and reference device vs. time

For the environmental device models (EDM164, EDM180, EDM365), a continuous test of the complete
system with its own sample collection probe and housing is now performed. The systems are operated in
an outdoor test for approximately two days for validation. All functions such as sensors for temperature
and relative humidity or temperature control are tested in this process. The data recorded during the
continuous test are statistically evaluated and stored in a database.

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Calibration label

The calibration label on rear of the measuring device is punched to indicate the month and year when the
calibration expires. After expiry, GRIMM Aerosol Technik assumes no liability for the accuracy of the
measurements within the specified error limits. This also applies if the calibration label is damaged or

Figure 5-5: Calibration label

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6 Measurement process
6.1 Putting the EDM 180 into operation

Before starting the measuring process, determine how the measurement data will be recorded and
processed. The following options are available:
- Online data capture via a network and storage on a PCMCIA memory card
- Storage of the data on a PCMCIA memory card only, without online data capture.
For recording the data via a network/using a PC connected via the RS 232 interface, see Section 7.
The PCMCIA memory card has to be inserted into the model 187 spectrometer before starting the
measuring process. The memory card has to be accepted by the measurement device. Please note the
information in Section 4.8 for the installation and use of the memory card.

Data may be lost if the memory card is not installed properly!

After switching on the device with the on/off switch, the LCD screen shows the model designation and
software version number. The date and time are displayed after approximately 5 seconds.
If a memory card is installed, the size of the memory card (Card), version number (Version), configured
data storage interval (the interval can be changed in standby mode with the + / - buttons) and the
available storage capacity as storage time are displayed one after the other.
By pressing the {Standby} button (only while “filter changed? Press +:yes -:no” is shown on the display),
the serial number and hours of operation for the device are displayed. The pump and laser operating
duration is counted as the operating time. The functions of the remaining buttons are the same as
described in Section 4.7. Now the device asks if the filter has been changed (filter changed?). Always
respond with {-} if you have not changed the filter. Answering yes {+} resets the calculated filter weight
and the corresponding sample volume to zero. These values are important for service (evaluating the
filter load). The keyboard response is delayed to prevent the values from being erased unintentionally.
You have to press and hold the button for at least one second until a beep is heard. Now the measuring
process starts with a self-test that takes about 30 seconds.
Every measurement is initiated by a self-test. The measuring cell is purged with clean air. Several
different status values are recorded in this process, allowing conclusions to be drawn about the device
If the device is intact, the message: “Self Test OK” is displayed, otherwise the message: “New Self Test”.
Should this error message occur more than once, there is a device fault that has to be rectified. The
measurement device attempts to perform the self-test 5 times. Then the message “Fatal Error Please
Check!” is displayed. Also see Section 10.2.

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Possible causes are:

• A very dirty measuring cell, or a fibre protruding into the laser beam
• Device temperature over 40°C
• A laser failure or other hardware defect (moisture sensor)
One of the two LEDs may also light up red. The Dryer LED lights up red if there is an error in the vacuum
drying circuit. In this case you should also perform a thorough review of the correct position/installation of
the sample collection tube (also see Section 3). Otherwise contact the Service department. Normally the
actual dust measurement begins after the self-test. The measurement is updated on the display every 6
seconds. After a minute the measurements should have stabilised, since the rolling average for the last
minute (the last 10 measurements) is always used to make the display more consistent.

6.2 Measurement display

In standby mode the display of measurements can be changed by pressing the {PM Mode} and {+} or {-}
buttons. Only two measurements can be shown at the same time since the display has two lines. In
measurement operation, the measurements of the connected climate sensors can also be displayed
alternately in the first row by pressing the {+} button (see Section 4.7).

6.3 Model versions of the EDM 180

The EDM 180 as a continuously measuring environmental dust monitor is offered in seven versions. Use
the matrix below for easier orientation.

PM10 Total particle count

PM2.5 PM 1, PMC, TSP* 31 size channels
Type Online Storage Online Storage Online Storage Online Storage Online Storage
A x x
B x x
C x x x** x**
CE x x x*** x***
D x x x x x x x
E**** x x x x x x x x x
MC x x x x x x x x

(*) Either PM1, PMC or TSP can be recorded. This has to be configured using the country code before starting the measuring
process (see Section 0).
(**) PMC can also be recorded instead of PM2.5, with configuration using the country code.
(***) Only TSP can be recorded, not switchable.
(****) PM10, PM2.5, PM1 or PMC or TSP, TC in version 7.80 or switchable in
31 size channels in version 12.30 (see Section 0)

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7 Software
7.1 HyperTerminal via RS-232 interface

Every Grimm spectrometer can be operated with corresponding control commands using HyperTerminal.
HyperTerminal is a text-based communication program included with the Windows operating system
since Windows 2.0. Windows no longer includes HyperTerminal since Windows Vista, but this can be
downloaded from the pages of the company Hilgraeve as a billable or free download.

7.2 Establishing a HyperTerminal cable connection

With the datalogger installed, disconnect the yellow patch cable from the RS232-4 interface on the
datalogger and use the supplied RJ45 coupling with the included patch cable and USB adapter to
connect it to the USB port on your PC or laptop.
If a datalogger was not ordered, use one of the two RS-232 interfaces on the measuring device and a
Grimm 1141A data cable to connect the RS-232 interface on the measurement device to the USB port on
your PC or laptop.
HyperTerminal is found in Windows 7 under:
1. Enter a name for the new connection and confirm with OK.

Figure 7-1: New HyperTerminal connection

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2. Select the COM interface used to connect the device and confirm with OK.

Figure 7-2: Interface selection

3. The following settings have to be configured.

Figure 7-3: Transmission parameters

4. Check the connection by pressing {v}. Now the version of your device has to be displayed.

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5. Now the spectrometer can be controlled with the commands in Section Fehler! Verweisquelle
konnte nicht gefunden werden..
The {?} character for example opens a help screen.

Figure 7-4: Help screen of the model 187 spectrometer

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7.3 RS-232 commands

A Output of the current alarm value. It can be changed in standby mode.

B Output of the battery charge level (always 130%)

D Read memory
ASCII data transfer from the memory card (only in standby), location “0” for all

E Output error code (ERROR)

Error code Display output Meaning

128 NEW SELFTEST Self-test error
64 NO MEMOCARD No memory card, incorrect version or
card with data from another device
32 Unused
16 Self-test after power failure
8 VACUUM ERROR Insufficient vacuum
4 FLOW-ERROR Flow rate control outside the control
3 Unused
2 CHECK Filter Negative pressure >50 mbar
1 Unused
F Activate fast mode. The measurement data are output over the RS-232 interface
every 6 seconds but not stored.

G Output gravimetry factor. It can be changed in standby mode. On model 164 the
gravimetry factor can be changed between 0.5 and 2.5 in increments of 0.01.

H Output hours of operation

I Interval for normal output and storage in memory. Can be changed in standby
mode. Storage interval setting:
0 = 1 minute
1 = 5 minutes

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2 = 10 minutes
3= 15 minutes
4 = 30 minutes
5 = 60 minutes
6 = 6 seconds

J Output of the separation characteristics of the data (e.g. PM10).

J: PM10 PM2.5 PM1.0

L Output measuring location number and change in standby mode

M Output mean values and their sample volume.

O Output memory size (only in standby mode). If a {+} is sent after outputting the
capacity, the memory is erased entirely.

P Modem preferences submenu

R Run. Start the measurements from standby mode.

S End of measurement, switch to standby mode.

T Time output. The clock can be set in standby mode. If the minutes are changed,
the seconds are set to zero. (Time)

U Keyboard lock
U=0 Keyboard unlocked
U=1 Unable to go to standby mode
U=2 No keyboard operation possible

V Output version number of the device software

Version: 7.80 E

W Output filter weight and corresponding sample volume (weight)

Z Output and subsequent reset of the mean values and the volume (zero)

@ Output of the serial number

Ser.No. 87F14017

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Long Turning on the dust monitor (if shut off with ^Y)

Underscore Output of the “user” texts and analogue input factors (only in standby mode).

The three user texts are output in the first line. The second line first shows the
three multiplication factors for the analogue voltage and then the offset values.

$ Select or change the user texts and the factors for the analogue voltage
outputs on the display (only in standby mode). Special characters (via ASCII
127) cannot be input. The ‘°’ character (ASCII 248) is output as ‘_’.
Preconfigured texts can be selected with the TAB key and confirmed with the
enter key. They can also be overwritten with any texts. Numeric output is
always five digits and begins at the 9th place. An audible warning is emitted if
characters are entered here, except a decimal point. The multiplication factor
that refers to 1V can then be entered after the text. It can also be changed with
the ‘*’ command.
Example: Temperature sensor: 0°C = 3.0V and 50°C:=:8.0V User text: Temp.:
User factor: 10.0 [°C/V] Offset: 3.00V
The sensor data are read directly from the climate sensor (sensors starting with
ID “E”, as 3rd character in the serial number, are equipped with an EEPROM
for the sensor data). Transferring the data from the EEPROM, including the
user text, only takes place if the user factors in the device are set to 1.0 and the
offset values to 0.0. Recalibration by the user therefore continues to be
possible (positive offset values are not possible).

* Change the user factors and offset (only in standby mode).

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% Display the memory size and available memory if nothing is overwritten.

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All of following commands are issued with {Ctrl} + {letter}

^A Output calibration factors for the analogue input voltages

^B Set the baud rate for data transmission:

0 = 9,600 baud
1 = 19,200 baud
3 = 57,600 baud

^D Suppresses the transfer of measurements

^E Request for mass value transfer/turn off fast mode

^L Country setting (E or U) for date output on the dust monitor (in standby mode only).

^T Timer mode to turn the dust monitor on and off automatically

^Y Turn off the dust monitor

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7.4 Grimm Windows 1178 software

The fully revised 1178 software was introduced in 2010 and is compatible with the 32 and 64-bit operating
systems starting with Windows XP.
Data are shown numerically or graphically in the following formats:
Number distribution: Particle number concentration in all channels as particles/litre
Depending on device version
Occupational safety: Three mass fractions (inhalable, thoracic and respirable) in the unit µg/m³. The
values are calculated with a uniform density factor for all size channels and
specific weight factors (not public) based on the number distribution,
incorporating the European EN 481 standard. Depending on device version
Environmental protection: Three mass fractions (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1) in the unit µg/m³.
The values are calculated with a uniform density factor for all size channels
and specific weight factors (not public) based on the measured number
distribution, incorporating relevant standards.
External sensors: Depending on type, for example temperature, relative humidity, flow rate.
Service data: Pump flow, battery charge level, operating errors etc.
Statistics: Various statistical performance figures for the measurements as well as
presentation of mean values and box plots for PM values and mass fractions
according to occupational safety.
The Grimm Windows Software 1178 supports online statistical data analysis, the analysis of the device
functions and a complete system diagnosis.

7.4.1 Installation of the 1178 software

The software is provided to you with the order on the supplied USB stick. The installation instructions
refer to installation from the USB stick.
1. First install the runtime and Visa from the folder “Schritt_1_Runtime_+_VISA”
2. Open “Schritt_2_Spektrometer-Software” and copy the folder “1178_Vx-x” to your hard drive,
for example to C:\Program Files\Grimm
3. Copy the license file from the folder “Schritt_3_Lizenzdatei-für-Software” to the folder
“1178_Vx-x” on your hard drive
For demo measurements – user code: “Demo”
Alternatively you can download the installation instructions for the Labview software from the homepage
of Grimm Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG. Under, go to the pull-down
“Products” and select “Software”. In the file “Installation Process and Software Manual” in German and
English, Select the English version and install the 1178 software including the license file according to
these instructions.

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7.4.2 Screenshots of the software

This is a view of the home screen

after the software has recognised
the connected spectrometer.

Figure 7-5: Home screen

Figure 7-6: Setting the measuring interval

Window to select the measuring interval.

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Window for synchronisation of the

time and date between the
spectrometer and PC.

Figure 7-7: Time synchronisation

You can enter the following for easier

data identification:

 A comment

 The user

 Information about the

measuring location
These data are included in the header
when exporting to MS Excel.

Figure 7-8: Selecting the file name and storage location

Overview of the determined values:

The window to the left displays the
mass values in addition to the count
values in selected ranges.
The window on the right displays the
count values across all channels.

Figure 7-9: Count values

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Figure 7-10: Particle distribution diagram (counts)

Use the (dN.., dS.., dM..) tabs

above the graphical display to
evaluate various distributions
such as the particle count,
particle surface and particle

Figure 7-11: Particle mass distribution diagram

Further analyses of the counts, for example regarding the particle diameters, number of particles in table
form and other characteristics, are possible with the Grimm Windows 1178 software. Further information
is found in the manual for the GRIMM Windows Software 1178.

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7.5 Displaying the measurements of the Grimm device

7.5.1 With the terminal program

The device has to be set to service mode 0 before switching. This requires a terminal program.
The function is optional and only supported by certain models.
The following versions are possible depending on the order (see page 55):

 Model A

 Model B

 Model C

 Model CE

 Model D

 Model E

 Model MC
Version 7.80
PM 10, PM 2.5, PM1.0 in memory, display and via the RS232 interface
Version 12.30
31 channels particle count/size distribution in memory, display and via the RS 232 interface.

7.5.2 Activating service mode 0

To activate service mode 0, follow these steps:

 Open the HyperTerminal software

 Send the { | } character (this is done with {Alt Gr} and the < > key, or with Alt 124 on the
number pad. Therefore the ASCII Code is 124 decimal)

 Press the Tab key

 Press the {v} key to check

 The firmware date has to be displayed in addition to the firmware

Using the Grimm EDM 164 as an example:
Without service mode
Version: 7.80 E
With service mode
Version: 7.80 E DM180G 23.1.2008 87C552:011 DM180GL 23.01.2008
Version: 12.30 E DM180G 23.1.2008 87C552:011 DM180GL 23.01.2008

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With Ctrl and v then { (open curly bracket, ASCII 123), the device is switched
to version 7.80.
With Ctrl and v then } (closed curly bracket, ASCII 125), the device is
switched to version 12.30

Before changing the version, the memory/memory card should be read since
it has to be reinitialised after switching.
The memory has to be erased after changing the version (see Section 4.7.3
and 0).

7.5.3 Returning to service mode 0:

 Send the { | } character (this is done with {Alt Gr} and the < > key, or with Alt 124 on the
number pad.

 Send a random character to exit service mode 0

7.5.4 With the Grimm Windows 1178 software

The Grimm Windows software recognises the connected spectrometer in the initialisation process, reads
the drivers and sets the display type for the measuring results. This process is fully automated.

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8 Accessories
8.1 Data interfaces on the EDM 180

8.1.1 Serial interface

Communication between the EDM 180 and a PC or datalogger can be established over the serial
interface. It is found on the rear of the EDM 180 and behind a flap on the front of the EDM 180. Without a
datalogger, communication with the PC is possible with the supplied 1141A accessory. (See Section 7.)
The serial interface is a 9-pin port, one of which is found on the rear of the device (designated “RS232 to
PC”). Communication between a PC and the device is via this interface. The second interface is behind
the front cover and intended for service. There is a LEDabove the port indicating an existing connection
when it is green. Only the RS-232 connecting cable with the catalogue number 1.143E or 1.141 may be
used. The service port takes precedence if the terminal program sets the handshake lines (CTS or DSR)
to high.
The EDM 180 is equipped with RS-232 interfaces. These connections are left free at the factory. If no
datalogger is installed, these connections can be used as desired.
For communication between the EDM 180 and PC, connect a 1141A or 1141DL data cable to this RS-
232 port to establish the connection between the model 187 spectrometer and PC.

Figure 8-1: Pin assignment of the jack on the dust monitor, RS-232 to PC

Please note: The spectrometer has a serial RS-232 interface. To exchange data with a
PC, it has to have a corresponding interface as well. Corresponding USB adapters are
available as accessories from Sales.

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8.2 Measurement transmission

In firmware 7.xx the mass concentration values are output with a multiplier of 10 due to the resolution of
0.1 μg/m³! At the end of an interval, the measurements are output with the corresponding lead data. The
mean values for the storage interval are transmitted for the mass display. The measurements are
identified with [ N ] for mass, [ _ ] for mean value and [ , ] for the factor 10. For column assignment see
the command {J}.
In firmware 12.30 the particle concentrations are output at intervals of 1 minute to 1 hour as particles per
litre [C_:]. In the 6-second interval, the particle number concentration is output in the unit of particles per
100 millilitres [C0:].

8.2.1 P-line

There are three data strings for measurement transmission. The actual measurements as counts or
mass, the P-line with lead data and the K-line with calibration data.
The K-line appears once after the end of the self-test at the start of every measurement and contains
information about the state of the laser diode and optical measuring cell. A detailed description is
provided in Section 6.4.
The P-line is marked with a “P” and contains the lead data such as the date, time, sensor values and
some service values. The P-line is output via the terminal and stored on the USB stick/memory card.
According to the configured interval, the P-line appears once or e.g. after each dataset in what is known
as fast P-mode. It is structured as follows:
P 14 9 23 12 56 1 0 0 100 25 64 4 0 0 0 6 217 375

The data in the P-line are designated as follows:

Year Mon Day Hr Min Loc GF Err Qbatt Im UeL Ue4 Ue3 Ue2 Ue1 Iv P_Weight P_Vol[l]

The meanings of the individual values are explained below using sample values (in bold).
P 14 9 23 12 56 1 0 0 100 25 64 4 0 0 0 6 217 375 3
The measuring time with year, month, day, hour and minute is stored in the first five places.

P 14 9 23 12 56 1 0 0 100 25 64 4 0 0 0 6 217 375

This is followed by the measuring location, which can be chosen from 1 to 99, and the gravimetry factor.
For measurements in count mode, the gravimetry factor is not considered. The gravimetry factor can be
configured in mass mode. The factory default setting is 1.

P 14 9 23 12 56 1 0 0 100 25 64 4 0 0 0 6 217 375

Error codes are stored in the eighth place. The error codes are encoded as bit values. For the meanings
of the error codes, see the table under control command E in Section 0. A value of 0 means there is no

P 14 9 23 12 56 1 0 100 25 64 4 0 0 0 6 217 375

The battery charge level is stored in the ninth place, followed by the motor current input of the internal
sample air pump. Both values are given in percent. A value of 130 for the battery charge level indicates
that the spectrometer is operated on the power supply. Typical values for the motor current input are
between 10 and 40%.

P 14 9 23 12 56 1 0 0 100 25 64 4 0 0 0 6 217 375

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The next five values contain the measurements from optional sensors, for example the temperature,
relative humidity and flow rate. Please contact the nearest GRIMM sales office or dealer for further

P 14 9 23 12 56 1 0 0 100 25 64 4 0 0 0 6 217 375

Iv indicates the current measuring interval.

P 14 9 23 12 56 1 0 0 100 25 64 4 0 0 0 6 217 375

p_weight indicates the dust weight in µg that has passed the measuring cell since the last service/reset.
p_vol indicates how many litres of air have passed the measuring cell since the last service/reset.
P_weight and p_volume are optional parameters and not available on all devices, depending on the
firmware being used.

8.2.2 K-line, function test of the optical measuring cell, laser diode and photo diode

The condition of the optical measuring cell and the function of the optics, photo diode in the optical
measuring cell and laser diode are determined during the self-test. These values appear in what is called
the K-line in case of data output using HyperTerminal. The individual values in the K-line are explained in
the following.
K 665 1292 1654 0 0 59 105
The value DC/v shows the DC voltage of the pre-amplifier without bias voltage (offset value). This serves
as a reference value and has no meaning for the customer.
K 665 1292 1654 0 0 59 105
The photo diode generates an open-circuit voltage when the laser diode is off. This open-circuit voltage is
called DC_d where d stands for “dark”. A value of 1292 in the K-line for example corresponds to a voltage
of 129.2 mV.
When the laser is turned on, the voltage of the photo diode in the example shown above increases to
165.4 mV. The h in DC_h stands for “high”. The increase in the DC voltage results from the residual light
of the laser, e.g. due to reflection in the measuring cell. Most of the laser light is normally absorbed by the
light trap.
The DC_d and DC_h values are variable, for example depending on the temperature. However, the
difference between DC_h and DC_d should always remain nearly constant. Approximately 36 mV in the
example above (165.4 mV – 129.2 mV). Therefore the difference is a good indicator for the condition of
the measuring cell.
If the difference between DC_d and DC_h changes a lot, the optics have to be cleaned or repaired by a
service technician. The nominal difference between DC_d and DC_h can be obtained for each device
from the most recent service record, or for new equipment from the acceptance record.
If the state of the measuring cell changes, for instance because of dirt, this difference increases rapidly.
For example, lint caught in the aerosol intake nozzle and projecting into the laser beam can cause the
DC_h value to increase to more than 65000. In this case it is even possible that 0 is displayed for DC_h.
A difference near zero, e.g. 2.3 mV is typical for a defective laser diode. A defective laser diode only
emits weak light similar to a red LED.
K 665 1292 1654 0 0 59 105
The values C0_h and C0_d always have to be 0.
C0_h stands for counts without particles or zero counts with the laser turned on, and h therefore means
“high”. Particle-free purge air flows through the measuring cell during the self-test. Therefore no particles
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can get into the measuring cell and the value has to be 0. A value not equal to zero indicates unwanted
particles in the measuring cell, e.g. due to a leak in the sample air path.
C0_d is determined with the laser turned off and d therefore stands for “dark”. If a value not equal to zero
is listed under C0_d, this indicates a problem with the signal amplifier. Since no scattered light can be
produced without laser light, this has to be caused by electronic interference.
K 665 1292 1654 0 0 59 105
The laser diode in a GRIMM aerosol spectrometer is operated with two alternating laser outputs in what is
known as multiplex mode. La_l “low” means low laser current in mA and La_h “high” means high laser
current. If the La_h current increases to values greater than 180 mA, the laser diode is probably
All devices include a quality assurance acceptance record containing the K-line values from factory
calibration by the manufacturer for comparative purposes.

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8.3 Service mode settings

Service mode 0 is a service mode for anyone. Main functions:

 Function without climate sensors

 HyperTerminal command ^F to correct the flow rate

 Switching from PM to count mode (optional, depending on version)

Service mode can also be activated with {Alt} + {124} (ASCII character 124) or {AltGr} {><} key followed
by the {Tab} key.
With data output over the RS-232 interface, additional data and explanatory texts are output. Several
additional control commands are available, such as reading the last service with “~” (Last Service) or
reading the flow rate with “^F” (Flow Adjust).

Example 1:
Pressing V in user mode displays the software version number:
Version: 12.30 E

Pressing V in service mode displays the processor type and creation date for the two firmware elements
in addition to the firmware version number.
Version: 12.30 E DM109G 17.12.2007 87C552:011 DM109G 14.12.2007

Example 2:
Normal data presentation in user mode:

Data presentation in service mode with brief explanation of the P-line values:

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8.4 Datalogger

8.4.1 Installation of the datalogger

The mechanical installation of the datalogger is described in Section 3.3. Please refer to that section for
subsequent installation.

8.4.2 Interfaces on the datalogger

The plate illustrated here is installed on every

datalogger. The face side with all
connections that can be easily concealed in
the installed state is shown at the top.
Study this illustration closely and remember
the corresponding connections.
The cables for connection to the datalogger
are pre-installed in the sample collection tube
holder especially converted for the
datalogger, so that the datalogger can be
easily installed at any time.

Figure 8-1: Datalogger plate

The interfaces on the datalogger are:

 RS232-1: Connection for nano-sensor or PAH sensor

 RS232-2: Connection for service activities

 RS232-3: Connection for GPRS mouse

 RS232-4: Connection for spectrometer

 RS485: Connection for the meteorological sensor

 Ethernet: Laptop/PC connection

 Micro-SD card slot: Slot for micro-SDHC card with 4 GB storage capacity, FAT32

 GSM: Connection for antenna

 DC: Connection for power to datalogger (12-28 VDC

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RS 232-1 Connection for nano-sensor or PAH sensor

 When a nano-sizer or PAH sensor is added to the system, the sensor cable is connected to this

 However, the housing of the EDM 180 does not have room for a nano-sizer or PAH sensor. If you
need to add a nano-sizer or PAH sensor to the EDM 180, please contact your GRIMM dealer or
GRIMM Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG for advice.

RS 232-2 Connection for service activities

 This connection is used for various service activities.

RS 232-3 Connection for GPS receiver

 For device positioning via GPS, a GPRS receiver can be connected to this connection (green
cable). Subsequently the position of the device can be checked on the website www.grimm- (provided the datalogger is connected to the Internet).

RS 232-4 Connection for spectrometer

 The spectrometer is connected here (yellow cable).

RS485: Connection for meteorological sensor

 The red cable for the meteorology sensor is connected here.

Ethernet connection

 The Ethernet connection has a standard pin assignment that corresponds to conventional
network cables. Either a crossover or a standard patch cable available from retailers may be

 The interface automatically detects a 10 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s connection. The LED on the right
indicates the speed. The LED on the left shows incoming and outgoing data traffic.

 IP settings such as the IP address, subnet mask and gateway can be easily configured using the
integrated HTML page. Alternatively the settings can be configured using a PC connected to the
RS232-2 interface or the maintenance and control program for measuring station computers.

 To integrate the EDM 180 into your network, you may have to change the IP address to meet
your requirements. Contact your network administrator in this case.

 Every datalogger is delivered with the IP address It can be accessed through a web
browser to display the HTML configuration page. In order to do so, connect the datalogger to your
PC or company network using the supplied patch cable. You many have to change the network
settings on your PC. Contact your network administrator in case of problems. Now you can
change the IP address of the datalogger according to your needs and depending on your
company network. Subsequently you can restore the original settings on your PC. The datalogger
does not support the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

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Micro-SD card slot:

 A micro-SD card can be inserted here. Memory cards with a storage capacity up to 4 GB and
speed class 4 or better are supported. All data are stored on the memory card as ASCII text files
in the FAT32 format. A file is created for each day. The individual data points are separated by
semicolons and can be imported into spreadsheet programs such as Excel or Calc.

GSM: Connection for antenna

 A GSM antenna can be installed here to connect to the Internet via a GSM mobile telephone
network. Please also note the information in the datalogger manual.

DC: Connection for power to datalogger

 The operating voltage of the datalogger is between 12 and 28 VDC.

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8.5 Accessories for the EDM 180

Order no. Description

180 Stationary environmental dust monitor EDM 180 for use in a

19” rack in measuring containers

187 Stationary spectrometer that determines PM10, PM 2.5 and

PM 1 values

181 Stationary sample collection tube holder

182 Sample collection tube 1.5 m

1141A Cable, RS-232 to USB

1142.M5 Datalogger

1178 32/64-bit LabVIEW software for model 164DM

1161A Battery for memory card

1147B Acoustic and visual alarm emitter

Sources of supply

Accessories and consumables are available from your regional dealer or:
GRIMM Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG
Dorfstraße 9
D-83404 Ainring, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 8654-578-0

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9 “Gesytec” special measurement data protocol

Intelligent, microprocessor controlled measuring stations are increasingly used in immission measuring
networks. By default these are equipped with a serial interface to transfer measuring data as well as the
operating and error status, and to receive control commands. To ensure the trouble-free connection of
various device combinations, the Gesytec protocol as the standard interface for measuring networks for
automatic air monitoring is explained in the following.
Switching operating modes is possible exclusively using the keypad on the dust monitor. When switching
on the device, simultaneously press the “ON” and “+” buttons until the LCD screen shows the model
designation and version. This switches the device to Gesytec operating mode.
An “S” appended to the version indicates this. To switch to normal operation, press the “ON” and “-”
buttons while powering up. In this case either “E” or “US” is appended to the version depending on the
chosen time display format.

Figure 9-1: Control panel on the model 187


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9.1 Settings in normal operation

To configure the EDM 180 for the Gesytec protocol, use the RS232 command “:” that sets the Gesytec
default settings. Sending the “:” character (ASCII code 58) in standby mode displays the following
-- Gesytec settings --
Device ID: 250
Serial number : 0
Baud rate RS22: 9600
Count 4th device: OFF
1 minute mean: OFF
Auto-Cal. [h] : OFF
Timer-Cal. : OFF
[K] [S] [B] [C] [M] [A] [T] [Esc] [ENTER] ?

The last row of this display lists the possible configuration commands.

[K] After sending the “K” character, the device ID can be changed. Numbers in the range of 0 to
255 are permitted. A device ID is assigned to each measurement (PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 1 and
total particle concentration). The first device ID, that is PM 10, is always output.
A device ID respectively incremented by 1 is automatically assigned to the measurements
PM 2.5, PM 1 and the total particle concentration.

[S] The Gesytec serial number can be entered in the range of 0 to 997 after sending the “S”
character. This serial number identifies the measurement device (hardware) and not the
measurement, which is the case with the device ID.
[B] The desired baud rage can be set after sending the “B” character. Numbers from 0 through 4
may be input. Help text is displayed for orientation.
The following baud rates are supported: 0=1200, 1=2400, 2= 4800, 3=9600, 4=19200

[C] In Gesytec mode the EDM 180 can output 3 (PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 1) or 4 (PM 10, PM 2.5,
PM 1 and total particle concentration) measurements. After sending the “C” command, the
4th device (total particle concentration) can be activated with “+” or deactivated with “-”.
[M] Regardless of the storage interval configured on the EDM 180, the measurements can be
accessed in two ways using Gesytec: either as a one-minute mean value or as a mean value
of 6-second measurements depending on the query interval. After sending the “M”
command, the 1-minute mean value can be activated with “+” or deactivated with “-”.

[A] Auto-Cal activates a self-test on a specific full hour. 0 has to be entered for 24 hundred
hours (midnight). Only Timer-Cal or Auto-Cal can be activated. The actual point in time may
be delayed by one storage interval since the self-test is only activated after storage. The
value 0 turns off both.

[T] Timer-Cal is the time in hours after which the device performs a self-test. “0” turns Timer-Cal
off again.

[ESC] Use Escape to exit the submenus without changing the settings.

[ENTER] Use “ENTER” to save the settings and close the menu.

[?] Sending “?” displays the row with the possible commands again.

9.2 Gesytec structure

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Various telegrams are used for control and RS-232 data transfer in Gesytec mode. The structure and
meaning of these telegrams is explained in this section.

9.2.1 Data transmission

The telegram for transmission of the measurement data can be 99 to 129 bytes long. The length depends
on the number of measurement devices; three (PM 10, PM2.5, PM1) or four (PM 10, PM2.5, PM1 and
total particle concentration)
The following telegram contains four measurement devices. The designations for the 4th measurement
device are shown in cursive.
Byte no. Data format Field designation
1 <STX> Start of text
2-3 MD Telegram ID (measurement data)
4-6 04# Number of measurement devices (measurements) for the
measuring station
7-10 nnn# Measurement device ID
11-19 ±nnnn±ee# Measurement PM10 in ±n.nnn µg/m³,
20-22 hh# Operating status
23-25 hh# Error status
26-29 nnn# Serial number
30-36 nnnnn# Temperature in 1/10 °C (F=minus)
37-40 nnn# Measurement device ID +1
41-49 ±nnnn±ee# Measurement PM 2.5 in ±n.nnn µg/m³
50-52 hh# Operating status
53 -55 hh# Error status
56-59 nnn# Serial number
60-66 nnnnn# Relative humidity in 1/10%
67-70 nnn# Measuring device ID +2
71-79 ±nnnn±ee# Measurement PM 1 in ±n.nnn µg/m³
80-82 hh# Operating status
83-85 hh# Error status
86-89 nnn# Serial number
90-96 nnnnn# Motor current in %
97-100 nnn# Measuring device ID +3
101-109 ±nnnn±ee# Total particle concentration measurement in ±n.nnn
110-112 hh# Operating status
113-115 hh# Error status
116-119 nnn# Serial number
120-126 nnnnn# P-weight in µg
127 (97) <EXT> End of text
128 (98) <BCC1> Block check character top nibble
129 (99) <BCC2> Block check character bottom nibble
Table 8: Explanation of Gesytec telegram with measurement data

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The data formats in the telegram descriptions are interpreted as follows:

n Numbers 0 – 9 (ASCII characters; $30 _ n _ $39
hh ASCII-hex representation of a byte, for example: $4C (="L") is transmitted in 2 bytes: "4C" =
$34/$43 Splitting a byte is necessary due to the original 1-bit transmission.
±nnnn±ee n/e: Numbers 0 – 9. The field contents are interpreted as follows: ±n.nnn * 10 ±ee
Example +1234-03 means +1.234*10 . A decimal point is set after the first number!
ABCDEF Letters A–Z, a–z; numbers 0–9
# Space
<> The telegram control characters and BCCs are enclosed in <>.
All values in numeric data fields must be right-aligned and filled with zeroes (“0”) to the left.
The block check character is formed in bytes as the exclusive OR sum (starting with zero) across all
transmitted characters (including STX and ETX). The result is transmitted as a two nibble hexadecimal.

Operating status

The following table illustrates the meaning of the individual bits.

BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Decimal 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Meaning MW 8 MW 4 MW 2 MW 1 Drying Self-test Standby Measurements

activated active already

Table 9: Operating status table

BIT 0 Set to 1 if the measurement has already been obtained and no new measurement is ready to get
BIT 1 Set to 1 if the EDM 180 is in standby mode.
BIT 2 Set to 1 if the EDM 180 is conducting the self-test.
BIT 3 Set to 1 as long as the drying circuit is active.
BIT 4 through 7 with activated 1-minute mean value:
When the 1-minute mean value is activated, a 60-second mean value can be obtained once per
minute. The mean values that are called are assigned an index from 1 through 10 determined
from the values MW 1, MW 2, MW 4 and MW 8 through addition. When the respective bit is set to
1, the corresponding MW value can be used for addition. The index is incremented by 1 per
minute. After reaching the index 10, the counter starts over at 1.

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BIT 4 through 7 with 1-minute mean value deactivated:

When the 1-minute mean value is deactivated, the mean value can be obtained at any desired
interval. This mean value is formed from 6-second measurements. The number of measurements
is given by addition of the values MW 1, MW 2, MW 4 and MW 8. When the respective bit is set
to 1, the corresponding MW value can be used for addition. If the mean value is formed from 15
or more measurements, all bits are set to 1, corresponding to the number 15.

Error status

The error status provides information about possible errors or warnings. Not every error or warning
indicates an incorrect measurement.
The error status output as a hexadecimal value can be converted into a decimal value. This decimal value
is the error code normally used in Grimm measurement devices; see Section 0. Different error codes can
also be added.

9.2.2 Data request

The “DA” telegram to request data has the following format:

Byte no. Data format Field designation
1 <STX> Start of text
2-3 DA Telegram ID
4 <EXT> End of text
5 <BCC1> Block check character top nibble
6 <BCC2> Block check character bottom nibble
Table 10: Data request telegram format

9.2.3 Device control

The “ST” telegram to control the EDM 180 has the following format:
Byte no. Data format Field designation
1 <STX> Start of text
2-3 ST Telegram ID
4-6 nnn Measuring device ID
7-8 #A Space, control characters (one letter)
9 <EXT> End of text
10 <BCC1> Block check character top nibble
11 <BCC2> Block check character bottom nibble
Table 11: ST telegram format

The following letters serve as control characters:

“R” (Run) Starts the measurements
“S” (Standby) Stops the measurements
“N” (Null) Same effect as run
To restart the EDM 180 with the “R” or “N” command, it does not have to be stopped with the “S”
command first.
Only the measurement device ID, measurement device ID +1 and measurement device ID +2 are
permitted for control. The measurement device ID +3 is not permitted even in case of 4 measurement

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10 Technical information
10.1 Technical data of the EDM 180

Measurement principle 90° scattered light measurement

Light source Semiconductor; wavelength 660 nm

Laser output Pmax 60 mW, normal 0.5/32mW (multiplex)

Sample flow rate 1.2 l/min ± 3 % constant through control

Purge airvolume 0.3 – 0.5 l/min

Smallest recorded particle size 0.25 μm

Classification: 31 channel internal, the specified channel limits [μm]

apply for a count effectiveness of 50% with
monodispersive latex aerosol.
0.25 - 0.28 - 0.3 - 0.35 - 0.4 - 0.45 - 0.5 - 0.58 - 0.65 -
0.7 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.3 - 1.6 - 2.0 - 2.5 - 3.0 - 3.5 - 4.0 - 5.0 -
6.5 7.5 - 8.5 - 10.0 - 12.5 - 15.0 - 17.5 - 20.0 - 25.0 -
30.0 –32.0

Mass calculation Mass calculation is optimised for the best correlation

with gravimetric reference filter collectors (EN12341,

Mass concentration range 0.1 –1,500 µg/m³

Presentation values: PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 1, PM coarse, TSP

Reproducibility: ± 5% across the overall measuring range.

Measuring time From 6 seconds to continuous operation

Main filter: Balston 993305 BQ

Data interfaces ASCII: RS-232 (9600 baud, 8-bit, no parity, 1 stop bit,
protocol: X-ON/X-OFF) Attention: Special assignment
of the 9-pin mini D-sub jack for alarm operation! Only
use the original 1.143E cable. GESYTEC: 19200 ..
1200 gaud; ID and serial no. Selectable
Ethernet: Patch and crossover cables may be used

Data protocol ASCII characters or GESYTEC

Self-diagnosis: With each start and automatic if Autocal >0

Operation: Membrane keyboard or RS-232 interface

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LCD screen: 2 * 16 alphanumeric characters, illuminated data

output LCD screen: Mean dust measurement values
as a rolling average over one minute or mean values
with corresponding sample volumes. Alarm values,
date and time, measurements of the optional auxiliary

Analogue inputs: 3x (0-10V), resolution 10-bit (approx. 10 mV). Display

with modifiable factors and offsets, selectable and
editable texts

Memory card: 1MB - 4MB SRAM, buffer battery; in addition to the

dust measurements typical for the device, the following
data are stored on the card at the configurable interval
(6 seconds to 60 minutes): date, time, measuring
location no., error code, magnetic valve current,
sensor data and analogue voltages

Power supply: 230V/ 50Hz, on request also 110V/ 60Hz

Output: max. P= 150W, I (max.) = 1,4A

Operating temperature range: +4°C to +40°C, relative humidity < 95% (non-

Temperature range for transportation and -20°C to +50 °C, relative humidity < 95% (non-
storage: condensing)

Sample air: -20°C to +60 °C, relative humidity < 95% non-corrosive

Pressure range of the sample air: 0 to -30 mbar (short term).

Housing dimensions: 266 * 483 * 364 mm

Device mass: 18 kg

Memory functions in case of power loss The last display mode selected in standby mode
remains set in the device. Alarm values, calculated
filter weight and sample volumes remain stored upon
shutting down. All mean values with the corresponding
sample volumes are also retained during a
measurement, so that measuring can continue
automatically when power is restored.

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10.1.1 Memory card 1142.A2 and 1142.A4

Different options are available for data storage in the EDM 180:
Internal memory 80 kByte
Memory card 1 MB (1142.A2) / 4 MB (1142.A4)
Data are stored according to the FIFO principle (first in – first out), meaning that the data written first are
overwritten and therefore erased. To ensure meaningful data storage, the measuring results have to be
saved according to the time interval of the measurement.

10.1.2 Datalogger 1142.M5

The 1142.M5 datalogger is a multifunctional device for storing the data from the input devices together
with the measuring results, connecting to a PC or laptop using suitable cables according to the interfaces,
and transferring data.

10.1.3 Acoustic and visual alarm emitter 1147B

The alarm emitter generates visual and acoustic signals when the alarm value on the spectrometer is
exceeded. Setting the threshold for the desired channel on the spectrometer is required for this purpose.
To set the alarm value through the display, proceed as follows:
Put the spectrometer into standby mode. Press the {PM Mode} button and then select the desired
channel on the top line of the display by pressing the {+}- or {-} button. Now the alarm threshold
for the previously selected channel can be set by pressing and holding the alarm button and
pressing the {+} or {-} button. The alarm emitter is tripped when the configured value is exceeded.
Erasing the alarm when the signal is emitted:
Put the spectrometer into standby mode.
Resetting the alarm value:
Reduce the alarm threshold to zero by pressing and holding the alarm button and pressing the { - }
The alarm value can also be set using HyperTerminal; see Section 0. Here the channel in the top row of
the display, which can be set with the {PM-Mode} button, is also important.

10.1.4 Rain protection cover

In regions with heavy rain (such as Asia, Australia, Africa and countries in South America), the large rain
protection cover for the sample collection head should be used so that water cannot enter the sample
collection system in case of heavy rainfall or wind-driven rain.

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EDM 180

10.1.5 Sample collection head heater

The model 180-DF external sample collection head heater is an accessory for the Grimm environmental
products (180, 365, 665). It keeps the sample collection head frost free for trouble-free measuring. The
maximum heater temperature is 10°C.
1 – Sample collection head heater
2 – Heater control
3 – Heat transfer paste

3 2 1

Figure 10-1: Sample collection head heater

Figure 10-2: Installed sample collection

head heater

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10.1.6 Test kit 186

Figure 10-3: Installed test

kit 186

The EDM test kit model 186 is an accessory for the Grimm environmental products (EDM 180, EDM 365,
EDM 665). It is used to verify the correct installation and functioning of the systems.
3 key functions can be differentiated:

 Zero filter test

 Leak tightness test

 Flow rate test

Sources of supply:

Accessories and consumables are available from your regional dealer or:
GRIMM Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG
Dorfstraße 9
D-83404 Ainring, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 8654-5780

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10.2 Troubleshooting

The operating safety of the system is subject to continuous electronic monitoring. When faults occur, the
status messages below can be displayed. If the configured alarm threshold is exceeded and in case of
device errors, for example a flow rate control defect or similar, a corresponding message is shown on the
display and a warning signal sounds.

10.2.1 Alarm and error messages on the display

NO SENSOR! No climate sensor (temperature/humidity) connected, or defective sensor.

Measurement is terminated. Connect sensor or replace defective sensor,
switch spectrometer to measuring mode.

CARD ERROR! The memory card was inserted or removed during measurement, or write
protection is active or has been activated. Set the EDM 180 to standby mode,
pull out the memory card, check it for write protection, insert the card into the
slot and set the measurement device to measuring mode.

NEW SELF TEST This error in the self-test phase of the dust monitor can have various causes
(see Section 10.2.3)

SELF TEST NOT OK This error message can have numerous causes (see Section 10.2.3).
Connect the measurement device to a PC and start HyperTerminal in service
mode 0, then restart the spectrometer. Log the error message that is output
over the interface and contact the nearest service technician for information
on what to do next.

VACUUM NOT OK! Insufficient vacuum for the dryer, measurement is terminated.
PLEASE CHECK Check the pressure gauge values.

VACUUM SWITCH! Vacuum switch has contact without vacuum. Measurement is terminated.
Please contact the Service department.

FILTER SWITCH! Excessive negative pressure behind the dust filter. Please contact the
Service department.

PLEASE REPLACE The charge level of the memory card battery is too low. Read and back up
MEMORYCARD-BATT. the measurement data, and replace the battery.

AIRFLOW NOT OK! Sample air flow rate not 1.2 l/min. Flow rate control is no longer able to
maintain a constant nominal throughput. Measurement is terminated.
Check the sample collection head for contaminants and clean if necessary.

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PLEASE CHECK Unable to write to the memory card – check write protection.

WRONG SerialNo. The memory card contains data from another spectrometer.
Ser.No.xxxxxxxxxx Read the data from the memory card and then erase the card.

WRONG VERSION! The memory card contains data from another version.
Clear Memory Card Read the data from the memory card and then erase the card.

PUMP CURRENT TOO The error message “Pump current too high” can have many causes with the
HIGH EDM 180. Clean the sample collection path in the EDM 180 with particle-free
compressed air at a maximum pressure of 3 bar. If the error cannot be
eliminated, please contact Service.

10.2.2 Warnings on the display

FATAL ERROR The self-test was not passed after multiple attempts. Please contact the
Service department.

Clear Mailbox & There was an internal memory error and the memory was erased.
Intern Memory

NO MEMORYCARD No memory card is being used. The data are being buffered in the internal

10.2.3 Explanations of select error messages


Should this error message occur more than once, there is a device fault that has to be rectified. The
measurement device attempts to perform the self-test 5 times. Then the message “Fatal Error Please
Check!” is displayed. Also see Section 10.2.2. Possible causes are:
• A foreign object stuck to the intake nozzle and interrupting the laser beam
• A very dirty measuring cell
• Device temperature over 40°C
• A laser failure or other hardware defect
Clean the sample collection path as described in Section 11.1.
If the fault cannot be eliminated, contact the nearest dealer or service technician.
Normally the actual dust measurement begins after the self-test. The measurement is updated on the
display every 6 seconds. After a minute the measurements should have stabilised, since the rolling
average for the last minute (the last 10 measurements) is always used to make the display more

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10.3 Device dimensions

Front view of the EDM 180

Figure 10-4: Front view of the EDM 180 with sample collection tube

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Top view of the EDM 180

Figure 10-5: Top view of the EDM 180

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Side view of the EDM 180

Figure 10-6: Left side view of the EDM 180

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11 Maintenance and cleaning

Completing the following points at least once a year is recommended.

11.1 Sample air path in the measuring cell of the model 187 spectrometer

Turn off the device, loosen the sample collection tube and pull it up out of the rack. Take the EDM 180 out
of the rack and remove the cover plate. Remove the glass cylinder and the hose installed behind it, then
blow out the sample air path in the spectrometer with clean, oil-free compressed air at a max. pressure of
3 bar from the sample air intake to the sample air discharge. Never blow it out in the other direction.

Never clean with the bottle screwed in place.

After cleaning, screw the cylinder back in, install the blue hose and put on the cover plate. Install the EDM
180 in the rack again and mount the sample collection tube.

11.2 Housing

The model 187 spectrometer is enclosed by a metal housing that protects it against mechanical effects
and electromagnetic fields. The membrane keyboard and display window must be protected against
severe mechanical stresses.
A dry cloth should be used to clean the front plate of the EDM 180, or special moist cleaning cloths for IT
equipment in case of tough dirt. Protect the device against liquids.

11.3 Internal purge airfilter

To protect the laser optics against dirt and for the device self-test, an integrated fine particle filter
produces particle-free air. This filter can only be changed by trained service personnel. However, its
service life is several years even with continuous operation. Should the message “CHECK NOZZLE AND
AIR INLET” appear several times even though the sample intake is clear and there is no unallowable
overpressure on the sample intake, this indicates a problem with the purge air supply. Please contact the
nearest customer service department in this case or ask your dealer.

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11.4 Instructions for cleaning the Nafion and sample collection tube

11.4.1 Required accessories

 – Container to catch dirty


 – Spray can with particle-

free compressed air

 – Plastic bottle 2 for

distilled water
  – Plastic bottle 1 for soap
 

 – Screwdriver to install
  the sample collection head

 and sample collection tube

  – Screwdriver to install
the 19 rack EDM 180
  – Long silicone hose for
the sample collection tube

 – Short silicone hose for

Figure 11-1: Accessories for Nafion cleaning the sample collection tube

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11.4.2 Steps for Nafion cleaning

Put the device in standby mode.

Turn the device off using the
main switch (Power).

Figure 11-2: Turning off the device.

Figure 11-3: Disconnecting the device from the mains network

Disconnect the device from the mains network by pulling the mains cable.

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Open the door in the front plate and

pull the lift lever forward to the stop.

Figure 11-4: Moving the lift

The pull the lever all the way down

and, in the bottom position, slide it all
the way in.

Figure 11-5: Pulling the lift lever down and sliding it in to the

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EDM 180

Figure 11-7: Removing the four screws from the front cover and taking the EDM 180 out of the
container rack

Figure 11-6: Connecting the long silicone hose to the inner tube of the sample collection tube
on the discharge side

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Figure 11-8: Inserting the hose into the collection container – NOT to the container bottom

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Figure 11-9: Removing the screws securing the sample collection head

Figure 11-10: Pulling the head off the sample collection tube with a combined twisting and
pushing motion

NOTE: Do NOT grasp the top of the sample collection head to pull it off.

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Mixing the soap solution:

Mix 2 drops of dish detergent with
100 ml water.
Briefly shake the soap solution and
fill it into the sample collection head
from below.
NOTE: No metal particles or
contaminants/foreign bodies in the

Figure 11-11: Filling the bottle  with soap solution

Fill the bottle  with distilled

water and use it to rinse the
sample collection head.
NOTE: No metal particles or
contaminants/foreign bodies in
the water!

Figure 11-12: Using a bottle  to rinse the sample collection


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Remove residual water with a

compressed air spry can
Attention: Use the spray can at a
MAXIMUM angle of 30°.

Figure 11-13: Blowing out the sample collection head with

compressed air

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Mixing the soap solution:

Mix 2 drops of dish detergent with
100 ml water and shake briefly.

Fill the bottle  with soap solution,

connect the silicone hose to the
inner tube of the sample collection
tube at the intake side, connect it to
the bottle and clean the sample
collection tube with soap solution.
NOTE: No metal particles or
contaminants/foreign bodies in the

Remove the bottle  with soap

Figure 11-14: Cleaning the sample collection tube with soap
solution solution

Fill the bottle  with distilled water

and connect the short silicone hose
to the bottle.
Rinse the sample collection tube
with distilled water. Attention: No
metal particles or
contaminants/foreign bodies in the

Figure 11-15: Rinsing the sample collection tube

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Remove the bottle .

Connect the compressed air spray can
to the hose and blow out residual
Attention: Use the spray can at a
MAXIMUM angle of 30°.
Remove the spray can and hose.

Figure 11-16: Blowing out the sample collection tube with

compressed air

Install the head of the sample collection tube with a combination turning and pushing motion (turning
motion protects the O-ring of the sample collection tube head against damage).
NOTE: The hole in the sample collection tube and the hole in the sample collection head have to be in
one axis for installation .
NOTE: Do NOT touch the top of the sample collection head for installation!

Figure 11-17: Installing the sample collection head

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Figure 11-19: Installing the sample collection head

Figure 11-18: Removing the long silicone hose and collection container

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Figure 11-21: Sliding the EDM 180 into the container rack and mounting it with four screws

Figure 11-20: Pulling the lift lever in the bottom position all the way forward

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Figure 11-23: Pushing the lift lever all the way up

Figure 11-22: Pushing the lift lever in to the stop and closing the door

Figure 11-24: Connecting the mains cable Figure 11-25: Turning

on the EDM 180

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EDM 180

11.4.3 Final drying

Figure 11-26: Switching on the EDM 180 and waiting for the filter

Press the {Temp/r.H.} button

Press the {-} button (turn on the vacuum pump)
Wait 5 minutes, letting the vacuum pump run
Press the {-} button (turn the vacuum pump off)
Then set the EDM 180 to measuring mode and discard the measurements during the first 30 minutes,
since the measured values may be distorted depending on the sensor values for the relative humidity due
to remaining moisture in the sample collection tube.

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12 Frequently asked questions – FAQ

Frequently asked questions known at the time of printing are answered below, with no claim of
completeness. To view the current FAQ, visit the GRIMM Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG website at

What is Enviro? (our environmental measurement devices)

Measuring and detecting particles in ambient air is very important for life: Limits set by the World Health
Organisation (WHO) for the protection of human health are exceeded around the world every day.
Especially in congested urban areas, the level of contamination clearly exceeds the limits that have a
serious effect on the human organism. Unlike gaseous air components, a minimum threshold for fine dust
within certain limits cannot be scientifically defined if such dust particles do not have any further relevance
for health.
Thanks to more than 30 years of experience and the work of our engineers and scientists – from
Customer Service to Product Development (R&D) – we are able to deliver the highest quality in all
aspects of our product range and services.

What is EDM?

EDM stands for Environmental Dust Monitor, the optical dust monitoring system invented by Grimm
Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG.

What is PM?

PM stands for particulate matter, constituting suspended particles and fine dust in the ambient air.

What is SVC?

SVC stands for semi-volatile components in the air. These components are airborne particles that tend to
be physically sensitive. They are able to withstand heated sample collection or to permeate filters. Semi-
volatile components in the ambient air can reach 69 percent of the total aerosol mass. The chemical SVC
composition consists mainly of nitrates and organic components.

How do our ENVIRO devices work?

The sample air is conducted directly into the measuring cell from the sample collection head or other
customer-specific air intakes, for example in case of high wind speeds or overpressure. Scattered light
pulses in the measuring cell detect the particles in the sample air. The scattering light pulses reflected by
each individual particle are counted and the intensity of the scattering light pulses is classified as certain
particle sizes.

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Why do I need a GRIMM multi-channel aerosol spectrometer when I already have a nephelometer?

If you want to measure precise aerosol quantities and identify the source of these components (perhaps a
real-time correlation of the mass is also of interest), your standard nephelometer is not going to help you
much. The nephelometer only provides the cumulative signal of all particles in its optical cell. Calculating
the mass in the ambient air is therefore not possible.

Can I measure several PM masses optically in real time?

Thanks to the unique patented method, the Grimm environmental measurement devices are able to
capture PM 10, PM 2.5 and PM 1, and even the total particle count simultaneously in a single device. All
results are recorded within a measuring interval of at least 6 seconds or longer and mean values for up to
one hour can be calculated.
Gravimetric filter systems worldwide to measure PM 2.5 and PM 10 serve as reference devices. All
information such as different densities on different sizes and their refraction index, which compares the
composition of the atmospheric aerosol, is preconfigured using an approved algorithm. In general terms
the fundamental idea behind the algorithm is to record these PM values as gravimetrically measured PM
values with an accuracy of 0.95.
GRIMM equipment records the results of more than 30 different size channels with our special algorithm.
Since 1998 the development of this algorithm has undergone several thousand hours of field tests in
Europe, America and Asia. Only after this testing and improvement period did GRIMM succeed in
obtaining instrument approval.

Is this method OFFICIALLY approved?

This method was first tested and approved in Europe with the model EDM180 for PM 10 according to EN
12341 and has been used successfully since then.
The same model EDM180 was also tested for approval without hardware modifications in 2010 for PM
2.5 according to EN 14907. The EDM180 delivers approved PM 10 and PM 2.5 real-time values to
measurement networks.
After field tests in the USA returned excellent accuracy levels in accordance with the reference systems,
we succeeded in obtaining EPA approval.

Is it possible to determine aerosol sizes and number distributions in addition to the PM values?

All GRIMM environmental measurement devices have an integrated 31-channel aerosol spectrometer,
0.25 to 32 µm, as well as the counting capability that is the basis of mass conversion. We therefore offer
optional operating modes:
(a) Measuring only the particle concentration and size distribution at intervals of 6 seconds and up
(b) Devices that can be switched between recording the particle count and PM values

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How is moisture compensation achieved?

Most competing systems have problems with moisture correction between 60 and 99% non-condensing
humidity. They use only heated sample collection tubes (or partially heated, known as intelligent heaters)
to correct the problem of the additional mass of water added to the filter weight.
The GRIMM EDM series uses an isotherm method for almost all applications, so we lose no semi-volatile
components (SVC) in the air. This is accomplished by extracting water using a Nafion membrane when
the moisture threshold of 55% relative humidity is exceeded. This enables us to measure all
environmental particles and not just the “solid particles”. The difference in the measurable mass can be
between 30 and 100% depending on the measuring location.

Can meteorological values be determined in addition to the PM values?

Normally all GRIMM environmental monitoring devices display the outside air temperature and humidity
values every minute together with the PM values. Alternatively the wind speed and direction as well as
precipitation can be measured in addition to these values.

Can the SVC proportion be determined in addition to the PM values?

Most competing systems heat the sample collection tube at more than 60 to 99% non-condensing relative
humidity in the ambient air, therefore losing the SVCs. We offer an optional sample collection tube with a
continuously heated and an unheated sample collection system, which alternates between heated and
unheated sample collection. We use this heated sample collection system to determine the SVC
proportion in real time.

Can nano-particles also be measured?

A nano-sensor can be installed in GRIMM environmental monitoring devices to measure nano-particles

up to 10 nanometres. The highly developed method to measure fine and ultra-fine particles is the Grimm
Wide Range Aerosol Spectrometer (WRAS) method, a unique combination of SMPS and OPC. For
further information please contact the Sales department of Grimm Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG.

Is it possible to determine GAS CONCENTRATIONS in addition to PM values?

Every approved gas sensor can be connected to our dust monitors with the use of our datalogger system
within an environmental monitoring system. The datalogger records more details. Some industrial
applications do not require approved sensors. We offer a number of simpler gas sensors for these
applications, for instance the model EDM365, so processes can be checked every minute.

Are all the monitoring data collected and transmitted?

The GRIMM datalogger.

GRIMM has developed a high-performance datalogger that is able to record the data from our dust
monitors, the meteorological data and various gas sensors at the same time. These results are
transferred to the datalogger but can also be transmitted to the Grimm website in real time via LAN or

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Can the results be determined using the SOFTWARE?

All GRIMM spectrometers have at least one RS-232 interface. The data can be transferred to any
connected PC system. The powerful and user-friendly GRIMM SPECTROMETER SOFTWARE is able to
capture and analyse all data of all connected equipment simultaneously and in real time.

Is it possible to evaluate the INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE when the unit is installed remotely in
the field?

All GRIMM spectrometers have an installed service routine that checks various elements such as the
laser, pump, currents and so on, and continuously reports these values to the datalogger. Therefore the
instrument performance can be evaluated at any time. This ensures confidence even when extreme
values are recorded and significantly reduces maintenance effort.

How much MAINTENANCE of the GRIMM dust monitors is required in the field?

Very little maintenance! We recommend an annual inspection of the instruments. This is not only a
significant cost aspect but also reduces labour significantly.

What is a P-line?

The P-line is an important characteristic curve marked with a “P” and contains information about the
device measurements during the measuring process. The P-line is output according to the chosen
interval but at least once a minute, for shorter intervals every minute.
See Section 8.2.1 for a detailed description of the P-line.

What is a K-line?

The K-line is another important characteristic curve. It is displayed after every self-test and each time a
measuring cycle starts. The K-line contains information about the status of the laser diode and the
measuring cell. See Section 8.2.2 for an explanation of the K-line.

What is the flow rate tolerance?

The flow rate at the sample intake has a tolerance of ± 5%.

How can the flow rate at the sample intake be checked?

To check the flow rate, install a flow meter at the sample intake and test it. Separate, illustrated
instructions can be obtained from the Sales department at GRIMM Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG.

How can the flow rate be adjusted?

The flow rate (for example at high altitudes) is regulated with the help of a differential pressure sensor. A
restriction that needs to be emphasised is that the device may also be outside the tolerance if the
spectrometer is used at a low or high ambient pressure.
In principle the flow rate can be changed as follows:
- Measure the flow rate at the sample intake on your spectrometer with a flow meter.
- Connect your spectrometer to a computer with an existing HyperTerminal connection and set service
mode 0 or 1 on the spectrometer:

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- Send the command {Ctrl} + {F} to change the flow rate in HyperTerminal. Send {+} (increase the flow
rate) or {-} (decrease the flow rate). Confirm the input with {Enter}.
The flow rate is correct when it is set to 1.2 L/min.

How can the status of the internal pump be determined (applies to EDM 107) ?

The status of the internal pump can be monitored with the “Im” value in the P-line. The “Im” value is given
in “Percent of actual power input of the pump”. Typically the value is in the range of 20 – 40%. A warning
is shown on the display “Check dust filter & air passage” for values of 70% or higher but the pump
continues working up to a value of 99.9%. If the “Im” value exceeds 99.9%, the error message “AIR
PUMP CURRENT TOO HIGH” is displayed and the spectrometer is stopped immediately.

What can cause the pump current to be too high?

The most common reason for a high “Im” value is a plugged sample collection path. Cleaning the
measuring cell as described in Section 11.1 can solve the problem. Other possible reasons for a high “Im”
value are a defective pump or plugged filter. The spectrometer should be sent for service to resolve these
problems. A leak in the pneumatic circuit may also cause the pump current to be too high. Such a leak
can be due to defective O-rings or porous hoses because of age or damage.

How can information about the state of the laser diode be obtained?

The La_h value in the K-line gives you information about the state of the laser diode. La_h displays the
laser current in mA when the laser works at high output. The laser diode has a monitoring diode in order
to keep the optical laser output constant. As the laser diode ages, a higher current is required for the
same optical output. Typical values for La_h are around 100 + /- 25 mA. La_h values higher than 180
indicate a defective laser diode. In this case the spectrometer has to be sent for service.

How can information about the state of the measuring cell be obtained?

The value DC_diff, which indicates the difference between DC_h and DC_d in the K-line, is a good
indicator for the status of the measuring cell. Every spectrometer is supplied with a “QC protocol” that
contains the DC_diff value for production. This value should remain constant. Otherwise it indicates that
the measuring cell is dirty and needs to be cleaned. See the question “How can the sample intake and
measuring cell be cleaned?”

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What is the best measuring interval?

Time intervals between 6 seconds and 60 minutes can be configured. Use the HyperTerminal and the
Grimm Windows 1178 software to change the time intervals. A good measuring interval can be
determined from the ratio between the measurement duration and the expected number of datasets.
Example: Measurement duration 1 day
Measuring interval: 1 hour
Number of datasets: 24

Measurement duration 1 day

Measuring interval: 1 minute
Number of datasets: 60*24 = 1,440 datasets
The larger the number of datasets, the higher the accuracy of your measurement data. With the degree of
accuracy, the time required for evaluation increases as well.

How can I deal with the error codes?

The error codes can help you diagnose problems with the spectrometer. Section 0 lists the error codes.
Consult section 10.2 “Troubleshooting” for help.

The error message “CHECK NOZZLE AND AIR INLET” (error code 32) is shown on the display.
What has to be done?

To protect the laser optics and for the self-test, the device is purged with particle-free air produced by a
fine filter. This fine filter has a service life of several years. If the message shown above is displayed,
check whether the sample collection path is clear and verify that no overpressure is applied, since this is
a clear indication of a fault in the internal purge air supply. A trained service technician should replace the
filter. Contact your local dealer, the manufacturer or the Service department in this case. Service
department contact information is found in Section 2.11.

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13 Index
Accessories ......................................... 70, 78, 95 Measuring ............................................ 54, 55, 60
Acclimatisation time ......................................... 12 Measuring interval ......................................... 114
Alarm ......................................................... 43, 89 Measuring mode.............................................. 43
Alarm emitter ................................................... 86 Measuring principle ......................................... 49
Alarm threshold ......................................... 86, 89 Memory card ..................... 45, 46, 47, 54, 85, 86
Alarm value .................................... 43, 59, 85, 86 Memory functions ............................................ 85
Altitude correction ............................................ 14 Micro-SD card ................................................. 77
Analogue inputs ............................................... 85 Offset ................................................... 61, 72, 85
Analogue voltage ....................................... 61, 85 Operating temperature range .......................... 85
Baud rate ......................................................... 63 Operation ................................................... 41, 84
BQ filter ............................................................ 19 Overcurrent protection device ......................... 12
Button functions ................................... 42, 43, 44 PAH sensor ..................................................... 76
Clean air .......................................................... 54 Particle concentration .................... 18, 71, 80, 81
condensation ................................................... 12 Particle mass ................................................... 49
Connections ............................................... 70, 75 P-line ................................................. 71, 74, 112
Control buttons ................................................ 41 Power supply ............................................. 36, 85
Damage ........................................................... 12 Purge air .................................... 8, 39, 72, 84, 94
Data interface .................................................. 70 Purge air filter .................................................. 94
Data interfaces ................................................ 84 Refraction index .............................................. 49
Data output .......................................... 72, 74, 85 Reproducibility ................................................. 84
Datalogger ................................................. 35, 86 RS-232 ...................................................... 56, 70
Date ......................................... 40, 43, 54, 63, 71 RS-232 cable ................................................... 78
Device fault ...................................................... 54 RS-232 commands.......................................... 59
Dilution ............................................................. 18 RS-232 interface ............................................. 84
Display ....................................................... 40, 89 RS232 port pin assignment ............................. 70
Error code ...................................... 59, 71, 83, 85 Sample air ............................... 39, 40, 48, 49, 85
Error codes .................................................... 114 Sample collection head ......... 39, 48, 89, 95, 109
Error message ............................. 40, 54, 90, 114 Sample volume................................................ 60
Error messages ............................................... 89 Self-test . 8, 17, 39, 40, 41, 42, 54, 59, 71, 80, 90
Ethernet connection ......................................... 76 Serial number ............................................ 42, 60
FAQ ............................................................... 109 Service mode ............................................ 68, 74
Filter weight ..................................................... 60 Size channels .............................. 49, 55, 64, 110
Flow rate ............................................ 59, 84, 112 Standby ............................. 41, 43, 44, 46, 59, 60
GPS ................................................................. 76 Storage interval ......................................... 45, 54
Gravimetry factor ................................. 42, 43, 59 Storage time .................................................... 46
HyperTerminal ................................................. 56 Storage times .................................................. 47
Interval ..................... 8, 44, 45, 46, 47, 59, 72, 85 Symbols ........................................................... 11
Keyboard ................................................... 11, 41 Temperature ...................... 12, 43, 48, 55, 64, 90
Keyboard lock .................................................. 60 Time......................................... 40, 43, 44, 54, 71
K-line.................................................. 71, 72, 112 Timer mode ..................................................... 63
Laser .......................... 13, 39, 49, 71, 72, 84, 113 Turning off ....................................................... 63
Laser radiation ................................................. 13 User factor ....................................................... 61
LED .................................................................. 70 Version 12.30 .................................................. 47
LEDs .......................................................... 41, 55 Version 7.80 .................................................... 47
LIFT NOT OK .................................................. 40 Warnings ......................................................... 90
Mean values .................................................... 71 Waste .............................................................. 19
Mean values, resetting .................................... 60 Weight ............................................................. 21
Measurement ................................................... 17 Windows 1178 software .................................. 64
Measurements ................................................. 80 Zero filter test .................................................. 88

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