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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 499

2nd International Conference on Law, Governance and Social Justice (ICOLGAS 2020)

Legal Reconstruction of Tax-Sharing Funds in

Indonesia: Towards the Progressive and
Democratic Tax Function
Anis Wahyu Hermawan1, Henry Dianto Pardamean Sinaga2, Leo B. Barus3
Universitas Terbuka, Jakarta – Indonesia
Doctorate Program of Law Study, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang– Indonesia
Staff of the Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level of the Central Tapanuli Regency Government, Pandan –
Email :

Abstract--There is still a polemic related to tax-sharing actually obtained from provinces and
funds (DBH), such as transparency and disbursement, regencies/municipalities that receive the distribution
which must be addressed immediately so as not to of tax proceeds, the local government objected to the
marginalize substantive justice and obscure the meaning amount of DBH which was deemed insufficient, and
of decentralization. Based on the normative method by
using democratic theory, two conclusions are generated.
the delay in disbursement of the DBH. [1] Of course,
First, Article 289 (2) Law no. 9 of 2015 is only fixated on the ongoing polemic must be resolved immediately
reading regulations alone so that its implementation considering the amendment to Article 18 paragraph
only has a given in the local government and will only (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
often cause polemic in the future. Second, the Indonesia (UUD 1945), the formulation of which is
reconstruction of tax DBH must involve active “Provincial, Regency and City Governments
government participation (collaborative central and regulate and manage government affairs themselves
local), transparent, and accountable. It is hoped that the according to the principles of autonomy and co-
active participation of local governments, such as in administration” and Article 1 number 20 Law no.
exchange information, tax education, tax services, joint
audits, and involvement in warning taxpayers who do
33 of 2004 concerning the Financial Balance
not comply through the licensing authority owned by the between the Central Government and Regional
Local Government. In facilitating coordination and Governments (Financial Balance Law) which the
transparency of tax DBH, it is proposed that in the formula is "Profit Sharing Funds are funds sourced
future: 1) the harmonization of legal area between from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget
service office and regency or city government, and 2) the (APBN) which are allocated to regions based on
adequate tax education and training for competent percentage figures to fund regional needs in the
officers of local government. context of implementing decentralization." referring
Keywords- tax revenue sharing; democracy; active to the understanding that regional governments have
participation; transparency; accountability the right to actively participate in accountability for
tax DBH to their communities, in accordance with
the principle of autonomy which requires consistent
implementation of decentralization in growing
autonomous regions and regional autonomy.
Certain regional assessments that criticize the tax
The problems of the complexity of the tax DBH
revenue sharing (DBH) channeled by the central
that still occur show that the relationship between
government to the regions are a matter that must be
the central government and regional governments
addressed jointly by the central and regional
has not reached a position that is proportional, fair,
governments considering that DBH has become
democratic and in accordance with the potential,
polemic since the implementation of regional
conditions, and needs of the region. Of course, this
autonomy. [1]
problem is not in line with the tax function, which
Cholid Mahmud (2019) reveals that provinces
one of the four tax functions is the function of
and districts/cities do not know how much tax is
democracy, as Soemitro and Sugiharti (2004) and
actually obtained, even though taxes are public
Ilyas and Burton (2008) have explained about the
money, they cannot be hidden, so transparency is
democracy function of tax. Soemitro and Sugiharti
needed in building better taxes. [2] Apart from that,
(2004) have emphasized that the fourth principle of
there are other DBH problems, such as not yet
Pancasila which reads "Population led by wisdom in
transparent about the amount of tax income (in this
deliberation and representation" "It has been
case DBH is Article 25 and Article 29 for domestic
translated into Article 23A of the 1945 Constitution
individual taxpayers and PPh Article 21) which are

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 153
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 499

which reads "Taxes and other levies of a coercive and taxes. Some of the thoughts of experts on
nature for state purposes are regulated by law", democracy that are in line with the idea of reforming
which means that taxes are money that comes from the tax DBH law are as stated by Weale and
the people and is used to finance public Habermas. Weale (1999) argues that “in a
interests/people's interests so that the people have democracy, important public decisions on questions
the right to know how the tax is spent for the public of law and policy depend, directly or indirectly,
interest. [3] Whereas, Ilyas and Burton (2008) upon public opinion formally expressed by citizens
argued that the function of democracy in taxes is the of the community, the vast bulk of whom have equal
embodiment of a person's mutual cooperation political rights”. [8] Then in relating law,
system in the development of the nation, which by democracy, and individual freedom in a pluralistic
carrying out the tax obligations, that person is also society, Habermas emphasized that the creation of
entitled to get good service from the state. [4] Thus, legal laws must refer to existing universal rights,
the adequacy of the democratic function of taxes which must be resolved through the fulfillment of
(which is related to the rights of every component of participation and communication rights that
society that has carried out its tax obligations to guarantee equality and opportunity. the same in
obtain services and participate actively in making public decisions. [9] This is confirmed by
overseeing the management of tax liability that has Fuady (2009) by stating that "Everything must be
been paid) should justify the need for legal done in a transparent manner so that there is a
reconstruction in handling the problems and public space where people can find out, access,
complexity of DBH tax, refers to the understanding criticize, and even debate about public policies.
that reconstruction is the efforts to rebuild existing Thus, public policies that emerge through the
rules so that they become more ideal to use. [5] discourse then become the joint responsibility of all
elements of society ". [9]
Any effort to reconstruct the rules of the DBH
II. PROBLEMS tax based on strengthening democracy will
increasingly rationalize decentralization as a means
of implementing regional autonomy as Indonesia's
The existing of criticism from certain regions
territory is quite large and has a large population. So
regarding the DBH Tax, which has so far been
that the social order in Indonesia which is so plural
absolutely managed by the central government
and complex, Rahardjo initiated the need for
(ministry of finance), has caused polemic and
wisdom and prudence in law to accept local realities
problems that potentially to always arise, such as the and accommodate local differences into one
non-involvement of local governments in ensuring Indonesia that is whole in its plurality. [10]
the correctness of the amount of tax (Article 25,
Although there are several definitions of
Article 29, and Article 21 of Income Tax Law)
decentralization, as Maddick (1963) put it as the
which have been collected by the central tax
legal conferring of powers to discharge specified or
authority in their regions. Considering the
residual functions upon formally constituted local
implementation of the principle of autonomy is a authorities, [11] and Rondinelli, Nellis and Cheema
constitutional mandate that must be obeyed (1983) interpret it as “the creation or strengthening
collectively, it is necessary and urgent to answer the
-financially or legally- of sub national units of
two main problems. First, how to regulate the
goverment, the activities of which are substantially
current tax DBH in Indonesia. Second, how to
outside the direct control of central government,
reconstruct the ideal DBH tax arrangement in [12] However, decentralization in building
Indonesia. participatory, transparent, and accountable tax DBH
This study attempts to answer the existing must be carried out dynamically, which refers to the
problems by using the theory of democracy. The process of distributing power or authority in making,
word democracy comes from Greek, which refers to deciding, and implementing policies outside the top
rule was kratos, and demos was 'the people', so of the state hierarchy or in all corners of the territory
democracy is basically a necessary condition for of a country. [13]
good governance. [6] The idea of democracy, which Then, in terms of efforts to reform the law of
was originally a government based on the people, DBH taxes that are more ideal, collaborative
has developed, wherein the eighteenth century decentralization which is characterized by
philosophy of democracy concluded that the progressive law is expected to create a diversity of
democratic method is “institutional arrangement policies and laws that are in accordance with the
for arriving at political decisions which realizes the character of the community, where every decision
common good by making the people itself decide making is carried out not only by the top elements
issues through the election of individuals who are to of the state, but involves local governments which
assemble in order to carry out its will”. [7] The are basically, it must implement and be accountable
development of this understanding of democracy for every policy that exists to the people in its
has many implications, including in terms of DBH territory. The existence of a progressive character of

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 499

the law indicates a rejection of any efforts to are a type of Regency/City Tax as regulated in
maintain the status quo which causes the Article 2 paragraph (2) j. UU no. 28 of 2009
marginalization of substantive justice, considering concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Levies,
that the law must always be in the process of while PBB includes tax objects for the plantation
becoming, for something broader and greater, sector, forestry sector, mining sector, and other
namely laws whose quality of perfection can be sectors (apart from tax objects for the plantation
verified into the factors of justice, welfare, and sector, forestry sector, and the mining sector which
concern for the people. [14] are not in the district/city area) is a type of central
tax as regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of
III. RESEARCH METHOD Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number
139/PMK.03/2014 dated 10 July 2014 concerning
This study uses a doctrinal method, where the the Classification and Determination of the Sales
existing background will lead this study to be able Value of Tax Objects as the Basis for Imposing Land
to answer problem-identification and at the same and Building Tax.
time to get suggestions in overcoming existing
Furthermore, amendments to the provisions of
problems. [15] Furthermore, Saptomo (2009)
the DBH tax in the context of implementing this
explained that doctrinal research usually consists of
decentralization can be seen in Article 289
legal concepts (both concepts from statutes,
paragraph (2) of Law no. 23 of 2014 concerning
documented cases, administrative rules, and the
Regional Government (Regional Government Law)
like) which almost all activities take place in the
as amended by Law no. 9 of 2015 and Article 1
library. [16]
number 14 Regulation of the Minister of Finance
This prescriptive study uses secondary data
(PMK) Number 48/PMK.07/2016 concerning
consisting of binding legal materials (primary legal
Management of Transfers to Regions and Village
materials), legal materials that can explain existing
Funds which confirms that tax DBH only consists of
primary legal materials (secondary legal materials),
PBB, PPh Article 25, PPh Article 29 Individuals in
and legal materials that can provide guidance and
State, and PPh Article 21. Regarding the details of
explanation. related to primary legal materials and
DBH from PBB revenue are regulated in Article 12
secondary legal materials in this study (tertiary legal
paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the Financial
materials). [16] As for the binding legal materials,
Balance Law, as the percentage consists of 90% for
they must adhere to the type and hierarchy of laws
the region, and 10% of the central government share
and regulations in force in Indonesia, as referred to
which is based on the realization PBB revenue for
in Article 7 of Law No. 12 of 2011 concerning the
the current fiscal year. Then, regarding DBH PPh
Formation of Legislative Regulations, namely the
Article 25, Income Tax Article 29 for Domestic
order from the highest to the lowest includes the
Individuals, and Income Tax Article 21 is fully
1945 Constitution, the Decrees of the People's
regulated in Article 13 of the Fiscal Balance Law
Consultative Assembly, Laws/Regulations in Lieu
whose full formula is:
of Laws, Government Regulations, Presidential
Regulations, Provincial Regulations, and “(1) Profit-Sharing Funds from Income Tax
Regency/City. Provisions and Types of Laws and Article 25 and Article 29 for Domestic
Regulations that are recognized and have legal force Individual Taxpayers and Income Tax Article
as long as they are ordered by a higher level of 21 as referred to in Article 11 paragraph (2)
legislation. [17] Furthermore, the relevant legal letter c which is the share of the Region is
materials will be sorted, selected, and analyzed, and 20% (twenty percent). (2) The Profit Sharing
then concluded. [16] Fund from the PPh revenue as referred to in
paragraph (1) shall be divided between the
IV. DISCUSSION provincial and district/city governments. (3)
Profit-Sharing Funds from Income Tax
I. Regulation of the Applicable Tax Sharing Article 25 and Article 29 for Domestic
Funds in Indonesia Individual Taxpayers and Income Tax Article
Initially, tax DBH sourced from the APBN 21 as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be
consisted of Land and Building Tax (PBB), Fees for divided by a balance of 60% (sixty percent)
Acquisition of Land and Building Rights (BPHTB), for regencies/cities and 40% (four twenty
Income Tax (PPh) Article 25, PPh Article 29 percent) for the province. (4) Distribution of
Domestic Individuals, and Article 21 Income Tax, Profit-Sharing Funds as referred to in
as regulated in Article 11 paragraph (2) of the paragraph (3) shall be implemented on a
Financial Balance Law. In connection with the quarterly basis.
imposition of PBB and BPHTB currently being The distribution of DBH originating from taxes
carried out by the Regency/City Government and the that are part of the region must be based on the
Central Government (in this case the Directorate realization of revenue for the current fiscal year
General of Taxes/DGT), the Rural and Urban PBB (Article 23 of the Fiscal Balance Law) in which all

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 499

management and accountability must be carried out Article 25 and Income Tax Article 29 for Domestic
in accordance with statutory regulations in the field Individuals, and Income Tax Article 21, which
of State Finance and State Treasury as stated in includes the spirit of decentralization which must
Article 82 of the Financial Balance Law. create the common good. Even though there is an
argument that collaboration and synergy between
II. Critical Review of Tax Democracy on
the central government and local governments in
Profit Sharing Funds sourced from taxes producing the realization of PBB revenue, PPh
It has been emphasized that the DBH distribution Article 25 and PPh Article 29 Domestic Individuals,
is based on the actual revenue for the current fiscal and Article 21 PPh can be carried out through the
year. This affirmation should be in line with the implementation of Article 35A paragraph (1) of the
spirit of decentralization principles, as Article 281 KUP Law which regulates that every government
paragraph (2) letter (a) of the Regional Government agency, institution, association, and other parties, is
Law has emphasized that the financial relationship obliged to provide data and information related to
between the central government and regional taxation to DGT. The follow-up to Article 35A
governments includes tax and non-tax revenue paragraph (1) of the KUP Law can be implemented
sharing between regions. in collecting evidence for tax audits conducted by
Of course, in the context of democracy, the the DGT, namely: 1) Regulation of the Minister of
calculation of the realization of PBB and income tax Finance Number: 149/PMK.03/2011 concerning the
(PPh Article 25, PPh Article 29 Domestic National Tax Census which in its preamble states
Individuals, and Income Tax Article 21) should be that in order to collect data on tax objects as referred
considered as an important public decision which to in the provisions of Article 9 paragraph (3) of the
shows that the central government and regional PBB Law and in order to expand the tax base, it is
governments have the same rights in the know the necessary to collect tax object-based data. 2) Law
realization of PBB, Article 25 Income Tax, Article Number 9 of 2017 concerning Stipulation of
29 Income Tax for Domestic Individuals, and the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1
actual Income Tax Article 21. However, considering of 2017 concerning Access to Financial Information
that the tax collection system in Indonesia adopts a for Taxation Purposes Becomes a Law which in its
self-assessment system, which is the obligation for preamble states that in carrying out national
all taxpayers who have fulfilled the subjective and development it has the aim of welfare and prosperity
objective requirements to register themselves at the of all Indonesian people equally and fairness,
tax office, the obligation to complete their own tax funding that comes from state revenue, especially
returns (SPT) correctly, completely, and is clear and from taxes, is needed so that in order to meet the
signs and submits it to the tax office, and the need for tax revenue, it is necessary to provide broad
obligation to pay or self-pay the payable tax by using access for tax authorities to receive and obtain
a Tax Payment Letter (SSP) without depending on financial information for tax purposes. [20]
the existence of a tax assessment letter (SKP), [5] However, in the context of progressive democracy
[18] then the actual tax payable will only be certain and law, the matter of "simply channeling tax DBH"
if it is legally binding (inkracht) and/or has met the without directly involving local governments in the
expiration of the non-issuance of the SKP (if within process of achieving the realization of PBB and PPh
five years after the time the tax is due or the end of (PPh Article 25, Income Tax Article 29 Domestic
the Tax Period, part of the Tax Year, or Tax Year is Individuals, and Income Tax Article 21) can
not issued SKP) and/or expiration of tax collection marginalize justice for individual PPh taxpayers
and/or expiration of prosecution of tax crime. [19] who are entitled to be welfare by their local
Thus, in order to test the compliance of taxpayers in government. In the context of democracy, the active
fulfilling their tax obligations, it is necessary to participation of local governments in terms of
conduct tax audits, where the authority to conduct realization (including inspection) of PBB, Income
tax audits has been carried out by the DGT as Tax Article 25 and Income Tax Article 29 for
stipulated in Article 29 paragraph (1) of Law Domestic Individuals, and Income Tax Article 21
Number 6 of 1983 concerning General Provisions cannot be ignored in financial management in the
and Tax Procedures as referred to has been amended context of decentralization, because it is in line with
several times, most recently by Law Number 16 of Article 66 paragraph. (1) The Fiscal Balance Law
2009 concerning Stipulation of Government has stipulated that "Regional Finances are managed
Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 5 of 2008 in an orderly manner, obeying statutory regulations,
concerning the Fourth Amendment of Law Number efficient, economical, effective, transparent, and
6 of 1983 concerning General Provisions and accountable by taking into account justice,
Procedures for Taxation into Law (UU KUP). appropriateness and benefits for the community"
and the existence of objects of the United Nations
The existence of tax audits that have been carried and The registration of taxpayers with PPh Article
out by the DGT has become a critical review when 25 and PPh Article 29 for Domestic Individuals and
it is related to the examination of PBB, Income Tax Income Tax Article 21 is directly located in the

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 499

regency or city area of the relevant local and Income Tax Article 29 Domestic Individuals,
government. Whereas in a progressive legal context, and Income Tax Article 21 which fulfill the right of
regarding the given DBH tax still maintains the participation, are transparent, and become the joint
status quo in law, with respect to regional responsibility of all elements of society as the
governments (both regional heads and members of virtues of democracy.
regional people's representative councils) must carry Collaborative decentralization and synergy still
out the mandate of their constituents (most of whom emanate from executive power, where executive
are Individual Income Taxpayers). Thus, the active power with a democratic configuration must
participation, transparency, and accountability of the generate to legal products that are responsive in its
local government together with the DGT in characters, [20] namely those whose legal objectives
producing the realization of the PBB DBH and PPh are competence with the form of participation, must
are legal efforts to fulfill the factors of justice, be competent and able to recognize the public's
welfare, and concern for the people. desires and be committed to achieving substantive
justice, and its reconstruction always combines with
This must be realized by the central government
basic themes of activism, openness, and cognitive
(in this case the Ministry of Finance which oversees
competence. [23] One example of implementing
the DGT) because in decentralization there is
executive power with a democratic configuration
regional autonomy which is the right, authority and
can be done through a joint audit that has been
obligation of the autonomous region to regulate and
conducted by the DGT with other agencies, such as
manage government affairs and the interests of local
the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, the
communities in the system of the Unitary State of
Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas
the Republic of Indonesia. including the rights,
Business Activities, Financial Services Authority,
powers, and obligations of autonomous regions to
and Financial and Development Supervisory
participate in a transparent and accountable manner
Agency. The involvement of state civil servants
in regulating and managing the existence of PBB
from local governments in conducting audits by the
objects and taxpayers of Income Tax Article 25 and
DGT of PBB, PPh Article 25 and PPh Article 29
Income Tax Article 29 Domestic Individuals and
Domestic Individuals, and Article 21 PPh are still in
Income Tax Article 21 residing in their autonomous
line with the meaning of the examination contained
in Article 1 number 25 of the KUP Law and the
III. Reconstruction of the Revenue Sharing background. The Draft Law on KUP, as referred to
Funds from Taxes in Article 1 point 25 of the KUP Law defines
Decentralization, as a manifestation of a good examination as "A series of activities to collect and
democracy, should have implications in the form of process data, information, and/or evidence which
close collaboration and synergy between the central are carried out objectively and professionally based
government and local governments in producing the on an inspection standard to test compliance with
realization of PBB revenue (except for Rural and taxation obligations and/or for other purposes in
Urban PBB), PPh Article 25 and Income Tax Article implementing the provisions of tax laws and
29 Domestic Individuals, and PPh Article 21, which regulations" and the background of the KUP Law
should be strengthened cannot be separated from which is to increase awareness and legal knowledge
government administration within the scope of the of the community so that there is also a stronger
interests of the community in the regions. demand for a law enforcement system in the taxation
The democratic function of tax and the sector that is more transparent and is supported by
progressive of law in reconstructing the law on tax- products of laws that are clearer, more assertive,
sharing funds justifies that taxpayers who are just, and have legal certainty. In addition,
domiciled in a region through their regional collaborative decentralization and synergy between
government should have the right to obtain local governments and DGT are a “service and
information on their tax duties as well as access to client” approach in increasing the trust of taxpayers
justice which has been created to protect parties to the government in voluntarily complying with
whose access is limited, [21] which if not properly their tax payments, because these efforts are
handled will cause polemic between the limiting beneficial in streamlining costs, both for the state
authority and those who really want to participate and taxpayers. [24] As many taxpayers' business
actively because they have carried out their tax activities are closely related to regional government
duties. One of the efforts to avoid a prolonged authorities, such as regional licensing and regional
polemic in terms of DBH originating from taxes, and retribution.
as a means of guiding the implementation of tax
collection predictively and also in order to narrow V. CONCLUSION
the illegal tax lobbies space that can harm tax state
revenue, [22] it is necessary to create collaborative
decentralization and synergy in producing the This study produces two conclusions. First, it
realization of PBB revenue, Income Tax Article 25 can be concluded that the tax DBH in the form of

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