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Q&A About Collagen

What is Collagen? Collagen is the glue that holds the body together. Its second only to water in the body making up 65% of the bodys total protein. Collagen is a chain of over 1,500 amino acids. YouTonics supplements also contain essential amino acids to create a complete protein replacement. How does the body use collagen? Collagen is a conductive tissue for almost all of the bodys structures, including but not limited to: a. Skin, hair and nails b. Bones, muscles, blood cells, arteries c. Tendons, joints and ligaments d. Heart, lungs, liver and other organs What are the effects of decreased collagen levels in the body? Muscles and skin sag. Bone density decreases. Joints and ligaments become weaker and less elastic while cartilage becomes thinner and weaker at the joints it is supposed to cushion. Hair loses its wave, curl and/or thickness, and the skin wrinkles, becoming thinner. Organs may prolapse and/or malfunction, lungs become paper-thin, and the heart and liver may enlarge and weaken as well. Arteries follow suit, as they weaken and are less able to resist plaque formation. Long-term benefits of using digestible-hydrolyzed collagen protein: Taken long term, hydrolyzed (highly digestible) collagen proteins offer significant, useable building blocks for new collagen. Improvement can be seen in: Lean muscle gain Muscle tone Skin toning* and thickening Joint rebuilding Arterial strengthening Thickening of hair and nails Increased energy from musculoskeletal surcharge Organ rebuilding: heart, prostate, lungs, liver, kidneys, blood vessels, etc.

Chronic problems that resolve due to ingestible collagen, which assists in the elevation of Growth Hormone Secretion effects: Fat loss Muscle retention Energy level Softness and elasticity of the skin Improved sleep

About YouTonics
What is YouTonics? YouTonics is a 100% highly digestible collagen protein replacement supplement. YouTonics also contains all the essential amino acids, making it a complete source of protein. Dermatologists and physicians alike report that collagen production slows between the mid-20s and into your 30s. Hormonal changes, drugs, alcohol, processed food, white sugar, hydrogenated oils, overwork, radiation, fluoridated water, excess sun, nutritional deficits, dehydration, stress and trauma all attribute to collagen loss. What does hydrolyzed infer? YouTonics was pre-engineered to be a highly digestible collagen protein, delivering instant useable protein. Translation: YouTonics is a highly absorbable collagen protein replacement that skips the digestion breakdown, thus eliminating the dilution of the protein. This pre-engineered concentrate supplement is readily absorbable, unlike other proteins, which are difficult to digest (meat protein is an example). How is YouTonics different from other collagen protein supplements on the market? YouTonics products are complete protein sources containing ten indispensable amino acids: Arginine, Histidine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Valine and Tryptophan. Some popular dietary sources containing these essential amino acids include fish, eggs, milk, chicken and beef. Note: often times these amino acids are missing in ones nutritional intake. YouTonics has been developed using porcine (pig) collagen as opposed to bovine (cow) collagen. Porcine is significantly similar to humans in its form and function, and the organ dimensions are similar to human organs. The medical community has already embraced porcine in heart/valve transplants, stem cells and more. Source: Journal of Molecular Cell Biology YouTonics also provides 5,000 dalton range, which means it has a high-level of bioavailability. Bioavailability is the evaluation of any supplement, the level that actually gets absorbed at the cellular level. A 2,000 dalton range is considered better than most; a 5,000 dalton range is exceptional.

What flavors does YouTonics offer? Designed to satisfy anyones taste, as well as their need for supplemental collagen, YouTonics comes in two great flavors: Melonsplash Boost and Appelicious Boost.

YouTonics Nutritional Facts

What is a serving size? A one-ounce serving size delivers 17 grams of protein. Two one-ounce servings is the daily recommendation. How many calories in a serving? There are seventy calories per one-ounce serving. How much fat per one-ounce serving? YouTonics has zero fat, no sugar and low carbohydrates. It is ideal for diabetics and persons who are watching their caloric intake. Can a person who is lactose intolerant take YouTonics? Yes, as YouTonics does not contain any whey protein (which is a milk derivate). Does YouTonics cause bloat? No, unlike whey protein, which is not hydrolyzed or highly digestible. In fact, whey protein, when not entirely used or when taken in abundance, is not readily digestible and accumulates in the digestive track. Over time this will cause bloat. An additional side effect is that over time one has to consume more to realize the benefits. Does YouTonics contain gluten? YouTonics is gluten free, thus ideal for people with gluten intolerance or those who have Celiac Disease ( Is YouTonics safe for children? Yes, as it is a highly digestible complete collagen protein supplement. Of course checking with a physician before administering any supplement is always advised.

*A 2008 study in Tokyo (14) of 33 women ages 40-60 who took 10g of hydrolyzed collagen daily for 2 months showed a 91% increase in skin hydration and resilience. ** A 2006 Medical News Today report finds: The absence of collagen-busting "membrane-anchored metalloproteinase" (MT1-MMP), would-be fat cells. Moreover, the cells entrapment within a dense collagen meshwork disrupts their structure. That structural change, in turn, stalls the genetic programs critical for full-blown fat development, leading to sweeping changes in gene activity.

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