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Nixor espouses a philosophy of diversity, which is achieved through a mixed ability

intake as well as a mixed socio-economic background. Over the years, Nixor College
has made its mark through its commitment to its academic policies. Academics are of
paramount concern to Nixor, bearing that in mind, the teaching talent at Nixor is
unsurpassable. Teachers embrace student-friendly methods to help achieve students
their personal best. Nixor’s policies reflect support for teachers and students both as
students have the freedom to list a teacher for each subject they are studying.
Moreover, No Prerequisite Courses adds to the uniqueness of Nixor as it offers
students the flexibility to change their field of study. Nixor’s No tuition policy is lauded
by most people. Nixor prohibits its student from taking tuition. This is only for the
betterment of a student as working independently increases students’ intellectual
drive. As it is said:
“Responsibility for learning belongs to the student, regardless of age” so Nixor
encourages the student to take greater responsibility for their learning and grooms
them for the life ahead. One thing which makes Nixor distinctive from other institutes
is its TAs who are selected from within the students and help students in learning.
Peer-To-Peer Tutoring program not only overcomes knowledge gaps in students but
also helps them understand the subject matter firmly. Students spent 40% of their
time in structured extracurricular activities which not only open their minds to the
world outside the books but also provide the opportunity to focus on developing skills
that may help in their academic knowledge and professional life to come.

From my standpoint, I am a good fit for Nixor because I demonstrate my eagerness to

work hard and that I am not just applying to Nixor for social life, but so I can cope with
the workloads of my chosen combination of subjects and thrive at a higher level of
education. Furthermore, I exhibit a passion for my chosen subjects. I do work for what
I dream of. Therefore, what I plan for my life is a total manifestation of what I do
today. I believe that independent and extended interest in a subject goes above and
beyond what is required in the classroom, personal achievements and extracurricular
activities can all help to illustrate this, and I reflect all of these abilities. So I am a well-
rounded person outside of my studies while displaying my ability to think and work
independently. Moreover, in my school life, I have shown my leadership skills many
times as I have been a part of the student body council throughout my primary school.
I was a part of a sports team, thus I will contribute to the college overall, whether that
is being a part of the students’ union, joining a society, or participating in a group

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