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March-April 2020

ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11993 - 12005

Managing Plea Bargaining Risk in Indonesia: An

Effort to Overcome the Corporate Corruption
Priyambudi, 2Henry Dianto Pardamean Sinaga, 3Andhy H. Bolifaar
Head of Administration of the South Sulawesi High Prosecutors Office & the Law Doctoral Program at the
Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Staff of the Directorate General of Taxes and Awardee of Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education & the Law
Doctoral Program of the Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia.
Section Head of the Brebes District Attorney Office & Student at Law Doctoral Program of the Diponegoro
University, Semarang, Indonesia.

Article Info Abstract: Plea bargaining which is a disincentive for lawbreakers to

Volume 83 exercise their constitutional rights and hopes to provide corporate
Page Number: 11993 - 12005
Publication Issue: guarantees of legal certainty and through out-of-court settlement, as well
March - April 2020 as to reduce arrears of criminal cases in terms of the rise of corporate
corruption as a collective act, apparently has to face several risks in its
management, such as lack of transparency and differences in the integrated
criminal justice system objectives, inadequate administration of data and
the process of plea-bargaining, and the neglect of public participation in
various scenarios plea bargaining. In solving the main problems of the
corporate plea bargaining in corruption, normative juridical research was
conducted to generate two main conclusions. First, there is no current
prevailing plea-bargaining law in the case of corporate corruption in
Indonesia. It is still limited to Article 199 of the Criminal Procedure Code
Draft and Article 44B of KUP Law, which still accommodates a
significant difference of plea bargaining form. Second, in overcoming the
negative risk, plea bargaining management of the corporate corruption can
only be done through public participation, transparency, and accountability
of judges and/or prosecutor that focuses on the blameworthiness of
offender and the level of recovery of losses suffered by victims (the state),
protection of the community, and practical implications of sentencing
decisions. Hopefully, the future plea bargaining law regulates plea
bargaining definition that is sociologically optimal, which is resolved
Article History outside the court, which must provide maximum benefit to the prosperity
Article Received: 24 July 2019 of the people through prioritizing monetary/financial sanctions.
Revised: 12 September 2019
Accepted: 15 February 2020 Keywords: Plea Bargaining, Corporate Corporation, Public Participation,
Publication: 17 April 2020 Transparency, Accountability.

laundering (TPPU) crimes committed by PT. TR
Series of corporate corruption that have been which is handled by the Corruption Eradication
handled by law enforcement in Indonesia, such as Commission (KPK) [1], PT. OA which is handled
corporate corruption of PT. NKE (formerly PT. by the Police [2], PT. GJW handled by the

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11993

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11993 - 12005

Prosecutor's Office (based on the first decision of from the views of (who explain the practice in
the Banjarmasin District Court No. 812 / Pid.Sus / terms of general principles of bureaucratic
2010 / PN.Bjm dated June 9, 2011 and the High interaction and theories of courtroom dynamics are
Court appeal decision No. 04 / PID.SUS/ 2011 / often potentially subject to historical refutation on
PT.BJM dated August 10 2011), as well as a series the course of a very long and mutually refute trial)
of corruption cases involving the private sector as if and the claim of economic necessity [9]. In
to show a model of handling that tends to be Indonesia, this model is still limited to the Draft of
formal-legistic at this time has not had an Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), known as the
entrapment effect on the corporation and/or the term "Special Path", as formulated in Article 199 of
parties involved in it. Then, Pradiptyo et al's (2016) this Draft.
study on the 2001-2015 corruption database There are several studies that discuss the pros and
accessed in the decision.
cons of plea bargaining. Cheng (2015) underlines
obtained the fact that from the state loss of Rp. the thinking of legal practitioners who support plea
47.11 trillion due to economic crimes from the bargaining in connection with administrative needs
private sector / others, it turns out prosecutors' to reduce the large number of arrears in criminal
demands are only Rp. 7.78 trillion and a court cases in court, while criticism relates to the
decision of Rp. 9.12 trillion [3]. Of course, the assumption that plea bargaining is contrary to the
recovery of state losses due to corruption involving principle of justice [10]. Bunker (1994) argues that
the private sector, especially corporations, must be although there is criticism of plea bargaining, such
done as much as possible given the nature of the as the softness found in the plea bargain system will
corporation that cannot be imprisoned, but must be make lawbreakers return to commit crimes and harm
able to be forced to recover the state losses other law- abiding citizens, but the pressure to
incurred[4] by correlating between corporate apply plea bargaining is a disincentive for the
corruption liability who commits the illegal acts [5] violators of the law to exercise their constitutional
with corporation’s mens rea that refers to corporate rights, so plea bargaining must be a component of
connoting fault or corporate blameworthiness of the criminal justice system which must be closely
conduct [6]. monitored, especially by the media / press which can
Regarding the concept of formal-legalistic legal function as the check on the governmental activities
settlement, as so far only always wanted the [11]. Flynn (2015), who has observed 51 Victorian
resolution of a case in court, Rahardjo has criticized prosecutors have been observed engaging in plea-
it through his concept which strongly supports the negotiation practices and has interviewed 54
enforcement of sociological optics, which rests his prosecutors, defense counsel, judicial officers and
hopes on ensuring legal certainty and justice in policy advisors in order to reignite discussions of
society through solutions outside court [7]. the transparency of plea-negotiations in Australia,
Unfortunately, at present the concept of settlement arguing that globally there is scarcity of data and
outside the court is not yet very familiar in research on plea-negotiations and there is a lack of
Indonesia, even though several countries have external oversight or transparency of prosecutorial
implemented the resolution of a case out of court, discretion in plea- negotiations (which is very
such the standard form of disposition for most different from the accountability issue that has been
English and American criminal cases is the guilty applied to the use of police discretion and judicial
plea [8], one of which is through the settlement of officers) which results in the lack of capacity to
the plea bargaining or plea agreement or negotiated obtain accurately measure frequency, how
plea or sentence bargain. the history of the agreements can be reached, how to identify patterns
emergence of plea bargaining cannot be separated based on the typical violations most often involved.

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11994

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11993 - 12005

Therefore, Flynn (2015) argues that all jurisdictions amending the legal substance [16], and in order to
in Australia must define plea-negotiations in the reduce the arrears of criminal cases where in the
law and administer data on the occurrence of plea- case of the rise of corporate corruption criminal
negotiations, because without these reforms plea- victims are the state, the direct violators are
negotiations will remain non- transparent, employees, or agents in the context of relations
misunderstood, will not it has been known that agency, while those who receive benefits are
there is an adequate mechanism in understanding or generally principals which in this case may include
examining the actual practice of plea-negotiations, the corporation itself, shareholders and/or top
and how the actual impact of plea bargaining occurs management such as directors, and/or
[12]. Herzog (2004) states that although in general commissioners [17], plea bargaining which is a
practice in many legal systems in the world, plea disincentive for lawbreakers to exercise their
bargaining tends to be considered low, but based on constitutional rights, the nontransparency of plea
research in order to examine public attitudes bargaining as a component of the criminal justice
towards various plea bargaining scenarios based on system that must be closely monitored, the urgency
a sample survey of respondents in Israel, it was to administer data on the occurrence of plea-
found that opening up plea bargaining procedures bargaining, and in order to strengthen public
to parties other than those who have traditionally participation in various plea bargaining scenarios,
been involved in plea bargaining will in fact this article will try to answer 2 (two) main problems
increase public support for plea bargaining, except that exist. First, how is the current (positive) law of
for crimes related to terrorism and acts of violence plea-bargaining in the case of corporate corruption
motivated by ideology [13]. Then based on in Indonesia? Second, how are efforts to manage
purposive sampling, in which the primary data is the risk of plea bargaining that can overcome
obtained from semi-structured interviews with corporate corruption in Indonesia?
stakeholders in the bargaining process in Malaysia,
by Hamin, Othman, and Rani (2019), the findings of II. LITERATURE REVIEW
the amendment to the Malaysian Criminal Procedure
Code in 2010 which formalized the plea-bargaining The normative juridical method was chosen in this
process to reduce arrears in criminal court cases and study as an approach by exploring laws based on
as a quick alternative to a full criminal trial turned laws and regulations, namely by studying and
out to be incompatible with the law in action analyzing concepts relating to public participation,
because “the actors involved in the process are transparency, and accountability in the management
avoiding the use of the new procedural law. of bargaining plea that is able to overcome
Instead, those actors are following the old informal corporate corruption which is still happening in
practice of plea- bargaining to achieve their Indonesia. As the regulation of the bargaining of
personal goals which may be inconsistent with the corporate crime plea is still limited to the draft law
organisational goals of the judiciary and in Indonesia, according to Sinaga and Bolifaar
prosecution” [14]. (2020) the draft is still not in accordance with the
spirit of plea bargaining itself, such as the
The hope is that the guarantee of legal certainty and defendant whose plea bargaining application was
justice in the community can be resolved through received must still be tried through a short event
out-of-court settlement, the importance of examination, it does not regulate which types of
recovering state financial losses as an effort to criminal acts are categorized as special lines,
tackle corruption [15], the complexity of corporate bidding restrictions or negotiations between the
crime prevention, according to Moohr (2007), defendant and the claimant general, and what form
would be more effective if it was done through of waivers or rewards or concessions can be offered

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11995

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11993 - 12005

by public prosecutors [24]. Sinaga and Bolifaar This legal research uses normative juridical
(2020) concluded the importance and urgency to methods, that seeks to solve problems, find rules
build a transparent, efficient, fast and inexpensive that govern behavior in society, and provide
plea bargaining model in Indonesia[24]. Then, prescriptions in order to implement them
Susanti et al (2018) have also suggested the appropriately in society [18]. Legal research, which
existence of obligations and regulations in Salter and Mason (2007) termed black-letter
Indonesia which oblige and provide incentives for methodology to doctrinal research, has the main
corporations as efforts to tackle corporate objective: “to reveal the presence of a series of
corruption considering that despite the Supreme rules based upon a smaller number of general legal
Court Regulation No. 13 of 2016 which provides an principles defining” which assumptions the point is
opportunity for corporations to prove efforts to “that the detailed rules give effect to, and specify,
prevent corruption, but what programs are certain underlying and more general legal
sufficient to implement are not regulated further principles, such that law can be interpreted as a
[25]. more or less rational and coherent system of rules”
The importance of public participation, [19].
transparency, and accountability in the management This legal research is descriptive, in its prescriptive
of bargaining plea of corporate corruption is in line form, as Soekanto (2010) has explained that
with the thoughts of Barkow (2009) who have descriptive research is intended to provide data (in
stated that prosecutors play an important role in this case secondary data) that are as thorough as
plea bargaining so that the state must be able to possible about humans, circumstances or other
ensure that prosecutors have worked professionally, symptoms, whereas prescriptive research is aimed
independently and accountable [26]. Levine and at get suggestions for overcoming the problems
Feeley (2015) thought that suggested the formation raised in the study [20] by conducting profound
of a centralized and professional prosecution investigation on the principles of law, vertical and
system, complete with safety protection, horizontal synchronization of law, legal history, and
hierarchical control, and internal and external legal comparison [21]. The source of data taken
supervision [27]. Watson (2010) thought that from secondary data consisting of three legal
suggested to revolutionize plea bargaining in materials, namely primary legal material (which is
England and Wales by not obstructing justice for constitutes legal material that is authoritative or has
the defendant by creating procedures that are fully authority and is binding, such as the 1945
transparent and supervised by competent internal Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and
and external parties, and formalizing a system that various related laws and regulations, secondary
will increase public trust in the criminal justice legal material (legal material that provides an
system [28], and the thought of Bibas (2016) which explanation of primary legal material, such as books
concluded that so that plea bargaining does not texts, legal expert opinions, scientific journals,
become a troubling way to dispense justice and to seminar results), and tertiary legal materials (legal
ensure the implementation of plea bargaining that is materials that provide instructions and explanations
fair and accurate, then “plea bargaining requires for primary legal materials and secondary legal
better information, more participation, and a materials, such as legal dictionaries, language
combination of inquisitorial and more vigorous dictionaries, encyclopedias, internet sources from
adversarial safeguards” [29]. pages appropriate, and other tertiary legal
materials) [22]. The secondary data obtained will be
III. METHOD examined in more depth to be described
descriptively and comparatively, then critically

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11996

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11993 - 12005

analyzed legally qualitatively, so as to produce Several understanding of plea bargaining shows

conclusions and prescriptions [23]. that plea bargaining is an agreement of the
defendant or the suspect who pleaded guilty to the
prosecuting attorney, thus asking for a reduced
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION sentence or concession or substitution of the type of
4.1 Overview of the Plea Bargaining of sentence which has a better impact (usually in the
Corporate Corruption form of a fine) negotiated between the prosecutor
There are several thoughts that have defined plea and the defendant or the suspect. The central role of
bargaining. Bunker (1994) defined a plea bargain as the prosecutor in the mechanism of plea bargaining
“an agreement between a criminal defendant and a is generally addressed differently in several
prosecutor in which the defendant pleads guilty to a countries that have implemented it, such as in the
charge in exchange for a lighter sentence or more United States where the Prosecutors generally do
predictable outcome than could be expected with a not need to give reasons in their decisions because
trial” [11]. According to classical understanding of the court considers that the decisions made by these
McConville (1998), plea bargaining does not prosecutors are constitutionally and legally
conflict with adversary principles or with traditional appropriate, whereas in Germany, the use of
sentencing theory, as the argument is: “retaining prosecutors' discretion in deciding plea bargaining
the trial as the badge of adversariness, the system must be based on written reasons that have gone
could justify giving a sentence reduction to through very strict supervision, monitoring and
defendants who were truly remorseful and who supervision stages [33].
thereby gave up their right to trial by pleading In relation to accountability for corporate
guilty because, in doing so, they had taken the first criminality, which of course criminal sanctions must
step towards rehabilitation and had thus already not be in the form of imprisonment, plea bargaining
gone some way towards meeting the objectives is an informal method that is useful and efficient as
which any sentence would otherwise have to secure a norm for resolving challenges of corporate
alone” [30]. corruption within the framework of integrated
Then, Chilton (1991) revealed that the scope of plea criminal justice system [34] given that acts of
bargaining can be found in all jurisdictions, such as corruption collectively indeed grow habitat fertile in
reviews conducted by judges who sentenced, the form of agency relationships in a corporation
victims, "watchdogs" paid by the state or voluntary, [35]. Thus, with the existence of plea bargaining in
and the court of appeal, where the plea bargaining Indonesia, the role of the legal regime in recovering
was a decision by prosecutors are held accountable state losses from corporate corruption will reflect
on review by the sovereign powers of the state, proper and reasonable considerations for
either in the form of some elected hierarchy, public corporations to bear financial / monetary sanctions,
participation, or both [31]. Black’s Law Dictionary given the limited financial and non-financial
defines plea bargain as “a negotiated agreement capabilities of corporate agents in returning losses
between a prosecutor and a criminal defendant the state, and the appropriateness of the corporation
whereby the defendant pleads guilty to a lesse as the surest beneficiary of a criminal act of
offense or to one of multiple charges in exchange corruption, because it is an authorized party or an
for some concession by the prosecutor, usually a interested party or or as a policy breaker [36].
more lenient sentence or a dismissal of the other The appropriateness and feasibility of plea
charges”[32]. bargaining as a disincentive for corporations who
are suspects in a criminal act of corruption in
accordance with the spirit of the paradigm of

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11997

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11993 - 12005

reciprocity and the paradigm of reasonableness that to in paragraph (2), if the judge is in doubt
has been stated by Fletcher. The plea bargaining about the truth of the defendant's confession.
relation in the paradigm of reciprocity lies in the (5) Excluded from Article 198 paragraph (5),
spirit that tries to resolve a mistake in an effort to criminal conviction for the defendant as
fulfill the victim's right to get compensation, and an referred to in paragraph (1) may not exceed
effort so that the violator fulfills his obligation to 2/3 of the maximum criminal offense
provide compensation. While the plea bargaining charged.
relationship with the paradigm of reasonableness
lies in its commitment to the welfare of the The ius constituendum regulates that plea
community as a criterion in determining the parties bargaining applies to all legal subjects (individuals
entitled to receive and those who must pay and legal entities) and it is emphasized that the
compensation or as compensation [37]. public prosecutor can submit the case to the hearing
of a short examination. Regarding the short plea
bargaining examination program, it must refer to
4.2 (Positive) Law of Plea Bargaining of the Article 198 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the
Corporate Corruption in Indonesia Criminal Procedure Code and Article 201
paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code that
Plea bargaining which in Indonesia is known by the
confirms that plea bargaining cases that are
term Special Track as contained in Article 199 of
examined according to the short inspection event
the Draft of Criminal Procedure Code, whose full
are of minor criminal acts (cases that are punishable
formulation is [38]:
by imprisonment for a maximum of three months or
(1) When the public prosecutor reads the a maximum fine as referred to in Category I of the
indictment, the defendant recognizes all the Criminal Code / KUHP), up to a criminal offense
acts that were indicted, and pleads guilty to for which a criminal threat is indicted for no more
committing criminal offenses which are than seven years. Then in Article 198 paragraph (4)
indicted for no more than 7 (seven) years, and paragraph (6) of the Draft of Criminal
the public prosecutor may submit a case to a Procedure Code it is stated that plea bargaining
short hearing examination session. through a brief examination does not use
(2) The defendant's confession is stated in the indictments, only lists the articles that were
official report signed by the defendant and violated, and carried out with a single judge.
the public prosecutor. The existence of Article 199 paragraph (1) of the
(3) Judges must: a. notify the defendant of the Draft of Criminal Procedure Code which confirms
rights he has released by giving recognition that plea bargaining applies to the defendant who
as referred to in paragraph (2); b. notify the recognizes all the acts that are indicted and pleads
defendant of the length of the criminal guilty to committing a criminal offense which is
sentence that might be imposed; and c. ask charged no more than 7 (seven) years applies to
whether the acknowledgment referred to in the criminal act of corruption in UU no. 31 of 1999
paragraph (2) is given voluntarily. concerning Eradication of Corruption Law can
reach the following articles in the following Table
(4) The judge can reject confessions as referred

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11998

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11993 - 12005

Table 1 Plea Bargaining's Reach to Articles in Corruption Law

No. Article in The threat of Types of criminal acts
Corruption Law imprisonment
1. Article 2 paragraph The shortest is enrich themselves or other people
(1) 4 years and the or a corporation that can harm the
longest is 20 country's finances or the country's
years (4 to 20 economy
2. Article 3 1 to 20 years which with the purpose of benefiting
oneself or other people or a
corporation, misuses the authority,
opportunity or means available to him
because of his position or position
which may harm the country's finances
or the country's economy
3. Article 5 1 to 5 years commits a criminal offense as referred
to in Article 209 of the Criminal Code
4. Article 6 3 to 15 years commits a criminal offense as referred
to in Article 210 of the Criminal Code
5. Article 7 2 to 7 years commits a criminal offense as referred
to in Article 387 or Article 388 of the
Criminal Code
6. Article 8 3 to 15 years commits a criminal offense as referred
to in Article 415 of the Criminal Code
7. Article 9 1 to 5 years commits a criminal offense as referred
to in Article 416 of the Criminal Code
8. Article 10 2 to 7 years commits a criminal offense as referred
to in Article 417 of the Criminal Code
9. Article 11 1 to 5 years commits a criminal offense as referred
to in Article 418 of the Criminal Code
10. Article 12 4 to 20 years commits a criminal offense as referred
to in Article 419, Article 420, Article
423, Article 425, or Article 435 of the
Criminal Code
11. Article 13 The longest is give a gift or promise to a public
3 years servant in view of the power or
authority attached to his position or
position, or by the gift giver or promise
is deemed attached to the position or
12. Article 14
13. Article 15 and The same crime as referred to Article 2, Article 3,
Article 16 Article 5 to Article 14
14. Article 21 3 to 12 years Deliberately prevent, obstruct, or
frustrate directly or indirectly the
investigation, prosecution, and
examination in a court of law against
suspects and defendants as well as
witnesses in corruption cases
15. Article 22 3 to 12 years Deliberately not giving information or

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11999

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11993 - 12005

giving incorrect information

16. Article 23 1 to 6 years Cases of corruption, violations of the
provisions referred to in Article 220,
Article 231, Article 421, Article
422, Article 429 or Article 430 of the
Criminal Code
17. Article 24 The longest is Witnesses and other people who are
3 years involved in corruption that violate the
prohibition to mention the name or
address of the reporter, or other matters
that give the possibility of knowing the
identity of the Reporter.

As a comparison of the ius constituendum of plea sanctions in the form of a fine of 4 (four) times the
bargaining in Article 199 of the Draft of Criminal amount of tax that has not been or is not paid, or
Procedure Code, plea bargaining itself has been that should not be returned, so based on the
applied in lex specialis in the field of taxation in cessation of investigating criminal acts in the field
Indonesia. In Article 44B of Law No. 6 of 1983 of taxation from the Attorney General, the taxpayer
concerning General Provisions and Procedures for is truly free from the alleged tax crime without
Taxation as amended several times, the latest being having to go through a brief inspection.
with Law Number 16 of 2009 concerning the The important role of the Attorney General in plea
Establishment of Government Regulations in lieu of bargaining in Indonesia in accordance with Article
Law Number 5 of 2008 concerning the Fourth 2 paragraph (1) of Law Number 16 Year 2004
Amendment to Law Number 6 of 1983 concerning Regarding the Prosecutor's Office (Prosecutor's
General Provisions and Procedures for Taxation Law) and Article 1 number 6 letter b and Article 13
into Laws (KUP Law) and in the implementing of the Criminal Procedure Code which regulates the
regulations as regulated in the Minister of Finance prosecutor's office as a government agency that
Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 55 / implements state power in the field of prosecution
PMK.03 / 2016 concerning Procedures for Requests as well as other authorities (such as implementing
to Stop Tax Criminal Investigations in the Interest judges) based on law. Then, the explanation of
of State Revenue [39] have emphasized that in the Article 30 paragraph 1 letter (a) of the Prosecutor's
interest of state revenue, at the request of the Law confirms that in conducting prosecutions,
Minister of Finance, the Attorney General can stop prosecutors can conduct pre-prosecution as a means
investigating tax criminal acts that have not been of prosecutors to monitor the progress of
submitted to the court, which is only carried out investigations after receiving notification of the
after the taxpayer has paid tax debts that are unpaid start of investigations from investigators, to provide
or underpaid or unpaid it should be returned and instructions to be completed by investigators, and to
supplemented with administrative sanctions in the be able to determine whether the file can be
form of a fine of 4 (four) times the amount of tax delegated or not to the prosecution stage. However,
that is not or underpaid, or which should not be the important role of prosecutors in plea bargaining
returned. That is, plea bargaining in the field of must be through very strict control and supervision
taxation applies to taxpayers, who as long as the in order to minimize the emergence of abuse of
case has not been delegated to court, has a good power. In addition, the position of the prosecutor
faith to acknowledge their actions and pay off tax who is between the executive and the judiciary
debts that are not or underpaid or that should not be determines the independence and accountability of
returned and are added with administrative other parties in plea baragining, such as

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investigators of criminal acts of corruption, judges, policy makers. Some thoughts that try to provide
public, and defendants / suspects [24]. solutions to the negative impact of plea bargaining
management can be an improvement in the legal
framework of plea bargaining in Indonesia. Chilton
4.3 Management of bargaining plea risk that
(1991) suggested that in plea bargaining be carried
can overcome corporate corruption in
out "screening" and "reviewing" prosecutorial
decision-making. The draft screening in the process
In 1977, the U.S. Supreme Court has explicitly of plea bargaining refers to efforts to forgive the
stated that plea bargain is an important component accused / suspect so that in the future they do not
in the criminal justice system, which if properly repeat the violation and as a consensus that is not
administered will benefit all parties concerned, and repeated. Whereas the draft review is carried out
many supporters of plea bargaining have questioned during the process and after plea bargaining, such
the morality of those who seek to support longer as receiving input from the victim (in the case of
imprisonment when compared abolition of corruption the victim is the state), very strict control
imprisonment or imprisonment briefly [11], but can from the court, as well as a review of good faith
provide maximum impact and benefits for the from the accused or suspect [31].
nation and state. Aside from Rahardjo, he revealed
Flynn (2015) argues that although the Prosecutors'
the importance of settling a sociological optimized
Office in Australia has some structured and
crime, namely outside the court, Atmasasmita
transparent internal processes for plea bargaining
(2009) also stated the need to shift "the principle of
decisions, there are major concerns about the
no criminal without error" to "the principle of no
program where eligibility is highly dependent on the
criminal without error, no error without benefit",
approval of the prosecutor, a completely free
one of which is handling corporate crimes related to
decision, not subject to external review or
Monsanto (United States) and Innospec (United
transparency greater, thus giving rise to the potential
Kingdom) which have not been successfully
in the form of a lack of consistency, supervision
resolved because the Anti-Bribery Act in the two
and understanding of decisions which certainly can
countries does not provide information to law
harm the defendants or suspects, especially those
enforcement in Indonesia given that the two
who are unable to pay lawyers who initially thought
corporations have received "forgiveness" through
they could approach prosecutors and judges to
the establishment of a court by signing an
discuss the plea bargaining. selection. Thus, greater
agreement with the government , paid
accountability and transparency is needed to ensure
administrative fines as determined by the court, and
equality and consistency; increase the efficiency and
has provided significant foreign exchange to his
effectiveness of programs; and provide visibility to
country as a compliant Tax Payer in both countries
the discretion that exists in each integrated criminal
so that the reputation of the two corporations must
justice system. The alternative accountability and
be maintained [40].
transparency that are worthy of consideration by the
The urgency of bargaining plea in criminal policy court in terms of the occurrence of plea bargaining
in Indonesia is actually in line with the law that is include the availability of verified evidence that the
able to build and strengthen the welfare of its prosecutor has consulted (consultation with victims
people, so handling corporate corruption in and investigators who adhere to applicable
Indonesia must consider things such as outputs as prosecution guidelines), and there are various
well as outcomes for the country. Indeed, there is a statements related to the facts agreed in the
concern that abuse of authority by persons bargaining plea as a fair, accurate, and relevant
competent in plea bargaining must be addressed by

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 12001

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11993 - 12005

report as proof and settlement according to the the power of prosecutors, and the need for open
guidelines submitted to the court [12]. access to competent public to obtain relevant legal
documents with plea bargaining [14]. In fact, the
Furthermore, Rose-Ackerman (2008) argued that
spirit of plea bargaining through public participation
given too many moral risks that degenerate into
has been accommodated in Article 41 concerning
empty rhetoric and too simplistic views about the
Corruption Law through the granting of rights and
roots of economic growth and corruption, options
responsibilities to the public in preventing and
for institutional reform in several broad categories,
eradicating criminal acts of corruption in Indonesia,
such as program redesign, and policies which
such as giving the right to the public to submit
increases transparency and accountability are still
suggestions and opinions responsibly to law
needed in post-conflict state development. Program
enforcement officials handle cases of corruption.
redesign can be done through eliminating highly
corrupt programs, limiting discretion, streamlining The management of negative risk on plea
and simplifying regulations, expanding the supply bargaining in Indonesia can also consider the
of benefits, clarifying eligibility and service criteria, thoughts of Steffensmeier et al (1998) through three
giving people the choice of officials, increasing focus of Judges and Prosecutors, namely those
monitoring, and using incentives to the state related to “the offender's blameworthiness and the
apparatus. The accountability and transparency degree of harm caused by the victim, protection of
strategy must relate to government actions, such as the community, and practical implications of
improving freedom of information laws that can sentencing decisions". The focus on the
provide public access to government information, blameworthiness of offender and the level of loss
the government decision-making process must be suffered by the victim in the plea bargaining of
open for public oversight and participation, the corporate corruption relates to the retributive
establishment of independent oversight institutions, philosophy of punishment which can be seen from
the use of external and internal benchmarks. , and such things as, the biographical factors of the
the establishment of a strong and free media that accused or suspect, the history of criminalization or
can carry out the supervisory function. In this case, prior victimization, and the role of the offender in
Rose-Ackerman (2008) really wants the state to violations (whether as a leader, organizer, follower
protect civil liberties and at the same time must or actual beneficiary). The focus on protection of
uphold the rule of law through rules that must be the community must be based on the same attention,
clear and fair and manageable, which implies a but conceptually different as focusing on the need
criminal justice system that has integrity, to incapacitate offenders to repeat crime or to
competence, honesty, professionalism, and prevent potential offenders, prevent recidivism, and
independent [41]. Hamin et al (2019) suggested a prevent future uncertainties of perpetrators in their
number of steps in plea bargaining in Malaysia, communities. Whereas practical implications of
such as the Malaysian Attorney General who must sentencing decisions relate to constraints and
take active steps to ensure that prosecutors comply practical consequences of corporations,
with the law by introducing comprehensive organizations, and individuals that can be weighed
guidelines, the State must provide full autonomy to by prosecutors and judges in decision making, such
prosecutors to decide the outcome of plea as the condition of corporate financial health, the
bargaining without intervention or pressure from special needs of individuals within the corporation
any force, the need for legal protection of (corporate sustainability in providing livelihood to
defendants who avoid the practice of bargaining in its employees), and the local political framework
cases for the benefit of certain individuals or and community norms that have been carried out by
groups, as well as to minimize the risk of abuse of

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 12002

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11993 - 12005

corporations so far (such as compliance with organizational problem that can be resolved by
implementing corporate social responsibility) [42]. improving the loophole in social and institutional
arrangements, while the social perspective shows
Given that in the formulation of the Draft of
that negotiation should not be made a problem but
Criminal Procedure Code, there is an important role
instead, for external purposes (such as to uphold
for judges and prosecutors in plea bargaining, if the
justice and establish a decent criminal case) and for
vital role of judges is highlighted, Lee (2005)
internal purposes (for example, to reduce
demonstrated about the the significance role of
uncertainty and save time) [44].
judge role on the implementation of plea bargaining
(including to influence how attorneys take, develop,
and modify their bargaining positions and
arguments and to shape the ideal of justice as
balanced against the practical demands of the This paper produces two main conclusions. First,
courtroom) into three kinds of judicial conduct in the positive law of plea-bargaining in the case of
recorded plea-bargaining encounters, as cited: corporate corruption in Indonesia does not currently
“First, the judge may display an attitude or an out- exist, still in the form of Legal Draft. Indeed, there
look toward the accused or aspects of the case in an is a plea bargaining law against corporations, but it
embedded manner. A judge’s stance is is still in the form of lex specialist, namely tax law.
consequential for the ways in which the attorneys Both of them are still accommodating plea
take and formulate their positions at various bargaining which is very significant difference. The
junctures in the subsequent talk. Second, the judge article 199 of the Draft of KUHAP highly involves
can facilitate the bargaining process. A judge can the roles of judges and prosecutors, and the
organize an opening and a closing of the settlement is still in the form of a quick trial court
bargaining encounters, and elicit bargaining by still imposing a maximum sentence of 2/3 of
activities from the attorneys. Through the activity of those charged by the prosecutor, while plea
agenda management, the judge accomplishes bargaining in the field of taxation crime is sufficient
efficient processing of the caseloads scheduled for to settle it based on Attorney General's decision at
the day in question. Third, the judge may move the the request of the Minister of Finance, which is
bargainers toward resolution and may overtly only carried out after the taxpayer has paid tax
suggest a bargaining proposal, subtly intervene in debts.
the bargaining positions to show approval or
Second, efforts to manage the risk of plea
disapproval, and press the bargainers to overcome
bargaining that can overcome corporate corruption
obstacles. In moving the bargainers toward
in Indonesia can be done through public
resolution whether overtly or subtly, the judge
participation, transparency, and accountability in
influences the bargaining processes and outcomes
the plea bargaining process by continuing to focus
by orienting to efficiency as well as a conception of
on the blameworthiness of offender and the level of
fairness and justice in each case.”[43]
recovery of losses experienced by victims (in the
However, if the vital role of the prosecutor is to be
event of a criminal offense corruption, which is the
highlighted, Moiseeva (2017) revealed two
victim is the state) in plea bargaining in the
perspectives that can be used by prosecutors to be
occurrence of corporate corruption, protection of
effective negotiators without engaging in collusive
the community, and practical implications of
practices given that prosecutors work in a very
sentencing decisions. Considering the many articles
challenging environment of accusatory bias and
in Corruption Law that can ensnare legal subjects in
mighty state prosecution. From a structural
corporate corruption as corporate corruption is a
perspective, negotiation must be seen as an
collective act, and the urgency to implement plea
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 12003
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11993 - 12005

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