Zero Waste - Questions

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Before you watch, discuss these questions in pairs:

Do you take your own bags to the supermarket?

Do you buy fresh produce in the supermarket or at a market?
Do you buy clothes or other products second hand?
Do you make any of your own products (e.g. soap) or know anyone who does?

Now watch the TED talk and answer these questions:

Section 1 (0:00 - 3:07)

1. What is in the jar?
2. The idea started when she was studying ______________ at university

3. In her class, every day there was a girl using a lot of _________ and throwing it in the _________.

4. Lauren realised that in her fridge everything was also ___________ in plastic.

5. She decided to learn how to make _________________________ by herself. 

Section 2 (3:07 - 5:50)

6. She started following a blog called _____________________ by Bea Johnson.

7. The idea of not producing any trash was ''so ____________ and so _____________. ‘'

8. Which two things did she start bringing when she went shopping?__________ and ___________.

9. What was the first product Lauren made herself? What ingredient did she use?
_________________________ ______________________________

10. Instead of buying new clothes, what does she do instead?


Section 3 (6:51 - 13:24)

11. What are some of the benefits of living this lifestyle? Give an example for each one.
1. ___________________ Example: _________________________________
2. ___________________ Example: _________________________________
3. ___________________ Example: _________________________________
4. ___________________ Example: _________________________________
5. ___________________ Example: _________________________________

12. How much trash does the average American produce each day? _____________

13. What three pieces of advice does Lauren give the audience?
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

14. Why did Lauren quit her job? What did she start doing instead?

After you watch:

What are some possible drawbacks of living a zero waste lifestyle?

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