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Procedia Computer Science 121 (2017) 1023–1033

CENTERIS - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN -

International - International
Conference Conference
on Project on ENTERprise
MANagement / HCist -Information Systems
International / ProjMAN
Conference -
on Health
and Social CareConference
Project and
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Technologies, - International
CENTERIS Conference
/ ProjMAN / HCiston Health
2017, 8-10
and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies,
2017, Barcelona, Spain / ProjMAN / HCist 2017, 8-10
November 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Specification for the cooperative dimension of the Bid Process
Specification for the cooperative dimension of the Bid Process
Information System
Information System
Sahbi Zahaf**, Faiez Gargouri
Sahbi Zahaf , Faiez Gargouri
MIRACL Laboratory, Higher Institute of Computer and Multimedia, Sakiet Ezzit Technopole, Sfax 242-3021, Tunisia
MIRACL Laboratory, Higher Institute of Computer and Multimedia, Sakiet Ezzit Technopole, Sfax 242-3021, Tunisia

Bid process is a key business process which influences the enterprise’s survival and strategic orientations. Therefore, the Bid
Bid Information
process is a keySystem (BPIS)
business processthatwhich
supports this process
influences must be characterized
the enterprise’s survival andbystrategic
flexibility and interoperability.
Therefore, the Bid
Nevertheless, the specification
Process Information of thisthat
System (BPIS) system, has to
supports thisdeal with “three
process fit”
must be problems. Four
characterized dimensions
by integrity, have been
flexibility andidentified to cope
with such failures:
Nevertheless, operational,oforganizational,
the specification this system, hasdecision-making, andfit”
to deal with “three cooperative
problems. dimensions. In this
Four dimensions paper
have beenweidentified
are particularly
to cope
interested to organize
with such failures: the cooperative
operational, dimension
organizational, of the BPIS once
decision-making, the bid is won.
and cooperative Thus, we
dimensions. propose
In this paperthewe integration of a
are particularly
interested to organize
communication interfacethe
between software
cooperative dimension of the BPIS
s that characterize the once the biddimension.
operational is won. Thus, we propose the integration of a
communication interface between softwares that characterize the operational dimension.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2017
© 2017 The
The Authors.
Peer-review Authors.
under Published
Published by
responsibilityby Elsevier
of Elsevier B.V. committee of the CENTERIS - International Conference on ENTERprise
the scientific
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CENTERIS - International Conference on ENTERprise
Peer-review under responsibility
Information Systems / ProjMAN of the scientificConference
- International committee onof the CENTERIS
Project - International
MANagement / HCist -Conference
ENTERprise on
Information Systems / ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on
Health and
Information Social
/ Information
ProjMAN - Systems and
International Technologies.
Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies. on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on
Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies.
Keywords: Bid process, Information System, ERP, Tuleap, Interoprability.
Keywords: Bid process, Information System, ERP, Tuleap, Interoprability.

Corresponding author. Tel.: +216 666299; fax: +0-000-000-0000 .
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ProjMAN - International
Peer-review Conference
under responsibility onscientific
of the Project MANagement / HCist
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- International on Health
Conference onand Social CareInformation
ENTERprise InformationSystems
and Technologies.
ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems
and Technologies.

1877-0509 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CENTERIS - International Conference on ENTERprise Information
Systems / ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on Health and Social
Care Information Systems and Technologies.
1024 Sahbi Zahaf et al. / Procedia Computer Science 121 (2017) 1023–1033
2 Sahbi Zahaf & Faiez Gargouri / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000

1. Main text

In a market characterized by stiff competition, the organization ensures its survival through business that it
achieves and bids that it wins. Business process is a sequence of related and structured activities that produce a
service or a product for a specific owner [9].
The bid process is a particular environment for the exploitation of business process [22]. Indeed, this process
corresponds to the conceptual phase of the lifecycle of a project or a product. A bid process interacts upstream and
involves other processes being design process. It aims to examine feasibility of the bid before negotiating any
contract with any owner following a pre-study carried out before a project launch [21].
However, the exploitation of business process, especially the bid process gathers strategic, managerial,
organizational and technical skills. These skills contribute to systematic interactions between different
organizational units, which they are coming from the same company or coming from different companies. Indeed,
many companies work together in inter-organizational bid processes. To enable ad-hoc bid interaction it is necessary
to align business processes of the business partners, especially in communication processes in the context of product
conception activity [16].
The IS (Information System) [6] that allows to exploit the bid process (Bid Process Information System or BPIS)
must be [21]: (i) integrated (able to restore and exploit the patrimony of knowledge and expertise acquired during
past experiments bids); (ii) flexible (able to resist to changes in the market and to cope with the agility of business);
and (iii) interoperable (able to exploit communications between companies in order to contribute to the construction
of the techno-economic proposal that materializes the bid proposition). Nevertheless, the enterprise architecture
approach [5], on which we rely to implement this system, has to deal with “three fit” problems: “vertical fit”,
“horizontal fit” and “transversal fit” (Fig. 1). Such problems handicap the exploitation of these three criteria [21].

Fig. 1.Enterprise Architecture I.S reference model [6]: “three fit” problems [21].

The “vertical fit” represents the problems of integrity and transposition from a business infrastructure, which is
abstract, to a technical infrastructure, which represents implementations. The “horizontal fit” translates not only the
software’s problems of identification (induced by the “vertical fit” problems) that can cover the entire infrastructure
of the company’s business, but also the intra-applicative communications problems (internal interoperability) to
ensure the interactions between softwares of the same technical infrastructure in the company. The “transversal fit”
translates the inter-applicative communications problems (external interoperability carried out dynamically through
a network). In this context, we have identified an IS that must be support four dimensions to deal with such failures:
operational, organizational, decision-making, and cooperative dimensions [21].
Afterwards we are particularly interested to organize the cooperative dimension of the BPIS once the bid is won.
Thus, we propose the integration of a communication interface between the software’s that characterize the
operational dimension of the BPIS. We have demonstrated that the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) [8] permits
to implement the techno-economic bid propositions that materialized the operational dimension of the BPIS [21].
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Sahbi Zahaf & Faiez Gargouri / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000 3

We propose even to realize an extension for the ERP Open source “Odoo 8.0” by a new module that treats the
techno-economic bid propositions. However, this system is not sufficient to manage the bid project once the offer is
won. Thus, we propose to integrate Tuleap platform for application lifecycle bid management [17]. Our objective in
this work is to ensure interoperability between the two platforms (Oddo and Tuleap) and thus to deal with
“horizontal fit” and “transversal fit” problems. Our contribution consists to develop: (i) web services [3] solutions in
order to cover transactions between Tuleap and Odoo, i.e. export the bids projects from Tuleap and import them to
Odoo; (ii) a web application that permits to manage and parameterize theses transfers.
This work is organized as follows. The second section describes the alternatives of resolutions of the “three fit”
problems. The third section shows our implementation of the cooperative dimension to exploit the operational
dimension of the BPIS. We end this work by the conclusion and with the prospects of our future works.

2. Resolution of the “three fit” problems: BPIS integrated, flexible and interoperable

The management of a company covers several processes (sales, purchasing, production, etc.). Each process could
be exploited by specific software which is materialized by its own graphical interface and its own database. In this
case the information is dispersed in disjoint systems (“spaghetti effect”), which reduces the productivity and the
performance of the company [6]. Thus, it would be difficult to ensure the integrity of the company within its
functional scope. Inevitably, there would be problems of “vertical fit” and consequently problems of “horizontal fit”
and “transversal fit”. We have identified four dimensions to deal with “three fit” problems [23]: (i) the operational
dimension that serves to specify the bid exploitation process by undertaking a specific project; (ii) the organizational
dimension which allow to organize the set of skills and knowledge, that the company acquired during the previous
bid in which it participated: the objective is a possible reutilization of this patrimony in future bid projects; (iii) the
decision-making dimension which aims at optimizing and making the right decisions that concerns the market offers
and that takes place during the company’s eventual participation in bid processes; and (iv) the cooperative dimension
which aims at ensuring communication intra-enterprise (internal interoperability) and at planning the inter-enterprise
communication on demand, in order to realize a common goal (dynamic interoperability).
We propose to apply these dimensions while creating techno-economic bid propositions. Thus, Table 1 illustrates
the different approaches used to describe the BPIS.

Table 1. BPIS in the core of the coupling capacity of the nine approaches [23].

2.1. Resolution of the “vertical fit” problems

Table 1 shows that: PRIMA (Project Risk Management), Lean Manufacturing, BPM (Business Process
Management), and Engineering Systems approaches participate to overcome “vertical fit” problems:
• PRIMA (Project Risk Management) [2] which allows the company to specify the activities involved in a bid
process. However, PRIMA doesn’t propose an explicit modeling of bid process (i.e. for the business
infrastructure), such requirement appears necessary in a multi-actor and a multi-criterion context.
1026 Sahbi Zahaf et al. / Procedia Computer Science 121 (2017) 1023–1033
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• Lean Manufacturing [10] which helps the company to select potential activities involved in a bid process. In fact,
the Lean permits to make a product perfectly adapted to the needs of its owner. This approach integration adds
value to the techno-economic proposition which materializes a bid process.
• Engineering Systems [1] which allows the company to align business processes of the partners that are involved
in a bid process.
• BPM (Business Process Management) [18] which allows the company to describe the life cycle of a bid process.
This approach facilitates the alignment of an integrated IS regardless technological constraints.
We have proposed to integrate these different approaches to specify the value chain of a bid process [23]. Thus,
we have defined a modeling for the business infrastructure (understandable by analysts) achieved with BPMN 2.0
(Business Process Model and Notation) [12]. We present our mapping of the activities required to serve a bid
process. Particularly, we are interested in the following to the techno-economic bid elaboration. Note that this
modeling integrates value generating activities flow according to the strategy of Lean Manufacturing [10]. Fig.2
represents our bid process modeling using BPMN 2.0 according to the PRIMA approach [2], which distinguishes
three main phases: assessment of the bid eligibility, elaboration of the bid proposition, and closure of the bid process.
Thus, bid process exploitation is achieved through the interaction of these phases (or sub-processes). However, these
sub-processes are themselves composed of a set of sub-processes or/and tasks.

Fig. 2. Bid process phases modeled with BPMN 2.0 [23].

We have also defined the functions for achieving the bid-process [23]. These are: (i) functions to build technical-
solutions (for planning product-design activity); (ii) functions for cost-management (to assess the overall cost of
each technical-solution) and for price-management (to assess the price on the market of the designed-product) (iii)
functions for risk-management (to assess the risks associated with the creation of the technical-proposal); (iv)
functions for decision-support (to optimize decisions); and (v) functions for knowledge-management (to manage the
knowledge and business-skills). In conclusion the functions described in:
• (i), (ii) and (iii) cover the operation- dimension.
• (iv) covers the decisional dimension.
• (v) allows to cover the organizational dimension.
• Interoperability between these different functions can cover the cooperative dimension.
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2.2. Resolution of the “horizontal fit” and “transversal fit” problems

Table 1 shows that: KM (Knowledge Management), SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture), Cloud Computing,
and WB (Web Service) approaches participate to overcome “horizontal fit” and “transversal fit” problems:
• KM (Knowledge Management) [5] which allows the organization to formalize his bid knowledge during different
bid projects that it realizes. This approach facilitates establishing a pivot language between companies and
participates in solving the problem of “horizontal fit” and “transversal fit”.
• BI (Business Intelligence) [9] which allows the organization to provide decision-making assistance that supports
a bid process. This approach participates in the problem resolution of “horizontal fit”.
• SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) [3] which allows the organization to develop easily flexible, extensible and
adaptable BPIS. This approach standardizes the intra-applicative communications (SOA participates in the
resolution of the problem of “horizontal fit”), as well as inter-applicative (SOA participates in solving the
problem of “transversal fit”). Furthermore, SOA offers an innovative solution to manage the interface between
the business needs and its technical implementation (SOA participates in the resolution of “vertical fit” problem).
• Cloud Computing [7], which allows the organization to get his data and applications accessible and usable via the
internet (Cloud Computing participates in the resolution of “transversal fit” problem).
• WS (Web Service) [3] allows organization that uses multiple software systems for bid management to exchange
bid data over the internet. This approach facilitates the data transfer between companies and participates in
solving the problem of “horizontal fit” and “transversal fit”.
We have proposed to integrate these different approaches to specify the applicative architecture of the BPIS.
Thus, we have defined a modeling for the technical infrastructure (understandable by experts) achieved with UML
2.0 (Unified Modeling Language) [13]. Fig. 3 shows our class diagram to build the techno-economic bid
propositions for the product design activity. This model is intended for the implementation of the operational
dimension of the BPIS. We have also demonstrated that the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) [8] ensures the
exploitation of our model and covers the operational dimension of the BPIS.

Fig. 3. Techno-economic bid-knowledge capitalization for the bid propositions model.

ERP is able to exploit all the operational functions of the company in a coherent way. It relies on a single
database to manage all the business processes, especially the bid process. Thus, the ERP permits to overcome the
“vertical fit” problems. Indeed: (i) it ensures the integrity of information within the company; (ii) it covers all
business processes; (iii) it allows synchronization and consistency between the various processes. Moreover, the
1028 Sahbi Zahaf et al. / Procedia Computer Science 121 (2017) 1023–1033
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ERP participates in the resolution of the “horizontal fit” problems. In fact, it ensures communication between its
various modules via a single database. Furthermore, the ERP could also participate in the resolution of the
“transversal fit” problems if it is coupled and supported by technological capacities [23]. In the following, we
propose to adapt an open source ERP to our context, which is able to cover any bid process solution. In this case the
ERP allows to manage and to cover the requirements of the bid process through collaborations realized between its
various modules. However, the ERP does not propose a specific module to exploit the bid process. In this context we
propose to extend an open source ERP “Odoo 8.0” [11] by a new module that covers the construction of the bid
propositions. Nevertheless, we show in the next section that this system is not sufficient to manage the bid project
once the offer is won. Thus, we propose to support the operational dimension of the BPIS by Tuleap platform [17].
This extension helps bidder to manage the planning of bid project, the prioritization of bid requirements, the
assignment of bid tasks to project members, the monitoring of bid project progress, and the creation of reports. In the
perspective of ensuring interoperability of the operational dimension of the BPIS, we propose to integrate an
interface of communication between these two platforms (Oddo and Tuleap).

3. Implementation of the cooperative dimension to exploit the operational dimension of the BPIS

The advantages of the ERP exploitation result in the project management bid staff being able to make better,
faster decisions [23]. However, this system presents a rigid structure that caters to the financial team rather than the
project controls team. Furthermore ERP can drive inefficiency as bid staff users try to find ways to continue to
complete their tasks while populating the system for the benefit of others members. ERP software’s offer project
modules that they claim can effectively manage a bid project. However, the disadvantages mentioned above prove
that they have their limitations. It is far better for an organization to support ERP by others software’s solutions.
This way, they are connected by an interface of communication keeping all parts of the project aligned. Note that
many organizations have implemented Enterprise Project Controls systems, which integrate with their current ERP
software and manage the project effectively with much less number-crunching and duplication of effort.
Based on this logic, we can deduce that the ERP is not sufficient to cover the operational dimension of the BPIS
once the offer is won. In the perspective to manage the bid project, we propose to support ERP by a software
platform for project management. Concretely, Tuleap [17] is open source software for Project Lifecycle
Management. It can cover with project-centric organizations of all sizes, industries, and help them improve their
project controls processes. Indeed, Tuleap allows developers to utilize diverse development methodologies including
agile, traditional, or hybrid or custom processes. It also facilitates the planning of software releases, the prioritization
of business requirements, the assignment of tasks to project members, the monitoring of project progress, and the
creation of reports. It features site-wide trackers and real-time reports on risks, requirements, tasks, bugs, change
requests, support requests, user stories. In the following, we describe the characteristics of the operational dimension
of our BPIS. First, we propose our module under “Oddo 8.0” to build the bid propositions. Then we develop web
services solutions that ensure the transfer of projects from Tuleap to Odoo. Furthermore, we propose our web
application that allows to: (i) trigger the import/export operation, and (ii) parameterize the transfer of information
between these two platforms. Such solutions ensure the interoperability between Tuleap and Odoo, and allow us to
implement the cooperative dimension of the BPIS.

3.1. Our module under Oddo8.0 to build the bid solution

We propose to extend the open source “Odoo 8.0” [11] with a new module that allows treating the model of bid
propositions. Concretely, we have chosen “Odoo 8.0” because it is currently the most complete open source ERP on
the market. Moreover, this tool is characterized by its flexibility, i.e., “Odoo 8.0” supports SOA [3] and Cloud
Computing [7]. Specifically, it supports Software as a Service or SaaS [4]. Our module allows its operators to detail
the manufacture of a product (or a service), from: (i) the components used (raw materials, manufactured products
and purchased products); (ii) the manufacturing processes used; and (iii) the resources consumed for construction.
We have even planned to calculate automatically the cost for this product design activity. Furthermore, we have
explicitly integrated internal risks (risks that are controlled by stakeholders), and external risks (risks that are
imposed and not controlled by stakeholders). These risks are related to the manufacture of the finished product.
Sahbi Zahaf et al. / Procedia Computer Science 121 (2017) 1023–1033 1029
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These different criteria will influence on the final decision of the stakeholders to transmit (or not) their bid
proposition to the owner. Fig. 4 shows an example of the use of our module to plan the techno-economic proposition
to the manufacture of the wardrobe.
Our new extension allows planning the techno-economic design activity of products by risk. Concretely, our
module helps the stakeholders to take a decision for submit or not theirs propositions to the owner. In fact, we have
supported this decision-making assistance by: (i) functionalities to achieve the product design activity according to
customer requirements; (ii) a function that automatically calculates the cost for this design activity; (iii) an interval to
limit the selling price of the manufactured product in the market; (iv) knowledge concerning the internal and external
risks associated with the manufacture of this future product.

Fig. 4. Example of the bid proposition to manufacture the wardrobe.

3.2. Characteristics of the interface of communication between Oddo8.0 and Tuleap

Fig. 5. Description and response of the Tuleap GET/projects web service.

1030 Sahbi Zahaf et al. / Procedia Computer Science 121 (2017) 1023–1033
8 Sahbi Zahaf & Faiez Gargouri / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000

In the perspective of ensuring interoperability of the operational dimension of the BPIS, we propose to implement
a communication interface between Odoo 8.0 and Tuleap, thus we realized: (i) a set of REST (Representational State
Transfer) web services [14] to communicate with Tuleap; (ii) a set of XML-RPC (Extensible Markup Language-
Remote Procedure Call) services [20] to communicate with Odoo 8.0; and a web application, named “Tuleap >>
Odoo” to manage transactions between Tuleap and Odoo. Indeed, we relied on the REST architecture to retrieve
projects and tasks from Tuleap, as well the XML-RPC protocol for insertion them in Odoo 8.0.
REST is an architecture that providing interoperability between systems on the Internet [14]. It allows requesting
systems to access and manipulate textual representations of web resources using a uniform and predefined set of
stateless operations. These requests made to a resource’s URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) will elicit a response
that may be in XML, HTML, or some other defined format. This response may confirm that some alteration has
been made to the stored resource, and it may provide hypertext links to other related resources or collections of
resources. Note that API (Application Programming Interface) that support REST framework, such as Tuleap maps
four HTTP verbs to these actions, i.e. GET: to read information, POST: to create information, PUT: to amend
information, and DELETE: to delete information. Fig. 5 shows the description and the response of the Tuleap
GET/projects web service.
The prime motive of creating an API is to enable other applications to use the services. However, using an API
involves a request to the required resource (usually a URL) using one of the four HTTP verbs. Thus, at every stage
of the API development process, a critical part is required to testing the API for functionality, exception handling
and security. We have chosen to explore tracks API with Postman REST Client [15]. Fig. 6 shows the execution and
the PHP code generation of the web service described in the Fig. 5.

Fig. 6. Execution and PHP code generation of the web service with Postman.
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To execute functions in Odoo 8.0, it is necessary to connect with “Login function” and then call the desired
function. Fig. 7 shows how we use the addParam() function by creating an xmlrpcval() object (value in XML-RPC
format), to support parameters to “Login function” [11]. Indeed, we have created a project named “Mon Projet PHP”
by calling the “create” method on the “project.project” object.

Fig. 7. Exploitation of the XML-RPC services to communicate with Odoo 8.0.

To run this script, we have created an Apache virtual host by the XAMPP tool [19]. Fig. 8 shows the existence of
the project created in Fig.7, named “Mon Projet PHP” in Odoo.

Fig. 8. Adding the project named “Mon Projet PHP” in Odoo.

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10 Sahbi Zahaf & Faiez Gargouri / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000

We have also developed a web application, named “Tuleap >> Odoo” to visualize the correspondences between
the different components of a Tuleap project and an Odoo project. Fig. 9 shows the alignment between these

Fig. 9. Alignment between Tuleap Project and Odoo Project.

Our web application allows: (i) at first, create under Tuleap project with its user stories and tasks; (ii) then, trigger
the import/export from Tuleap to Odoo. Fig. 10 shows the interface for triggering import/export from Tuleap to

Fig. 10. Interface for triggering import/export from Tuleap to Odoo.

Finally, Fig. 11 shows our technical architecture of the operational dimension of our BPIS.

Fig. 11. Technical architecture of the operational dimension of our BPIS.

Sahbi Zahaf et al. / Procedia Computer Science 121 (2017) 1023–1033 1033
Sahbi Zahaf & Faiez Gargouri / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000 11

4. Conclusion and perspectives

In this work, we have interested to define the characteristics of the cooperative dimension of the BPIS. Thus, we
have proposed the integration of a communication interface between software’s that characterize the operational
dimension of the BPIS once the bid is won: ERP and Tuleap. First, we have realized an extension for the ERP Open
source “Odoo 8.0” by a new module that treats the techno-economic propositions. Even, we have developed web
services solutions in order to cover transactions between these two platforms (“Tuleap” and “Odoo 8.0”), and a web
application that permits to manage the bid project and parameterize theses transfers. Our contributions permit to
ensure interoperability between these platforms and thus to deal with “horizontal fit” and “transversal fit” problems.
In our future work we propose to implement a new module under “Odoo 8.0” that permits to manage the bid


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