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March-April 2020

ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11981 - 11992

Political Corruption and the Role of Public

Prosecutors in Indonesia
Priyambudi, 2Barda Nawawi Arief, 3Nyoman Serikat Jaya Putera, 4R.B. Sularto,
Henry Dianto Pardamean Sinaga
Head of Administration of the South Sulawesi High Prosecutors Office & the Law Doctoral Program at the
Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Staff of the Directorate General of Taxes and Awardee of Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education & the Law
Doctoral Program of the Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia.

Article Info Abstract:

Volume 83
Page Number: 11981 - 11992 The rise of political corruption in Indonesia, as a matter of fact, is the trend
Publication Issue: of increasing cases of handling politics from year to year and the actors
March - April 2020
involved have reached the level of chairman and general treasurer in
certain political parties, has been very worried. Mitigation efforts such as
the state budget to finance political costs and investigative breakthroughs
are apparently still inadequate, so this study attempts to answer two main
problems based on normative juridical methods using responsive law
theory and progressive legal models. Two conclusions are generated. First,
the authority of the prosecutor's office in handling political corruption in
Indonesia is inadequate because still limited to handling corruption against
individuals and corporations, not yet touching the responsibilities of
political parties as legal entities. This clearly contradicts Article 27
paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution which has guaranteed equality
before the law principle Second, reconstuction need to be done of the
prosecutor's authority in overcoming political corruption and can touch the
root of the problem (namely patronage of the economy-political) in
Indonesia through strengthening of the pre-prosecution authority of the
prosecutor. It is recommended that an update on the Corruption Crime Act,
which includes vicarious liability arrangements, expansion of the scope of
everyone who can touch the criminal liability of legal entities, including
political parties, and official acts definition. In addition, to ensure
independence, accountability and transparency in the prosecution and pre-
prosecution of political corruption, it is hoped that the reform of the
prosecutor's law will place him as the supremacy of prosecution that is
independent, sovereign and free from legislative and executive
Article History
Article Received: 24 July 2019 intervention.
Revised: 12 September 2019
Accepted: 15 February 2020 Keywords: Political Corruption, Prosecution, Pre-Prosecution,
Publication: 17 April 2020 Discretion.

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11981

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11981 - 11992

I. INTRODUCTION Corruption Barometer (2017), police and elected

representatives (such as members of parliament,
The rampant cases of political corruption in many members of congress, senators etc.) were the most
countries, including Indonesia, have been very corrupt institutions in the world in 2017, which
worrying, because of the corruption that has were then followed by government officials,
become a threat to economic development, business executives and local government officials ,
democratic consolidation, and human dignity [1]. as the data are presented in Chart 1 below [2].
Based on a survey conducted by the Global

Chart 1
Key Public Sector Institutions Seen as Corrupt based on Survey of 2017

In the case of political corruption, Yadav and seems to have confronted the results of the study of
Mukherjee (2016) noted globally the existence of Hummel et al (2019) which measured political
an autocracy that could not be held accountable subsidies from 175 countries from 1900-2015
effectively and their cronies who held control over which stated that political financial reforms reduce
the generation and distribution of rents in enriching corruption by reducing the importance of private
themselves and their groups directly and indirectly money in politics [5]. The fact of political
and maintained their political support among the corruption in Indonesia can be seen from the
elite and their constituents [3]. Than, a study on handling of corruption that has been carried out by
Transparency International Indonesia (TII) (2017) the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)
revealed that the source of corruption in Indonesia since its establishment in 2004 to 2018 in which of
is the practice of patronage, especially in political the total 998 corruption cases, 368 cases involved
institutions, which is carried out by distributing members of the House of Representatives (DPR),
material resources in legal or illegal ways to Regional House of Representatives (DPRD),
constituents in patron-client relations, due to the Governors, Regents and Mayors in Indonesia. Even
amount of income and facilities obtained by the corrupt behavior tends to show an increasing
politicians formally from the state, will not be trend from year to year as the statistics are
enough to finance the practice of patronage[4], presented in the following Chart 2 [6].

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11982

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11981 - 11992

Chart 2
Corrupt Behavior Tends

The occurrence of political corruption is already a District Court Decision Number 50 / Pid. SUS /
public secret, but until now it has not been handled TPK / 2016 / PN. JKT.PST / 2016 which has
well by law enforcers, even though anti-corruption convicted a person who is the principal director of
reformers have tried to fight for the reduction of PT. APL, who had bribed one of the members of
corruption through restrictions on discretion, the DPRD. Even political corruption has involved
increased control over political officials, and high-ranking officials in certain political parties, as
restrictions on the power of officials. Political Mietzner (2015) states that a breakthrough
corruption seems to justify the standard which investigation seems to have done little to mitigate
states that the perpetrators commit corruption when the quantity and quality of political corruption in
they have great discretion and opportunity in their Indonesia, on the contrary: “Indonesia has
actions, little accountability, and considerable witnessed an ever-growing number of political
monopoly power [7], as the meaning of political corruption cases since the mid-2000s, involving the
corruption is in line with Philp (1997) who states: highest echelons of party politics. In 2011, the
“political corruption involves substituting rule in treasurer of then president Susilo Bambang
the interests of an individual or group for those Yudhoyono’s Democratic Party (Partai Demokrat,
publicly endorsed practices which effect an ordered PD), Mohammad Nazaruddin, was arrested for his
resolution to conflicting individual or group involvement in corrupted state projects worth a
interests” [8]. total of Rp 6 trillion ($600 million). In 2013, the
president of the Islamic Prosperous Justice Party
This long and complex phenomenon of political
(Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, PKS), Luthfi Hasan
corruption shows that the abuse of public power for
Ishaaq, was put on trial for accepting bribes in
personal and political gain has occurred in several
exchange for beef import quotas given out by the
countries, and added to its very closed nature,
Ministry of Agriculture, which his party
which increasingly makes measuring corruption
controlled.” [11]
difficult[9]. The case in Italy, which was a struggle
of a small group of judges and public prosecutors in Even in other countries, such as Belgium, Britain,
Italy during the years 1990-2000 in the fight against Japan, Russia, and Spain, allegations that
corruption, had attracted a lot of international corruption plays a more central role in politics can
attention, because it has tried more than 4000 be seen from the participation of industrial
charges against politicians, including former prime countries in much corruption in developing
minister, Silvio Berlusconi , while in office in 1994 countries through bribery (both directly or
[10]. Cases of corruption to individual board indirectly) in "international business transactions"
members in Indonesia, for example Central Jakarta [12]. The rise of the phenomenon of political
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11983
March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11981 - 11992

corruption according to Porta (2004), cannot be II. METHOD

separated from some characteristics of political
parties and party systems that seem to make This paper is a normative juridical study using the
political corruption systemic, such as political costs, doctrinal method by examining library materials
party cartels, organizational fragmentation, that can be used to answer the problem formulation.
occupational public administration, weak Literature or secondary data in this study consists of
competition between the government and the primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials
opposition, and the like [13], which ultimately which are based on an inventory of applicable laws,
creates a vicious cycle of economic and social costs in concreto law, and legal principles [17] related to
which leads to a parallel growth of corruption, the role of public prosecution in tackling political
creates inefficiency, builds clientelism and (under corruption in Indonesia. Primary legal materials are
certain conditions) provides political protection binding legal materials in the form of legislation
against organized corruption [14]. relating to criminal law, criminal procedural law,
corruption law, and prosecutors' regulations.
Considering the practice of political corruption that Secondary legal materials used include draft laws,
is rooted in political patronage that is still rife and textbooks, opinions of legal experts, articles,
the direction of policy in the field of law which seminar results, proceedings, and research results in
must be based on at least four interrelated the field of law. And, the tertiary legal material
conceptions namely "rule of law", "human rights", used consists of materials which strengthen the use
"right to security and a sense of justice" , and "to all of primary and secondary legal materials, such as a
citizens" where the interrelation lies in the legal dictionary, language dictionary, encyclopedia,
recognition of the Indonesian state as a rule of law and other tertiary legal materials. Primary,
on the principles of human rights and the secondary, and tertiary legal materials will be
importance of respecting and protecting examined, described, analyzed, and discussed
fundamental human rights through guarantees of legally qualitatively based on legislation that does
equality or protection of the right to be free from not conflict with other laws, taking into account the
acts of discrimination in any form [15], it is hierarchy of legislation [18] to further draw a
necessary to eradicate political corruption strategies conclusion that can produce constructive
through increased capacity to prosecute corrupt suggestions [19].
politicians [16] which is the role of the prosecutor's
office as a government institution that holds the The existence of the doctrinal method in this study
supremacy of public prosecutors, and other will lead this study to not only focus on the
authorities in Indonesia based on Article 2 problems of positive law enforcement and non-
paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. compliance but also concerns the specific
16 of 2004 concerning the Republic of the Public characteristics of the doctrinal law itself, whose
Prosecutor's Office Indonesia (Attorney Act). So, to existence is in a priori way of thinking, which relies
answer the existing problems, two main problem heavily on the power of values and teachings [20].
formulations are proposed. The first is how to This a priori way of thinking must be in line with
regulate the authority of the prosecutor's office in the theory of legal justice proposed by Kelsen
handling political corruption in Indonesia. Second, which states that the entire legal system has a
how to renew the law on the authority of the public pyramidal structure, wherein in the legal hierarchy,
prosecution and other authorities of the prosecutor's a legal provision must be sourced from a higher
office in overcoming political corruption in provision [21], where in the legal context in
Indonesia. Indonesia, the legal classification in this study
refers to Article 7 of Law no. 12 of 2011

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March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11981 - 11992

concerning the Formation of Legislation which has b. implement the determination of judges and court
the highest to lowest hierarchy includes the 1945 decisions that have permanent legal force; c.
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the supervise the implementation of conditional
Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly, criminal rulings, oversight criminal decisions, and
Laws / Government Regulations Substituting Laws, conditional release decisions; d. investigating
Government Regulations, Presidential Regulations, certain criminal acts based on the law; e. complete
Provincial Regional Regulations, and Regency / certain case files and to do so can carry out
City Regional Regulations , and other types of additional examination before it is submitted to the
statutory regulations whose existence are court which in its implementation is coordinated
recognized and have binding legal force insofar as with the investigator. (2) In the field of civil and
they are ordered by the higher statutory regulations state administration, the attorney with special
[22]. powers can act both inside and outside the court for
and on behalf of the state or government. (3) In the
field of public order and peace, the prosecutor's
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION office organizes the following activities: a.
increasing public legal awareness; b. securing law
3.1 Regulation of the prosecutor's authority in
enforcement policies; c. supervision of the
political corruption in Indonesia
circulation of printed matter; d. monitoring the flow
Article 2 of the Prosecutor's Office Law has of trust that can endanger the community and the
confirmed the position of the Prosecutor's Office or state; e. prevention of abuse and / or blasphemy of
Public Prosecutor who is under the Indonesian religion; f. research and development of criminal
Prosecutor's Office as one and inseparable in terms law and statistics."
of implementing state power in the field of
Prosecution as formulated in Article 7 of the
prosecution and other authorities based on an
Criminal Procedure Code is an act of the Public
independent law. The matter of the prosecutor's
Prosecutor to submit a criminal case to the
office or the public prosecutor under the Indonesian
competent district court in the matter and in the
Attorney's Office can be further distinguished
manner stipulated in this law, with a request to be
through the understanding in Article 1 number 6
examined and decided by a judge in a court session.
letter a of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP)
Other provisions relating to the prosecution are
and Article 1 number 1 of the Prosecutor's Law
Article 110 of the Criminal Procedure Code on Pre-
which has confirmed that the Prosecutor is an
prosecution is a stage assessed by the public
official authorized by law to act as public
prosecutor for the results of an incomplete
prosecutors and implement court decisions that
investigation, the Prosecutor immediately returns
have permanent legal force. The definition of a
the case file to the investigator accompanied by
Public Prosecutor is a prosecutor authorized by the
instructions to be completed. Further explanation
Law to conduct prosecutions and implement judges
regarding the prosecution can also be seen in the
as formulated in Article 1 number 6 letter b of the
explanation of Article 30 paragraph 1 letter (a) of
Criminal Procedure Code, Article 13 of the
the Prosecutor's Law which confirms that in
Criminal Procedure Code, and Article 1 number 2
conducting prosecutions, prosecutors can conduct
of the Prosecutor's Law. In addition to the
pre-prosecution, where the prosecution is an act of
prosecution authority, there are other Attorney
the prosecutor to monitor the progress of the
General's duties and authorities as regulated in
investigation after receiving notification of the start
Article 30 of the Prosecutor's Law that is written:
of the investigation from the investigator, and it is
"(1) In the criminal field, the prosecutor's office has
the prosecutor's instructions to be completed by the
the following duties and authorities: a. prosecute;

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11985

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11981 - 11992

investigator so that through this case it can be accordance with their authority are as stipulated in
determined whether the file can be delegated or not the Lex Specialist of the Corruption Act, the
to the prosecution stage. The authority of a public responsibility of which is for "everyone", namely
prosecution is the authority to proceed with the individuals or corporations, who unlawfully commit
prosecution or not on a case that is received through acts of enrichment themselves or another person, or
a stage known as pre-prosecution (before a corporation or for the purpose of benefiting
prosecuting) through rearranging the situation to its oneself or another person or a corporation, misusing
previous position, known as reposition. the authority, opportunity or means available to him
because of his position or position, which could be
In addition to the duties and authorities of the
detrimental to the country's finances or the
Prosecutor's Office in Article 30 of the Prosecutor's
country's economy. Of course, for the context of
Law, Article 32 of the Prosecutor's Law also
political corruption, each person's description
emphasizes that the prosecutor's office can be
shows that the Anti-Corruption Act has not fully
delegated with other duties and authorities based on
applied the principle of equality before the law to
the law. The Attorney's authority and other duties
illegal acts on every legal subject without
include the prosecutor's authority as an investigator
exception, as Sinaga et al (2019) have asserted
in certain criminal acts, such as corruption and
illegal acts as the actions of every person “is not
gross human rights violations. The authority of the
only limited to acts that violate the law but also acts
Prosecutor's Office as an investigator of criminal
that violate moral, propriety, thoroughness and
acts of corruption pursuant to Article 284 paragraph
caution that should be owned by any one in social
(2) of the Transitional Provisions stating "Within
life” [23] and bearing in mind that each person has
two years after this law is enacted, the provisions of
not reached a political party as a legal entity (which
this law shall apply, with temporary exceptions
of course is legal standing, a legal entity is very
regarding the specific provisions of criminal
different from a corporation). In the case of the
proceedings. as stated in certain laws, until there is
principle of equality before the law, Article 27
a change and or is declared no longer valid". Based
Paragraph (1) The Fourth Amendment to the 1945
on this article, the Attorney General's authority to
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (1945
investigate certain criminal acts such as those
Constitution) has guaranteed that "All citizens are
contained in the Het Herziene Inlandch Regulation
equal in law and government and are obliged to
(HIR) Staatsblad Year of 1941 Number 44 is still
uphold the law and government without exception".
considered valid until now and this is further
Then, Samekto (2005) has explained that equality
strengthened by the recognition of the Act that was
before the law principal as a principle with its legal
issued later, namely on UU no. 19 of 2019
doctrine which is neutral, impartial, impersonal,
concerning the Second Amendment to Law No. 30
objective, and irrefutable [24]. Further explanation
of 2002 concerning the Corruption Eradication
about equality as the political ideals of a country is
Commission (KPK Law), Law No. 31 of 1999 in
also outlined by Dworkin (1985) on two different
conjunction with Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning
principles, namely the principle which requires that
the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption
the government must be responsible for treating all
(Corruption Act).
equals, that is, those who are entitled to the same
Specifically within the scope of law enforcement care and respect , and the government must treat all
against corruption that occurred in Indonesia, the citizens equally, and the principle which requires
Prosecutor has the authority to carry out that the government treats all those responsible
investigations, pre-prosecution and prosecution. equitably based on the distribution of available
Matters relating to criminal acts of corruption that resources [25].
must be handled by the Prosecutor's Office in

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March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11981 - 11992

The urgency of equality that must be applied by the corruption that has been happening in Indonesia
public prosecutor in dealing with political should be understood as a collective act, the
corruption in Indonesia not only looks at the output occurrence of corruption that has harmed the
alone, but also must reach the outcome of country's finances or economy which is not only
inequality that occurs in overcoming political done by one person. This means that the
corruption, as Llloyd, Carolan, and Kosandi have formulation of the norms of corruption against
warned of its negative impacts. Lloyd (1965), "everyone" is in the level of application of the law
reminded that the inequality of authority, including in investigations, pre-prosecutions, and
welfare and honor or dignity, that occurs in a prosecutions that are the authority of the Prosecutor
society will cause coercion and conflict that can to be too textual, normative, rigid, and positivistic.
occur between groups of honor and between Therefore, renewal of the prosecutor's authority is
respected and certain communities [26]. needed through legal reconstruction, which reflects
Meanwhile, Carolan (2009), reminded that the an action in order to rebuild, re-create, or
emergence of failure to fulfill functions in forming reorganize the existing authority arrangements to be
a sense and responsiveness correctly will cause a more ideal, which prioritizes outputs and outcomes
loss of public trust, so an institution must perform a in its efforts to overcome illegal acts that are
critical role in forming a sense, responsive to taste, detrimental to finance or the national economy [29].
and must explore how public institutions strengthen The renewal of the attorney's authority in handling
legitimacy the state constitution as an authoritative political corruption that goes beyond positivism is
statement of public trust [27]. Then, Kosandi in line with the responsive legal thinking put
(2015), reminded the need to anticipate changes forward by Nonet and Selznick and the progressive
that are always experienced by an institution within legal model put forward by Rahardjo. Nonet and
a certain period due to the existence of Selznick (2010), based their thoughts on two main
asymmetrical power, as the direct quote emphasizes doctrines. First, law must be functional, pragmatic,
that:“If at any time asymmetric power relations purposeful, and rational. Second, competence must
occur between groups, then an institution is formed become a benchmark for evaluating all practices
to regulate new patterns of power relations that are that cause the inadequacy of the law as a means of
also asymmetrical, then the institution will also be change and as a means to realize substantive justice
questioned because it produces an asymmetrical [30]. Then, Progressive Law offers a better and
pattern of power relations” [28]. healthier way of law, which is able to provide
avenues for liberation from formal law [31]. The
implementation of a progressive legal model in
3.2 Legal renewal of the power of public
supporting the reconstruction of the prosecutor's
prosecution and other authorities in
authority in overcoming political corruption in
overcoming political corruption in Indonesia
Indonesia can be done through exploring the eight
Porta (2004), has warned that the vicious circle points of progressive legal thoughts, as quoted
associated with the active role of political parties in directly from Atmasasmita (2010), as follows: “The
the development of corruption is in fact not only in law rejects the opinion that order only works
petty corruption, but has reached in "systemic through statehood; 2) Progressive law is aimed at
corruption," where forbidden things are the norm protecting people towards the ideal of law; 3) The
and corruption becomes very common and law rejects the status quo, and does not want to
institutionalized, so those who behave illegally are make the law as a technology that has no
rewarded and those who obey and receive the law conscience, but rather a moral institution; 4) Law
bear the punishment [13]. The circle of political is an institution that aims to bring people to a just,

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11987

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11981 - 11992

prosperous life and make people happy; 5) extend, and abuse power by ignoring the rights of
Progressive law is, "law in favor of the people" and the people [34], which must be carried out
"law in favor of justice"; 6) The basic assumption accountably and independently of the branches of
of progressive law is that law is for humans, not legislative and executive power, bearing in mind
vice versa. In this regard, the law does not exist for that the prosecutor's office ensures that judicial
itself, but for something broader and bigger. So power does not abuse its public office which is also
whenever there is a problem in and with the law, independent [35]. The reconstruction of the
the law is reviewed and corrected and non-humans attorney's authority in distinguishing corruption
are forced to be included in the legal system; 7) from incompetence and views on political
Law is not an absolute and final institution but corruption may be functional can be done with
rather depends on how humans see and use it. Man things, such as:
is the decider; 8) Law is always in the process of
1. Applying vicarious liability to political parties
continuing to be (law as a process, law in the that overshadow the state politicians who are
making).” [32] proven to be corrupt, as the model of
The use of responsive legal theory and progressive accountability has been formulated in Article
legal models in reconstructing the authority of the 39 paragraph (2) of the Draft Criminal Code
prosecutor's office in tackling political corruption in Book (KUHP) which confirms that in the case
Indonesia is expected to overcome matters relating determined by the Act, everyone can be held
to how to distinguish between corruption and accountable for crimes committed by others.
incompetence, and how deep the recognition of Adequate implementation of vicarious liability
views that state that political corruption may be in overcoming political corruption in
functional [8]. Reconstruction of the attorney Indonesia, in addition to being applied in
authority in the context of responsive legal theory several countries, such as the United Kingdom
and progressive legal models, as well as reflecting and the United States, as the meaning of
the position of the prosecutor's office as part of the liability has extended to the concept of
integrated criminal justice system (ICJS) with other "everyone's" legal obligations which are
law enforcement agencies. The ICJS which deemed legally competent for any legal
symbolizes as one of the instruments of social violations that occur, bearing in mind the
control is described by Siegel (2011) through each consequences arising not only for those who
of the interrelationship of the Criminal Justice commit direct violations but enough for
System and the Criminal Justice Process whose everyone who is legally related to the violation
scope is: 1) the investigator who has the process of of the law [36]. Several experts have also
making contact, investigation, detention, custody, explained the matter of vicarious liability.
and confiscation; 2) prosecutors who have a Jones (2013), asserted that vicarious liability is
business process to prosecute and execute judges' an act of taking responsibility for an offense
decisions, and 3) the judge has a process for committed by another person, which arises
adjudication, disposition, conviction, and because of a special relationship between the
postconviction remedies [33]. Of course, the parties [37]. Chen (2017), explains that the
position of the prosecutor in the ICJS shows the liability is the liability of the party that receives
fulfillment of the principle of checks and balances, direct financial benefits for an offense
which is a system that oversees each other equally committed by another party because it is
is a counterpart of the trias politica system needed related to supervision and control imposed on
in a human-related constitutional system. As an the responsible party, so with accountability -
organizer of a state that has a tendency to expand, the answer, the responsible party is

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March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11981 - 11992

increasingly increasing prudence in selecting, to have committed a crime if the official

supervising, supervising, and monitoring the “corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts,
parties who work on it [38]. Some literature or agrees to receive or accept anything of
that has explained the vicarious liability shows value personally ... in return for being
that the reconstruction of the prosecutor's influenced in the performance of any official
authority, for example, through the application act ..” as formulated in 18 U.S.C. § 201 (b) (2)
of this responsibility can handle the (A), and it is further emphasized that what is
fundamental problem of political corruption, meant by official acts is "any decision or action
namely political-economic patronage [4] and on any question, matter, cause, suit,
view of Ceva's argument (2018) which proceeding or controversy, which may at any
confirms that the concept of political time be pending, or which may by law be
corruption (as a publicly entrusted use of brought before any public official, in such
power that cannot be accounted for) illustrates official's official capacity, or in such official's
the manifestations of individuals and place of trust or profit" as formulated in 18
institutions that have influenced democratic U.S.C. § 201(a)(3) [41].
societies, so that the corruption of public Obviously, the reconstruction of the prosecutor's
officials and their institutions has the same root authority which is expected to be able to present
in creating injustice politics [39]. That is, it is laws that are truly in favor of justice and public
important to apply vicarious liability in the benefit is carried out through pre-prosecution,
event of a political corrupt given that the which is a stage owned by the public prosecutor to
corrupt behavior of public officials should not conduct a study of the results of a political
only be considered a violation of personal corruption investigation accompanied by
morality but in inherently politically salient instructions from the public prosecutor so that the
terms, as Ceva and Ferretti's (2017) question of investigator is able to explore justice (substantive)
“Is the corrupt behaviour of public officials a and truth, especially in terms of criminal
politically relevant kind of wrong only when it responsibility of corruption, so that the resulting
causes the malfunctioning of institutions?” [40] case file provides an output as well as a good
must be homework for prosecutors as outcome. This is in line with the discretion
prosecutors in prosecution in Indonesia. mandated by Article 8 paragraph (2) and paragraph
2. Expanding the scope of the meaning of the (3) of the Prosecutor's Law which explicitly states
corporation, which in the element of that prosecutors in conducting prosecutions must do
"everyone" identified with individuals and so for justice and truth, which is based on the
corporations, becomes a legal entity so that it Almighty God, by always observing the norms
can touch political parties. This is expected to religion, politeness, decency, and are obliged to
be able to renew the meaning of a corporation explore and uphold the values of humanity that live
as a legal entity, which so far has only handled in society, and always maintain the honor and
criminal acts for corporations as stipulated in dignity of his profession. Justification of discretion
Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA) No. 13 based on "for the sake of justice and truth based on
of 2016, which should touch other legal entities the Almighty God " is also a control to curb the
including political parties as legal subjects. abuse of power and means to ensure that
prosecutors have worked independently,
3. Expansion of bribery arrangements that have so
accountably [42], and are value oriented (which
far triggered political corruption. As in the
prioritizes attitudes of courage and integrity) in
United States Code (U.S.C) which confirms
exercising its authority to deal with political
that individual public officials are considered

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 11989

March-April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 11981 - 11992

corruption which outputs formal justice and results [4] TII, ‘Korupsi, Patronase dan Gerakan Anti
in substantive justice and truth. Korupsi’, Jakarta, 2017.
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corporations, not yet touching the responsibilities of Pemberantasan Korupsi Republik Indonesia,
political parties as legal entities. This clearly 2018. [Online]. Available:
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[7] X. Xin and T. K. Rudel, ‘The Context for
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authority in overcoming political corruption in Analysis’, Soc. Sci. Q., vol. 85, no. 2, pp.
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