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1) Jacques Pelkmans, European intergration, Methods

Session IV and Economic Analysis, Second edition, Prentice Hall,
Essex 2006 (pp.2-9, 14-17, 24-28)

2) Interview with Jose Manuel Barosso,

The European Union – an ever enlarging
3) Knut Vollebaek, “ Norway and the EU : No, No …
Yes ? ”, European Perspectives 2003
Economic and political integration in Europe –
from six to twenty seven countries involved 4) Jonty Bloom, “How does Norway’s relationship with
the EU work?”, BBC News, January 2016.

5) EastWest Institute, Turkey’s Accession to the

European Union, Brussels Insights, October, 2004. What is the economic integration ?
What are foundations of European integration ?
6) Jennifer Rankin, Turkey's long road to EU Which are main stages of European integration?
membership just got longer, The Guardian, What is the evolution of the Community ?
20/07/2016. What are the economic and political motives behind the
integration efforts in Western Europe ?
What are motives and expectations of candidate
countries ?
The case of Portugal and Norway.
The situation of Turkey

Economic integration Economic integration

 elimination of economic frontiers between The foundamental significance of

two or more economies economic integration is the increase of
actual or potential competition, and the
benefits flowing from this.


Economic Integration – some

Economic integration
According to Balassa there are some stages:
 Mercosur (or Mercosul)
 Free trade zone

 Customs union

 Common market
 Economic union

 Total economic integration  Eurasian Customs Union

Economic Integration – some Economic Integration – some

examples examples

Mercosur is a Regional Trade Agreement Mercosur

(RTA) between Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay Its purpose is to promote free trade and the
and Paraguay, founded in 1991 by the fluid movement of goods, peoples, and
Treaty of Asuncion, which was later Currency.
amended and updated by the Treaty of Ouro The organization has a South and Central
Preto. American integration vocation.

Economic Integration – some Economic Integration – some

examples examples

Mercosur Mercosur
 Full Members
The bloc comprises a population of more  Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay,
than 275.5 million people (2011) and the combined Venezuela (suspended), Bolivia
Gross Domestic Product of the member nations is
in excess of 2.42 trillion dollars a year according to
 Associate members
 Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Guyana,
World Bank numbers, making Mercosur the fifth Suriname
largest economy in the World.
 Observers
Mexico, New Zeland


Economic integration – some Economic Integration – some

exemples examples
NAFTA- The North American Free Trade
Agreement is the trade bloc in North America
created by the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) and its two supplements, the
North American Agreement on Environmental
Cooperation (NAAEC) and The North American
Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC), whose
members are Canada, Mexico, and the United
It came into effect on 1 January 1994.

Economic Integration – some Economic Integration – some

examples examples
ASEAN - The Association of Southeast Asian
Nations or ASEAN was established on 8 August
Unlike the European Union, NAFTA does not 1967 in Bangkok by the five original Member
create a set of supranational governmental bodies, Countries, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia,
nor does it create a body of law superior to Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Brunei
national law. Darussalam joined on 8 January 1984, Vietnam
on 28 July 1995, Laos and Myanmar on 23
July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999.

Economic Integration – some Economic integration – some

examples exemples
The ASEAN Declaration states that the aims
and purposes of the Association are:
(1) to accelerate economic growth, social progress
and cultural development in the region and
(2) to promote regional peace and stability through
abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in
the relationship among countries in the region
and adherence to the principles of the United
Nations Charter.


Economic Integration – some Economic Integration – some

examples examples
The ASEAN Economic Community shall be the end-goal of
economic integration measures as outlined in the ASEAN The ASEAN region has a population of about 600
Vision 2020. Its goal is to create a stable, prosperous and
million, a total area of 4.5 million square
highly competitive ASEAN economic region in which there
is a free flow of goods, services, investment and a freer
kilometers, a combined gross domestic product of
flow of capital, equitable economic development and almost US$ 700 billion, and a total trade of about
reduced poverty and socio-economic disparities in year US$ 850 billion.

Launched in 1992, the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is

now in place.

Economic Integration – some Economic Integration – some

examples examples
Eurasian Customs Union came into existence on The Treaty confirms the creation of an economic
1 January 2010 as the Customs Union of Belarus, union that provides for free movement of goods,
Kazakhstan, and Russia. Armenia and Kyrgyzstan services, capital and labor.
are members from 1 January 2015. Governance of the Union is entrusted to the
The Eurasian Economic Union is an international Supreme Eurasian Economic Council (SEEC)
organization for regional economic integration. It comprised of the Heads of the Member-States.
has international legal personality. The SEEC sessions are held at least once a year.
The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union(EEU)
has become effective in January 2015.

Economic Integration – some Economic Integration – some

examples examples
The European Union is a unique supranational
union and intergovernmental political body. It is
composed of twenty-seven member states,
primarily located in Europe.
There is a single market between member states with a
common trade policy, a Common Agricultural/Fisheries
Policy, and a regional development policy. It introduced
a common currency, the euro, which has been adopted by
ninetheen member states. Since 1993, the EU has
developed a limited Common Foreign and Security Policy,
and co-operation in police and judicial matters.


The European Union The European Union

The European Union is more than just a
confederation of countries, but it is not a Under these treaties, the member states
Federal State. of the Union delegate some of their
national sovereignty to institutions they
It is, in fact, something entirely new and
historically unique. Its political system share and that represent not only their
has been constantly evolving over the past 60 national interests but also their collective
years and it is founded on a series of treaties interest.
from those signed in Paris and Rome in the
1950s to the treaties of Maastricht, Amsterdam
and Nice, agreed in the 1990s and to the treaty of

The European Union The European Union

The treaties constitute what is known as These laws, along with EU policies in general, are the
‘primary’ legislation. result of decisions taken by three main institutions:
 the Council of the European Union (representing the
member states)
From them is derived a large body of  the European Parliament (representing the citizens)
‘secondary’ legislation that has a direct  the European Commission (a politically independent
body that upholds the collective European interest)
impact on the daily lives of European Union
citizens. This ‘institutional triangle’ can function only if the
It consists mainly of regulations, directives and three institutions work closely together and trust
recommendations one another

The legal instruments of the EC

The legal instruments of the EC

 Directive:
 Regulation:
binding with respect to objectives and effect
an EC law binding for all legal and natural
(with varying degrees of detail) ; the Member
States are held to implement directives via persons – this is called ‘direct effect’
incorporation in their national law in a way
suitable in their system


The legal instruments of the EC

The legal instruments of the EC

 Decision:  Recommendations:

binding for a firm or Member states to which it is (Council or EP) resolutions, communications,
addressed (Commission) White and Green Papers, and
‘opinions’ may have significant influence, but are
not binding

The principle of subsidiarity

European Union

The principle of subsidiarity, enshrined in the With over 500 million citizens the EU's economies
Treaty of Maastricht, is essential to the way the (7.3% of the world population) create an estimated
European Union works. It means that the EU nominal GDP of 17.6 trillion US dollars in 2011.
and its institutions act only if action is more Considered as a single economy the EU is the
effective at EU level than at national or local largest in the world.
level. This principle ensures that the EU does The EU is also the largest exporter in the World
not interfere unnecessarily in its citizens’ daily and the second largest importer.
lives. It is the biggest trading partner to many countries,
such as China and India.

European Union European Union

 The ‘Community method’
 The ‘Community method’ – combined
 Supranationality supranationality and the pooling of sovereignty.
Some competences are assigned to the
 Intergovernmentalism Community level.
This approach does not imply a ‘loss of
 Cooperative federalism sovereignty’.

 Supranationality - establisment of common

institutions with an important power.


How many people live in the EU?

European Union

 Intergovernmentalism – classical bargaining and

coalition formation among national



governements seeking consensus.

















 Cooperative federalism - Union’s regulations




respect the autonomy of Member States.









United Kingdom


Czech Republic






EU population in the world How rich is the EU compared to the
rest of the world?
Population in millions, 2011

37 100


1215 26 300
25 200

12 600
10 800
12 000
502 5 800
5 200
4 200
1 200 2600

127 143 EU China India Japan Russia United States EU China India Japan Russia United States

Size of economy: 2011 gross domestic product Wealth per person: 2011 gross domestic product
in trillion of euros per person
EU China India Japan Russia United States

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